Title: Welcome to RCEM -MBA Colleges in Bhubaneswar
1Rajdhani College Of Engineering And Management
Welcome to MBA Colleges in Bhubaneswar
2RCEM is one of the best MBA Colleges in
Bhubaneswar has been functioning since 1993.
Based on experience and infrastructural
facilities available, the college was granted
status in 1998 for starting MBA Programme (2
Years Full time) approved by AICTE,Govt. of
India, recognised by the state Govt. of Odisha
and affiliated to the university in the name of
Rajdhani College of Engeneering and Management
with the aim of imparting quality management
education.It has been making endeavour to groom
students to achieve perfection and proficiency as
future managers."Excellence in Management
education" is the only mission of college
3(No Transcript)
4OUR PROGRAMME Programme Offered-MBA (2-Year
Full Time)RCEM Provides 2 Years Full time MBA
Course,Approved by AICTE,New Delhi BPUT
Rourkela,Odisha.Intake Capacity 240 (Two
Hundred Forty)MBA(Integrated) (5-Year Full
Time)RCEM Provides 5 Years Full time MBA(I)
Course,Approved by AICTE,New Delhi BPUT
Rourkela,Odisha.Intake Capacity 60
(Sixty)For more information about
Admission Click Here
5Plot No.18,Sector A,Zone B,Mancheswar Industrial
Estate, Bhubaneswar,751010 Opening Time
Mon-Sat - 9AM to 6PM Mail id
info_at_rcemorissa.org Website https//rcemorissa.
org/ https//www.instagram.com/rcemorissa/