Accounts Payable Functional Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Accounts Payable Functional Review


Notification of changes should go back via email automatically to the Buyer, if ... claims, tax refunds, interfund payables (payments between agency), open item ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Accounts Payable Functional Review

Accounts Payable Functional Review
April 8, 2005
  • Welcome
  • Introductions
  • Objectives of the Functional Review
  • Accounts Payable Overview
  • Open Items
  • Questions Comments

  • Introductions
  • SCEIS Financial Team
  • Tommy Watson
  • David Seigler
  • Martin Taylor
  • Brian Wilson
  • Jasmina Chhabra
  • Jason Pybus

Objectives of the Functional Review
  • Define Business Blueprint goal and process
  • Provide participants with an overview of the
  • Purpose of each functional section
  • Workshops conducted for each functional section
  • Requirements for the SCEIS system
  • Design decisions and/or recommendations reached
  • Benefits of the decisions and/or recommendations
  • Open Items for each functional section
  • Document any additional items that should be
    incorporated in the Business Blueprint
  • Obtain consensus that no requirement and/or issue
    has gone undocumented

Business Blueprint Workshops
  • Business Blueprint Goal to capture the States
    business requirements based upon current
    processes and to document how SAP should be
    configured, utilizing industry best practices, to
    meet the States needs
  • Business Blueprint Workshop Process
  • SME (Subject Matter Expert) participants attend
    workshop session
  • Review objectives for particular workshop
  • Review and update RFP requirements
  • Define To-Be process
  • Workshop minutes document SMEs discussions,
    recommendations and Parking Lot/Open Items
    needing further research
  • SME participants review minutes and FAR Template
  • Receive additional comments from SMEs
  • FAR sent to SMEs (participants reviewers),
    liaisons, and Users Group for meeting invitation

Accounts Payable Overview
Accounts Payable Workshops Completed
  • Accounts Payable Master Data (1/4/05)
  • Accounts Payable General Invoicing (1/5/05)
  • Accounts Payable Inter/Intra Agency Billing
  • Accounts Payable Advancement Accounts (1/6/05)
  • Accounts Payable General Payment Process (1/6/05)
  • Accounts Payable Reporting (1/24/05)
  • Accounts Payable Imaging (1/25/05)
  • Accounts Payable Interfaces (1/25/05)
  • Accounts Payable Workflow (1/26/05)
  • Accounts Payable Integration w/ MM/IM AR

Accounts Payable Workshops - Goals Objectives
(part 1)
  • Capture the States business processes for
  • Vendor Master Records (additions, deletions,
  • General Payables Processes
  • creating invoices, distributing invoices, vendor
    correspondences, accounting updates, audit checks
    for invoicing, interest calculation, late fees,
    payment terms, forms, reason codes, overall A/P
    tolerances, overpayments, underpayments and
  • Accounts Payable workflow
  • Types of payments issued by the Agencies
  • Current future AP imaging process/needs
  • Current future AP approval processes.
  • Current future AP reporting needs

Accounts Payable Workshops - Goals Objectives
(part 2)
  • Define Discuss SAPs
  • Vendors
  • Account Groups number ranges
  • Workflow
  • Document Overview
  • Invoice Activities
  • Outgoing Payment
  • Document all existing Payable reports

Identified Requirements for SCEIS System (part 1)
  • Central Vendor File
  • W-9s required and received electronically
    preferred and directly interfaced, if approved
  • Interfaced with IRS and SSA files
  • Purge vendors if no activity within 2 years
  • Default tolerance of zero on vendor master to
    prevent payments in excess of purchase order
  • Streamlined mechanism to allow agencies to
    continue with procurement activities while
    waiting on W-9s
  • Capture classification on vendors such as
    minority, federal, state, etc.

