Title: Accounting
- Accounting Finance for BankersFinal A/cs. Of
- Ravi Ullal
- 24-o4-2008
- Partnership accounts
- Final accounts of banking companies
- Company accounts
- Balance sheet equation
- Accounting in a Computerized environment
- Introduction
- Definition
- Partnership deed
4In the absence of partnership deed/if deed is
- Profit sharing ratio Equal
- No interest on capital
- No interest on drawings
- interest_at_6 on loan given by partner
- No salary /no commission/ no remuneration
- Capital accounts under fluctuating capital method
5Methods of capital accounts
- Fixed
- Capital account-transactions relating to capital
- Current account
- Other transactions such as Interest, profit,
goodwill, past profits/losses adjustments - Fluctuating
- One account- all transactions
- Its reputation, super profit earning capacity of
a firm - Necessity
- change in profit sharing ratio
- Admission, retirement, death
- Sale of business
- Methods
- Average profit
- Super profit
- capitalization of profit
7Methods of goodwill
Average profit (AP) Super profit (SP) Capitalization of profit
AP x Multiplier SP x multiplier SP AP less NP NPnormal profit (Capitalised value) less Actual Capital
Multiplier is given Multiplier is given
- When goodwill is raised and written off
- Debit goodwill and credit old partners capital
a/c (old ratio) - Debit All partners capital a/c
- credit goodwill (new ratio)
- When goodwill is raised and written off
- Debit goodwill and credit old partners capital
a/c (old ratio) - Debit Continuing partners capital a/c credit
goodwill (new ratio)
- revaluation of assets/ liabilities,
- goodwill,
- capital adjustments,
- balance of reserves,
- past losses (if any)
- As per Act of 1932, retirement by consent,
partnership deed provision, at will by giving
proper notice - Revaluation of assets/ liabilities, goodwill,
capital adjustments, balance of reserves, past
- Let us say A and B are partners sharing profits
equally. They take C as partner with equal share.
The position will be as under - Partners Old Ratio New Ratio Loss(Sacrifice)/
- Gain
- A 1/2 1/3 1/6
- B 1/2 1/3 1/6
- C Nil 1/3 1/3
- Sacrificing Ratio Old ratio () New ratio.
- Entries to be passed for Goodwill
- 1. When the new partner pays the goodwill
privately - In this case, no entry is passed in the books
of account. - 2. When the new partner brings in his share of
goodwill and cash brought in as goodwill is
retained in the business - (a) Cash/Bank a/c Dr.
- To Goodwill a/c
- (b) Goodwill a/c Dr.
- To Old partners capital a/c
- (In old profit sharing or sacrificing ratio)
- 3. If goodwill is brought in by way of cash and
is withdrawn by old partners, then in addition to
the two entries as above, the following third
entry is passed - (a) Cash/Bank a/c Dr.
- To Goodwill a/c
- (b) Old partners capital a/c Dr.
- To Cash/bank a/c
- 4. When the new partner does not bring cash for
goodwill and goodwill is raised by the old
partners and shown as an asset in the balance
sheet - Goodwill a/c Dr.
- To Old partners capital a/c
- (In old profit sharing ratio)
- 5. When new partner does not bring cash for
goodwill but goodwill is raised and written off
immediately - (a) Goodwill a/c Dr.
- To Old partners Capital a/c
- (In old profit sharing ratio)
- (b) All partners capital a/c Dr. (including new
one) - To Goodwill a/c
- (In new profit sharing ratio)
- Let us suppose A, B, and C are partners sharing
profits and losses in the ratio of 5 3 2. A
retires and B and C agree to continue at the
ratio of 3 2. In this case, the position will
be as follows - Old Ratio New Ratio Net Gain/Loss
- A 5/10 Nil
- B 3/10 3/5 3/10 (3/5 3/10)
- C 2/10 2/5 2/10 (2/5 2/10)
- Gain ratio will be 3 2.
- (b) Let us now suppose B and C change their
ratio to 5 3 then the position will be as
follows - Old Ratio New Ratio Net Gain/Loss
- A 5/10 () 5/10 i.e 1/2
- B 3/10 5/8 13/40 (5/8 3/10)
- C 2/10 3/8 7/40 (3/8 2/10)
- Gain ratio will be 13/40 7/40 i.e. 13 7.
