Title: Water Quality and Ecological Restoration
1Water Quality and Ecological Restoration
- Bomchul Kim
- Department of Environmental Science
- Kangwon National University
- Water quality issues in Korea
- Turbidity in streams and reservoirs
- Water quality survey project in Haean
- Control measures to improve water quality
3Change of water quality issues in Korea
- Before 1970s
- No pollution problems
- No concern about environmental conservation
- In 1980s
- High BOD from sewage
- Fish farms installed in many reservoirs
- In 1990s
- Sewage treatment systems established
- Active operations of fish farms within reservoirs
- Eutrophication problems emerged
- Algal toxins were reported
4Current issues in 2000s
- Turbidity and siltation major ecological hazard
- TMDL of BOD and TP for water quality management
- Phosphorus removal from sewage
- Biological assessment new paradigm
- Automatic monitoring high frequency monitoring
5Turbid water of the Soyang River on flood days
that flows into Lake Soyang (July 15,
2006) Increased rainstorm intensity - Due to
global warming ?
6Two hot spots of turbid water discharge
Lake Soyang
7Soil disturbance in Haean (2007. Mar.8)
8Making flatter fields for better cultivation a
cause of erosion in Haean
Original slope
Made steeper
Made flatter
9Tilling in Haean basin and the turbidity in Lake
10Movement of turbid interflow in Lake
Soyang(result of simulation by CE-QUAL-W2, 1996)
11Turbidity increase in Lake Soyang
12Turbidity problem in reservoirs
- Turbid water lasts 3 months after summer monsoon
in the Han River. - Reservoirs are filled with turbid water after
monsoon. - Large dams prolongs the duration of turbid water
in downstream. - Destroys aquatic ecosystems.
- SAV is reduced.
- Fisheries is reduced.
13Water blooms in Lake Soyang after turbid storm
ltWet yearsgt
ltDry yearsgt
14Phosphorus loading into Lake Soyang
? increasing trend
15Land use vs. water qualityComparison of clean
streams and turbid streams- case study of two
couple sites (in 2006)
16A turbid stream (Jawoon) and a clean stream
In 2007
17A turbid stream (Daeki) and a clean stream
Result change and reduction of fish and benthos
18Water quality survey project in the Haean basin
- Purpose to evaluate effectiveness of soil
erosion control and diffuse pollution control - To assess water quality improvement in subbasins
w/wo erosion control measures - To assess efficiencies of each erosion control
method - To quantify specific export of nonpoint source
pollution -
- Period six years from 2009
19Site of investigation
20Land use in subbasins (km2)
21Water level measurement
- Water level scales were installed.
- Two automatic water level meter (sonic distance
meter type) and two automatic water samplers will
be installed in next year.
22Rainfall in 2009
23Pollutograph in rain events
24Specific export coefficient (kg/ha/event)
25Effect of suspended sediment on fish
No fish is living in the Haean basin
26Table 3. The export loadings(kgyr-1km-2) in
each watershed.
- The amounts of TP exported from these two basins
were considerably high, - compared to other many studies
27Control measures of turbid water
- Sociological strategy
- Environmental management
- Agricultural practice
28Struggling to control erosion in Haean
29sometimes in vain
30To protect steep slope
31Food vs. Water
- Disturbed land ? poor water quality
- Conserved ecosystem ? good water quality
- Can we choose only one?
- The goal of Korea.
- even with intensive agriculture ? good water
quality - Is it possible?
32Thank you