Title: The Stadion and other footraces
1The Stadion and other footraces class 05
2The Stadion Race
The only event until 724
Began in 776? No, winner began to be recorded
3Balbis, the stone sill for starts
4The balbis and the dromos (running track)
Sockets for posts for the hysplex space for one
runner each
5The best preserved stadium is at Nemea
6View of the Nemea stadium from the S balbis
7Essential Features of the typical stadium
- balbis and hysplex (starting gates) - kampter
(turning post) - 100 foot marking posts -
channel - judges box - tunnel
8The Hysplex in its final form
9Plan of the Nemea stadium with features
10Water channel with basins 100 ft stones terracing
for spectators also visible
11Distribution chamber for water brought downhill
in a terracotta pipe
12Water channel on the W side
13Lanes and Turns in the Longer Races Diaulos
(two length footrace)
the problem of turns in longer races a kampter
(turning post), set 5m in front of the balbis,
provides a wider turning radius
but it forces runners into single file (or out to
outside) and increases contact and injuries.
14- Dolichos, 20-24 lengths
- Hippios, 4 lengths (not Olympic)
Turns in longer races
15Runners in the Dolichos
16Turns in the Diaulos?
A Kampter would cause chaos as runners fought for
position in the single turn around the post
17Millers idea is that every other lane was kept
open and each runner pivots at the balbis,
running back in the open lane
18Evidence for the two-lane scheme for turns in the
DIAULOS means two-barreled flute At Delphi a
rich citizen paid for 10 shields to be used in
the Hoplitodromos (Race in Armor)
19More on the Hoplitodromos(really a running race?)
- Pausanias (V 8, 10) says added in 520 BC for
the sake of military training - Philostratus (Gymnastics 7) event recalls Elean
soldier running into stadium to announce victory
Olympic truce?
(was it really a running race?)
20But the shields (at first) were huge relics of
Dark Age combat but obsolete
21Grieves original gear, then discarded
22The Marathon not
- Not an Olympic event until 1896
- Th
23Famous Runs
famously confused
- Philippides runs 132 miles in 2 days from Athens
to ask Spartans for help when Persians invade at
Marathon (Herodotus Arete 28) - Thersippos or Eukles carries news of Marathon
victory to Athens still in armor and dies
(Plutarch Arete 29) - Philippides runs to Sparta to announce victory
(Pliny the Elder Arete 31)