- A, B and C are equal partners. C dies. Goodwill
on the date of his death is Rs 90,000. Then, C s
Share 1/3 Rs 90,000 Rs 30,000 - The chart below depicts gain of the continuing
partners. - Partners Old Ratio New Ratio Gain
- A 1/3 1/2 1/6
- B 1/3 1/2 1/6
- C 1/3 Nil (1/3)
- Entries if only Cs share of goodwill is raised
for above will be - (a) Goodwill a/c Dr. Rs 30,000
- To Cs Capital a/c Rs 30,000
- (b) As Capital a/c Dr. Rs 15,000
- Bs Capital a/c Dr. Rs
15,000 - To Goodwill a/c Rs 30,000
- . The ratio in which the continuing partners
gain or benefit from the share of the retiring or
dead partner is called the Gaining Ratio. Gaining
ratio is equal to new ratio minus old ratio. - law makes no difference between a sleeping
partner and a working partner and the sleeping
partner will be equally responsible to the third
parties for all acts or omissions of a working
- A and B share profits in the ratio of 70 and 30
respectively as on 31st December 2003. C was
admitted as a partner with effect from January 1,
2004 and he brought into business Sundry Debtors
Rs 5,000 (subject to 10 provision for bad
debts), Creditors Rs 1,600 and Goodwill Rs 4,000.
He agreed to maintain his capital at Rs 20,000
for 1/5th share in the profits of the firm. - Creditors Rs 1,600 and Goodwill Rs 4,000
- Stock increased by Rs 5200, Building(Rs.26000/-)
and Truck(Rs. 17000) were increased by 10, and
other assets(Rs.7000) were decreased by Rs 800. A
Reserve for doubtful debt was created at 5 on
Debtors(Rs.14000/-). It was agreed to adjust the
Partners Capital in Profit sharing ratio(4519).
- Jan. 2004 Sundry debtors a/c Dr. 5,000
- Goodwill a/c Dr. 4,000
- Cash a/c Dr. 13,100
- (balancing figure)
- To Creditors a/c 1,600
- To Provision for bad debt 500
- To Cs capital a/c 20,000
- (Being various assets brought by C
- towards his capital recorded in books)
- Jan 2004 Stock a/c Dr. 5,200
- Truck a/c Dr. 1,700
- Building a/c Dr. 2,600
- To Revaluation a/c 9,500
- (Being increase in value of
- assets recorded)
- Revaluation a/c Dr. 1,500
- To Others Assets a/c 800
- To Provision for Doubtful Debts a/c 700
- (Being decrease in other assets
- and provision for doubtful debts recorded)
- Revaluation a/c Dr. 8,000
- (9,500 1,500)
- To As Capital a/c 5,600
- To Bs Capital a/c 2,400
- (Being profit on revaluation
- distributed in old profit sharing ratio)
- General Reserve a/c Dr. 5,400
- To As capital a/c 3,780
- To Bs capital a/c 1,620
- (Being general reserve distributed in
- old profit sharing ratio)
- Cash a/c Dr 2,600
- To As Capital a/c 1,620
- To Bs Capital a/c 980
- (Being cash brought in by old partners)
- Fill in the blanks
- (a) _________ is the value of an established
business over and above the value represented by
its tangible assets. It is also the value
attached to the super profit earning capacity of
business arising from its wide connections,
reputation and long standing in the business. - (b) _________ of a partner means joining of a
new person into an existing partnership as a
partner. - (c) _________ of a partner means that a partner
breaks off his relations with all other partners
and withdraws himself from the firm. - (d) Under the _________ capital method, all the
transactions are recorded in the capital account
only. - (e) Under the _________ capital method, two
accounts are maintained for each partner, viz.,
Current Account and Capital Account.
- State whether the following statements are True
or False - (a) If the Partnership Deed does not mention any
method of maintaining capital accounts then the
fixed capital Account Method has to be followed. - (b) if the partnership firm is following the
Fixed Capital Account Method salary payable to a
partner is credited to the partners current
account. - (c) drawings made by partners are never entered
in the Profit and Loss Appropriation Account. - (d) Old firms must have goodwill account in
their books of account. - (e) While calculating average profit of previous
years , loss incurred in one of those years is to
be ignored. - (f) The share which the new partner is entitled
to is called the Sacrifice ratio. - (g) adjustment for goodwill can be made
privately by the partners without passing any
entries in books of account. - (h) the additional share in the profits by the
continuing partners is called Gain Ratio. - (i) The deceased partner cannot be given share
in the profits till his death.
