Title: Our Captivated Hearts
1Our Captivated Hearts
2Our Captivated Hearts
Worshiping the LORD in Spirit and Truth
3The true worshipers shall worship the Father in
Spirit . . .
4The true worshipers shall worship the Father in
Spirit and in truth for the Father seeketh such
to worship him. John 423
5Our Captivated Hearts
6Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you
will worship the Father neither on this mountain
nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you
do not know we worship what we do know, for
salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming
and has now come when the true worshipers will
worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they
are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God
is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in
spirit and in truth. John 423,24
Our Captivated Hearts
7Songs in the Night -- August 15
WORSHIP in Spirit and in truth does not apply
simply to prayer, praise, supplication, and
thanksgiving. It goes deeper than all these
and takes hold upon the affections, upon the
heart, and hence signifies not an act of
worship but rather a life of worship--a life in
which, through the begetting of the Spirit and
the knowledge of the divine plan, the individual
becomes so at one with God and so in unison with
the law of God and all the features of the plan
of God that it is, in the words of our Lord, his
meat and his drink to do the Father's will. . . .
Our Captivated Hearts
8This is worship in Spirit and in truth. It will
find its expression in bended knee and in orderly
and reverential demeanor in approach to God in
personal prayer, in family prayer and in company
with the household of faith, and it will find its
expression also in all the acts and words of life
9The captivated heart will seek to bring very
talent of the body into complete subjection to
the will of God and of Christ. The whole of this
is the worship which God seeketh and, surely,
only those who are thus captivated to the Lord in
heart, and who serve him in Spirit and in truth
and endeavor to have his will done in their
hearts, words, and conduct are in the full sense
the true worshipers whom the Lord seeketh the
little flock, the faithful royal priesthood.
R 2071
Our Captivated Hearts
10The Beauty of Holiness Hymn 267 So let our
daily lives express? The beauties of true
holiness?So let the Christian graces
shine,?That all may know the pow'r divine. Let
love and faith and hope and joy?Be pure, and
free from sin's alloy?Let Christ's sweet spirit
reign within,?And grace subdue the pow'r of
sin. Our Father, God, to thee we raise?Our
prayer for help to tread thy ways--?For wisdom,
patience, love and light,?For grace to speak and
act aright
Our Captivated Hearts
11There is a difference between saying one's
prayers and praying. In prayer, we should have
some definite request before our minds, in order
that we may look intelligently for an answer.
R 5203 March 1913
12The children of God are not to "say prayers,"
they are to pray. There is much formal
prayermuch saying of prayerswhich do not get
higher than the head of the one who repeats the
words. R5835 January 1916
Our Captivated Hearts
13 FORMAL PRAYER "I often say my
prayers But do I always pray? And
do the wishes of my heart Go with the
words I say? I may as well kneel down
And worship gods of stone, As offer
to the living God A prayer of words
alone For words without the heart
The Lord will never hear, Nor will He
to those lips attend Whose prayers are
not sincere." Reprint page 5205
Our Captivated Hearts
14We Worship Thee Hymn 221
O Saviour, precious Saviour,Whom yet unseen we
loveO name of might and favor,All other names
above! We worship thee! we bless thee!To thee
alone we sing!We praise thee and confess
theeOur Saviour and our King.
Our Captivated Hearts
15We Worship Thee Hymn 221
O bringer of Salvation,Who wondrously hast
wrought,Thyself a revelationOf love beyond our
thought. We worship thee! we bless thee!To thee
alone we sing!We praise thee and confess
theeOur Saviour and our King.
Our Captivated Hearts
16We Worship Thee Hymn 221
In thee all fulness dwelleth,All grace and pow'r
divineThe glory that excelleth,O Son of God,
is thine. We worship thee! we bless thee!To
thee alone we sing!We praise thee and confess
theeOur Saviour and our King.
Our Captivated Hearts
17We Worship Thee Hymn 221
O, grant the consummationOf this our song,
above,In endless adorationAnd everlasting
love. Then shall we praise bless thee,Where
perfect praises ring!And evermore confess
theeOur Saviour and our King.
Our Captivated Hearts
18it is but reasonable to suppose that similarly
all down through this Gospel age many, very many,
have been hindered from proper development as
true worshipers of God, worshipers in spirit,
worshipers in every act and word and deed of
life, by the same baneful influences namely,
false doctrines, human creeds and traditions
accepted and held to as instead of the Word of
God, the true bread which comes down from
heaven. R 2709
Our Captivated Hearts
19Every error hides some truth every
misunderstanding of the character of God or of
the fundamental features of his plan of salvation
is so much to hinder men from becoming to the
fullest extent possible worshipers of God in
spirit and in truth. R 2709
Our Captivated Hearts
20each sheep should recognize as leaders only
such as are found in full accord with the voice
and spirit of the Chief Shepherd (Christ), and
the under-shepherds (the Apostles), and that each
sheep should see to it that he eats only clean
provender and drinks only pure water as
directed by the Shepherd. R2709
21During past times he the LORD did indeed
prescribe forms of worship and times and places,
but now all that come unto the Father in spirit
and in truth through Christ are
accepted. While it is most absolutely true that
forms and ceremonies are not commanded, but the
true worship of the heart, nevertheless we feel
that some still maintain too much of a
relationship to forms and ceremonies, and thus
lose much of the spiritual blessing of prayer and
communion. R 4131
Our Captivated Hearts
22 But, on the other hand, we seem to see a danger
into which some of the Lord's dear people fall,
through ignoring all regularity in prayer, and
sometimes through too little formality in
approaching the throne of heavenly grace, without
a sufficiency of humility and reverence for him
who has granted us so great a favor as to receive
us into his presence and to hearken to our
petitions. While thankful that we can call
upon the Lord in every place and at any time, let
us approach his courts with reverence, with an
awe of heart befitting to us in our humble, lowly
condition, and to him in his great exaltation.
Thus we enter into the real spirit of prayer,
which should recognize our complete dependence
and the greatness of the Almighty. R 4131
Our Captivated Hearts
23While thankful that we can call upon the Lord in
every place and at any time, let us approach his
courts with reverence, with an awe of heart
befitting to us in our humble, lowly condition,
and to him in his great exaltation. Thus we
enter into the real spirit of prayer, which
should recognize our complete dependence and the
greatness of the Almighty. R 4131
Our Captivated Hearts
24Walking With God Hymn 196 O for a closer walk
with God,To glorify his name,To let my light
shine on the roadThat leads men to the
Lamb! The dearest object I have known,Whate'er
that object be,I want to banish from thy
throne,And worship only thee. Lord, give me
grace to walk with theeThrough pain, or loss, or
shame,That ev'ry act may henceforth beAn honor
to thy name
Our Captivated Hearts
25Search me O God Search me, O God, and know this
heart of mine Try me, O Lord, may all my
thoughts, be thine. See if in me any wicked ways
do hide Cleanse all sin, that with thee I may
26Search me O God I praise Thee, Lord, for the
refining fire Fulfill Thy Promises, purge from
me all ire. Purge with hyssop, both flesh and
spirit That my worship of Thee may have no
27Search me O God Lord, take my life, and make it
wholly Thine Fill my poor heart with Thy great
love divine. Take all self will, my passion, and
my pride With my surrendered flesh now
28Our Captivated Hearts
29(No Transcript)