Title: New EIA regulations
OF 1998)
- Dave Rudolph
- Strategic Environmental Focus (Pty) Ltd
3How to participate
- Be courteous at all times
- One speaker at a time
- Introduce yourself
- Focus on the issue not the individual
- No interruptions
- Please keep questions until the end of the
presentation - All questions comments to be directed through
the Chairperson - No long debates
- Give a fair chance to all
4Programme of information sessions
- EIA is one of the key tools for enabling
sustainable development in South Africa - Predict environmental consequences of proposed
activities for decision-making, to ensure that
resources are soundly managed - For many years, considered part of Integrated
Environmental Management, but not legislated - Legislated in 1997 in terms of Environment
Conservation Act, 1989
7Background cont..
- Sections 21, 22 26 of ECA enable EIA
regulations - EIA regulations (GN R 1182, 1183 1184)
promulgated in September 1997 - Various amendments made to EIA regulations, most
recent in May 2002 - NEMA promulgated in 1998 and to replace ECA
- Development of new EIA regulations commenced in
8Total EIAs to date
43,423 EIA processes between September 1997
March 2006
9Need for New Regulations
- Wide interpretation of activities could result in
inconsistent application by authorities - Too many small scale / insignificant activities
made subject to EIA - Lengthy and inflexible process, with too many
authority stops / decision points - Inadequate requirements for public participation
- Not supported by strategic planning tools
- Enforcement measures generally weak
10Need for New Regulations cont..
- The current process does not always ensure that
the necessary information for decision-making is
submitted - The current list of activities requires amendment
- There are concerns that the current regulations
cause unnecessary delays for development
12Improvements cont..
13Improvements cont..
14Improvements cont..
15Whats new?
- Two categories of activities Basic Assessment
(Notice 1) and Environmental Assessment (Notice
2) - Public participation can commence before applying
(Basic Assessment) - Specified requirements for amendment of
authorisations - Terms of reference for EIA included in Scoping
Report, no longer separate plan of study - Clarification of independence of EAP
16Whats new? cont..
- Exclusions based on Environmental Management
Frameworks - Compliance and enforcement strengthened
- Cooperation agreements between authorities
- Draft Environmental Management Plans to be
included in EIAs - Report contents specified in detail
- Combination of applications
- Provision for amendment withdrawal of
17Environmental Assessment Practitioners (S. 17-19)
- Compulsory for applicant to appoint EAP
- Independence expertise required
- Must disclose all relevant information that could
influence decision or objectivity of a document
or report - Disqualification
- If authority believes that EAP is not independent
- EAP informed and has opportunity to make
representations to authority - Authority can refuse to accept report or require
independent review
18Determining assessment process (Regulations
- EAP to determine relevant process
- Basic Assessment (Notice 1 Act) or Scoping EIA
(Notice 2 Act) - Process chosen based on
- Listing notices 1 2
- If EAP advises Scoping EIA instead of Basic
Assessment - If application is for 2 or more activities and at
least one of these requires Scoping and EIA, then
application must be subjected to Scoping EIA
19Basic Assessment (Regulations 22-26)
- Activities contained in Listing Notice 1 are
subject to a basic assessment process - Smaller scale activities
- Predicted impacts are generally known and can be
easily managed - Will be further limited through exclusions
20Basic Assessment cont..
- Response (R. 25)
- Submit additional information
- Specialist studies
- Alternatives
- Rejection
- Scoping EIA
Public participation (R. 22)
Basic assessment report (R. 23)
- Submit application (R. 24)
- Application form
- Assessment report
- Etc.
Scoping EIA
Check application (R. 14)
Grant / refuse authorisation (R. 26)
14 days
10 days
Acknowledge receipt (R. 14)
Notify applicant of decision (R. 10)
30 days
Notify IAPs of decision (R. 10)
Competent authorities must strive to meet
timeframes (R. 9)
21Scoping EIA (Regulation 27-36)
- Activities contained in Listing Notice 2 are
subject to a comprehensive assessment process - Activities that due to nature and/or extent are
likely to have significant impacts - Associated with high levels of pollution / waste
/ environmental degradation - Impacts cannot easily be predicted
- Higher risk activities
22Scoping EIA cont..