- 11) Prepare the Profit and Loss account of Modern
Bank Ltd. for the year ended 31st March, 2003,
from the following - Rs
- Interest on Fixed Deposits 1,62,410
- Rebate on Bills discounted 29,000
- Interest on Loans 45,000
- Commission Charged to Customers 62,500
- Establishment 15,000
- Discount on Bills Discounted 89,000
- Interest on Cash Credit 24,000
- Amount Charged against Current Accounts 71,500
- Directors Fees 10,000
- Audit Fees 20,000
- Postage and Telegram 2,000
- Printing and Stationery 4,000
- Rent and Taxes 22,500
- Interest on Overdrafts 71,000
- Sundry Charges 1,500
- Interest on Savings Bank Deposits 57,780
- Profit Loss Account for the year ended 31st
March 2003 - Schedule No. Rs
- I. Income
- Interest Earned 13 2,71,500
- Other Income 14 62,500
- Total 3,34,000
- II. Expenditure
- Interest Expended 15 2,20,190
- Operating Expenses 16 75,000
- Provision for Contingencies
- Total 2,95,190
- III. Profit
- Net Profit for the year 38,810
- Schedules to be annexed with Profit and Loss
Account - Schedule13 Interest Earned
- Interest on
- Loan 45,000
- Cash Credit 24,000
- Overdrafts 71,000 1,40,000
- Discount on Bills discounted 89,000
- Less Rebate on Bill Discounted 29,000 60,000
- Amount charged against current accounts
71,500 - 2,71,500
- Schedule 14 Other Income
- Commission charged to customer 62,500
- Schedule 15 Interest Expended
- Interest paid on
- Fixed Deposits 1,62,410
- Savings Bank Deposits 57,780
- 2,20,190
- Schedule 14 Other Income
- Commission charged to customer 62,500
- Schedule 15 Interest Expended
- Interest paid on
- Fixed Deposits 1,62,410
- Savings Bank Deposits 57,780
- 2,20,190
- Schedule 16 Operating Expenses
- Establishment Expenses 15,000
- Directors Fees 10,000
- Audit Fees 20,000
- Rent and Taxes 22,500
- Postage and Telegrams 2,000
- Printing and Stationery 4,000
- Sundry Expenses 1,500
- 75,000
28Joint life policy
Premium treated as expenses Premium treated as asset Premium treated as reserves
At the end of each year, premium w/o to P L A/c Each year difference between surrender value and Book value is w/o to P L A/c difference between SV and BV is w/o to Jt. Policy Reserve A/c
receipt of policy amt. Amount received is credited to partners receipt of policy amt. If amount is gt SV, the excess is credited to partners receipt of policy amt. Policy amount credited to partners
29Types of partners
- Active
- Sleeping
- Quasi
- nominal
- Definition
- Requirements Accounts audit
- Third Schedule annexed to BRA
- Form A- Balance sheet
- Form B- Profit Loss Account
- Audit
- Submission of accounts- RBI- within 3 months
- Publication of accounts- within 6 months
- Auditor-prior approval of RBI for appt/removal
31Balance sheet-Form A
Capital Liabilities Assets
1.Capital 6.Cash Bank Bal. RBI
2. Reserves surplus 7.Balances with Banks Money at call and SN
3.Deposits 8.Investments
4.Borrowings 9Advances
5 Other Liabilities Provisions 10.Fixed Assets
11.Other Assets
32Demand deposits
- Credit balances in OD and CC
- Deposits payable at call
- Overdue deposits
- In-operative current accounts
- Matured time deposits
- Matured cash certificates
- Matured certificate of deposits
33Contingent liabilities
- Schedule-12
- Claims against bank not acknowledged as debts
- Liability for partly paid shares
- Liability on account of outstanding forward
exchange contracts - Acceptances ,endorsement other obligations
- Other items for which bank is contingently
Income Interest Earned Other Income Schedule.13 Schedule.14
Expenditure Interest Expended Operating Expenses Provision for contingencies Schedule.15 Schedule.16
Profit /Loss
Appropriations Transfer to Reserves Proposed dividend Balance carried to Balance sheet
Significant Accounting Policies Schedule.17
Notes forming part of Accounts Schedule.18
36Other Income
- Profit on exchange transactions
- Profit on sale of investments
- Profit on revaluation of investments
- Profit on sale of fixed assets
- Letting of locker (income from locker charges )
- Misc. income -Godown rent
37Ponder over these points
- Govt. securities shown at book value and diff.
between MV and BV is given in the notes - If some fixed assets are w/o on revaluation of
assets/reduction of capital every B/S after wards
should. show the revised figure for next 5 yrs.
