Title: IO in Cactus 4'0
1IO in Cactus 4.0
- Thomas Radke
- Albert-Einstein-Institute
- tradke_at_aei-potsdam.mpg.de
2 Outline
- Overview on Cactus IO Infrastructure- What is an
IO method ?- What is provided by the flesh ? - What kind of IO is available in Cactus ?
- How do I actually get some output,whats there
to control it ? - Usage of Checkpointing / Recovery
3IO Infrastructure in Cactus 4.0
Registration Scheduling of IO methods
- Set of basic IO parameters
- Registration Scheduling of Recovery Methods
4What is an IO method ?
- provided by IO thorns
- called by the flesh and/or application thorns
- consists of 4 routines
Loops over all variables on this GHand outputs
them if necessary
OutputVarAs(GH, var, alias)
Does unconditional output of variable var
TimeToOutput(GH, var)
Called by flesh for a thorns routineregistered
at CCTK_ANALYSISand triggered by var
TriggerOutput(GH, var)
5Registration of IO methods
- register a new IO method with the flesh by
giving it a unique name
IOMethod CCTK_RegisterIOMethod (method_name)
- register the necessary routines for this IO
CCTK_RegisterIOMethodOutputGH (IOMethod,
OutputGH) CCTK_RegisterIOMethodOutputVarAs
(IOMethod, OutputVarAs) CCTK_RegisterIOMethodTime
ToOutput (IOMethod, TimeForOutput) CCTK_RegisterI
OMethodTriggerOutput (IOMethod, TriggerOutput)
6Interaction with IO methods
- Flesh provides routines for application thorns
to interact with IO methods
Invoke all registered IO methodsand output all
variables on this GH
CCTK_OutputVar(GH, var)
CCTK_OutputVarAs(GH, var, alias)
Do output on variable var with all IO methods
CCTK_OutputVarByMethod(GH, method_name, var)
CCTK_OutputVarAsByMethod(GH, var, method_name,
Output variable var by calling specific IO method
7IO Skeleton Thorn IOUtil
- Provides basic parameters common for all kinds
of IO methods - Sets some meaningful default values for getting
output - Parameters are used by other IO thorns as
default values or overridden by their own
private parameters for more specific control
IOUtil needs to be compiled into Cactusand
included into ActiveThornsif any output is
8IOUtil Parameters
IOltparametergt ltvaluegt
Output when INT out_every -1
Output where STRING outdir .
Output info BOOLEAN verbose no
9IOUtil Parameters (continued)
Output mode for parallel IO
KEYWORD out3D_mode proc np onefile
INT out3D_procs 8
BOOLEAN out3D_unchunked no
BOOLEAN out3D_septimefiles no
Downsampling of 3D variables
INT out3D_downsample_xyz 1
Output floating point data
BOOLEAN out3D_single no
10Thorn IOBasic
Provides 2 IO methods
SCALAR - outputs the value of scalar
variables as well as
the results of reduction operations
on grid functions
L1 and L2 norm INFO - prints
runtime information to screen
(minimum and maximum values
of grid functions)
11IOBasic Parameters
Output what STRING outScalar_vars,
Output when INT outScalar_every,
outInfo_every defaults to
Output where STRING outdirScalar
defaults to IOoutdir
Output style KEYWORD outScalar_style
xgraph gnuplot xgraph
Provides IO method
- IOASCII_1D - one-dimensional output
of grid functions
- slices in x,y,z, and diagonal
directions depending
on the symmetry
13IOASCII Parameters
Output what STRING out1D_vars
Output when INT out1D_every
defaults to IOout_every
Output where STRING outdir1D
defaults to IOoutdir
1D slices BOOLEAN out1D_xyzd yes
Output style KEYWORD out_style xgraph
gnuplot xgraph
14Thorn IOFlexIO
IOFlexIO_2D - two-dim. slices of 3D grid
functions IOFlexIO_3D - three-dim. output of
- based on John Shalfs FlexIO library
(http//bach.ncsa.uiuc.edu/FlexIO) - simple
uniform API for storing multidim. scientific
data in different file formats
- creates datafiles in IEEEIO binary file format
- complies to IEEE 754 - optimized for
writing - platform-independent -
crash-safe - readers available for Amira,
15IOFlexIO Parameters
Output what STRING out2D_vars, out3D_vars
Output when INT out2D_every, out3D_every
defaults to IOout_every
Output where STRING outdir2D, outdir3D
defaults to IOoutdir
Optimized 3D output BOOLEAN out3D_reuse_filehan
dles yes
16Visualizing IOFlexIO 3D outputwith Amira
17Thorn IOHDF5
- Provides IO method IOHDF5_3D for
three-dimensional output of variables
- based on HDF5 (http//hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/whatishdf
5.html) - future standard for storing
scientific data - overcomes limitations of
HDF4 - simple but powerful data storage
model - selection of hyperslabs -
automatic datatype conversion - support for
parallel IO gt Metacomputing ! - readers
available for Amira, AVS
18IOHDF5 Parameters
Output what STRING out3D_vars
Output when INT out3D_every
defaults to IOout_every
Output where STRING outdir3D
defaults to IOoutdir
19Using HDF5 in Cactus
- HDF5 is not delivered with the Cactus
- Building Cactus 4.0 with HDF5 make
ltconfigurationgt-config HDF5yes
- Using parallel IO extensions of HDF5
IOout3D_mode onefile IOunchunked
High IO performance, no need for recombining !
20Checkpointing Recoveryin Cactus 4.0
Checkpointing - dump the current state of
simulation to a
checkpoint file Recovery - set initial
state of new simulation
from a checkpoint file
- flesh provides scheduling points
- IOUtil declares common parameters for
checkpointing - IO thorns (IOFlexIO, IOHDF5) register
checkpoint/recovery routines with the flesh
and IOUtil
21Checkpointing Recovery Parameters
- General checkpointing parameters from IOUtil
Checkpoint when INT checkpoint_every -1
BOOLEAN checkpoint_ID no
Checkpoint where STRING checkpoint_file
STRING checkpoint_ID_file
checkpoint_ID STRING
checkpoint_dir .
Checkpoint how INT checkpoint_keep 1
BOOLEAN checkpoint_keep_all no
- uses same output mode as for 3D data
22Checkpointing Recovery Parameters (continued)
- Recovery parameters from IOUtil
Recover from BOOLEAN recover no
STRING recover_file checkpoint
STRING recovery_dir .
- Checkpointing parameters from other IO thorns
Enable checkpointing
BOOLEAN IOFlexIOcheckpoint no
BOOLEAN IOHDF5checkpoint no