Title: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
1Source http//www.art.com/asp/sp-asp/_/pd--102199
2Charlie and theChocolate Factory
- Name Toshiki Tanigawa
- Date of Presentation Friday, October 14, 2005
- Source The Japan Times, September 16, 2005, p.
3- Overview of My Presentation
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Background Information (BI)
- 3. Questions and Answers about BI
- 4. Five Comprehension Questions
- 5. My Opinion
- 6. Self-evaluation
42 BackgroundInformation
5Overview of Background Information
- 1. Reputation
- 2. Characters
- Pia, Survey on September 10. (Source Pia, Tokyo
Pia co.,ltd, September.22, 2005 No.1118, p. 14) - No.1 for PremierDay
- Goo, Survey on October 6. (Source
http//movie.goo.ne.jp/ranking/boxoffice/) - No.1 for 4 weeks
- Oricon Survey on October 6. (Source
7sc2term1pre1) - No.1 for 4 weeks
7Source http//www.wallpaper.net.au/wallpaper_movi
8Source http//www.wallpaper.net.au/wallpaper_movi
9Source http//www.wallpaper.net.au/wallpaper_movi
10Source http//www.wallpaper.net.au/wallpaper_movi
11Source http//www.wallpaper.net.au/wallpaper_movi
123 Questions and Answers on BI
134 FiveComprehensionQuestions
14- Question 1
- What are Tim Burton's 4 best movies ?
Answer 1 They are Ed Wood, Sleepy Hollow,
Edward Scissorhands, and"Corpse Bride."
15- Question2
- Who is the leading actor of the Charie and the
Chocolate Factory" and who acts the character?
Answer 2 Charlie Bucket is the leading actor and
Freddie Highmore plays the role.
16- Question 3
- Who are the 5 winners of Wonka's Golden Tickets.
Answer 3 They are Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt,
Violet Beauregarde, Mike Teavee and Charlie
17- Question 4
- What was the journalist ( Giovanni Fazio )
reminded of, when he watched Willy Wonka and his
factory of theme park rides and candy in the
Answer 4 He was reminded of Michael Jackson and
18Source http//entertainment.tv.yahoo.com/shop?da
19- Question 5
- How Willy Wonka looks like in appearance?
Answer 5 He dresses a red velvet jacket with a
fringe haircut under a black top hat, and way too
much makeup.
20Source http//www.art.com/asp/sp-asp/_/pd--102199
215 My Opinion
- This is a very very good movie.
- So, Go Watch It!!
22- 1. Reputation
- 2. Characters
- 3. Experience
23Source http//www.wallpaper.net.au/wallpaper_movi
24Source http//movies.yahoo.co.jp/product/5c/f2/32
25Source http//www.wallpaper.net.au/wallpaper_movi
26- 1. Reputation
- 2. Characters
- 3. Experience
27- This is a very very good movie.
- So, Go Watch It!!
286 Self-evaluationof My Presentation