Title: Whats New in System'Data
1Whats New in System.Data
- The Common Programming Model
- The Schema Discovery API
- Enhancements to the DataSet class
- SQL Server-specific enhancements
3ADO.NET 2.0 goals
- ADO.NET 2.0 evolves without revolutions
- People like ADO.NET the way it is )
- Just upgrade your code will work
- Changes for performance scalability
- DataSet and DataTable enhanced
- Provider-independent API
- Integration with SQL Server 2005
4Common programming model
5Factory Class Hierarchy
IDb interfaces (e.g. IDbConnection)
Provider-Independent apps code to this layer
Db abstract base classes (e.g. DbConnection)
DbBase implementation classes
Provider-specific apps code to this layer
3rd Party 1
3rd Party 2
6Common Provider Classes
- In System.Data.Common namespace
- for example
7Using a Provider Factory
- Import the Required Namespace
- using System.Data.Common
- Create the Factory Instance
- static DbProviderFactory factory
DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("provider-name") - Create Required Object Instances
- DbConnection con factory.CreateConnection()
- DbCommand cmd con.CreateCommand()
8Provider Enumeration
- Each provider has an invariant name
- for example "System.Data.SqlClient",
"System.Data.OracleClient" - Get a List of Installed Provider Factories
- DataTable dt DbProviderFactories.GetFactoryClass
es() - DbProviderFactory factory DbProviderFactories.Ge
tFactory(dt.Rowsx) - ... or ...
- DbProviderFactory factory DbProviderFactories.Ge
tFactory( dt.Select("InvariantName'System.Data.Sq
lClient'") 0"InvariantName".ToString())
9When Should I Use It?
- An OPTION only
- Designed for tool and IDE suppliers
- Connection string details depends on database
type - Parameter names depend on provider type
- Performance
- No layer of overhead
- Create factory once and reuse
- Otherwise equal Performance
- the base class is returned from factory object
10Schema Discovery API
11Schema Discovery API
- Get a List of Schemas
- DataTable dt conn.GetSchema("MetaDataCollections
") - Get a Specific Schema
- DataTable dt conn.GetSchema("collection-name")
- Get Selected Details from a Schema
- DataTable dt conn.GetSchema("collection-name",
12Schema Selection
GetSchema("collection-name", restrictionsx)
13Some Metadata Collections
restriction that can be used for selecting items
14DataSet enhancements
15DataSet Serialization in .NET 1.1
- DataSets serialize through DiffGram scripts
SoapFormatter BinaryFormatter CompactFormatter
16DataSet Serialization in .NET 2.0
- Binary Serialization of Contents
- V 1.x DataSet always serialized to XML
- good for data interchange, bad for performance
- Binary serialization an option in V 2.0
- fast and compact, especially as row counts
increase - just set DataSet.RemotingFormat
SerializationFormat.Binary - Internal Indexing of Rows
- Inserts and deletes are log-n
- Updates almost constant
17Binary vs XML Serialization
Up to 80 x faster for large DataSets!
18Loading a DataSet
- DataAdapter enhancements
- DataAdapter.FillLoadOption and AcceptChangesDuring
Update properties - DataSet.Load method
- Load(DataReader , load-option , tables-array)
- optionally can use FillErrorEventHandler event to
trap errors
19The LoadOption Enumeration
- Used by Load and Merge methods
- what happens when loading a row with same key
- ds.Merge(loadoption, preservechanges)
- use preservechangesTrue for overwriting original
values but not current values - the LoadOption enumeration helps to support other
scenarios - e.g. merging data from a different DB or from
20The LoadOption enumeration
- PreserveCurrentValues (default)
- overwrites original values, keeps current values
- good to resync with original DB after a conflict
- UpdateCurrentValues
- overwrites current values, keeps original ones
- good to read data from DB without losing original
data loaded in the dataset - OverwriteRow
- overwrites both values, sets the row as unchanged
21The LoadOption Enumeration
22Stand-alone DataTable Instances
- Common DataSet operations now also available on
DataTable - ReadXml, ReadXmlSchema, WriteXml, WriteXmlSchema,
Clear, Clone, Copy, Merge - DataTable is now auto-serializable
- return a DataTable instance from a Web Service or
via Remoting
23Loading and Using a DataTable
- DataAdapter.Fill(DataTable)
- DataAdapter.Fill(DataTable )
- and more, including subsets of rows
- DataAdapter.Update(DataTable)
- DataTable.Load(DataReader , load-option ,
FillErrorEventHandler) - new methods BeginLoadData, Load, EndLoadData
- DataTable.GetDataReader method
- stream data from a DataTable
24DataSet Load Performance
Using LoadDataRow API
3 times as fast for 100,000 rows - and even
better with more!