With the date amt. revised - Other fixed assets includes vehicles, furniture
and fixtures. Lockers and safe deposit vaults are
included in furniture
38Ponder over these points
- 20 to reserve fund before declaring dividend
- Gold is treated as investment
- Silver is treated as other assets
- Income from performing assets is recognized on
accrual basis while in r/o non-performing assets
it is on cash basis - In r/o NPA, if income is already recognized, then
make provision
- Asset Classification
- Performing and
- non performing ( remain out of order)
- Income Recognition
- Performing-accrual basis
- Non performing-cash basis
- Asset Classification
- Std-0.40 (revised from 0.25)
- Sub-Std.lt18 months-10
- Doubtfulgt18 months-usl-100-secured.3yrs-50,gt1lt3
-30-upto 1year-20 - Loss assets-100
Held to maturity Available for sale Held for trading
Investment should not exceed 25 of total investment Freedom available Freedom available
-no marked to market. Profit on sale treated as cap. Reserve -Marked to market -profit on sale of investment. taken to PL a/c Marked to market
To be sold within 90 days
- Features of a Joint Stock Company
- 1. Incorporated association
- A company is a registered body of individuals.
According to the Companies Act, 1956, it is
compulsory to register a joint stock company. - 2. Artificial person
- It is an artificial person created by law. It is
different from its members It can enter into
contracts, purchase and sell the properties, can
sue and be sued upon. Even a member can enter
into contract with the company. - 3. Perpetual succession
- A company has a perpetual succession. Death, or
insolvency of any shareholder does not affect
existence of the company. - 4. Common seal
- As the company is an artificial person created
by law, it cannot sign its name. So it has a
common seal on which the companys name is
engraved. The common seal is treated as companys
signature and is affixed in all important
documents and contracts as per the resolutions
passed by the Board. - 5. Limited liability
- The liability of the members of the joint stock
company is limited to the face value of shares
held by them. Companies (Amendment) Bill 2003
states that if a company, private or public,
fails to enhance its minimum paid up capital (
i.e. One Lakh rupees or Five Lakh rupees, as the
case may be) each director or manager or
shareholder will have unlimited liability. -
- 6. Separation of management from ownership
- Even though the shareholders are true owners,
they do not participate in the management of the
company. They elect their representatives known
as Board of Directors. - 7. Transferability of shares
- The shares of a company are freely transferable
subject to restrictions placed on transfer of
private limited companys shares. - 8. Separate legal status
- A company has an independent legal status and as
such, the shareholders or the owners are not
liable for the acts of the company. - 9. Large membership
- A company is owned by a large number of members.
In the case of private limited company the
minimum number of members is 2 and the maximum is
50. In the case of public limited company, the
minimum number of members is 7 and there is no
maximum limit on the number of members.
43Types of companies
On the basis of incorporation On the basis of ownership On the basis of liability
Chartered company Private company Co.limited by shares
Statutory company Public company Co. Ltd. by guarantee
Registered company Government company Co. with unlimited liability
Foreign company Holding company
-BANK - SHARE APPLICATION Debited - - credited
Over subscription -share application -share capital -bank (refund) -share allotment Debited - - - - Credited Credited Credited
Share allotment a/c Share capital a/c Debited - - Credited
Bank a/c Share allotment a/c Debited - - Credited
Share call a/c Share capital a/c Debited - - Credited
Bank a/c Share call a/c Debited - - Credited
Calls in arrears a/c Share allotment a/c Share call a/c Debited - - - Credited Credited
48Issue of shares at premium
Share application/ allotment a/c Share capital A/c Share premium A/c Debited - - - Credited Credited
49Issue of shares at discount
Share allotment A/c Discount on issue of shares A/c Share capital A/c Debited Debited - - - Credited
50Forfeiture of shares
Share capital A/c Call in arrears A/c Forfeited shares A/c Debited - - - Credited Credited
51Re-issue of shares
Bank A/c Forfeited shares A/c Share capital A/c Capital reserve A/c Debited Debited - - - - Credited Credited
52Issue of Bonus shares
Cap. Red. Reserve A/c Share premium A/c Capital reserve A/c Gen Reserve A/c Profit Loss A/c Bonus to shareholders A/c Debited Debited Debited Debited Debited - - - - - - credited
Bonus to shareholders A/c Equity share capital A/c Debited - credited
53Balance sheet equation
Capital 300.00 Fixed assets 700.00
Reserves 200.00 Current assets 300.00
Term Loans 300.00
Current Liabilities 300.00
Total 1000.00 Total 1000.00
54Balance Sheet Equation
Assets Liabilities
Assets Liabilities () Capital
Liabilities Assets (-) Capital
Capital Assets (-) Liabilities
- Assets Liabilities
- Assets Capital Liabilities
- Assets Net worth Liabilities
- Net worth Capital Reserves Surplus
- Net worth Assets Less Liabilities
56- 1. The Assets of a business are Rs.500000 and its
capital is Rs.115000. Its liabilities on that
date would be------ - Rs.615000
- rs.385000
- Rs.500000
- Rs. 115000
57B/s Equation Examples
- (1) If the net worth of the business is
Rs.1100,fixed assets are Rs. 600, current assets
Rs.400, investments Rs.300, current liabilities
Rs. Nil, what is the amount of claim to
outsiders? - Rs. 1300l
- Rs. 500
- rs.200
- Rs. Nil
- (2) Identify the wrong pair
- Outstanding expenses - Personal Account
account - Profit and Loss Account (Dr. balance)
Application of funds - net worth less reserves surplus - Balance in
P L Account - Balance sheet - Financial position
58Computerized accounting
- Computer language cobol, foxpro,unix etc
- Analog computers scientific and mech. Field
- Digital computers computerized accounting
- Data fact
- Record group of data
- Data file data records
- Select from the following , a statement which
speaks about liabilities of an entity. - The liabilities consist of claims of the owners
- The liabilities consist of claims of the owners
and outsiders - The liabilities consist of claims of the
outsiders - None of the above
- ) Sudhir had the following transactions. Use
balance sheet equations to show their effect on
his assets, liabilities and capital. - (a) Invested Rs 1,50,000 in cash.
