Title: EPSRC Funding Opportunities
1EPSRC Funding Opportunities Peer Review
- Dr Tracy Hanlon
- University Interface Manager
- tracy.hanlon_at_epsrc.ac.uk
- 01793 444464
- 14th November 2006
2University Interface Manager (UIM)
- Convene panels
- Work with
- Process teams,
- APMs and PMs
- Proposers
- Special scheme contact
- Scheme evaluations
- Internal projects
- Training
- University briefs
- contact for research
- offices, University
- Managers, academics
- Provide data and
- information on
- best practice
4Support for Research Responsive Mode Grants
- About 65 of research grants through RM
- No closing dates
- Any topic in EPSRCs remit
- Research direction decided by applicant
- Primary assessment criterion is quality
- Includes First Grants, Overseas Travel Grants
5Support for Research Responsive Mode Grants
- Can apply for
- Staff (Research, Technician, Others, Visiting
Researchers, Fellows, Project Students) - Travel Subsistence
- Consumables
- Equipment
- Investigators
- Facilities Services
- Estates Indirect Costs
6Responsive Mode -Joint Research Councils/MoD
- MoD will part fund proposals of defence relevance
judged to be of high scientific merit through
peer review - Proposers must discuss proposals with MoD staff
in advance of applying - Guidance to applicant and topics of interest at
www.dstl.gov.uk under technology transfer
7Support for Research Targeted Mode Grants
- Approx 35 is managed
- For research in a particular subject area
- Proposal must meet certain criteria to be
considered against the call - Assessment criteria will be given
- Fixed closing date, often an outline stage
- Latest calls for proposals at www.epsrc.ac.uk
- Sign up for an automatic email alert!
8Support for Education and Training
- Doctoral Training Accounts (DTAs)
- Based on research grant income
- Collaborative Training Account (CTAs)
- Engineering Doctorate, Masters Training Packages,
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, Industrial CASE,
Research Assistants Industrial Secondment, CASE
for New Academics - Research Grants
- Project Students
9Supporting New Academics - First Grant Scheme
changes today!!!
- New academics first application
- Research Fellows supported externally may now be
eligible organisation must support as permanent
academic staff (check website for details) - Within 36 months of appointment or until end of
probation period, whichever is longer - Should still be within 10yrs of PhD
- Upper limit removed (trial period 1 year)
- Previously 250k
10Supporting New Academics First Grant Scheme
- At RM panel ranked with other First Grants
- Standard form with Case for Support
- Co-investigators must be different discipline
- Describe plans for developing research careers
- Host organisation statement describing dedicated
support to the new academic - Important part of peer review of FG
- Invited resubmissions (panel only)
- High quality, but element needs revising
- 3 months to resubmit
11Supporting New Academics - CNA
- CASE for New Academics
- CASE Co-operative Awards in Science
Engineering. - New academics build links with company through
co-supervision of a CASE student. - Academics appointed within the last two years
looking to supervise their first EPSRC
studentship - Project agreed between company academic partner
- Student spends at least 3 months with company
- Awards are non-competitive
12Supporting Collaboration - Networks
- UK based networks link research groups
industrial organisations - To develop new collaborations
- Overseas partners can be included
- No funding limit, but for a max of 3 years
- Demonstrate added value of EPSRC funding
- Support for PI one Co-I (not participants),
TS, Administration
13International Collaboration Overseas Travel
- To recognised centres abroad
- Develop future collaborations
- Study new techniques
- Visit labs to gauge the state of the art
- Not for Conference attendance
- Supports PI salary, TS
- Allow at least 12 weeks to process
14International Collaboration Visiting
- Visits by scientists or engineers of acknowledged
standing - To applicants institution to provide advice
assistance - In research fields in which the visitor is
eminent - In introducing new techniques developments
- In connection with specific research projects
- Funds for salary, TS
- Max 12 months per individual
- Via RM - either in its own right, or as part of a
larger project
15Supporting World Leading Groups - Platform
- Aim to provide world leading groups with
- continuity of funding for key staff,
- opportunity to undertake short term adventurous
research - enhanced national and international networking
- Staff-centric
- Up to 5 years, 80-140 man-months of staff time
- Specifically in Engineering, Materials, ICT
- Support for Research/technical staff, travel,
16Supporting Individuals EPSRC Fellowships
- Fellowship schemes focus on different stages of
- an academic career
- Postdoctoral Fellowships
- New researchers who have recently
- completed a PhD
- Advanced Research Fellowships
- Researchers with 3 to 10 yrs postdoc experience
- Senior Research Fellowships
- Established researchers of international repute
17Supporting Individuals Post Doctoral
- Enable outstanding young researchers to establish
an independent research career - Available in
- Maths (at least 7 per year)
- Theoretical Physics (up to 6)
- Theoretical Computer Science (1M invested)
- Engineering (8, jointly supported by the Royal
Academy of Eng) - Life Sciences Interface (up to 12) up to half
total duration spent overseas - Full time research for 3 years, engineering 5
years - No nationality restrictions
18 Supporting Individuals Advanced Research
- Prestigious awards for outstanding young
researchers - Expectation of establishing an independent
research career of international standing - Full time research for up to 5 years
- 50 awarded annually
- No nationality restrictions
- Permanent and non-permanent eligible
- Applicants can apply for a research costs at the
same time
19 Supporting Individuals Senior Research
- Prestigious awards for outstanding academics of
international repute - very best of UK research - Full time research for up to 5 years
- Up to 6 awards expected
- Ambassadorial role
- Senior-lecturer/reader/professorial level
- History of exceptional research
- Established international reputation
- Currently at UK institution
20Supporting Public Engagement - PPE Awards
- Partnerships for Public Engagement
- Set up to support EPSRCs objective of
communicating with the public - Researchers seek partnerships to communicate
challenge excitement of their research to the
public. - Examples interactive exhibits, media
partnerships, videos - Submit anytime, two panels per year
- PI/Co-I holds/has held EPSRC grant research
being promoted in EPSRC remit
21You want to apply
- If unsure, check eligibility and remit
- Check Je-S access
- Look at how to apply on website, also
- Call documents, FAQs, referee forms
- Speak to Head of Department
- Speak to Central Admin about costings
- Check if any internal procedures to follow
- Speak to project partners (Letters of Support)
- Start preparations well in advance of deadline
- If in doubt, ask
- Do not miss the deadline!!!!