25More New Features
- RowState values are now updateable
- New methods DataRow.SetAdded and
DataRow.SetModified - use Delete and AcceptChanges/RejectChanges for
other states - DataTable.GetDataReader method
- returns a DataTableReader
- you can specify which tables to include
- DataView.ToTable method
- filtering and sorting, can include only a subset
of columns - dt dv.ToTable(tableName, boolDistinct,
26Batched Updates
- DataSet updates are normally processed one by one
- Batching reduces network round-trips
- DataAdapter.UpdateBatchSize batch_size
- Works inside transactions
- Works with SQL Server 7.0, 2000, 2005
- Also available for OracleClient classes
- Minor limitations
- max 2000 parameters
- maxrows 2000 / paramsper row
- optimal numrows 100-500 rows
27XML Data Types in a DataSet
- The DataTable accepts columns of data-type 'xml'
- type is System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml
- in Beta 2 defaults to a String unless
DataAdapter.UseProviderSpecificType true - exposed as an XPathDocument instance
- can also be accessed via an XmlReader
- makes it easier to work with XML as a document
rather than a rowset of values - maintains fidelity of the XML content
28User-Defined Types in a DataSet
- Populate DataSet with SQL or Stored Procedure
- Update with SQL Statement or Stored Procedure
- create the Command and Parameters
- param da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add
("_at_name",SqlDbType.Udt) - param.UdtTypeName "type-name"
- param.SourceColumn "column-name"
- or can use a SqlCommandBuilder
- use timestamp column for conflict resolution
- otherwise UDT conflicts will not be detected
29SqlClient enhancements
30Asynchronous Commands
- Ideal for multiple database queries
- Usual Beginxxx and Endxxx model
- Supports Polling, Wait and Callback models
- Catching asynchronous execution errors
- Should not generally be used with MARS
- use a separate connection for each Command
- Add "asynctrue" to connection string
- Doesnt work on Win9x and ME clients
31Synchronous Latency
Rowset 1
Database1 Latency 3 secs
Rowset 2
Database2 Latency 8 secs
Rowset 3
Database3 Latency 5 secs
Total time until all three displays filled
16 secs
3 secs
11 secs
32Asynchronous Execution
Database1 Latency 3 secs
Rowset 1
Database2 Latency 8 secs
Rowset 2
Rowset 3
Database3 Latency 5 secs
8 secs
Total time until all three displays filled
33Asynchronous Polling Model
- Start asynchronous command execution
- IAsyncResult result MyCommand.BeginExecuteReader
() - Wait until execution is complete
- while (! result.IsCompleted)
- // execute other code here
- Fetch results
- SqlDataReader reader MyCommand.EndExecuteReader(
result )
34Asynchronous Wait (All) Model
- Start one or more asynchronous commands
- IAsyncResult resultx MyCommand.BeginExecuteReade
r() - Wait for all commands to complete
- WaitHandle.WaitAll(new WaitHandle
result1.AsyncWaitHandle, result2.AsyncWaitHandle,
result3.AsyncWaitHandle, timeout-ms, true) - Fetch results
- SqlDataReader reader MyCommand.EndExecuteReader(
resultx) - Ideal for ASP.NET Web applications
35Asynchronous Wait (Any) Model
- Start one or more asynchronous commands as an
array of IAsyncResult instances - IAsyncResult resultx MyCommand.BeginExecuteReade
r() - Wait for each command to complete
- for(int i0 i lt result_array.Length, i)
- index WaitHandle.WaitAny(result_array,
- timeout, true)
- switch(index)
- case 0 SqlDataReader reader
- MyCommand.EndExecuteReader(resultx)
- ...etc...
