Title: Tenants into Work
1Tenants into Work
- Diana Towler
- External Relations Manager
- Jobcentre Plus
- West Yorkshire
2Tenants into Work
- A partnership between Aire Valley Homes, Leeds
and Jobcentre Plus - A secondment from Jobcentre Plus 49/51 split
of salary costs - Support social inclusion, community and
neighbourhood regeneration through reducing
worklessness (NI153) - To build relationships with Partners/Providers
involved in delivering employability skills
3Labour Market Information
- Aire Valley Homes is an Arms Length Management
organisation wholly owned by Leeds City Council - 16,000 council homes - 38,262 occupants
- 40 in receipt of full Housing Benefit and 21 in
receipt of some Housing Benefit - Selected 4 wards that had concentrations of
worklessness in excess of 25 - Over 6270 council homes in the 4 wards ranging
from high rise blocks to traditional brick back
to back properties
- Advertisement in Aire Valley Homes magazine
- Leaflet drop to tenants in receipt of full
Housing Benefit - Jobclub sessions in 3 local schools
- Weekly Learning Market
- Drop in sessions at community centres, libraries,
one stop shops
- One to one interviews to conduct job searches,
CVs, complete application forms - Benefit advice including In Work calculations
- Home visits
- Joint visits with Aire Valley Homes staff
- Network of Partners and key stakeholders
6Outcomes 1 July 2008 to 31 May 2009
- Face to face contact with 623 tenants
- 51 people into paid employment
- 13 people into voluntary work
- 283 people signposted to partners
- 139 people referred to employment related
provision or FE training
7Debbies Story
- Debbie was a single parent who had been in
receipt of both IB and IS for 13 years - Initial meeting at Debbies home
- Attended jobsearch session at local school
- Applied for some jobs
- Invited to 2 interviews
- Adviser Discretionery Fund provided interview
clothes - Offered both jobs and opted for a full time
receptionist post
8Lens Story
- Len was a single parent with 2 children who had
been in receipt of IS for 7 years. - Had been forced to leave his dream job as a
Probation Officer - Number of one to one meetings with Len
- Referred onto the New Opportunities programme
- Continued to apply for jobs and attend interviews
- A job opportunity arose with the Probation
Service - Len was invited to a 1st interview and invited
back for an assessment day he got his dream job
9 THANK YOU Contact Diana.Towler_at_jobcentreplus
.gsi.gov.uk for further information
10 Coventry Local Area Agreement Service Re-design
Initiative Tenant Engagement Pilot Nev Wells
Whitefriars Housing Group
11The Need for Intervention
- Social Exclusion Unit (2004)
- The Housing Market sorts or groups the most
disadvantaged - together Housing Policy can unintentionally
worsen this sorting - HCA/Whitefriars Market Intelligence
- 50 of national new social housing tenants were
workless in 07/08 - The West Midlands region was highest
nationally, at 53 - In 2007/8 only 34 of Whitefriars lettings were
to people in full or - part time employment, 66 of lettings were to
workless tenants - 80 of Whitefriars Tenants are currently on
some form of means- - tested benefits
12- The Tenant Engagement Pilot - Development
- Whitefriars Training Agency ensures as many
Learners as possible - possible are drawn from our Tenants, but
cannot directly target them in - isolation from Funders national/regional
priority groups - A proposal was made to the Coventry City
Strategy Management Group - to develop a partnership that could directly
address the high levels of - worklessness prevalent within our new and
transferring tenants - JobCentre Plus and Whitefriars made a
successful application to - Coventry City Councils Local Area Agreement
Service Re-design Initiative - to fund an Employment Advice Worker and
undertake a comparative study - The 6-month comparative study will evaluate
the impact of 1-2-1 - personalised interventions in one Priority
Neighbourhood against a - materials only distribution in another
13- The Tenant Engagement Pilots Objectives
- Through the comparative study, piloting the
re-design of engagement - methodologies with Workless Tenants
- Identifying delivery efficiencies by evaluating
the Pilots capacity to - engage Tenants without the need to invest in
local infrastructure -
- Extend the Partners data sharing protocols
- Disseminating the projects methods and
findings with other RSLs and - Service Providers (eg Primary Care Trusts) as
a more (or less) effective - means to engage Priority Neighbourhood target
groups -
- To identify similarities and differences
between the Pilot and the Adult - Advancement Careers Service West Midlands
housing prototypes
14- The Tenant Engagement Pilot Target Groups
- The Tenant group priority targets
- Lone Parents
- Long-term/Short-term Unemployed
- Incapacity Benefit Recipients
- NEETs Groups
- Females and Ethnic Minority Groups
- Eligible Refugees and Asylum Seekers
- Redundant /threatened with redundancy (economic
downturn) -
- LAA Targets
- NI 117 Reduce the number of 1618 (NEETs)
- NI 152 Reduce numbers of working age people
claiming JSA - and other Worklessness Benefits
15- The Tenant Engagement Pilot Process Summary
- A Tenancy sign-up, re-let or Housing Benefit
change of status flag - prompts the Tenant visit and engagement
process -
- The EAW provides Job-focused advice and
materials, gains consent for - data sharing, drafts a Job-focussed
Training/Support Needs Action Plan -
- Follow-up contacts (visits, texts or phone
calls) track progress and ensure - that maximum numbers of Tenants move into
training and employment -
- Customer Satisfaction/Feedback surveys will
ascertain perceptions of the - service provision and maintain continuing
Tenant contact - Data/Information sharing across the Partnership
will continue Post-pilot, - and will track Tenants progressions to
further training and employment - The comparative study will compare performance
across the two PNs
16- The Tenant Engagement Pilot Process Chart
17- The Tenant Engagement Pilot Output Targets
Description Purpose Numbers Total
Lettings Benchmarking Potential 156 Benefici
ary Numbers Total Visits Measuring Actual
Numbers 120 of EAW-Tenant Visits Referrals
Measuring Engagement Success 90 Generated and
Fall-out Rates Starts on Pre- Measuring
Referral Success 62 Employment Training and
Testing Data Sharing Tenants
Progressing Measuring Overall Success 40 Into
18- The Coventry Partnerships City Strategy
Management Group...
- ...constitutes the Pilots Delivery Partnership
and Management Group - JobCentre Plus
- Coventry-Warwickshire Learning and Skills
Council - Coventry City Council
- Connexions
- nextsteps
- Whitefriars Housing Group
19Contacts for further information
- Nev.Wells_at_whitefriarshousing.co.uk
- Jane.Malbasa_at_jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk