1EXAFSPAK a program suite for analysis of X-ray
absorption spectroscopic data.
Graham N. George
2EXAFSPAK a portable, easy to use analysis code.
- First written in Fortran and VAX Macro-11
assembler between 1983 and 1986 to run on a VAX
VMS system. - Modern code consists of a mixture of ANSI Fortran
and C. - Simple terminal-based user interface.
Incorporated several modern ideas device
independent graphics (virtual address space). - Modern version of code uses X Windows graphics.
- Designed to be quick when interface was first
designed we counted keystrokes
3EXAFSPAK Portability
- Operating Systems
- Windows
- Mac OS-X
- Linux
- Irix
- Solaris
- Ultrix
- Tru-64 Unix
- And others
4EXAFSPAK Internals
- EXAFSPAK contains little or no third party code
(Many modern programs use code borrowed from
others.). - EXAFS refinement routines use analytical
derivatives (not numerical ones). - Makes refinement robust (usually).
5EXAFSPAK Curve-fitting
- Stable refinement can refine minor EXAFS
Nickel(II) oxide (NiO) first-shell k-space
EXAFS refinement in presence of intense
outer-shell EXAFS.
6EXAFSPAK programs
- MLIST list information on raw data files.
- MVIEW viewing raw data.
- MCALIB energy calibration.
- MAVE average data.
- PROCESS data reduction.
- OPT curve-fitting analysis.
- Feff interface single scattering and multiple
scattering. - DATFIT least-squares fitting near-edge (and
other) data - EDG_FIT pseudo Voigt deconvolution of
near-edge spectra. - PCA principal component analysis.
- TARGET target tranformation.
- MULDAT generalized plotting (figures etc.)
- Plus a number of other more minor programs (e.g.
MDEAD) for more specialized needs.
- Flexible command line interface.
- Header search functions supported.
gtmlist /array DHOASE-K101A_014.001 DHOASE-K101A_0
14.001 Hamster DHOase K101A variant.
8.5K ---------------------------------------- Labe
l Index Array --------------
-------------------------- rtc
1 Requested Energy
2 Achieved Energy 3 I
0 - 2 4 - 6 LYTLE
8 9 FF
1 - 30 10 - 39 ICR
1 - 30 40 - 69 ------------------------------
---------- gt
gtmview/num10-39/den4 DHOASE-K101A_014.001
gtmview/num10-39/den4 DHOASE-K101A_014.001
gtmview /help Usage mview FILES
OPTIONS Options /abscissaltarggt
/coloursltarggt /cursors /denominatorltarggt
/deviceltarggt /dumb /help /highlight
/logfileltarggt /noline /normalize
/numeratorltarggt /pointsltarggt
/recoverltarggt /routeltarggt /sumdata
/takelog /writeltarggt /xmaximumltarggt
/xminimumltarggt /xwindowsltarggt
/ymaximumltarggt /yminimumltarggt Options can be
denoted by "-option" or "/option" gt
- Generates averaged data file .ave file
- Options
- Removal and weighting of individual array
positions. - detector dead-time correction.
- independent calibration of individual scans.
Main data reduction program.
14OPT EXAFS curve-fitting.
15Helpful features Keystroke files
gtprocess/logfirstsession.log dhoase-k101a.ave
records every keystroke and mouse action in the
specified log file.
gtprocess/recfirstsession.log dhoase-ds2a.ave
replays every keystroke and mouse action in the
specified log file using a different input file
(useful for performing identical analysis on lots
of data). Scripts are available to work up large
numbers of files.