Title: Presented by Anise Flowers, Ph.D.
1- Presented by Anise Flowers, Ph.D.
- Measurement Consultant
- Pearson
2The Power of Three!
3Introduction KeyMath3 Diagnostic Assessment
- Nationally standardized and criterion referenced
diagnostic assessment of mathematics concepts and
skills - Untimed and individually administered
- Covers full spectrum from rote counting to
factoring polynomials solving linear equations. - Designed to meet requirements for RtI Service
Delivery Model for Tiers II and III.
- KeyMath3 measures a students understanding and
application of critical math concepts - Age Range 46 through 2111
- Content Range Pre-K through 9
- 30-90 minute administration time
- Convenient computer scoring
- Essential Resources intervention material
5KM3 - Key Features
- Aligned to the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics (NCTM) Principles and Standards of
Mathematics - Most state Math standards aligned to NCTM
Principles and Standards - Ability to measure progress in 3 month intervals
- Useful for Progress Monitoring and Response to
Intervention Models (RtI)
6 KeyMath3 Revisions Whats New?
- Includes Algebra at all levels
- New Subtests
- All new items
- Updated norms
- More emphasis on math communication, connections,
reasoning - Linked to interventions
- 372 full color items in each form
7Norms Development
- 3,360 individuals from 4 years 6 months to 21
years 11 months old - Both Age and Grade for Fall and Spring 2006
- Norms for the entire assessment and for specific
areas - Norm sample matched to 2005 U.S. census for
- Sex, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, region and
Special Education classification
- Measure math proficiency
- Measure student progress
- Develop instructional plans
- Support educational placement decisions
9Examiner Qualifications
- Minimum of bachelors degree including
- Coursework in principles of measurement and in
interpretation of tests - Formal training in mathematics
- Users include, but are not limited to
- Educational diagnosticians
- School psychologists
- Special Education professionals
10Applications Other Users
- Title 1 Teachers
- General educators with struggling students
- Math Teachers and Coaches
11KM3 Diagnostic Assessment Program Components
- Manual
- Two easels
- Record form (A or B) and student response booklet
for computation - ASSIST computer scoring and reporting software
- Also needed pen or pencil calculator
- Calculator for 3rd grade up on Applied Problem
Solving subtest
12Administration Time
- PreK K 15 - 35 minutes
- Grades 1 -2 35 60 minutes
- Grades 3 7 60 - 80 minutes
- Grades 8-12 75 90 minutes
- Areas may be administered individually
- Focus on students area of greatest need
- Shorter administration time
1310 NCTM Standards
- Five Content
- Number and Operations, Algebra, Geometry,
Measurement, Data Analysis Probability - Match Basic Concepts subtests
- Five Process
- Problem Solving, Connections, Communication,
Representation, Reasoning Proof - Incorporated into the KeyMath3 items throughout
the 10 subtests
14NCTM Standards Match
15NCTM Process Standards
- Problem Solving
- Solving problems when method for solution is not
readily apparent - Connections
- Connecting mathematical concepts skills in a
variety of contexts - Communication
- Communicating ideas explaining reasoning
16NCTM Process Standards
- Representation
- Using symbolic expressions, diagrams, charts
- Reasoning Proof
- Using reasoning to form insights, recognize
patterns, explore phenomena, make conjectures,
justify results
17 KeyMath3 Content Areas
- Basic Concepts (Conceptual Knowledge)
- Operations (Computational Skills)
- Applications (Problem Solving)
- The same as KeyMath-R/NU
18KeyMath3Basic Concepts Subtests
- Numeration
- Algebra
- Geometry
- Measurement
- Data Analysis and Probability
19Basic Concepts SubtestsNumeration
- Early number awareness
- Place value and number sense
- Magnitude of numbers
- Fractions
- Decimals
- Percentages
- Exponents, integers, multiples, factors
20KeyMath3Basic Concepts Numeration
- Grade Level 3rd grade
- Representation process standard because it shows
alternative representations of the number 253. - Connections process standard because it connects
the students understanding of addition and place
21Basic Concepts Numeration
- Grade Level 6th grade
- Connections process standard because it requires
the student to link his/her understanding of
decimal and fraction.
22Basic Concepts SubtestsAlegbra
- Early algebraic awareness
- Algebraic uses of numbers geometry
- Symbolic representation
- Ratio proportion
- Coordinate graphing
23Basic Concepts Algebra
- Grade Level 3rd grade
- Connections process standard it requires the
student to connect their understanding of
multiplication to sets of objects presented in
rows. - Representation process standardit requires the
student to recognize an alternative
representation of multiplication repeated
24KeyMath3Basic Concepts Algebra
- Grade Level 8th grade
- Both the Problem Solving and the Representation
process standards. Without the benefit of a
solution that is evident, the student must apply
strategies to identify a mathematical
relationship between the numbers in the two
columns then choose the function that represents
that relationship.
