Title: Climate Change
1Climate Change and Forestry in British Columbia
Jim Snetsinger Chief Forester, BC Ministry of
Simon Fraser University March 31, 2008
- Potential scope of changes
- Implications of climate change for BC
- What are we doing to prepare
31. Potential Scope of Changes
Climate change
- IPPC 4th Assessment Report
- Warming of climate system is unequivocal
- Much due to human release of greenhouse gases
- Mean global temperature could increase
- 1.1 to 6.4?C this century
- Changes in precipitation
- Extreme weather events
4Global Mean Temperatures 1900 - 2100
Climate change
Temperature projections under IPCC emissions
mean value 1980-99
(Adapted from IPCC - Climate Change 2007 The
Physical Science Basis)
52. Implications for BC
Climate change
- BC warming more than global average
- 3 to 5?C if limited emissions reduction
- More changes in precipitation than average
- Warming greater in Northern BC
- Warming greater in winter than summer
- Warming more in interior
6BC has been warming for 100 years...
Climate change
- faster in north
- warmer winters
- - earlier springs
- - global increase
- 0.6?C
7BC mean temperatures, recent...
Climate change
8...and projected to 2080s
Climate change
9How Climate May Change
Current Predicted
Hamann and Wang. 2006
10Current symptoms
Climate change
11What to expect?
Climate change
- Changes to survival and growth rates
- Longer fire seasons
- More disturbance
- Species ranges will move north and higher
- Changes in habitats and species communities
123. What Are We Doing to Prepare?
Climate change
- Assess vulnerabilities
- Develop adaptation strategies to maintain
- ecological resilience
- range of goods and services
- Uncertainty in magnitude and timing
- Priorities may change
- Society must adapt
13Ministry of Forests and Range Climate Change
Action Team (Chief Forester)
Mitigation Initiatives
Adaptation Initiatives
Resource Opportunities
Raising awareness and building ministry capacity
Support Climate Action Secretariat
Carbon Management
Future Forest Ecosystems Initiative
Future Forest Strategy
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Support of Federal Adaptation Initiatives
14Future Forest Ecosystems Initiative
Climate change
- To adapt British Columbias forest and range
management framework to a changing climate
Desired outcomes
- Ecosystems remain resilient to stress caused by
climate change, human activity, and other
agents of change. - Ecosystems continue to provide the basic
services, products and benefits that society
depends on and values.
15FFEI Objectives (1 of 6)
Climate change
Understand the functional constraints for key
species and ecological processes to establish a
baseline of information for forecasting and
monitoring ecosystem changes.
16FFEI Objectives (2 of 6)
Climate change
Forecast how a range of climate change scenarios
might alter key species and ecological processes
over time.
17FFEI Objectives (3 of 6)
Climate change
Monitor key species and ecological processes to
detect changes over time, and determine the
agents of change.
18FFEI Objectives (4 of 6)
Climate change
Evaluate a range of existing and new approaches
to forest and range management for their ability
to maintain and enhance ecological resilience and
ecosystem services, products and benefits under
changing ecological conditions.
19FFEI Objectives (5 of 6)
Climate change
Adapt the forest and range management framework
to maintain and enhance ecological resilience and
ecosystem services, products and benefits under
changing ecological conditions.
20FFEI Objectives (6 of 6)
Climate change
Communicate knowledge gained and changes to the
forest and range management framework.
21Science-based FFEI management principles
Climate change
- Overarching principle support ecological
resilience - Improves ability of ecosystem to withstand
impacts, recover, adapt to changing conditions - Allows key structures, processes, functions to
continue - Increases amount of change that can be absorbed
before ecosystem is altered to a different state
- Supporting principles
- Accept dynamic change
- Maintain adaptive capacity
- Maintain biodiversity
22Climate-based Seed Transfer
Climate change
- Assisting migration matching species and seed
sources with the projected climate for an area
23The Journey of Continuous Improvement ...
Climate change
- Gather information
- Analyze
- Take action
- Monitor results
- Refine approach
- Take better-informed actions
24FFEI Projects
- Done
- FFEI 3-yr strategic plan
- Future Climate Scenarios
- Underway (examples)
- FFEI Scientific Foundation
- Climate BC upgrades access
- BEC updates
- Next gen. of TEM PEM
- Timber supply impacts (GY)
- TASS adaptation adjustment
- Assisted migration adaptation trial
- Role of seed lot diversity in plantation
resilience - Climate-based seed transfer system
- Species selection guidelines update
- More
- Planned and Funded (examples)
- Framework operational assessment of ecological
resilience - Climate BC upgrades and access (continued)
- Climate BC evaluation and expansion
- More (40 in all)
- Subject to further planning funding
- 91 additional projects
25Further Information
Climate change
Dale DraperDirector, Climate Changeand Forest
Carbon Strategic Unit Ministry of Forests and
Range, Victoria Ph (250) 217-7735 Email
Dale.Draper_at_gov.bc.ca Adapting to Climate
Change http//www.for.gov.bc.ca/mof/Climate_Change
FFEI web site www.for.gov.bc.ca/hts/Future_Fore