Title: Board of Trustees Report
1Board of Trustees Report
Chris Storves ASNMU President 2007-2008
2Mid Fall 07 Organization Goals
- Development of ASNMU Vision/mission statement
- Member created goals for organization
- Successful completion of referendum meetings
Readership program
3Referendum Meetings
- Proposed allocation increases to the Student
Activity fee - ASNMU- 5.44
- Students will vote on these increases during
ASNMU elections.
4USA Today Readership Program
- 750 newspapers daily
- Completely student funded project
- Working to incorporate newspaper readership in
the classroom.
5Anna Marie Cream Childcare fund
- Parent to Parent sale
- Postponed until winter 2008 semester
- Service Auction
- Partner with NMU Athletics
- 15-20 Student athletes participating
6Student Association of Michigan
- Organization for 15 public Universities and
community colleges. - Conference at Central Michigan University
- Purpose of this organization
- Combining resources throughout the state
- Unifying student voices
- Creating campus initiatives
7Other ASNMU Points of Interest
- Smoking on Campus
- ASNMU Smoking policy forum
- Dozing Discounts
- ASNMU Study Lounge
8ASNMU Winter 2008 Goals
- Successful completion of Consignment Book sale
- ASNMU lobbying trip to the state Capital
- Successful ASNMU student elections
Have a happy holiday season!