Identified Requirements for SCEIS System (part 2)
  • Invoice Processing
  • Dunning in AP for credits not utilized after a
    certain date will be required
  • Warning to prevent the payment of invoices for a
    vendor when an outstanding credit exist within
    the Business Area/Agency
  • Duplicate invoice checking
  • Electronic invoices accepted
  • Calculate and accrue use tax as applicable,
    utilizing external files/tables
  • Calculate and distribute sales tax and/or freight
    as applicable, utilizing external files/tables
  • Invoice cant exceed PO outside of acceptable
    tolerances and include alerts, where appropriate
  • Automatic matching and pulling of data from the
    PO, if it exists. System should accommodate
    multiple invoices from a single PO
  • Route scanned invoices for either electronic
    matching or manual entry
  • Proposed system should provide for an optional
    matching process (one-way, two-way, or three-way,
    as required)

Identified Requirements for SCEIS System (part 3)
  • Invoice Processing
  • We must be able to capture information on
    advancements so that the CAFR can be prepared as
  • Reduce the number of document types as much as
    possible and add these only as last resort as
    each is fully analyzed
  • The State wants to scan/image documents received
    via fax without printing the fax first
  • Ability to view a scanned invoice/document from
    the system (i.e. invoice)
  • Electronic invoices must be accepted and
    interfaced to the system without manual
  • Ability to route invoices for electronic and/or
    manual entry and automatically match supporting
    imaged documents to proposed payment folders
    (i.e. voucher package)
  • Eliminate the 1000.00 requirement on IDTs. All
    Inter/Intra billings will be done via IDT (i.e.
    not check processing)

Identified Requirements for SCEIS System (part 4)
  • Invoice Processing
  • Allow invoice entry for items without purchase
    orders (direct pays) and record against available
  • User defined scheduling for recurring
    transactions, automatic release and retrieval at
    any time for data entry
  • System should notify departments, automatically,
    that invoice has been recorded but placed on-hold
    awaiting receipt
  • Provide the ability to setup a retainage by
    invoice, project, or contractor
  • For any Intra-Agency billings that may be done as
    a journal entry, then the system will need to
    have flag to capture these so that the CAFR
    preparation can remove these transactions as
  • Process Inter-Agency billings the same way as
    normal payable transactions will be done
  • System must have capability for multiple
    electronic approval routings (i.e. workflow),
    based on agency needs

Identified Requirements for SCEIS System (part 5)
  • Invoice Processing
  • AP Personnel should have the ability to change
    codes (accounting streams), if needed. This
    should also release previous encumbered amounts
    when PO lines were copied in and subsequently
    changed. Notification of changes should go back
    via email automatically to the Buyer, if invoice
    was matched with reference.
  • The system should not allow the goods receipts to
    exceed the PO quantity, nor should the AP
    invoiced quantity exceed the goods receipt
    quantity. This is for invoices matched with
    reference to POs.
  • The State will only need one AP reconciliation
  • Payments
  • At least one level of systems approval must be _at_
    the agency before a document, proposed for CG
    review and payment, is received by the CGs
  • Must have flexibility to have payment runs done _at_
    anytime. Scheduling should also be available to
    avoid manual intervention.
  • System should allow for cancellation of payment
    made in previous period and have proper GL
    transactions generated in the current period.
  • System should allow for overflow to a separate
    remittance advice when the number of invoices
    exceed the space on the initial advice. Other
    pertinent information needed to vendors should be

Identified Requirements for SCEIS System (part 6)
  • Payments
  • System must allow option to prepare either a
    single voucher for each invoice or combine based
    on the vendor, vendor site, by agency or any
  • Allow for the release of payment vouchers by
    batch, document, or individual line item.
  • System should allow for unique voucher numbers to
    be automatically generated within each agency or
    combination across multiple agencies.
  • Apply credit and debit memo amounts before
    producing a payment, but only if results in a
    positive payment.
  • System should display check numbers and dates of
  • Generate payments, including automatic
    scheduling, based upon due dates and discounts
    dates to maximize interest earned and discounts.
  • Proposed system should support backup

Identified Requirements for SCEIS System (part 7)
  • Reports
  • CAFR which includes vendors, payroll, related
    benefits, intergovernmental (federal local
    govt.), claims, tax refunds, interfund payables
    (payments between agency), open item accounts
    payable listing is needed. Currently, State does
    not have details, and would rather have the
    details that the agency has today.
  • Trial balance, aged payables (30, 60, 90 days),
    and open item list, by invoice , vendor name,
    vendor , PO , or account .
  • Payables by cost center, fund, GL A/C, etc.
    across fiscal years.
  • Vendor Types payment activities
  • Segregate IDTs for reporting
  • Ad hoc queries/reports available
  • Inquire or report on both open and paid invoices,
    by vendor.
  • Payments by purchase order, encumbrance, vendor,
    or other defined criteria.

