Title: Anatomy of a Commercial Lease
1Anatomy of a Commercial Lease
- Presented by
- Jim Chynoweth, SIOR, CCIM
- Trudy Jones, CCIM, SIOR
2Date of the Lease
- Necessary for legal and practical reasons
- Does Lease date have to be the date signed?
- Specify using correct legal names
- Is the party a corporation?
- In what state? Are they legal in yours?
- LLC -Partnership?
- Guarantor?
- Spouse?
- Describe accurately
- physical address
- legal description
- demised premises vs. building
- supplement with exhibits
- Parking - in common or designated
- What are the common areas?
5Tenant Improvements
- As Is
- Construction
- New building construction
- Premises construction
- Renovation of existing space
- Paint carpet
- Who pays, what is the tenant getting?
- Should the Tenant do their own TIs?
- Start and finish
- Occupancy date
- Rent commencement
- Term commencement
- Termination date
- Number of years, months, days
- Delay in commencement date?
7Term (Delay in Commencement)
- What could cause a delay in possession?
- New construction
- Tenant improvements
- Prior tenant
- Force majeure
- Remedies
- Financial
- Right to terminate
- What is the effect on lease dates?
8What are the common lease types?
- Variables (taxes, insurance CAM)
- Full Service
- Gross
- Disgusting
- Net
- Triple Net
- Absolut
9What are the common lease types?
- Variables (taxes, insurance CAM)
- Full Service
- Gross
- Disgusting
- Net
- Triple Net
- Absolute
- Base rent vs. additional rent
- How much? When? Method? Where?
- Total payable over term of Lease
- Interest on late payments
- Grace period
- Effective rent
- Escalators
11Rent (Escalators)
- Fixed vs. indexed
- Frequency
- Issues involved
- Full or partial
- Cap
- Which index
- Base index
- Simple vs. compounded
12Rent (Additional Rent - Taxes)
- Who pays?
- Who pays increases?
- Who pays for special assessment district taxes?
- Inventory taxes?
- Tax deposits
13Rent (Additional Rent - CAM)
Common area maintenance Common area
utilities Water/Sewer/Refuse Janitorial Security M
anagement fees Ground lease Uninsured losses
(under) Penalties, fines, late fees
Financing fees TIs on other space Remodel
costs Brokerage fees, marketing Legal
fees Executive salaries Employee
benefits Reserves Capital Expenses
14How are charges allocated?
- Square footage
- They arent
- Use
15When are charges allocated?
- As incurred
- In initial face rate
- Fixed (with or without escalator)
- Increase over expense stop
- Increase over base year
- Estimated net charge with year end reconciliation
16Use Provisions
- Specify what is permitted
- Limitations on certain uses
- Change in use via sublease
- Compliance with law
- Hazardous substances
- Quiet Enjoyment
17Tenants Maintenance
- Obligations
- Service contracts
- Limitations
- Landlords right to inspect
- Normal wear tear
18Landlords Maintenance
- Obligations
- Time frame
- Multi-tenant building
19Security Deposit
- What type of tenant should make one?
- Why does the Landlord want one?
- How much?
- Security deposit as prepaid rent?
- Interest?
- Alternatives
20Assignment Subletting
22Assignment Subletting
- Landlords approval - reasonable or unreasonable
- Tenant remains liable
- Conditions for Landlords approval
- Should Landlord be entitled to share in profits?
Determination of profits
23Assignment Subletting (Cont)
- Landlords right to recapture space
- Options and future rights personal to original
Tenant or transferable? - Corporate mergers, acquisitions, transfers change
in ownership
24Environmental Issues
- Pre-existing condition, how do you define?
- During term of Lease
- Caused by Tenants use
- Who is responsible for actions of third parties?
- After expiration of Lease
- Right to inspect, at whose cost?
- Tenants utilization of premises during
25Eminent Domain/ Condemnation
- Probability?
- Partial taking
- Who receives award?
- Who is required to pay for restoration?
- Amount of rent reduction (area vs. utility)
- Does the Lease continue?
- At what point could Tenant cancel?
26Eminent Domain/ Condemnation
- Total taking
- Lease ends upon taking
- Who is entitled to proceeds?
- Landlords viewpoint
- Tenants viewpoint
27Alterations and Additions
- When must Tenant get approval in writing?
- Is Landlord obligated to give approval for
structural or exterior alterations? - Restoration- Landlords option to keep
alterations or have Tenant remove. - Workmanship
28Alterations and Additions (cont)
- Lien waivers - bonds - indemnities
- Statutory changes and compliance with law who
pays to comply with ADA, sprinkler, etc. - Signage - limitations, who pays, where can Tenant
29Tenants Default
- Events of default
- Non-payment of rent
- Non-performance of covenants and obligations
- Misrepresentation
- Vacating or abandoning premises
- Bankruptcy or assignment for creditors
- Repeated defaults
30Landlord Remedies
- Remedies
- Right to repossess (vs. obligation to mitigate)
- Right to terminate
- Right to accelerate
- Injunction
- Right to hold Tenant responsible for costs
- Right to sue for damages
- Landlord lien
- Forcible entry and detainer
31Tenants Remedies (Landlord Default)
- Self-help
- Right to offset against rent
- Cancellation clauses
- Right to sue
- Constructive eviction
32Landlords Rights
- Inspect and make repairs, additions alterations
- Enter to redecorate and remodel if Tenant vacates
- Show premises to purchasers, mortgagees and
prospective tenants - Place for sale or for rent signs
- Right to cure
- Types
- Renewal/extension
- Expansion
- Cancellation-full or partial
- Right to purchase
- In what circumstances does Tenant benefit?
- In what circumstances does Landlord benefit?
34Options (cont)
- Option vs. right of first refusal vs. right of
first offer vs. best efforts - Rental calculations
- Agreed price
- CPI adjustments
- Fair market - how determined?
- Notice provisions
- Identify broker(s) and who pays commission
- Indemnify other party against claims of other
brokers - What about payment on options?
- Identify agency relationship
36Surrender/ Holding Over
- Condition of premises on surrender
- Tenancy type on holdovers
- Specify month-to-month, year-to-year or other
- Notice required to cancel
- Rent the same double what is fair?
- Damages - direct and indirect
- Who provides?
- Which ones?
- Separately metered vs. flat fee vs. charge
- Off hours charges
- Does tenant pay for their share of common area
utility charges?
- Subordination
- Tenants rights shall follow (be inferior to)
lenders rights - Non-Disturbance
- Tenants right to continue to occupy and perform
under the terms of the Lease - Attornment
- Tenant agrees to recognize purchaser at
foreclosure sale as new landlord and continue to
perform under lease
39Miscellaneous Section
- Tenants statements/ Estoppel certificates
- Covenants binding on successors
- Lenders requirements
- Memorandum of Lease
- Execution of lease by Landlord
- Tenants authorization
- Notices
- Notarization
- Attesting signatures
- Witnessing
- Corporate resolutions
- Apparent authority
41Thats All Folks