- (b) Purchased securities for cash Rs 10,000
- (c) Purchased a building for Rs 2,00,000, giving
Rs 50,000 in cash and balance by way of a loan
from Canara Bank. - (d) Sold securities costing Rs 2,000 for Rs
3,000. - (e) Paid Salaries of Rs 2,000
- (f) Paid interest of Rs 10,000 and paid Rs
10,000 towards Canara Bank Loan - (g) Received dividend of Rs 1,000 on securities
- Point out whether the following statements are
True or False. - (a) The balance sheet represents an expansion of
the equations as - Assets Liabilities Capital.
- (b) Assets Original Capital Liabilities.
- (c) Rehman has assets of Rs 10,000 and
- liabilities of Rs 5,000. His
capital therefore - would be Rs 15000.
- (d) Assets will be equal to Capital if there are
no - liabilities of the business.
- (e) If a firm borrows a sum of money, its
capital would be - reduced.
- If the net worth of the business is Rs.500, fixed
assets are Rs. 500, current assets Rs.300,
investments Rs.300, current liabilities Rs. Nil,
what is the amount of claim to outsiders? - Rs. Nil
- Rs. 1100
- Rs.500
- Rs.600
- Select from the following a sentence which is
wrong - If assets increase and liabilities do not , the
capital will increase - If assets increase and liabilities also increase
by same sum , the capital will remain same - A reduction in the amount of assets will amount
to equivalent reduction in the net worth - An increase in the amount of assets with no
corresponding increase in liabilities will
increase the amount of capital
- The firm sells goods on credit for Rs.50000, the
cost of the goods sold is Rs.30000.The effect of
the transaction is that, the capital of the
firm----- - increases by Rs.50000
- reduces by Rs.40000
- increases by Rs. 20000
- reduces by Rs. 20000
- Mr.Ghatge commenced his business on 1st April,
2006 with Capital of Rs.1,00,000. He did good
business during the year and earned handsome
profit. At the end of 31st March, 2007, his
financial position was Fixed Assets Rs.1, 20,000
and bank balance of Rs.33000 and Creditors Rs.
17000. What was his net profit for the year
05-06? - Rs. 36000
- Rs.70000
- Rs.53000
- None of the above
- One of the pairs given below is wrong. Select the
wrong pair. - Outstanding expenses - Nominal account
- Profit and Loss Account (Dr. balance)
Application of funds - Net worth less reserves surplus - Capital
- Balance sheet - Financial position
- From the following ,find a sentence which is
false in respect of partnership - If the partnership is following the Fixed
Capital Account Method salary payable to a
partner is credited to the partners current
account - Drawings made by partners are never entered in
the Profit and Loss Appropriation Account. - In the Fluctuating Capital Account Method the
balance in the capital account always remains
the same - The capital account of a partner is required to
be opened in both the Fixed Capital Account
Method and Fluctuating Capital Account Method
- From the account given below, select the account
which is wrongly included in Profit Loss
Appropriation Account at the debit side - Drawings Account
- Partners Salary Account
- Interest on Loan Account
- Commission to Partners Account
- A and B are two partners in a firm sharing
profits and losses as 21. they admitted C as a
partner with 25 share in the profits of the
firm. Hence , the new profit sharing ratio ,
after admission of C would be ----- - 151510
- 201010
- 311
- None of the above
- Mr. Q and Mr. R were partners of a firm sharing
profit and losses in the ratio of 32. They take
S into partnership. It was agreed that S will pay
Rs.1,00,000 as his share of goodwill which will
be retained in business and also bring
Rs.3,00,000 as capital for one fourth share in
the future profits. The book value of the stock
was 41,000 but was to be revalued at Rs.50,000,
Accountant has passed following entries, but Mr.
