Title: Philip Cateora: the books orientation
1Philip Cateora the books orientation
- an environmental approach
- (meaning what?)
- the study of foreign (marketing) environments and
their influence on the marketing process
2International ComparisonsCOMPARING WHAT?
Canadian retailing
Japanese retailing
- Compare relationships
- marketing/environment
- rather than comparing marketing systems directly
4Global Awarenesssensibilité - compréhension -
- objectivity
- tolerance of cultural differences
- knowledge of
- cultures
- history
- market potentials in key regional and global
markets - major economic, social and political trends
5Marketingdomestic - international - global
- domestic firm operates within its national
environment with a vision based on this
environment - its local reality - international involves several countries and
environments - an adjustment process? (or simple
extension - standardization?) - global based on universal vision with global
strategies that ignore local environments -
global segments
6Summary of different markets in world trade
- services vs products (nature of goods traded)
- manufactured goods (production stage)
- intermediate (components)
- finished goods
- natural resources (commodities)
- trade dyad (partners)
- intra-firm
- other business-to-business
- consumers
7Marketing Concepta definition
- organize firms marketing efforts around customer
satisfaction so as to maximize profits - using the marketing instruments available (4 Ps)
- insuring customer access by promoting permanent
and durable channel relationships
8Marketing Concept in Global Context
- what changes?
- need explicit knowledge about environment
- (our intuition, experience less useful?)
- review definition of customer needs?
- degree of channel control ?
- importance of contacts, relationships, guanxi ?
9Marketing tasks controllable - non-controllable
(voir Exh. 1-3, p. 8)
- controllable
- marketing mix
- strategies
- non-controllable
- competition (entirely non-controllable?)
- political / legal variables environment economic
(macro, income, interest rates..) - demography
- distribution / geography / culture (?)
10Self-Reference Criterion (SRC)
- subconscious reference to our own values,
experiences and knowledge as we seek to interpret
our observations in a foreign environment - key dimensions
- personal space
- concept of time
- nature of visits / contacts
- (more about this later)
- cf. egocentrism
11Marketing Relativism objectivity or
subjectivity ?
- marketing strategies and judgements based on
experience - this experience est interpreted by the marketing
specialist or manager in terms of his values (
that is, his culture) - another expression of ethnocentricity
12Strategic Concepts in International Marketing
- Ethnocentric
- extension of domestic practices to foreign
markets - domestic market establishes standard
- Polycentric
- concept of multiple domestic markets
- a country-by-country approach with different
strategies for each country - Regio- et Geo-centric
- regional or global approach
- world seen as one unified (or unifiable) market