Title: Nerve function'
1Chapter 11
Lecture 28 pages 641-654
2The function of nerves relies on various features
that control the action potential.
3Myelination increases the speed and efficiency of
action potential propagation.
Glial cells (diagrammed in red) surrounding the
axon produce an electrical insulation rich in
glycolipids. Nodes of Ranvier
located at regular intervals are openings in the
insulation where Na channels are concentrated.
Influx of Na at one node results in
depolarization at the next node due to the rapid
diffusion of Na in the cytoplasm. This triggers
an action potential that leads to
rapid depolarization of the next node.
The action potential jumps from node to node
by a process called saltatory conduction.
4- The threshold potential required to initiate an
action potential is affected by inhibitory and
excitatory neurotransmitters acting upon distinct
transmitter-gated (ligand-gated) ion channels. - Excitatory neurotransmitters open ligand-gated
ion channels that depolarize the membrane towards
the threshold potential. - Acetylcholine, glutamate and serotonin open
distinct cation channels that allow influx of
Na. - Inhibitory neurotransmitters open ligand-gated
ion channels that resist depolarization of the
membrane towards the threshold potential. - Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine open
distinct Cl- channels. - Psychoactive Drugs alter specific ligand-gated
ion channels.
5To understand the action of neurotransmitters,
begin by considering the resting state of a cell.
6The graph shows the impact that opening different
channels will have on the membrane potential.
Recall that channels transport ions much faster
than carrier proteins so the ATPases below are
insignificant when considering what happens when
channels are opened.
7A single nerve cell combines the excitatory and
inhibitory signals received from numerous other
neurons to control the frequency with which
action potentials are generated.
The presynaptic terminals are derived from
numerous other neurons. Ligand-gated ion
channels are concentrated at the synapses on the
postsynaptic cell (colored yellowish-brown). Some
of the presynaptic neurons make synapses that are
excitatory and others make synapses are
inhibitory. Neurotransmitters released into each
synapse will generate a postsynaptic potential
(PSP). The voltage-gated Na channels are
concentrated at the axon hillock. An action
potential is initiated at the axon hillock when
the sum of excitatory and inhibitory PSP
depolarize the axon hillock to the threshold
8- Additional channels located in the axon hillock
fine tune the control of action potentials. - Voltage-gated K channels that open after opening
of the voltage-gated Na channels accelerate the
repolarization of the membrane so the action
potentials fire with high frequency. Rapid
repolarization of the membrane is necessary
because Na channels can not initiate a second
action potential until they have been reset by
the polarized membrane. - 2. Voltage-gated Ca channels and Ca -
activated K channels provide an adaptive
response that desensitizes a nerve. - Voltage-gated Ca channels open briefly when
there is an action potential allowing influx of
Ca. - Repeated action potentials cause a buildup in
cytoplasmic Ca. - Ca causes opening of Ca - activated K
channels. - Efflux of K inhibits depolarization to the
threshold potential.
9The keys to understanding the behavior of the
nerve is to remember 1. Relative distributions
of Na, K, Cl-, and Ca. 2. The resting
potential is negative on the inside and positive
on the outside. 3. Will the movement of a
particular ion promote or inhibit depolarization
of the membrane to the threshold required for an
action potential?
10The neuromuscular junction is an example of how
the action potential from the nerve triggers a
response in another cell.
111. When the action potential reaches the end of
the axon, it triggers opening of voltage-gated
Ca channels. Influx of Ca triggers the
release of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine,
into the synaptic cleft. 2. Acetylcholine binds
the acetylcholine-gated cation channel - influx
of Na begins to depolarize the muscle
membrane. 3. At a threshold, many voltage-gated
Na channels open to generate an action
potential. 4 5. The action potential causes
opening of voltage-gated Ca channels in the
plasma membrane and gated Ca release channels
located in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Increase
in cytoplasmic Ca triggers contraction by
associating with a Ca binding protein.