Q feels that one of the entry is wrong. Select
the wrong entry from the following. - Debit cash and credit Goodwill for Rs.1,00,000
- Debit cash and credit Ss Capital for
Rs.3,00,000 - Debit Goodwill for Rs.1,00,000 and credit Qs
Capital by Rs. 60000 Rs Capital by Rs. 40,000 - Debit Stock and credit Profit Loss Adjustment
A/c by Rs.9,000
- In the books of ABC Enterprises, a partnership
firm, when Mr. C, a partner decided to resign
from the firm, a revaluation of assets and
liabilities was done and Revaluation account was
prepared which showed the following position At
the credit side of Revaluation Account, Stock
A/c Rs.25000, Premises A/c Rs.52000 and Creditors
A/c Rs. 8000 were shown while at debit side of
Revaluation Account, Reserve for Doubtful Debts
A/c. Rs.15000, As Capital A/c.Rs.20000, Bs
Capital A/c. Rs.20,000 and Cs Capital A/c.
Rs.20000 were shown. Accountant has interpreted
the Revaluation Account as follows. One of the
interpretations by him is incorrect. Select the
incorrect sentence. - Stock is revalued upwardly by Rs. 25000
- Creditors are revised upwardly by Rs.8000
- Premises are revised upwardly by Rs.52000
- A provision on debtors of Rs. 15,000 is made for
doubtful debts
- Read the following four journal entries which are
passed to consider revaluation of assets and
liabilities at the time of admission of a
partner. One of the journal entries is wrong,
choose the entry which is wrong. - For increase in the value of assets-Debit Asset
Account and Credit Revaluation Account. - For decrease in the value of liabilities- Debit
Liabilities Account and Credit Revaluation
Account. - For Profit on revaluation of assets and
liabilities Debit Old Partners Capital Account
in old profit sharing ratio and Credit
Revaluation Account - For decrease in the value of assets -Debit
Revaluation Account and Credit Asset Account
- In the books of ABC Enterprises, a partnership
firm, when Mr. C, a partner decided to resign
from the firm, a revaluation of assets and
liabilities was done and Revaluation account was
prepared which showed the following position At
the credit side of Revaluation Account, Stock
A/c Rs.25000, Premises A/c Rs.52000 and Creditors
A/c Rs. 8000 were shown while at debit side of
Revaluation Account, Reserve for Doubtful Debts
A/c. Rs.15000, As Capital A/c.Rs.20000, Bs
Capital A/c. Rs.20,000 and Cs Capital A/c.
Rs.20000 were shown. Accountant has interpreted
the Revaluation Account as follows. One of the
interpretations by him is incorrect. Select the
incorrect sentence. - Stock is revalued upwardly by Rs. 25000
- Creditors are revised upwardly by Rs.8000
- Premises are revised upwardly by Rs.52000
- A provision on debtors of Rs. 15,000 is made for
doubtful debts
- Select the incorrect statement in respect of
companies. - A member of a company can enter into contract
with a company - It is compulsory to register a joint stock
company - If all but one member of a private company
becomes insolvent ,it affects the existence of
the organisation - Shareholders are not liable for the acts of the
company - Select the incorrect statement
- Authorized capital is the capital with which the
company is registered - Issued capital is equal to its authorized capital
- Authorized capital, issued capital, subscribed
capital, called up capital and paid up capital
cannot be same - The amount which the company has asked its
shareholders to pay is called up capital of the
- Following are the journal during the process of
application to allotment stage . One of the
entries is wrong. Select the wrong entry. - Debit bank account and credit share application
account ( when application money is received) - Debit share application account and credit share
capital account (application transferred to
share capital account) - Debit share capital and credit share allotment
account ( for recording allotment money being
fallen due ) - Debit bank account and credit share allotment
account ( for receipt of allotment money)
- Select the incorrect statement in respect of
calls in advance - The company may accept from shareholders , the
uncalled amount on shares even before it is
fallen due - The article of association must permit such
acceptance of advance call money - Interest on calls in advance can be paid but the
maximum is upto 6 - The amount of calls in advance is part of the
paid up share capital
- Select the incorrect statement in respect of
utilization of share premium - it is used for the purpose of buy back of shares
- it used for payment of dividend in case of
inadequacy of profits - it is used for writing off preliminary expenses
- it is used for issue of fully paid bonus shares
- Mr. X was issued 100 shares of Rs.10 each. He
failed to pay call money of Rs. 5 per share. The
shares were forfeited and re-issued to Mr. Y at
Rs.9. When the entry recording the re-issue of
shares was passed in all, four accounts were
affected. The debit and credit effect of these
four accounts is given below. One of the accounts
is given wrong effect. Select that account from
the following. - Debit bank account by Rs.900
- Debit forfeited shares by Rs.500
- Credit share capital by Rs.1000
- Credit forfeited shares by Rs.400
- DT Ltd. issued shares of Rs.10 each at 10
premium, payable on application Rs.2, on
allotment Rs.3 (including premium), on first call
Rs.2 and on final call Rs.4. One of the
shareholders, applied for 100 shares but fail to
pay allotment and first call money. At this
stage, the said shares were forfeited. Select the
account which was wrongly credited. - Credit Forfeited shares Account by Rs.200
- Credit Share allotment Account by Rs.200
- Credit share premium Account by Rs.100
- Credit Share first call Account by Rs.200
- Select the source which is not valid for issue of
bonus shares - Share premium
- Revaluation reserve created by revaluation of
fixed assets - Capital reserve
- Capital redemption reserve
- The liability side of the balance sheet of ABC
International Ltd. is showing following position
Paid up share capital Rs.25 Lakh ( 25,000
shares of Rs.100 each fully paid up)Share premium
Rs.5 Lakh, Capital Reserve Rs. 3 Lakh, General
Reserve Rs. 15 Lakh and Profit Loss account Rs.