- Response (R. 31)
- Request amendments
- Reject because
- insufficient information
- failure to consider guidelines
- Accept
- Submit application (R. 27)
- Application form
- Landowners consent
Check application (R. 14)
14 days
- EIA (R.32)
- Prepare EIA report draft EMP
Acknowledge receipt (R. 14)
60 days
- Scoping (R. 28-29)
- Public participation (incl. organs of state)
- Scoping Report
- Public comment on SR (R. 58)
- Response (R. 35)
- Reject
- Amend
- Specialist review
- Accept
45 days
45 days
Submit Scoping Report (R. 30)
Decision (R. 36)
10 days
30 days
Notify applicant of decision (R. 10)
Competent authorities must strive to meet
timeframes (R. 9)
Notify IAPs of decision (R. 10)
23Contents of EIA Reports (Regulation 32)
- EIA Report includes
- Activity description
- Site/area assessment
- Public participation
- Description of issues
- Description and assessment of alternatives (if
any) - Specialist studies (only if necessary)
- Specialised processes (only if necessary)
- Assessment of impacts
- Assessment of issues
- Environmental impact statement
- Draft Environmental management plan
24Authorisations (Regulations 37-38)
- Authority must
- Make a decision (grant or refuse)
- Issue single authorisation for more than one
activity - Authorisation must include
- Details of applicant
- Activity description
- Property description
- Conditions
- Authorisation may require
- Commencement only after certain conditions
complied with - Submission of compliance reports
- Submission of environmental audit report
- Any other condition
25Amendment of authorisations (Regulation 39-46)
- Authority may amend an authorisation,
- on application
- - by holder or
- - from authority
- On application by holder (Regulation 40-43)
- Official form
- Acknowledge receipt within 14 days
- Consider whether likely to affect the environment
or rights of other parties - Authority must promptly decide on non-substantive
amendments timeframe not specified
26Amendment of authorisations cont..
- Application by authorisation holder
- If substantive amendments
- Public participation
- Investigation assessment
- Public comment on reports
- Submit reports
- Amendment on initiative of authority to
- prevent deterioration or further deterioration of
environment - achieve prescribed environmental standards
- accommodate demands due to socio-economic
circumstances public interest
27Amendment of authorisations cont..
- Amendment on initiative of authority
- Notify holder
- Opportunity for representations
- Public participation, if necessary
- On reaching a decision, the authority must
(Regulation 46) - Notify the holder
- Provide reasons
- Inform of possibility of appeal
- Issue amended authorisation
28Withdrawal of authorisations (Regulations 47-50)
- Withdrawal only under certain circumstances
(Regulation 47) - Condition contravened
- Fraud
- Misrepresentation / non-disclosure
- Activity discontinued
- Authority must (Regulation 48)
- Notify holder
- Opportunity for representations
- Public participation, if necessary
29Withdrawal of authorisations cont..
- Suspension allowed if (Regulation 49)
- Contravention of condition is causing harm to the
environment - Suspension necessary to prevent harm or further
harm - Suspension possible before or after opportunity
for representations by holder - Decision (Regulation 50)
- Notify holder in writing
- Inform of possibility of appeal
30Exemptions (S. 51-55)
- Different from exemptions i.t.o. ECA
- Exemption can be considered from any provision of
regulations - Exemption from public participation only possible
if rights or interests of other parties are not
adversely affected
31Exemptions cont..
Submit application (R 52)
14 days
Acknowledgement of receipt (R. 52(2))
Adverse effects on rights or interests of other
No adverse effects on rights or interests of
other parties
- Consideration (R. 53)
- May request additional information
- Advise application of any factors prejudicing
the application
- Public participation (R 56)
- Register of IAPs
- Submit comments
10 days
10 days
- Notify applicant of decision (R. 54)
- Written exemption notice
Notify IAPs (R. 54(10(d)))
Competent authorities must strive to meet
timeframes (R. 9)
32Public participation (S. 56-59)
- Public participation process (Regulation 56)
- Site notice boards
- Written notice to
- Adjacent owners and occupiers
- Owners and occupiers within 100m of boundary of
site - Ward councillor
- Municipality
- Organs of state having jurisdiction
- Adverts in one local newspaper or official
gazette - Provincial or national newspaper (if activity may
have impact beyond borders of municipality) - Requirements for content size of notices
- Exceptions for linear ocean-based activities
to be agreed with authority
33Public participation cont..
- Register of IAPs (Regulation 57)
- Applicant or EAP must maintain register
containing names addresses of - Persons who submitted comments
- Persons who, after the PP process, submitted
written requests for their names to be placed on
the register - All organs of state having jurisdiction
- Register accessible to all who submit written
34Public participation cont..
