Title: Power Point Presentation on Embracing Strong Communities
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3a) How did your active learning environment
contributed to encouraging children to respect
all cultures and to celebrate cultural
4b) How did your active learning environment
contributed to the childrens own cultural
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6c) How did your active learning environment
contributed to the childrens cross-cultural
7d) How did your interactions support childrens
strong sense of identity, well-being and being
connected with and contributing to their world?
8e) What did you observe about the childrens
interactions and participation with each other to
enable effective communication and learning in
groups (cross-cultural communication)?
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10f) How consideration was given to childrens
family culture, heritage, backgrounds and
11g) How you respected and supported home language
and widened childrens exposure to different
language and dialects?
12h) Name at least three (3) learning outcomes
for children from the BBB EYLF or MTOP FSAC
that connects to the active learning environment
you provided?
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a lady and the grit of a warrior deepening our
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children. Cengage Learning.Ferdinand, A.,
Kelaher, M. and Paradies, Y., 2013. - Mental health impacts of racial discrimination in
Victorian culturally and linguistically diverse
communities Full report of the Localities
Embracing and Accepting Diversity (LEAD)
Experiences of Racism Survey. - Morales, H., 2015. What is an American Muslim?
Embracing Faith and Citizenship. By Abdullahi
Ahmed An-Na'im. New York, NY, Oxford University
Press. 2014. 232pp. 27.95 cloth. Politics and
Religion, 8(01), pp.191-193.Patterson, C., 2016. - Sara M. Wijma. Embracing the Immigrant The
Participation of Metics in Athenian Polis
Religion (5th4th Century BC). The American
Historical Review, 121(2), pp.631-632.
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