Title: Graduate Employability:
1- Graduate Employability
- The South West Regional Context
- Emily Bird
- Lifelong Learning Manager
2Key Issues
- South West Regional Economic Strategy
- Framework for Regional Employment and Skills
Action - Action
3South West Regional Economic Strategy
4To raise business productivity
- Strategic Actions
- business support
- skilled workforce
- sites and premises
- knowledge and innovation
5To increase economic inclusion
- Strategic Actions
- Accelerate economic participation
- Economic regeneration urban and rural
6To improve regional communications and
- Strategic Actions
- communications and transport
- regional image
- environment and icon projects
- regional partnership and coherence
7Framework for Regional Employment and Skills
Action (FRESA)
8FRESA Strategic Objectives
- FSO1 To increase employers participation in
skills development in the South West - FSO2 To raise individuals aspirations and
skills for the South West - FSO3 To develop the efficient and inclusive
working of the South West Labour Market
9To increase employers participation in skills
development in the South West
- Develop Employers Commitment to Skills
Development - Co-ordinate Workforce Development
- Promote Management Skills
- Integrate Sector Skills Activities within the
10To raise individuals aspirations and skills for
the South West
- Stimulate Individuals Commitment to Learning
- Raise the Standard of Basic Skills
- Develop Generic Skills for Employment
11To develop the efficient and inclusive working
of the South West Labour Market
- Provide a Coherent Skills Development
Infrastructure - Maximise Access to Jobs and Skills Development
- Encourage Effective Recruitment Practices
- Stimulate and Support Investment
- Respond to Labour Market Emergencies
12SW Employment and Skills Research Forum
- Labour Market Intelligence
- Healthy Labour Market Indicators
- Co-ordination of Research Activity
- Commissioning Research
- Supporting the REF and sub-groups
13Facilitating Action
- Linking Strategic Aims and Objectives
- Regional Economic Strategy and SW FRESA
- Increasing resources
- HE Development Manager
- Working Together
- SW RDA and HERDA-SW Action Plan
14Further Information
- www.southwestrda.org.uk
- Regional Economic Strategy
- www.swskillsstrategy.info
- SW FRESA Newsletter
- www.swslim.org.uk
- Research and information
- emily.bird_at_southwestrda.org.uk