15 Lakh .It was decided to use minimum free
reserve for issue of 11 bonus shares.. The
accounts and the amount with which the account is
debited are given below in sets. One of the set
is correct. Select the same. - Share Premium Account (Rs.5 Lakh), Capital
Reserve Account ( Rs. 1 Lakh), General Reserve
Account (15 Lakh) Profit Loss Account by
Rs. 4 Lakh - Share Premium Account (Rs. Nil Lakh), Capital
Reserve Account ( Rs. Nil Lakh), General Reserve
Account (10 Lakh) Profit Loss Account by
Rs. 15 Lakh - Share Premium Account (Rs.5 Lakh), Capital
Reserve Account ( Rs. 3 Lakh), General Reserve
Account (15 Lakh) Profit Loss Account by
Rs. 2 Lakh - Share Premium Account (Rs.5 Lakh), Capital
Reserve Account ( Rs. 1 Lakh), General Reserve
Account (4 Lakh) Profit Loss Account by
Rs. 15 Lakh
- Select the incorrect statement in case of Share
Capital and Reserves and Surplus as shown in the
balance sheet. - Under share capital, the following order is
maintained Authorised capital, issued capital,
subscribed capital - The called up amount per share is indicated and
in the amount column total amount i.e. number of
shares multiplied by amount called up per share
is shown - The amount of unpaid calls is deducted from (b)
above - The amount of forfeited shares account is shown
under Reserves surplus - Select the incorrect statement in respect of form
of balance sheet of companies(Liabilities side). - sinking fund is shown under unsecured loans
- Loans from banks are grouped under the head
Secured Loans - Unclaimed Dividend is grouped under the head
current liabilities - Proposed dividend is grouped under provisions.
- Select the incorrect statement in respect of form
of balance sheet of companies ( Asset side). - Live Stock is grouped under the head current
Asset - Balance of unutilized monies raised by issue is
grouped under the head Investments - Interest paid out of capital during construction
is grouped under the head Miscellaneous
Expenditure - Vehicles are grouped under the head Fixed
- One of the accounts is wrongly debited to Profit
and Loss Appropriation A/c of a company. Name
the wrong account debited - Interim dividend
- Proposed dividend
- Provision for tax
- Capital redemption reserve
- Select the false statement in respect of assets
- a banking company is allowed to acquire assets
for its own use - a banking company is allowed to grant loans
against the security of assets belonging to its
customers - a banking company is allowed to take possession
of such assets in case of default committed by
the borrower - a banking company is not allowed to sale the
assets against the security of which it has
granted loans
- 7,8,9,10
- 8,9,10,11
- 9,10,11,12
- One of the items is a misfit in a group namely
other income of a banking company. Select this
item from the following - INCOME ON INVESTMENTS
- Depreciation on banks property is part of
Operating Expenses. Some of the items included
under this category are listed below. One of the
expenses is wrongly included. Identify that item
of expense. - depreciation on motor cars
- depreciation on stationary and stamps
- depreciation on furniture
- depreciation on non-banking assets
- The provisional requirement for standard asset
is----- - 0.40(revised) of total outstanding
- 10(revised) of total outstanding
- 40(revised) of total outstanding
- 100(revised) of total outstanding
- The investment under held to maturity should
not exceed -----of banks total investment. - 25
- 75
- 5
- None of the above
- Acceptances, endorsements and guarantees are
shown as----- - other assets
- contingent liabilities
- advances
- other liabilities and provisions
- Choose the wrong pair from the following. The
information given in the pair is pertaining to
banking companies - Reserves surplus - Share premium
- Time deposits - Matured time deposits
- Borrowings in India - Refinance from NABARD
- Other Liabilities Provisions - Inter
office/branch adjustments(net
- The name of the accounts with the coverage of
various items in building that account is given
below. One of the items covered in on of the
accounts is wrong. Select this account - Closing balance of provisions held towards NPA
- Opening Balance plus provisions made during
the year less write off of bad debts/write back
