Title: Interface between competition and consumers
1Interface between competition and consumers
- Louise Sylvan
- Australian Competition and
- Consumer Commission
2Victorian Consumer Affairs Council
- Professor Brunt served 10 years, 3 as chair
- Inquiry into Deceptive Trade Practices Law
- the deficiencies are so patently obvious that
they can be quickly summarized and the relevant
provisions of the Act dismissed A totally new
legislative approach should be pursued.
3Interface Competition and Consumers
- Generally complimentary policies
- Can be in conflict
- Competition policy concerned with supply side
consumer policy concerned with demand side both
consumer protection and consumer empowerment
4Competition Consumer Interface
- Consumers not only benefit from competition,
they activate it, and one of the purposes of
consumer protection law is to ensure they are in
a position to do so. - Ron Bannerman
5Economics for the Demand Side
- Outcomes for consumers in markets
- Consumer behaviour in markets
- Transaction costs (search and switching),
information asymmetries - Cognitive biases studied in behavioural
90 of drivers believe and say they are better
than average drivers
7Confirmation bias
With permission from Platinum Asset Management
Only 3 fat
97 fat free
9Loss Aversion
LOSS 500!
Gain 500!
10Heuristic simplification (rules of thumb)
Hmmm a 10 commission upfront on this product!
No point in this fine print planner disclosure
stuff. I can trust George he knew my father!
11Decision paralysis Choice overload
Good lord how do you decide??!!
What a good range of choice!
NOW 1,295
NOW 1,295
13Power of Defaults
14Time Variant Preferences
Today I promise Ill pay it off when the credit
card bill arrives
One month later Well maybe Ill pay it off next
15Behavioural Economics Policy Implications
- Market deregulation
- Importance of default bias
- Importance of enabling choice confusopoly
problem - Importance of endowment issues
- Financial sector markets
- Importance of contexts for decisions
- Importance of defaults
- Importance of hyperbolic discounting
16Equilibrium with Naïve Consumers