22Standard Paperwork
- Application form
- Case for Support (max 8 sides A4)
- Candidates track record (2 sides)
- Proposed Research (6 sides)
- Diagrammatic Workplan (one side A4)
- Justification of Resources (one side A4)
- Where applicable
- CV (max 2 sides A4, each) for named researchers
Visiting Researchers - Letters of Support from any project partners
- Quotes for equipment
23Case for Support referees view
- Look at referee assessment form
- Convey your excitement about the research
- Communicate novelty timeliness
- Must convince refs they are the experts!
- Be clear about the objectives and management
issues (especially multidisciplinary) - Provide a good, clear and concise work-plan
- Justify your resources properly
- Dont expect referees/panel members to read links
all relevant info must be in Case for Support
24Who are the referees?
- At least one applicant-nominated referee.
- Usually two College referees (more for
multidisciplinary and large proposals). - Looking for a balance of referees reflecting the
content of the proposal. - Use of industrialists / overseas.
25Who selects them?- Associate Programme Manager
- Knowledge of research areas and the communities
- Identifies scientific content/takes ownership of
proposals - Identifies any potential interest from other
- EPSRC staff review referee report progress
- how many have replied?
- are they good reports?
- have we covered the expertise?
- do we need to add more?
- need 3, but sometimes more reply!
- APM review of referee comments.
- Are at least two strongly supportive?
- If not, proposal is sifted out (and applicants
may resubmit in six months).
27Applicants Response
- Referees comments sent to applicants 1 month
before panel - Applicants may provide response (one side of A4)
- Positive Referee Reports - still need to be read
carefully - Unsupportive Referee Reports need careful
consideration before responding - Address specifics avoiding aggressive or
dismissive responses - Not waste the opportunity to clarify issues
28 Applicants Response
- A key input into the decision process
- Panels place great emphasis on the usefulness and
quality of the response - Lack of response to key issues can cause concern
were referees right? - Lack of suitable response to key issues may lead
to a lower ranking of a really good proposal
29What does a panel do?
- The role of the Panel is
- To generate a rank ordered list of proposals in
priority order for funding - Primary criterion quality of research
- Using
- referee assessments
- applicants responses
- technical assessments from facilities
30Panel Members Who are they?
- Typically 8-12 members, drawn primarily from the
EPSRC College. - Selected by APMs to ensure coverage across all
applications. - Carry over of one or two members from a previous
31Specific Individuals
- Chair Person (non-EPSRC)
- Leads the meeting.
- Introduces speakers.
- Ensures fair discussion.
- Enforces panel guidelines.
- EPSRC Convenor
- Ensures due process is followed.
- Record decisions.
- Communicates any specific feedback to PI.
32 Panel Process
- Speakers
- Two assigned per proposal
- highlight important issues identified by the
referees, and how well the applicant has
responded. - note discrepancies between referees comments.
- agree a score on a scale 10 (high) - 1 (low).
- Panel
- review and fine tune ranking through further
33Panel Guidelines
- Panel members should
- judge applications as written the programme of
work should not be changed. - not re-referee applications
- not change the resources on applications
- Panel Members must
- declare conflicts of interest
- keep panel discussion and papers confidential.
34Case for Support panel view
- Panel has a lot of paperwork!
- Clear title, objectives and summary
- Get members who are not speaking to application
interested - Make it easy to read!
- Limit technical jargon where possible
- Explain acronyms on first usage
- Remember the nature of the panel membership not
all experts in your research
35Tips for Interviews?
- Read and follow guidance sent with invitation
- Arrive early
- You are often given interview panel membership
look them up - Predict likely questions
- Be aware of context of your research
- Practice presentation and interview
- Ask for advice if something is unclear
36Hints and Tips
- Read all information carefully relating to the
scheme - Scheme guidance on web, or
- Call documents
- FAQs
- Je-S system help
- Funding guide (cost headings, terms conditions)
- Bear in mind the assessment criteria
- Look at referees assessment form
37Hints and Tips
- Show your proposal to a more experienced
colleague - Generalist can be helpful too
- Only include relevant letters of support
- Justify the resources requested
- Deadline? Then
- Submit application well in advance to allow for
internal procedures - Begin preparation early
38In Summary
- www.epsrc.ac.uk for
- Information about funding opportunities
- Details of current Calls for proposals, sign up
for email alerts - Advice on writing a proposal how to apply
- Links to Je-S, funding guide, forms, latest news
- Information about Programmes
- Staff contact details its all on there!
39Thank you for your attention Any questions?