Title: George A. Kowalchuk
1Applying Environmental Genomics to Microbial
George A. Kowalchuk
Department of Terrestrial Microbial Ecology
Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW)
Centre for Terrestrial Ecology
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences,
Heteren, the Netherlands
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3Whos there?
What are they doing?
How can we gain insight into, and access to, the
vast wealth of microbial functions in the soil?
4Main topics I. Can we understand the forces that
shape the structure and function of soil-borne
microbial communities to a point that we can
sensibly predict and manipulate soil
services? II. How can we gain insight into, and
access to, the vast wealth of microbial functions
in the soil?
5The Earths biodiversity The tree of life
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8Consortium Partners
- BioDetection Systems B.V., Amsterdam
(coordinator) - Bioclear B.V., Groningen
- Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
- Wageningen University
- Plant Research International B.V., Wageningen
- Alterra B.V., Wageningen
- Netherlands Institute of Ecology-KNAW,
Heteren/Nieuwersluis - National Institute for Public Health
Environment, Bilthoven - Royal Haskoning B.V. Den Bosch
- Microscreen B.V., Groningen
Tech. development
? eco-ceuticals
? improved bioremediation
? effect-oriented bioanalysis tools
? improved agro-production systems
? other options
11Research theme 1 The bioremediation capacity of
soils WP 1.1 - Exploring microbial DNA resources
for bioremediation WP 1.2 - Design of DNA
array-based tools to detect optimal microbial
characteristics for bioremediation WP 1.3 -
Improved genomic potential for bioremediation WP
1.4 - Metagenomic analysis of microbial
ecosystems in the deep subsurface Research theme
2 Biodiversity and stress response analysis WP
2.1 - Genomic analysis of microbial community
structure WP 2.2 - Functional analysis of
nutrient cycling WP 2.3 - Genomic potential and
activity of dominantly active, non-culturable
soil bacteria WP 2.4 - Microbial diversity in
relation to sustainable agriculture WP 2.5
Stress-based expression profiling in
nematodes WP 2.6 - Stress-based expression
profiles in arthropods WP 2.7 - Stress-based
expression profiles in plants Research theme 3
Disease-suppression and production functions of
soils WP 3.1. - Metagenomic analysis of soil
health WP 3.2. - Antifungal metabolites and
fungal responses WP 3.3. - Genomic analysis of
bacterial mycoparasitism WP 3.4. - Detection of
Plant Pathogens WP 3.5. - Activities of
mycorrhizal fungi in soil systems Research Theme
4 Eco-toxicogenomics WP 4.1 - Determination of
contamination status of soils and sludge, using
existing- and genomics-based assays WP 4.2 - DNA
array systems for detection of contaminants based
upon biological responses of cultured
organisms WP 4.3 - Design of novel reporter
assays based on target gene-selection WP 4.4 -
Genomics-based eco-toxicological approach using
vertebrate model systems (e.g., Zebra fish) WP
4.5 - Identification of conserved toxicological
pathways in multiple soil organisms Research
theme 5 Overarching workpackages WP 5.1 -
Technology platform WP 5.2 - Ecological Control
Analysis (ECA) as a biocomplexity tool WP 5.3
- Bioinformatics support to genomics analysis WP
5.4 - Multidiciplinary approach to stakeholder
and societal acceptance WP 5.5 - Interactive
communication to the public
- BioDetection Systems B.V.
- Bioclear B.V.
- VU-Animal Ecology
- VU-Integrative Bioinformatics Institute
- VU-Ecology and Physiology of Plants
- VU-Innovation Transdisciplinary Res
- VU-Institute for Environmental Studies
- WU-Phytopathology
- WU-Microbiology
- WU-Nematology
- WUR-Alterra B.V.
- WUR-Plant Research International B.V.
- Greenomics
- Royal Haskoning B.V.
- RIVM Nat. Inst. for Health Environment
- Microscreen B.V.
12Assessing the Living Soil An ecogenomics approach
to explore and unlock sustainable life-support
functions of soils
NIOO projects
- Genomic analysis of microbial community structure
(Phylo-chips) - Functional analysis of nutrient cycling
(Functional Microarrays) - Genomic potential and activity of dominantly
active, non-culturable soil bacteria
(metagenomics) - Genomic analysis of bacterial mycophagy
(Collimonas genome) - Detection of Plant Pathogens (Quantitative
detection arrays) - Activities of mycorrhizal fungi in soil systems
13 Assessing the
living soilTheme 2 Biodiversity and stress
response analysis
- Defining and understanding the normal operating
range (NOR) of life support functions (nutrient
cycling, maintenance of soil fertility) via an
integrated ecogenomics approach - Studying the interaction of internal and external
stress factors with these functions
14WP 2.1Genomic analysis of microbial community
- Main objective
- To design, test and apply comprehensive systems
for the - analysis of microbial community structure based
upon - high-density micro-array technology, in order to
gain - insight into the forces driving soil microbial
community - structure.