High Level FlowsInvoice Manual Create
High Level FlowsInvoice Create Upload
High Level FlowsVendor Create Changes
High Level FlowsInvoice to Payment
High Level FlowsPayment Run
High Level FlowsIDT Process
Identified Benefits (part 1)
  • A single Statewide vendor file will increase
    accuracy and eliminate duplication. Also,
    additional reporting needs and payment
    information will allow the State to better manage
    its vendors.
  • Elimination of the required printing of a
    voucher. Only paper document in this process
    will be the original invoice, if not received
  • Increased efficiencies in processing payments.
  • No IDTs will result in checks (i.e. eliminate
    the 1,000 threshold).
  • Increase the efficiencies with processing
  • Pecking (priority) order on payment runs should
    consider IDTs first, so that revenues are
    recorded first.
  • Improved reporting, both agency and statewide.
  • Reduction in printing cost BW.
  • Scheduled reports created and sent via email.

Identified Benefits (part 2)
  • Improved efficiencies in processing between
    Agencies and Central Finance due to edits in one
  • Potential to leverage the paperless environment
    and archiving abilities
  • All information coming from the system will be
    passed electronically, thereby, eliminating the
    manual process of paper movement today
  • Eliminate the requirement for the Agency Finance
    Director to sign the payment request (i.e.
    today's voucher)
  • CG will no longer receive paper voucher packet.
    Images will be forwarded electronically. No
    requirement to manually prepare supporting
    documentation for payment vouchers. System will
    automatically create voucher packet/payment
    request folder from imaged invoices

Open Items
Open Items Identified for Accounts Payable (part
  • Vendors not crediting the States account
    because the payment was transmitted
  • This has been problematic in the current
    infrastructure. We will review further during
    implementation to determine how we may possibly
    enhance the information being sent to Vendors
    with their EFT payments to help them properly
    post payments being made to them
  • How will Paul Jarvis, a State employee, get paid
    for the building he rents to DHEC if he is also a
    vendor doing business with the State?
  • State employees would be treated as an outside
    Vendor in this scenario.

Open Items Identified for Accounts Payable (part
  • Obtain vendor data elements currently maintained
    by the CGs vendor file and agency vendor files.
  • Name (ownership DBA) address business type,
    sole proprietorship/corporation federal ID/SSN
    email address status remit address contact
    information (name, phone , fax, etc.) SC
    Federal Minority vendor certification EDI
    functionality offshore indicator commodity
    code international indicator payment terms,
  • Roll up of invoices for a vendor options?
  • Options range from a Statewide roll-up of
    invoices presented for payment and only one check
    being cut to the vendor for ALL outstanding
    invoices due, to an Agency level roll-up whereby
    one check is cut per Business Area for all
    outstanding invoices due, to no roll-up and one
    check per invoice.
  • Current request is Agency level roll-up. Based on
    review of the success of this process, it is
    recommended that the Statewide roll-up be
    continuously reviewed for additional efficiencies
    that may be realized.

Open Items Identified for Accounts Payable (part
  • Obtain the law verbiage that states we must pay a
    vendor within 30 days of receipt of goods/invoice
    or face some late penalty percentage.
  • STARS Disbursement Regulations, in accordance
    with SC Code of Laws Section 11-35-45, requires
    all vouchers for payment of purchases of
    goods/services to be delivered to the CGs Office
    within thirty work days from acceptance of the
    goods/services and proper invoice. Interest is
    applied to the unpaid balance beginning on the
    thirty-first workday.
  • Obtain a list of vendor hold reasons from the CG
    and agencies.
  • Email survey to Liaisons on 4/1/05
  • Obtain of reasons why a vendor may become flagged
    as inactive.
  • Email survey to Liaisons on 4/1/05
  • Obtain list of Minority vendor criteria needed.
  • Email survey to Liaisons on 4/1/05
  • Obtain list of payment terms from CG and
  • Email survey to Liaisons on 4/1/05

Open Items Identified for Accounts Payable (part
  • Estimate the additional workload that will be
    required by the CG/owner of the States vendor
  • Significant work will be required up front in the
    original creation of Master Data for the system
    in regards to scrubbing data currently in the
    Vendor File, potential consolidating information
    in the Vendor File, and addition of data elements
    not currently within the Vendor
    File(i.e.payment terms by vendor, dunning
    terms etc) Maintenance level work is yet
    determined and will be affected by the level of
    functionality realized in regards to Vendor
    Self-Maintenance, Vendor enrollment via workflow
    from Business Areas
  • Verify whether the State has the legal authority
    to apply credits to future invoices.
  • State Agencys have the authority to apply a
    vendors credits to that same vendors invoices.
    However, we dont feel that a credit received by
    one agency should hold the payment of another
    agencys approved invoice. Having a central
    vendor file for the State, we will not be able to
    place holds on vendors to ensure that credits are
    taken at the very first opportunity. Therefore,
    some other process will need to be established to
    prevent missing these lost opportunities within
    an agency.

