Martin Landau as Judah Rosenthal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Martin Landau as Judah Rosenthal


... choice to make a commercial film to fund a pet project mirrors Hollywood reality. ... For the most part, they do not have the traditional Hollywood 'happy ending. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Martin Landau as Judah Rosenthal

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Martin Landau as Judah Rosenthal
  • Successful and respected eye doctor, wealthy
    lifestyle, loving wife and children.
  • He is weak, a liar and a cheat.
  • His affair with a flight attendant makes him feel
    young and happy again but threatens to ruin his
  • Why does Allen choose eye doctor for Judahs
  • Because it is ironic that a morally blind man
    helps others to see better!
  • Should Allen have cast someone else? What if this
    role were played by a more attractive actor? Brad
    Pitt, for example? Would we be more willing to
    root for him?

Woody Allen as Cliff
  • Woody Allens choice to make a commercial film to
    fund a pet project mirrors Hollywood reality.
  • Though he is married, he falls in love with Mia
    Farrow, pursues her, and sabotages her
    relationships with others all to compensate for
    his loveless marriage.
  • Cliff is like most of Allens portrayals a
    romantic misfit who is perpetually perplexed by
    women's propensity for choosing better-looking,
    wealthier, more sensible men. His fear of
    rejection further undermines his plays for
    romantic love.

Mia Farrow as Halley Reed
  • Bright, educated, witty, PBS producer.
  • Though she is divorced and is being pursued by
    Alan Aldas character, Lester, Cliff works to
    keep them apart. Why?
  • She must choose between a struggling intellectual
    soul-mate and a powerful Hollywood mogul.
  • Who would you choose? Why?

The Rabbi, the Professor, and the Aunt
  • What is the Rabbis purpose in the film?
  • He represents one view of moralitythe Godly
    moral compass.
  • Why is the Rabbi blind?
  • Allens pointand one that recurs in his
    picturesis that God has abandoned us. We are
    doomed to short desperate lives filled with
    violence, selfishness and moral confusion.
  • What does the professor represent?
  • He illustrates moral relativismthat the best we
    can do is determine for ourselves what is right
    and wrong.
  • What does Judahs Aunt May represent?
  • She represents the third option nihilism or a
    might makes right view of morality.
  • The picture is an illustration of how we are all
    faced with these options every day in every
    decision we make particularly the big ones.

  • The characters played by Martin Landau and
    Angelica Huston have been locked in a two-year,
    fatal attraction, adulterous relationship.
  • Cliff would like to have an affair with Halley.
  • Is adultery wrong?
  • If so, how do we know its wrong? Because God
    tells us its wrong? Because we couldnt live
    with ourselves if we did it? Why do so many
    married persons have affairs?

  • As with The Godfather, we confront the issue of
    lawlessnessspecifically murderas practiced by
    the mafia.
  • The film asks the question Could I live with
    the knowledge that I had murdered someone. Could
    I live a normal life with a career, friends, and
  • The reason nearly all of us do not commit murder
    is because we answer no to this question. If we
    answered yes, society would break down.
  • Did George Eastman answer no to the question
    once he got out on the lake with Alice Tripp in A
    Place in the Sun?
  • Why do we choose not to murder? Because God
    forbids it?

  • The point of Allens films is not to focus on
    what happens to the characters but instead on how
    and what decisions they reach.
  • Allen starkly blends humor and tragedy in dealing
    with the subjects of murder, romance, suicide,
    and pathos.
  • Virtue (true love, honest work) is punished and
    evil (murder, vanity, fame, and fortune) is
  • The film is about whether justice, goodness, and
    happiness are possible in a godless (liberal,
    secular, postmodern) world. Why doesnt nihilism
    rein or does it? How do we create meaning from
    the nothingness of life?

Does Art Imitate Life or Life Imitate Art?
  • Most critics argue that Allen either consciously
    or subconsciously alludes to his current
    real-life troubles in whatever film he is making
    at the time.
  • Crimes And Misdemeanors was made three years
    before the Allen-Farrow split.
  • Are there signs in the film that reflect reality
    and presage the break-up?
  • Farrow (who had married 50-year old Frank Sinatra
    when she was 21) later accused Allen of abusing
    their adopted daughter Dyan and Allen admitted a
    romantic liaison with her adopted
    daughterSoon-Yi Previnfrom a previous
    relationship with pianist Andre Previn. Farrow
    claimed that she discovered the affair by finding
    nude photographs of Soon-Yi taken by Allen in his
    apartment. Soon-Yi was 22 at the time of the
    revelations. She and Allen married in 1997 and
    have two adopted daughters.
  • The film
  • Cliff is in a loveless marriage.
  • He falls in love with an unobtainable woman.
  • He is obsessed with hanging around his
    14-year-old niece and they have adult
    conversations and do adult activities such as
    watching 1940s films.
  • Coincidence?

Conclusion Wither Woody?
  • Why are Allens films largely ignored by the
    American movie-going public?
  • For the most part, they do not have the
    traditional Hollywood happy ending. Instead,
    characters are resolved to the consequences of
    their lives.
  • They are character, dialogue-driven stories of
    flawed individuals. There are no superheroes or
  • Therefore, while Allens films can teach us a
    great deal about relationships and the human
    condition, no one is watching

  • Ebert, Roger, Crimes and Misdemeanors,, October 13, 1989.
  • Grant, Judith, Morality and Liberal Legal
    Culture, in Jonn Denvir, ed., Legal Reelism
    (Urbana, IL University of Illinois Press,
  • Hicks, Chris, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Deseret
    Morning News, November 3, 1989.
  • Kempley, Rita, Crimes and Misdemeanors,
    Washington Post, October 13, 1989.
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