Title: Lambeth Tenants and Residents Association
1 Lambeth Tenants and Residents Association
- Hugh Stultz Funding Officer
- 21st April 2015
2Aims of todays talk
- To give a brief overview of BIG
- To highlight the funding streams most
- relevant to you
- To hear from you the challenges that your
- organisations face in accessing our
funding -
3About the Big Lottery Fund
4How the lottery 2 is spent
BIG is responsible for delivering 40 per cent of
all funds raised for good causes - about 12 pence
of every pound spent on a Lottery Ticket
5 Big Lottery Fund Mission
- The Big Lottery Fund is committed to bringing
real improvement to communities and to the lives
of people most in need
6 BIG targeted funding programmes
7 BIG open programmes
8BIG is an outcomes funder
- Your project must meet at least one of these four
Outcome 1 People having better chances in life,
with better access to training and development to
improve their life skills
Outcome 2 Stronger communities, with more active
citizens, working together to tackle their
Outcome 3 Improved rural and urban environments,
which communities are better able to access and
Outcome 4 Healthier and more active people and
9Awards for All Programme
- Small grants scheme awarding 300 - 10,000
- Six week turn around time for applications
- Applications open to community and voluntary
groups, schools, health bodies and parish / town
councils - Project must be complete within 12 months of
award - You can apply for repeat or ongoing project
10Reaching Communities Programme
- Larger grants scheme awarding grants over 10,000
- Main programme
- Revenue projects funding from 10,000 (average
300,000) - Smaller capital projects funding from
10,000-100,000 - Buildings programme
- Larger capital projects funding from 100,000
- Geographically targeted at most deprived areas
11Success rates for our funding programme
- Awards for All
- Average success rate 60
- Reaching Communities
- Average Success rates at stage 1 10 15 circa
- Success rate at stage 2 40 50
12Challenges faced by small organisations
- What areas of need does your organisation deal
with - What are the most pressing areas of need in your
communities - Is your community issue , geographic or
nationality / ethnic specific - What Challenges have you faced applying to our
13Improving your chances of gaining funding from BIG
14Improving your chances
- Start by reading the guidelines carefully and
thoroughly - EVIDENCE Provide recent local evidence for the
need for your project - Ensure that you consult your beneficiaries and
involve them at all stages of the project
15How much evidence do you need to provide?
- Depends on
- The scale of the problem
- The complexity of the problem hat capacity you
have - How much funding you are
- applying for
- make a strong case
16Developing a strong application contd
17Grants officers comments on successful
- Beneficiaries and their needs are clearly
identified - A full range of activities has been provided
that will clearly deliver the project outcomes - Varied and relevant external evidence confirms
the issues identified and .. gaps in current
service - Beneficiaries involved in .. user group,
consultation, project planning and design,
volunteering, recruitment and evaluation
18Support and guidance available
- BIG Websites
- BIG Lottery Fund website
- http//www.biglotteryfund.org.uk
- Awards for All website
- http//www.awardsforall.org.uk/england
- BIG Advice Line 0345 4 10 20 30
- Webinars
- https//www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/englandweb
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