Open Items Identified for Accounts Payable (part
  • Create proposed flowchart for vendor master
    additions and changes.
  • See process flow in FAR presentation
  • Electronic notification to PO buyer/requestor
    when invoice is received, so that both parties
    are aware when invoice has been received and
    invoice placed on-hold for receipt.
  • Can be accommodated either through Workflow or
  • Tracking Discounts in Payments Runs. If payment
    in system is made and the check is cut, the error
    will occur in the system, prior to the check
    being cut. Determine when the discount gets
    grabbed/calculated (i.e. during payment run
  • System calculates the discount during the payment
  • Find out what regulations exist to allow us to
    take discounts.
  • Discount terms are normally listed on the invoice
    and that is the legal means in which they can be
    taken. By having centralized vendor maintenance,
    the State should be in a better position to
    request such discount terms. These terms will
    default from the vendor file, but can be
    over-ridden by an authorized user entering the
    invoice. The payment run cycle takes into
    consideration the optimum time to pay a vendor
    based on the terms.

Open Items Identified for Accounts Payable (part
  • Determine best way to prioritize payment workflow
    and allow Special items to take priority and be
    processed quickly.
  • For items already in the system that need to be
    pulled and handled in a higher priority or
    expedited fashion, some form of communication
    with CG office needs to take place identifying
    the document and requesting special handling.
  • For items not yet in the system that are being
    walked through which need to be processed in
    high priority, there are multiple optionsone
    recommendation is a Process Special document type
    that will be worked in higher priority at the CG
    office. The availability of this document type
    should be limited to those with higher levels of
    responsibility and authority, not to be used on a
    routine basis, but only in extenuating
    circumstancesthis option is not preferred due
    to the proliferation of doc types and the
    potential for user error to be heightened. The
    other option depends on the workflow
    functionality recommended by the technical team
    in regards as to how items will flow from the
    Business Areas to the CG/Audit process. The
    intent is to identify high priority items and
    pre-sort them in order of priority in the work
    queues for release to the payment run.

Open Items Identified for Accounts Payable (part
  • Allow mechanism for vendors, using BW (Business
    Warehouse) so that they can review their
    payments, primarily EDI, for proper account
    postings. Similar to what the Treasurers Office
    uses today.
  • This functionality will be reviewed as an option
    in response to the issue regarding Vendors not
    properly applying payments to accounts. This will
    be further reviewed during implementation. This
    issue will also be further explored during the
    development of certain Vendor Self-Maintenance
  • What will be the mechanism to allow electronic
    invoices from vendors?
  • SAP can accept electronic invoices. There will
    need to be a detailed functional spec written for
    each inbound interface during Realization. The
    interface will grab these files and a SAP routine
    will run that creates the invoice batch.
  • Obtain listing of current Stars Transaction codes
    for BE.
  • STARS Transaction Code Description Table Listing
    provided to BearingPoint

Open Items Identified for Accounts Payable (part
  • Determine if we should consolidate at a statewide
    level invoices for payment or allow consolidation
    only at the agency level. What is the cost
    involved with both alternatives?
  • Due to experience with Vendors not properly
    giving credit for payments made, Agencies prefer
    to group/consolidate invoices for payment at the
    Agency level. We agree that this is a practical
    interim policy, however, this practice should be
    continually reviewed for potential change to a
    statewide methodology to determine if economies
    can be further realized via consolidation.
  • How to deal with partial payments on an invoice
    unpaid balance remain encumbered and pay
    follow up invoice upon receipt of good?
  • The system will not release encumbrances until
    the goods and/or services are received.
    Therefore, it is imperative that only the actual
    goods and/or services received be receipted.
    Vendor invoices can be paid partially, based upon
    what was received. Best business practice may be
    to request an amended invoice that reflects only
    what has been received or return the invoice back
    to the vendor noting that payment will not be
    made until all items are receipted.