15WP 2.1Genomic analysis of microbial community
Specific goals
- Comparison of different phylogenetic microarray
platforms - Comparison with conventional molecular survey
data - Determination of NOR across Dutch agro-ecosystems
and semi-natural ecosystems - Detection of alterations in community structure
upon stress
Tree of OTU list, based on hybridization
similarity measurement (Pearson Correlation) and
the average linkage cluster algorithm.
16WP 2.2Functional analysis of nutrient cycling
- Main objective
- To apply functional gene arrays, focussed on
crucial steps of key nutrient cycles, to
determine the natural variation, responses to
stressors and resilience of soil-borne microbial
activities - Partners NIOO-KNAW, Alterra, WUR, PRI
17WP 2.2Functional analysis of nutrient cycling
Specific goals
50-mer functional genes array (FGA II)in
collaboration with J. Zhou
- Determination of NOR of gene presence, diversity
and activity across Dutch agro-ecosystems and
semi-natural ecosystems - Detection of alterations in functional gene
distribution, density, diversity and activity in
response to stresses - Confirmation with other quantitative methods for
select gene activities
18WP 2.3Genomics potential and activity of
dominantly active, non-culturable soil bacteria
- Main objective
- To determine the genomic potential and functional
importance of uncultured bacteria that are
dominantly present and active in the rhizosphere. - Partners NIOO-KNAW, WUR, PRI
19WP 2.3Genomics potential and functionality of
dominantly active, non-culturable soil bacteria
Specific goals
- Identify dominant microbial populations in the
rhizosphere that cannot yet be cultured (Acidos
and Verrucos) - Construct large-insert meta-genomic libraries
from rhizosphere soil - Improve methodologies for high molecular weight
DNA isolation, as well as genetic and functional
screening of soil meta-genome libraries - Determine the partial genomic potential of
dominant rhizosphere bacteria - Detect novel microbial activities
- Amplify micro-scale samples for (meta-) genomic
analysis at relevant scales - Apply meta-transcriptomic approach
20Soil Heterogeneity
fungal hypha
soil particle
21Are soil-borne microbes living on islands?
22environmental genome sequencing
(inter)activities of players may be deduced from
their individual genome sequences
23environmental genome sequencing
Why not piece together your community one genome
at a time?
24reducing the complexity
25Environmental transcriptomics /
- Sample
- Total RNA extraction DNA
extraction - rRNA subtraction (degradation)
- cDNA synthesis polyA-tail addition
- (RT-PCR w/ short primers)
- ligation of RNA oligo
- cDNA synthesis cDNA synthesis
- (polyT-based RACE ) with FAME label
- Microbial community analysis
- broad PCR-DGGE (Bact. Fungi, Archea
- PCR-DGGE of specific bacterial groups, AOB,
pseudomonads, etc.) - Functional gene analyses (Q-PCR)
- Phylogenetic microarray
cDNA community profile
Cloning into E. coli High throughput
processing and sequence analysis
Annotation and Data analysis
26Theme 3 Disease suppression and production
function of soils
- Symbionts/mutualists
- Antagonists
- Pathogens
- Culturables
- Unculturables
27WP 3.3 Analysis of bacterial mycophagy
Collimonas fungivorans as a model for the study
of bacterial mycophagy
C. fungivorans with Fusarium culmorum on
C. fungivorans with Mucor hiemalis or Chaetomium
globosum in purified sand
de Boer et al (2001) Appl. Environ. Microbiol.
28A genomics approach to mycophagy using C.
fungivorans as a model
Leveau et al, in preparation
Nimblegen custom microarray
29Complete genome sequence of Collimonas
fungivorans Ter331 a model organism for
bacterial mycophagy
accelerates the discovery of genes, enzymes,
and regulatory networks that are the basis for
the ability to use living fungi as growth
5.2 Mbp
4508 ORFs
will prove to be a valuable resource for
assessing the role of bacterial mycophagy in soil
Collimonas fungivorans Ter331
underlies future application or commercial
exploitation of bacterial mycophagy, Collimonas
fungivorans, or its genes and gene products.
GC 59.54
30WP 3.4 Quantitative Multiplex Detection of Plant
BioTrove system for high throughput,
quantitative detection
31WP 3.5 Activities of mycorrhizal fungi in soil
Problem We currently lack reliable indicators of
mycorrhizal functionality or potential.
- Directed at field sites varying in the intensity
of agricultural management - Conventional and molecular determinations of AMF
community structure - Functional analyses via reciprocal soil and spore
inoculation experiments - PCR-based studies targeting specific gene
families involved in nutrient uptake and
translocation - cDNA libraries from root-organ cultures under
varying conditions of nutrient stress - combined phylogenetic and functional micro-array
for AMF structure and functionality -
32We are now in a position to generate huge
quantities of sequence (and other) information
but are we traveling efficiently?
Data generation capacity
Screening bioinformatic strategies
33- Some of the bioinformatic challenges stemming
from the Dutch EcoGenomics Program - Determining informative patterns within a
background of dynamic variation - Dealing with highly incomplete metagenomic data
- Unraveling novel physiological pathways and
phenotypes - Linking different types of data
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