36Asynchronous Callback Model
- Start execution, specifying callback and passing
command as the AsyncState - MyCommand.BeginExecuteReader(new
AsyncCallback(MyCallback), cmd) - Provide a callback handler
- void MyCallback(IAsyncResult result)
- SqlCommand cmd
- (SqlCommand) result.AsyncState
- SqlDataReader reader
- cmd.EndExecuteReader(result)
37Catching Timeouts and Errors
- For the WaitOne and WaitAll methods
- use try/catch around each "End" method
- For the WaitAny method
- return value is equal to timeout value
- When using the Callback model
- use try/catch around "End" method
38More SqlClient enhancements
- Connection-level statistics
- StatisticsEnabled property
- RetrieveStatistics method (return IDictionary)
- ResetStatistics method
- AttachDbFileName in connection string
- must be absolute path in ADO.NET 1.x
- can be a relative path in ADO.NET 2.0
- great to support SQL Server 2005 Express (MSDE)
39Enhancements for SQL Server 2005
40Multiple Active ResultSets (MARS)
- Opening a second cursorless resultset on the
same connection - ADO opens a new connection behind the scenes
- ADO.NET 1.x throws an exception
- Fully supported in ADO.NET 2.0 SQL Server 2005
- required changes in network libraries
- commands on same connection share the same
41SqlDependency class
- ADO.NET 2.0 SqlDependency class tracks
dependencies on query results - Built on SQL Server 2005 Query Notifications
- or Notifications Service for SQL 2000
- Query Notifications add-in available
- Wraps the low-level SqlNotificationRequest type
- Doesnt require an open connection
- Dont use with many clients
- all would refresh data at the same time
SqlCommand cmd cmd new SqlCommand("SELECT
FROM Authors", conn) SqlDependency dep new
SqlDependency(cmd) dep.OnChanged new
OnChangedEventHandler(OnDepChanged) cmd.ExecuteRe
42ASP.NET Cache Dependency
- SqlCacheDependency is ASP.NET-specific wrapper
that work with SQL Server 7.0 and 2000 too - invalidates data in the Cache based on table (not
query!) changes - Enable notifications for required tables
- Create triggers to handle incoming statements
- Command-line tool (aspnet_regsql) or methods of
// SELECT WHERE countryUSA ? trigger also
for UK SqlCacheDependency dep dep new
SqlCacheDependency(database, table) Cache.Insert(
"MyData", dataSet, dep)
43Notifications SqlDependency
- Cache the data and then be notified when ANYTHING
happens that would give a different result if the
query was re-executed - Uses SQL Server 2005 Query Notifications
- bind SqlDependency to Command and execute it
- fully integrated with ASP.NET as well
- Notifications Service for SQL 2000
- Query Notifications add-in available
44Support for new data types
- ADO.NET 2.0 supports SQL Server 2005 XML native
data type, user-defined types - SqlXml and SqlUdt in System.Data.SqlTypes
- also supported by SqlParameter
- DataReader returns UDTs and XML data
- GetValue and GetString, respectively
- the new SqlMetaData type can return extended
properties - XML schema collection for XML type
- database name of a UDT
45The XML Data Type
- SQL Server 2005 provides an XML database and
schema repository - XML data-typing and indexing are supported for
XML columns - XML data type can be used in T-SQL
- when inserting and selecting data
- when querying and updating data
46Using the XML Data Type
- Accessing XML data from ADO.NET
- reading XML with a DataReader
- updating XML with a SQL statement
- XML Data Manipulation Language
- XML DML allows updates to the data within XML
columns using T-SQL - functions include modify(), insert(), delete(),
replace(), column() and value()
47XML DML Queries
- Methods of the "xml" data type within SQL Server
- Query the data in an XML column to get individual
values without retrieving all of it - Manipulate the data in an XML column without
retrieving any of it - Example
- UPDATE table SET xml-column.modify('
- replace value of (/root/element)index
- with "new-value"')
- WHERE column-name criteria
48Password changing
- SQL Server 2005 supports password expiration
- requires Windows Server 2003
- the ChangePassword method of the SqlConnection
type - you shouldnt hard-code the password in the
connection string (a sound practice anyway) - store in config file in encrypted format
49What else?
50Promotable Transactions
- Automatic promotion of local transactions into
distributed ones - Uses TransactionContext
- Fully integrated with the classes in
System.Transactions namespace - Works with transactions started in SQL Server
2005 CLR code - Context flows even if you start in-proc
- Don't promote single RM transactions
51Auto-promoting a Transaction
- Initialize the transaction scope
- TransactionScope scope
- new TransactionScope
- (TransactionScopeOptions.RequiresNew)
- Create a connection and do work
- Do not enrol - uses a local transaction
- Create second connection and do work
- transaction auto-promoted to distributed
- Vote to commit or rollback
- scope.Consistent truefalse
- Dispose of transaction when complete
- scope.Dispose()
- OLEDB lacks a standard trace mode
- makes it harder to solve OLEDB and ADO problems
- ADO.NET 2.0 traces every API call
- similar to ODBC tracing
- all Microsoft providers are instrumented
- open standard for 3rd party provider writers
- DataSet has built-in diagnostics too
53Support for untrusted apps
- in ADO.NET 1.1 only the SQL Server provider can
be used in partially-trusted apps - in ADO.NET 2.0 all four Microsoft providers are
supported in this scenario - necessary for ClickOnce deployment
- Must be enabled from .NET configuration panel
54Other ADO.NET 2.0 enhancements
- Doesnt depend on MDAC
- Better error handling and clearer error messages
- Better control on connection pooling (SqlClient
and OracleClient) - SqlConnection.ClearPool clears a specific pool
- SqlConnection.ClearPools clears all the pools in
an appdomain
55Even more for SQL Server 2005
- Support for snapshot isolation level
- Transparent support for client failover
- when the a SQL Server instance fails and work is
shifted to the backup (witness) instance
- Understood how to use the Common Programming
Model to write provider-independent code - Explored the use of the Schema Discovery API to
examine the schema and structure of databases - Reviewed the enhancements to the DataSet class
that provide better performance and increased