25Basic Concepts SubtestsGeometry
- Early geometric awareness
- Two-dimensional shapes
- Three-dimensional shapes
- Lines angles
- Formulas
- Grids coordinate plans
26KeyMath3Basic Concepts Geometry
- Grade Level 8th grade
- Communication process standard because the
student is required to precisely express the
mathematical concept of similarity. - Reasoning and Proof process standard is
addressed because the student must use reasoning
to formulate the proof.
27Basic Concepts SubtestsMeasurement
- Early awareness of measurement
- Standard units
- Time
- Money
28Basic Concepts Measurement
- Grade Level 2nd Grade
- Problem Solving process standard because the
solution is not readily apparent. Applying trial
and error with various coin values is a common
strategy for this problem.
29Basic Concepts Measurement
- Grade Level 9th grade
- Reasoning and Proof process standard by
requiring the student to development an argument. - Communication process standard because the
student must explain with accurate mathematical
language. - Connection process standard because it applies
math in a real-world context.
30Basic Concepts SubtestsData Analysis
- Early awareness of data probability
- Charts, tables graphs
- Graphical representation
- Statistics
- Probability
31Basic Concepts Data Analysis and Probability
- Grade Level 3rd grade
- Reasoning process standard as it requires a
degree of reasoning for young students to
recognize that the only real choice is the
question with three options.
- Data are represented in a bar chart thus, it
addresses the Representation process standard.
Connections process standard because it applies
to a situation not that unfamiliar to students
that is outside of mathematics.
32Basic Concepts Data Analysis and Probability
- Grade Level 5th grade
- Reasoning and Proof process
- standard as the student must
- identify which of the four options is most likely
- Communications process standard as they then
have to explain their reasoning - Connections process standard because it connects
to a topic familiar to students and that is
outside of mathematics.
33KeyMath3Operations Subtests
- Mental Computation and Estimation
- Addition and Subtraction
- Multiplication and Division
- Items mixed and ordered by relative difficulty
34Operations SubtestsMental Computation
- Early awareness of mental computation
- Mental computation
- Chains
- Whole numbers
- Rational numbers
- Estimation
- Whole numbers
- Rational numbers
35Operations Mental Computation and Estimation
36Operations Mental Computation and Estimation
37Operations SubtestsAddition Subtraction
- Algorithms to add subtract whole numbers
- Involves regrouping multidigit numbers
- Algorithms to add subtract rational numbers
- Explores decimals, fractions, mixed numbers
- Integers
- Algebra
- Explores monomials polynomials.
39KeyMath3Operations Addition/Subtraction
40Operations SubtestsMultiplication Division
- Algorithms to multiply divide whole numbers
- Involves regrouping one/two-digit multipliers
divisors - Algorithms to multiply divide rational numbers
- Explores decimals, fractions, mixed numbers
- Integers
- Algebra
- Explores monomials polynomials.
41Operations Multiplication/Division
42Operations Multiplication/Division
43KeyMath3Applications Subtests
- Foundations of Problem Solving
- Identify missing elements in a problem,
operations needed, or optimal strategy - Applied Problem Solving
- Math problems in real-world contexts
- Requires standard non-standard problem solving
44Applications SubtestsFoundations of Problem
- Analysis of problems
- Whether sufficient information is present
- Operations needed
- Relationships in relevant information
- Word problems
- Creating word problems and creating clues
- Problem-solving strategies
- Identify strategies that would address problems
45Applications Foundations of Problem Solving
- Grade Level 1st-2nd
- Representing information
- for word problems in the
- form of a number sentence
- is a foundational part of
- formal problem solving
- Content Standard- Algebra
46Applications Foundations of Problem Solving
- Grade Level 7-8th grade
- Connections- student must
- connect this information to the
- concept of volume while also maintaining the
correct units. - Content Standard - Measurement
47Applications SubtestsApplied Problem Solving
- Numeration
- Algebra
- Geometry
- Measurement
- Data Analysis and Probability
48Applications Applied Problem Solving
- Grade Level 8th grade
- Process Standards - Communication, Problem
Solving, Connections, Reasoning and Proof - Content Standard - Numeration
49Applications Applied Problem Solving
- Grade Level 2nd grade
- Representation - Information given is expressed
or represented in a number sentence. - Content Standard Data Analysis Probability
- Areas may be administered individually
