Army Values Brief - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Army Values Brief


Contributes to esprit de corps and morale. Gives confidence to others around you ... 'You can buy a man's time; you can buy a man's physical presence at a given place; ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Army Values Brief

Army Values Brief
Presentation by Cadet Hartley Cadet
Ashcroft Cadet Barton
Army Values Loyalty Duty Respect Selfless
Service Honor Integrity Personal Courage
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Army Values Loyalty Bear true faith
and allegiance to the Constitution, the Army,
your unit, and other Soldiers
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Why is loyalty important to us?
  • Strengthens our cause or mission
  • Contributes to esprit de corps and morale
  • Gives confidence to others around you
  • Gives stability to relationships (ie. family)
  • Encourages devotion to our country

Quote from GE Chairman
You can buy a mans time you can buy a mans
physical presence at a given place you can even
buy a measured number of skilled muscular motions
per hour or day. But you cannot buy enthusiasm
you cannot buy initiative you cannot buy
loyalty you cannot buy devotion of hearts, minds
and souls. You have to earn these things.
(Clarence Francis)
Army Values Duty Fulfill your obligations
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The US Army Officers Oath
I, __________, do solemnly swear that I will
support and defend the Constitution of the United
States against all enemies, foreign and domestic
that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the
same that I will obey the orders of the
President of the United States, that I make this
obligation freely, without any mental reservation
or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and
faithfully discharge the duties of this office
upon which I am about to enter, so help me God.
When does Duty kick in?
  • When the task is undesirable
  • When the task is hard
  • When the person to be saved or helped lacks the
    Army values
  • When the risk is high

Army Values Respect Treat people as they
should be treated
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Respect addresses
  • Racial Discrimination
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Religious Prejudice
  • Fair treatment of all soldiers
  • One FamilyOne Team

No Racial Discrimination
  • Examples Slavery Civil Rights Ethnic jokes
  • Films Glory Tuskegee Airmen
  • We fought a war to stop this
  • I have a dream that my four children will one
    day live in a nation where they will not be
    judged by the color of their skin but by the
    content of their character. (Martin Luther King)

No Sexual Harassment
  • Examples Tailhook Scandal Aberdeen Proving
  • Must go further than just no harassment
  • Courtesy and respect for others
  • Language, stories/jokes, magazines, T-shirts or
    screen-savers with dirty pictures or slogans
  • We are going into a mixed gender world
  • Show Respect

No Religious Prejudice
  • Examples Holocaust Saddam Hussein against
    Kurds Kosovo Serbs Muslims
  • Need to show respect for all
  • Dont make fun of other peoples religion
  • Watch your jokes and language other soldiers or
    co-workers may find it offensive

How to encourage Respect
  • Dont tolerate prejudice around you
  • Challenge sub-ordinates
  • Be a good example
  • Tolerate others beliefs as long as they arent

Army Values Selfless Service Put the welfare
of the Nation, the Army, and your subordinates
before your own
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The Golden Rule(s)
  • Do unto others as you would have others do unto
    you (Luke 631)
  • Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but
    with humility of mind let each of you regard one
    another as more important than himself do not
    merely look out for your own personal interests,
    but also for the interests of others.
    (Philippians 23-4)

How are your values formed?
  • Self we become the determining factor can lead
    to being selfish rather than selfless
  • Society often takes the lowest common
    denominator as the base relative
  • God or Religious Belief System gives an
    absolute basis to or values system
  • Who comes first? Remember to be Selfless!

Army Values Honor Live up to all the Army
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  • The pride that comes from fulfilling all the Army
  • To hold oneself and our unit in high regard
  • Say what you mean and do what you say
  • Follow-through!

Army Values Integrity Do whats right,
legally and morally
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Definition of Integrity
Being honest when nobody is looking even
though it might not be to ones personal advantage
What are some dangers of lack of integrity?
  • Defective equipment
  • Untrained or under-trained soldiers
  • Lack of confidence in leadership
  • Others?

Army Values Personal Courage Face fear,
danger, or adversity, (physical or moral)
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What is personal courage?
  • The ability to overcome fear and cowardice
  • Comes in two forms
  • Physical often most noticed
  • Moral often most needed
  • Our constitution was made only for a moral and
    religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the
    soul of any other. (John Adams)

Army Values Quiz
  • To face fear, danger or adversity is called
  • Saying the Pledge of Allegiance is an example
    of     a. honor     b. personal courage     c.
    selfless service
  • 3. Duty means to fulfill your __________.
  • 4. Respect DOES NOT address which of the
  • a. Sexual Harassment
  • b. Religious Prejudice
  • c. Stereotyping
  • d. Racial Discrimination
  • 5. Lying to protect a comrade is an example of
    integrity.       True     or     False

6. List one of the three ways our values are
formed. 7. Selfless Service is to put the
welfare of the ________, the Army, and your
subordinates before your own. 8. Write the
answer that DOES NOT belong Loyalty is to
bear true faith and allegiance to a. The
Army b. Your Family c. The
Constitution d. Other Soldiers 9. ________
is to treat others how they should be
treated 10. What are the two forms of personal
Quiz Answers
  • Personal Courage
  • (A) Honor
  • Obligations/Responsibilities
  • (C) Stereotyping
  • False
  • 6. Self or Society or Religious Beliefs
  • 7. Nation
  • 8. (B) Your Family
  • 9. Respect
  • 10. Physical and Moral
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