- Registered IAPs entitled to comment (Regulation
58) - Must comply with timeframes
- Must provide copy of comments sent to authority
to EAP as well - Must declare business, personal, financial or
other interests - IAPs must be given opportunity to comment on all
reports before submission to authority (BA
reports, scoping reports, EIRs EMPs) - IAP comments to be recorded in reports
(Regulation 59) - EAP must record IAP comments in reports
- IAP comments need not be recorded in a report if
they relate to report to be submitted to authority
35Appeals (R. 60-68)
Notification of decision
10 days
- Notice of intention to appeal (R. 62)
- Notice on official form
- If applicant appeals, inform all other IAPs
organs of state - If appellant is someone other than applicant,
inform applicant
- Appeal must be accompanied by (R. 63)
- Grounds for appeal
- Supporting documentation
- Statement by appellant that R. 63 has been
complied with - Appeal fee (not yet prescribed)
lt 30 days
Submit appeal (R. 64)
- Processing of appeal (R. 66)
- Issue direction i.t.o. R. 43(7) of NEMA
- Appoint appeal panel i.t.o. R. 43(5) of NEMA
30 days
Responding statements (R. 65)
30 days
Appeal panel (R. 67) - optional
Answering statement to new information introduced
(R. 65 (2)(b)) when applicable
10 days
- Decision (R. 68)
- Notify appellant each respondent
Acknowledge receipt (R. 66(1))
36Environmental Management Frameworks (R. 69-72)
- Regulations prescribe process for compiling EMF
and set minimum requirements for content - Strategic tool where a geographical area is
assessed - Status quo study in terms of inter alia
biophysical environment, built environment and
planned environment - Desired state of environment defined
- Road map established to reach and maintain
desired state of environment
37EMFs cont..
- EMF consist of various environmental control
zones environmental management plan and
environmental management policy - Certain pre-determined activities when aligned
with control zones, EMP and EM Policy are then
excluded from EIA requirements - EMF also useful as environmental input into
SDFs, Precinct plans, etc.
38Guidelines (Regulations 73-76)
- Guidelines
- National and provincial
- Drafts in gazette for comment
- Not binding, but must be taken into account
- by EAPS authorities
39Transitional arrangements (Chapter 9)
- Anything done i.t.o. previous regs remains valid
- Authorisations issued i.t.o. previous regs
regarded to be issued under new regs - Applications and appeals pending under ECA to be
completed i.t.o. ECA - Existing guidelines that have been adopted before
new regulations take effect regarded to be
guidelines in terms new regulations
40General provisions
- Reckoning of days (S. 1(2))
- Reckoned from start of day following a particular
day to end of last day of the period - If last day of the period falls on a Saturday,
Sunday or public holiday, the period must be
extended to the end of the next day which is not
a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday - Submitted today, starts running tomorrow until
day 30. If day 30 is Sa, Su, PH next work day
41General provisions cont..
- Lapsing of application or appeal (Regulation 77)
- Appeal or application lapses if applicant or
appellant fails to comply with a requirement of
these regulations within 6 months of submitting
application or appeal - Resubmission of similar applications (Regulation
78) - Applicant may not resubmit application
substantially similar to previous application
that has been refused, unless - 3 years has lapsed since refusal of previous
application - New application contains new information
42General provisions cont..
- Compliance monitoring (Regulation 79)
- Authority may request holder of authorisation or
exemption to explain alleged contravention or
non-compliance - Authority may request environmental audit report
- Authority may request audit report to be prepared
by independent person - Holder of authorisation or exemption liable for
all costs - Authority may appoint auditor and recover costs
if holder of authorisation or exemption fails to
do so
43General provisions cont..
- Assistance to people with special needs
(Regulation 80) - Authorities, Minister and MECs must give
reasonable assistance to person who is unable to
comply with a requirement of the regulations due
to - Lack of skills to read or write
- Disability
- Any other disadvantage
44General provisions cont..
- Offences (Regulation 81)
- Supplying false / misleading information
- Failure to disclose information
- Failure to submit audit report
- Failure to comply with conditions of exemption
- Continuation with activity if authority has
withdrawn authorisation - Penalties in terms of NEMA section 24F
45Way forward
- Implementation documents
- DEAT has drafted four guidelines
- Process flow (administrative)
- Assessment of impacts and alternative
- Environmental Management Frameworks
- Public participation
- EMF and PP published for comment
- Expected completion date July 2006
- Application form and BA report finalised
- To be made available in print and on DEAT website
46Way forward
- Implementation documents
- Various templates and guidelines drafted
- to be shared between authorities
- Official EIA gazette planned
- All EIA related publications
- Initial discussions held with GPW
47Way forward
- Implementation documents (cont)
- Registration of EAPs
- Not compulsory
- Work in progress
- EIA regulations companion
- Booklet format
- EIA regulations in laymens terms