- Tailor intervention to that area
- Assess effectiveness of intervention for that
area - Monitor progress in that area
- Parallel Forms A and B
- Alternate every three months
- Forms matched statistically and by content
51KeyMath3 Screening Option
- Administer 5 Basic Concepts subtests to obtain
information on essential math concepts - Administration time
- Prek-2nd 15-30 minutes
- 3rd 12 35-45 minutes
52KeyMath-3 Content Areas Subtests
Total Test
53KeyMath3 Scores
- For Areas (Basic Concepts, Operations, and
Applications) and Total Test - Standard Scores
- (x100, SD15,Range 55-145)
- Confidence Intervals
- Grade Equivalent or Age Equivalent
- Percentile Rank
54KeyMath3 Scores
- For Subtests
- Scaled Scores (x 10, SD3,Range 1-19)
- Confidence Intervals
- Grade Equivalent or Age Equivalent
55Descriptive Categories
56Scoring Program ASSIST
- Quickly and accurately scores the test
- Pinpoints students strengths weaknesses
- Linked to Essential Resources intervention
program - Provides the assessment link for the RtI model
- Available in Network Client/Server version in 2008
57ASSIST Data Entry Options
58ASSIST Data Entry Options
59ASSIST Report Options
60ASSIST Reports
- Score Summaries
- Area Comparisons
- Score Profiles
- Score Summary Narrative
- Item and Functional Range Analysis
- Progress Report (GSV)
- Parent/Caregiver Letter
61ASSIST Score Summary
- Norm-referenced scores
- An excellent tool for identifying and
prioritizing instructional programs - Easily and quickly identify an examinees lowest
and highest areas of functioning
62ASSIST Score Summary
63Score Profile
- Presents a graphical representation of an
examinees subtest scale scores, and area and
total test standard scores - Quickly and easily identify students strengths
and weaknesses - Interpretation
- Facilitates prioritizing instruction
- Supports analysis of severity of a performance
64ASSIST Score Profiles
65ASSIST Area Comparisons
- Allows direct comparison of an individuals
performance in one area with his or her
performance in the other areas - Indicates level of statistical significance of
the difference - Indicates frequency of that difference in the
norm sample
66ASSIST Area Comparisons
67ASSIST Score Summary Narrative
- Describes students subtest, area, and total test
scores. - Explains percentile ranks and descriptive
categories - Describes a students mathematical performance in
relation to a nationally representative sample of
individuals of the same grade or age
68ASSIST Score Summary Narrative
69ASSIST Item and Functional Range Analysis
- Identifies KeyMath-3 DA items that fall within an
individuals functional range - Notes items that may require particular attention
- Presents the behavioral objective measured by
each of the items included in the analysis - Identifies appropriate lessons in the KeyMath-3
Essential Resources
70ASSIST Item and Functional Range Analysis
71(No Transcript)
72Functional RangeInterpretation
- Pay attention to items in functional range
answered incorrectly - Look for relationships among these items which
might represent an instructional unit - Identify concepts skills that are prerequisites
for subsequent learning - Appendix F lists objectives for each item
73Functional RangeInterpretation
- Look for relationships between Numeration subtest
and each of the others since number concepts
are foundational to other skills - Computation skills facilitate applied problem
solving - Also consider students current grade level
have they received instruction on this objective?
74Focus Items Interpretation
- Items below the functional range which were
answered incorrectly - Reflects gaps in understanding
- Skills that need particular attention
- Items above the functional range which were
answered correctly - Exceptional Competence with particular skill
75KeyMath3 Developmental Scores
- To Measure Growth
- Grade Equivalents
- Age Equivalents
- Growth Scale Value (GSV) available only with
the ASSIST scoring program
76Measuring Growth
- Growth Scale Value (GSV)
- Based on IRT ability Scale
- Designed for measuring change
- Reflects absolute performance like a raw score
not relative standing (normative) - Allows direct comparison of GSV scores obtained
on the alternate forms of an area - Useful for documenting progress (AYP)
- Helpful in measuring response to intervention
77ASSIST Report Options
78ASSIST Progress Report
- Evaluates the effectiveness of math intervention
programs for individuals and groups - GSVs have a significant advantage for measuring
growth and tracking progress over standard scores
and percentile ranks - Report can be obtained for Total Test and each of
the 3 Areas
79ASSIST Progress Report
- Answers the following questions
- 1) How much gain occurred? (GSV units per year)
- 2) Is that gain significant?