Open Items Identified for Accounts Payable (part
  • Obtain copy of an IDT, regular payment, and
    claims payment (i.e. see attached vendor) for
  • Obtained and provided to BE.
  • Obtain more information on the Dual payment
  • This question arises out of the situation whereby
    two Business Areas share in the purchase and/or
    payment of a vendors invoice. Workflow and
    security necessary to handle these unique
    situations will be further developed during
  • How can we suspend IDTs on the Payor Side of
    the transaction to hold payment until they are
    ready to pay, due to various timing / cash
  • This was a concern when the option of performing
    IDTs via a GL Journal Entry was being discussed.
    No longer applicable, since this option is not
    being entertained anymore.

Open Items Identified for Accounts Payable (part
  • Obtain copy of the regs referred to by Paul
    Jarvis stating that an agency is not to expend
    more than ¼ appropriation within a quarter
  • Proviso 63.15 of Appropriations Act requires
    agencies to budget and allocate appropriations as
    quarterly allocation in order to provide
    controlled spending throughout the fiscal year
    and in order to avoid a year-end operating
  • How will IDTs be processed during the interim
    phase-in period? E.g., IDT between one State
    agency on SAP the other not yet on SAP. Also,
    IDTs between agencies on SAP and agencies that
    will not be on SAP (colleges and universities).
  • IDTs will, based on workshops held to-date, be
    processed just as they are today. In that the
    Receiving Agency will be recording a receivable
    and sending an invoice to the Paying Agency. The
    Paying Agency will enter their payment (i.e.
    coding information) and process the payment to
    the CGs Office. However, unlike today, no
    checks will be issued and the 1,000 threshold
    will no longer create an actual check. During
    the payment run, transactions that are being paid
    to State Agencies, which are on SAP, will not
    result in a check being cut. Instead, a revenue
    stream for payment will be extracted and the
    Receiving Agency receivable will be updated. If
    an Agency is not on SAP, then STARS will pass
    both the payment and receipt transaction to SAP.

Open Items Identified for Accounts Payable (part
  • Open items for IDT's if Billed incorrectly by
    billing agency and erroneously paid as billed,
    how to correct in the future? I.e..can the
    paying agency alter the document when paying?
  • Several choices exist. The receiving agency
    could contact the billing agency and request a
    corrected copy (i.e. A/R) or the receiving agency
    could short pay. Short paying the invoice would
    identify that an existing inter/intra receivable
    remains outstanding.
  • Closing packages currently have thresholds, this
    will go away in the new system, how does this
    impact comparability of data when reported in the
    Financial Statements?
  • Although SAP will enable the State to record all
    of its payables at year-end, which will be more
    accurate than what we do today, the variation in
    consistent reporting will be immaterial for
    State-wide reporting. Therefore, little to no
    effect should result on the CAFR.
  • Obtain copies of all AP reports currently used by
    the agencies.
  • Email survey to Liaisons on 4/1/05

Open Items Identified for Accounts Payable (part
  • Agencies were asked to inquire if their Vendors
    can bill the State electronically. Particular
    interest in LARGE INVOICE type vendorsi.e.Bell
  • Email survey to Liaisons on 4/1/05
  • Agencies expressed the need to attach certain
    sole source docs and emergency procurement
    docs in support of purchases and invoices.
  • SAP allows attachments and images to documents.
    The invoice will be imaged along with any other
    documents, as required by the agency.
  • Central Vendor File Maintenance will have to be
    able to handle non-web/non-fax documents from
    Vendors via the mail (flowchart this process).
  • Refer to flowchart in FAR.

Open Items Identified for Accounts Payable (part
  • Identify the minimum required info to add a
    vendor. The W-9 doesnt contain all pertinent
    information needed like minority category, etc.
  • Email survey to Liaisons on 4/1/05
  • Questions arose regarding how Agencies are using
    Multi-Purpose codes and what were the various
    uses of them at different agencies, STATE should
    query the agencies to obtain a listing of how
    these codes are being used today.
  • Email survey to Liaisons on 4/1/05

Open Items Identified for Accounts Payable (part
  • State needs a manner in which to process
    special when sending the items to CG so that
    they can be processed immediately instead of
    potentially being buried in a work
    queue.possible options are simple communication
    via phone/email to pull and process special or
    potentially a document type that designates it as
    highest priority.
  • We will document a detailed process for this
    during the Agency Implementation Plan for the CG.
    (see comments on slide 30)
  • Flowchart the process of invoices received,
    entered, approved and paid. Incorporate CGs
    approval Treasurers Office (include what
    happens with save as complete, post, etc.).
  • Refer to flowchart in FAR.