of excess provisions - Interest Earned - interest on advances plus
income on investments plus interest on deposit
with RBI plus income earned by way of dividends
from subsidiaries plus discount on bills less
unexpired discount - Reserves surplus - Opening balance plus
additions during the year less deductions during
the year - Term deposits - from banks and from Others
- Identify a pair which is mismatch from the
following pairs in respect of Company Accounts - Miscellaneous Expenditure Preliminary Expenses
- Contingent Liabilities footnote to balance
sheet - Debentures Unsecured Loans
- Outstanding Expenses Current Liabilities
- Identify a pair which is mismatch from the
following pairs in respect of Company Accounts - Miscellaneous Expenditure Preliminary Expenses
- Contingent Liabilities footnote to balance
sheet - Debentures Unsecured Loans
- Outstanding Expenses Current Liabilities
- While preparing the final accounts of the
company, the adjustments (i) to (iv) are to be
made by passing necessary entries. One of the
entries passed is wrong entry. Select the wrong
entry.(i) Provide dividend 5 of paid up share
capital (Share capital of Rs. 5,00,000 consisting
of shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid) (ii)
Insurance for unexpired period is Rs.2000 (iii) A
provision of Rs. 25,000 is to be made for income
tax (iv) a provision of Rs. 5000 is to be made
for doubtful debts - Debit Dividend by Rs.25000 Credit Bank by
Rs.25000 - Prepaid Insurance by Rs.2000 Insurance by
Rs.2000 - Debit Profit Loss Account by Rs.25,000 Credit
Provision for Tax by Rs.25,000 - Debit Profit Loss by Rs.5,000 Credit
Provision for doubtful debts by Rs.5,000
- If the partners capital accounts are fixed, where
will you record (either debit side or credit side
of which account ) the following transactions
(i) Salary payable to partner (ii) Fresh capital
introduced by a partner (iii) Drawing made by a
partner (iv) Share of profit earned by a partner.
The effect to one of the journal entries is
wrongly given. Identify that account from the
following. - Debit side of partners current account
- Credit side of partners capital account
- Debit side of partners current account
- Credit side of partners current account
- L,K and P are partners. The following differences
as listed at (i) to (iv) have arisen due to
misunderstanding. The answer to each point is
given at (a) to (d). One of the solutions is
incorrect. Identify the wrong solution. (i) L
used Rs.25,000 belonging to the firm and made a
profit of Rs.4,000. K wants the amount to be
given to the firm (ii) P used Rs.10,000
belonging to the firm and suffered a loss of Rs.
3000. He wants the firm to bear the loss (iii) L
K wishes to appoint S as new partner. P does
not agree (iv) L has given loan of Rs. 50,000 to
the firm, he wants interest at 6 ( there is no
partnership deed) - K is right .L must pay Rs.29,000 to the firm
- P is right . Firm should bear profit as well as
losses. - P is right. No new partner can be admitted
without the consent of all. - L is right. He is entitled for interest at 6 in
the absence of partnership agreement.
- A firm earns Rs.10,000 as its normal profits. The
rate of normal return being 10. The assets of
the firm amount to Rs.72,000 and liabilities to
Rs.24,000. Find out the value of goodwill. - Rs.52,000
- Rs.1,00,000
- Rs.28,000
- Nil
- If the adjustment in the values of assets at the
time of the admission of a partner shows a
profit, it should be credited to the capital
accounts of----- - The old partners in their new profit-sharing
ratio - All partners in their new profit sharing ratio
- The old partners in their old profit sharing
ratio - None of the above
- Choose the correct treatment for premium paid on
Joint Life Policy when premium paid is treated
as an expense. - Premium amount is debited to P L account every
year and when claim becomes due then to be shared
by all partners - Every year amount debited to Joint Life Policy
Account and balance is shown on asset side at
surrender value . The difference between
surrender value and premium paid is written off
to Profit and Loss account - Joint Life Policy and Joint Life reserve Account
are adjusted to bring them down to surrender
value of policy. - None of the above.