- If not significant they are not responding
adequately to the intervention - If significant then they are showing progress
that is reliably greater than zero (no growth) - 3) How does the students growth compare to the
80ASSIST Progress Report Table
- Shows percentile rank, change in GSV since 1st
administration, and growth rates - Grade level expressed in grade month of the
year (August is 0) - Change over baseline significantly greater than
zero indicated with an asterisk
81(No Transcript)
82ASSIST Progress Report Graph
- Vertical axis is GSV scores
- Horizontal is grade or age level
- Curved line is average GSV OF NORM GROUP
- Students GSV scores are connected red dots
- Dashed line is students growth average across
administrations shows growth trend
83(No Transcript)
84ASSIST Parent/Caregiver Letter
- Provides a means of communicating an examinees
test results to his or her parents or caregivers
through a one-page letter - Briefly describes the various features of the
test and provides content area and total test
percentile ranks and descriptive categories - Useful in communicating an examinees test
85ASSIST Parent Caregiver Report
- Internal Consistency of Form A
88Concurrent Validity KeyMath-3 with Sections of
90Essential Resources
- Interventions integrated with KeyMath-3 content,
organization and range - Three program levels
- Level I Pre-K grade 2 June 2008
- Level II grades 3 5 June 2008
- Level III grades 6 8 Coming soon
91Essential Resources Features
- Comprehensive supplement to a basal mathematics
program - Provides alternative teaching presentations
- Clearly identify concepts and skills
- Maintains conceptual continuity through careful
pacing and thoroughness - Facilitates precise teaching through unique
format - Connects directly with KeyMath 3 Assessment
92Essential Resources
- Organized into 10 content strands
- Content clusters within each strand
- Individual lessons activities within cluster
- Lessons can be covered in a single class period
- ER can be used with individual, small group, or
whole class
93Essential Resources Components
- Two easels
- Teaching in individual or small group
- Easel Activity Display develops concepts and
skills through the use of representations,
structured discussions, and specific activities. - Manual
- Contains several hundred masters for guided
independent practice - Contains images from easel to produce
transparencies or use with a computer.
94KM-3 Essential Resources
- ASSIST links directly to recommended
instructional materials based on the students
KeyMath-3 DA results - OR material can be used independently,
incorporating these engaging activities into a
teaching program - Conveniently organized for easy browsing
95Essential Resources Steps
- Obtain recommended lessons from the Diagnostic
Assessment results - Review for appropriateness for the student
- Administer Readiness assessment
- Teach the specific lesson with Guided practice
sheets - Student completes Independent practice
- Administer Review assessment
- If needed, re-teach lesson with variations
- Administer Mastery assessment
96KM-3 Essential Resources
- Targeted materials to build a customized
instructional program for your student - Over 400 Lessons with activities per level
- Over 200 guided and nearly 450 independent
worksheets per level - Nearly 150 assessments per level including
readiness, review, mastery and alternative - Progress Monitoring Report one for each of the
10 content strands
97KM-3 Essential Resources
- Automatically highlights recommended lessons
based on DA results
98KM-3 Essential Resources
- Conveniently preview thumbnails of all material
99Easel Teacher Display
- Convenient teaching easel
- Reverse side of Student Display
- Specific Instructions
100Student Display
Engaging graphics Easel or CD for use with small
or large groups Clip-ins transparent and opaque
101Guided Practice
- Used during the lesson tied to lesson display
- Available on CD print as many as you need
102Independent Practice
- Used by students during class time, after school
or as homework - Reduced verbal load from the guided practice
103Readiness Assessment
- Available at the cluster level
- Determine whether the student has the
pre-requisites needed to learn the lesson you are
about to teach
104Review Assessment
- Available at the cluster level
- Determine whether the student has mastered the
105Mastery Assessment
- Similar to the
- review assessment
- Useful when re-teaching the lesson is necessary
106Alternative Assessment
- Useful with students who are unable to take
traditional assessments.
107Progress Monitoring
- Record for each of the 10 content strands
- Monitor individual student progress with KM3 ER
assessments as you move through the lessons - Monitor progress and determine any needed
adjustments to student instructional plan
108Progress Monitoring
- Track student performance over time
- Determine possible adjustments to education plan
109KeyMath3 RTI
Additional diagnostic assessment with
KeyMath3 Interventions from Essential
Resources May include Special Education
KeyMath3 Diagnostic Assessment for
students not responding to Tier 1
interventions KeyMath3 Essential Resources
Lessons specified by DA results Track progress
using Cluster Review Mastery assessments in
ER Retest with DA after 3 months
Math screening for all students (such as BASI,
GMADE or PASeries)
Schema adapted from Michelle Windmueller