Open Items Identified for Accounts Payable (part
  • Check with State Auditors Office on signatures
    required for vouchers. What do we need to
    document Agency Finance Directors delegation of
    an electronic signature authority?
  • Sent email to State Auditors Office on 4/1/05
  • Can the of steps (workflow) be defined by
    Business Area?
  • Each workflow process can be customized however
    the State should attempt to standardize these
  • What happens with a vendor credit when the
    original expense (overpayment) occurred in the
    previous year?
  • This would be a refund of prior year
    expenditures. (see additional comments on slide

Open Items Identified for Accounts Payable (part
  • Check/verify that save and park doesnt force
    reservation and/or what is done to allow an
    electronic document to be forwarded (via
    workflow) when funding is requested.
  • Definitions
  • Hold allows a user to save their work until
    they can come back to the document. For example,
    if someone wanted to leave for lunch or a
    meeting, then they could HOLD the document and
    assign it their own unique number/name until such
    time they could return to work on the document.
    Workflow is available and the system is not
    updated by any HOLD documents.
  • Park allows a user to complete a document to
    the extent they can and initiate workflow so that
    the document can be passed electronically to
    someone else in the process. Workflow is
    available with PARK and the system is not updated
    by any PARK documents.
  • Save allows a user to complete a document to
    the extent they can, as well as perform validity
    checks and reservation, while also initiating
    workflow so that the document can be passed
    electronically to someone else in the process.
    Workflow is available with SAVE and the system is
    updated by any SAVE documents.

Open Items Identified for Accounts Payable (part
  • Save as Complete allows a user to complete the
    process and the document is posted to the system.
    All validity checks and reservation occurs when
    this action is selected. Workflow is still
    available and the system is updated.
  • Note that not all modules in SAP have all four
    options available.
  • How will USE Tax be handled in the new system to
    create the accrual (i.e. fund reservation) at the
    time of payment, so that the monies are available
    to clear the accrual when DOR is paid.
  • SAP has several options transaction lines can be
    flagged at AP entry to indicate that Use Tax is
    applicable and/or at the time the transaction in
    AP is entered, the applicable funding lines
    responsible for the Use Tax can be
    added/pro-rated and a credit line created to hold
    the accrual for monthly clearing. The second
    method ensures that funds for Use Tax are
    reserved at the time the invoice is paid, rather
    than waiting until month-end to record the impact
    against budget availability.
  • Obtain list of vendor types/account groups from
    CG and agencies (i.e. employees non-state
    employees state agencies commercial hospital,
    non-profit, etc.).
  • Email survey to Liaisons on 4/1/05

Post Workshop Feedback From SMEs
  • All comments received were already being
    addressed by Open Items

List and Identify any Remaining Outstanding Items
(part 1)
  • Tax Intercept Where it goes, how it gets
    reported, who is doing it, etc.
  • This will be further defined in detail during
    Realization. It will be a combination of system
    processes and business processes.
  • Determine proposed procedures for handling credit
    memos? Can we automatically apply them on any
    future invoices? What are the legalities
    associated with this for the State?
  • This is a State business process action. State
    will need to answer legal question of application
    of credit memos. (see initial findings on slide
  • Address the concern over the payable being booked
    (GR) in the old year, but never gets paid. What
    happens to AP balance? How will we clear this.
  • Debit AP and Credit (depends) If immaterial,
    then some kind of misc. rev if material, then
    prior-per adjustment (but must receive CG's
    approval) --also, no direct postings should ever
    be allowed to fund balance in any circumstance

