Title: Selected Childhood Disorders
1Selected Childhood Disorders
- Jeff Baker, Ph.D.Wendi M. Hirsch, Ph.D.Jennifer
Yates, M.A.
- Mental Retardation
- Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- Learning Disabilities
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
3Definition of Mental Retardation
- Significantly subaverage intellectual functioning
before age 18 - Existing concurrently with related limitations in
2 or more of the following adaptive skill areas
- communication
- self-care
- home living
- social skills
- community use
- self-direction
- health and safety
- functional academics
- leisure
- work
4Prevalence of Mental Retardation
- 2-3 of the population
- 1.2-2 of all newborns are potentially MR, but
the severe usually die - .37 of the adult population is severely mentally
retarded - more males than females
- Down Syndrome about 1/3 of MR
- 4/5 (80) of all MR persons function in the mild
to moderate range
5What is intellectual functioning?
- ability to take and maintain a definite direction
- capacity to make adaptations to attain a desired
end - global capacity of the individual to act
purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal
effectively with the environment
6IQ is something measured by an intelligence test
- Scores lower than 2 standard deviations from the
mean - Verbal and Nonverbal (Performance) IQ
- Full Scale IQ
7Measures of Intelligence
- Wechsler Scales
- for preschoolers Wechsler Preschool and Primary
Scales of Intelligence (WPPSI) - for ages 6-16 Wechsler Intelligence Scales for
Children (WISC) - for adults Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
(WAIS) - Stanford-Binet
- Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC)
- Tests of Nonverbal Intelligence (TONI)
8Measures of Adaptive Behavior
- Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
- Adaptive Behavior Scales of the American
Association of Mental Deficiency
9Classification of Intelligence
- 130-160 Very superior
- 120-129 Superior
- 110-119 High Average
- 90-109 Average
- 80-89 Low Average
- 70-79 Borderline MR
- 55-70 Mild MR
- 35-55 Moderate MR
- 25-35 Severe MR
- Below 25 Profound MR
10Etiology of Mental Retardation
- Infections and Intoxication
- Trauma or Physical Agent
- Metabolism or Nutrition
- Chromosomal Abnormality/Syndrome
- Environmental Influences
- Unknown
11What will make you suspect MR?
- not doing well in school
- often overactive and inattentive
- often uncoordinated
- social problems
- compliant child not following directions
- delays in developmental milestones
12Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- Severe and pervasive disturbances in several
areas of development - reciprocal social interaction skills
- communication skills
- stereotyped interests and/or behaviors
- impairments are distinctly deviant compared to
the individuals developmental and mental age - generally evident in first three years of life
13Types of PDD
- Autism
- marked impairments in social interactions (no
reciprocity) - marked impairments in communication (receptive
and expressive) - repetitive patterns of stereotyped movements,
interests, behaviors - delays have onset before 3 years
- usually mentally retarded, but some have normal
intelligence - Asperger Syndrome
- social impairments (including restricted
interests and behaviors) - stereotyped movements, behaviors, and interests
- no significant language or cognitive delay
- Rett Syndrome
- normal development before 6 months
- steady decline of functioning consistent with
encephalopathy - loss of speech
- apraxic gait
- psychomotor retardation
- only known to occur in girls
- shortened life span
- progressive muscle deterioration
- probably a metabolism disorder - genetic basis
- PDD-NOS or PDD-other
15Learning Disabilities
- A marked deficit in ability to learn in a
specific area - Discrepancy between the individuals intellect
and performance in specific area(s) (ability gt
16Type of Learning Disability
- Dyslexia reading, spelling, written language,
oral communication - Nonverbal learning disability
- visual perceptual deficits
- developmental coordination disorder
17Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- A disorder of behavior regulation
- starting
- maintaining
- stopping
18Typical ADHD presentation
- difficulties sustaining attention, easily
distracted - poor impulse control
- hyperactive behavior (may or may not be present)
- symptoms must be present prior to the age of 7
- more common in boys