Title: The General ARIMAp,d,qP,D,QS models
1The General ARIMA(p,d,q)(P,D,Q)S models
? The Model is
? where
is an appropriate pre-differencing transformation
Do not need pre-differencing transformation
Yt Original Data
2Example ARIMA(0,1,1)(0,0,1)12 model
Yt Original Data
? The Model is
Zt Yt Yt-1
? where
Mean (Zt)
3General Theoretical ACF and PACF of ARIMA
Multiplicative Seasonal Models with L (length of
seasonal period).
4Example Theoretical ACF and PACF of ARIMA
Multiplicative Seasonal Models with 12 (length of
seasonal period).
5Theoretically of ACF and PACF of The
Multiplicative Moving Average Model or
ARIMA(0,0,1)(0,0,1)12 or MA(1)(1)12
The model
Zt ? at
?1 at-1 ? ?1 at-12 ?1.?1 at-13 , where ?
? ? Stationarity condition ?1 lt 1 and ?1 lt
Theoretically of ACF
Theoretically of PACF
Dies Down at the nonseasonal and seasonal level
6Simulation example of ACF and PACF of The
Multiplicative Moving Average Model or MA(1)(1)12
Has spike only at lag 1 (cuts off)
Has spike only at lag 12 (cuts off)
Dies down at non seasonal lags
Dies down at seasonal lags
7Theoretically of ACF and PACF of The
Multiplicative Autore-gressive Model or
ARIMA(1,0,0)(1,0,0)12 or AR(1)(1)12
The model
Zt ?
?1 Zt-1 ?1 Zt-12 ? ?1.?1 Zt-13 at ?
Stationarity condition ?1 lt 1 and ?1 lt 1
Theoretically of ACF
Theoretically of PACF
Cuts off at the lag 1 nonseasonal and lag 12
seasonal level
Dies Down at the nonseasonal and seasonal level
8Simulation example of ACF and PACF of The
Multiplicative Moving Average Model or AR(1)(1)12
Dies down at non seasonal lags
Dies down at seasonal lags
Has spike only at lag 1 (cuts off)
Has spike only at lag 12 (cuts off)