List and Identify any Remaining Outstanding Items
(part 2)
  • Cross period postings. Examples may be invoices
    that we receive where the goods and/or services
    occur in two fiscal years. Also, how will we
    accommodate the processing of new year and old
    year transactions concurrently.
  • During the month of July, SAP will have to have
    both fiscal years open so that transactions can
    be processed. No purchase orders or requisitions
    will be encumbered until such time that the new
    fiscal year budget is loaded. However, since
    this may not occur until just before the start of
    the new fiscal year, SAP does allow for these
    documents to be initiated and completed with the
    exception of encumbering funds. The Funds
    Management (FM) module in SAP has a program that
    can be run to take all of these documents, once
    the budget is loaded, and encumber them in mass.
    This will allow work to continue without any
  • Goods Receipt It is still unclear exactly how
    SAP will handle these situations. Worse case
    scenario is that the State will continue to do
    what is done today post the transaction in the
    period that benefits the most as long as no more
    than 12 payments, based on monthly billings, are
    recorded in a given fiscal year for items like
    utilities, etc. However, SAP may allow for goods
    receipt to be recorded in multiple periods (i.e.
    years). If this can be accommodated in SAP, then
    transactions can be recorded to the correct
    fiscal year more accurately and the States
    transactions, will more accurately reflect GAAP

Non-FAR Open Items (part 1)
  • Identify all agencies that are lump sum (i.e.
    payments made only for draws).
  • List obtained and provided to BE.
  • Obtain Travel advance rules and give to BE.
  • Obtained and provided to BE.
  • Archiving Schedule is still undetermined from a
    conversion standpoint. How frequently should BW
    be updated?
  • This question will not be answered until after
    Blueprint. Blueprint will define the
    requirements for resources on the system like
    reports, users, interfaces, document storage,
    etc. A meeting was scheduled with State Archives
    to identify the existing requirements and what
    may be changed as a result of imaging and BW.
    The goal for the state is to eliminate the
    requirement to store any documents on paper,
    where feasible.

Non-FAR Open Items (part 2)
  • Potential Hardware Question exists at the Agency
    level regarding what infrastructure build-up they
    may experience in order to be able to handle the
    electronic document retentions which are
    currently paper and boxes.
  • These questions will not be answered until after
    Blueprint. Blueprint will define the
    requirements for resources on the system like
    reports, users, interfaces, document storage,

Non-FAR Open Items (part 3)
  • Keep all information in STARS and interface it to
    SAP, or get information into SAP when possible?
    The State was adamant that if an agency is
    transacting in STARS they will transact
    COMPLETELY within STARS and that the STARS data
    will be translated into SAP. The Translation
    from STARS to SAP will not affect the operations
    of the Agency and they will not have to be
    fluent in SAP to conduct business within two
  • Agencies not live on SAP will not be impacted in
    anyway. They will continue to process their
    transactions into STARS just as they do today.
    SCEIS will write an interface from STARS which
    will be loaded to SAP daily. However, non-live
    agencies have no responsibility for this
    interface or its accuracy. The interface will be
    necessary because the CAFR reporting will be
    coming from SAP. Therefore, all data must exist
    even though journal entries will be performed for
    non-live agencies that continue to submit closing
    packages for GAAP.

Non-FAR Open Items (part 4)
  • The State has a statewide standard 10 overage
    tolerance on printing, which is set by the State
    Printing Manual.
  • This concern was raised when the decision to have
    no tolerance in AP, beyond tax or freight items,
    was discussed. The initial decision coming from
    the workshop was to not allow the invoice to
    exceed the purchase order, if applicable. In
    establishing this tolerance, then the concern
    over approved printing overages became a problem.
    The solution would be for the purchase order to
    be changed to reflect the overage and then
    process the invoice.
  • Flowchart the creation of requisition process,
    utilizing agency release strategy.
  • There is no way to do this for an enterprise
    system. It will be done on an agency by agency
    basis by the MM Team. Refer to MMs Requisition
    Functional Area Review on the SCEIS Web-page.

Resolutions for Open Items Web Page
Resolutions of selected open items which arose
during the blueprint phase have been published on
the SCEIS website. These items are of general
project interest and/or have been frequently
asked. As the blueprint work continues, other
items will be added. Additional items are also
discussed in the FAR (functional area review)
presentations. To view go to to the Resolutions for
Open Items appear on the SCEIS Home,
Finance/Procurement, and workshop schedule pages.

Cost Center 1
Cost Center 2
Next Steps for You Your Agency
  • Identify impact of the SCEIS Accounts Payable on
    your agencys current business processes
  • Identify any areas where holes may still exist
    in our defining the States Requirements for
    Accounts Payable

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