Title: The Three Gorges Dam
1The Three Gorges Dam
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Dam Construction
3What will be affected?
4Population Density in China
5What does the region look like?
6Under Construction
7The Basic Facts
When completed, the Three Gorges Dam will stretch
almost 2 km (1 mi) between the banks of the
Yangzi River near the city of Yichang. The
enormous dam is expected to generate 18,200 MW of
electricity and control flooding in a region that
lost more than a quarter of a million lives to
floods between 1930 and 1935. The reservoir
created by the dam will submerge a stretch of the
Yangzi River valley roughly 650 km (400 mi) long,
displacing as many as 2 million people and
inundating some 8,000 cultural sites.
8For or Against
Put forward an argument expressing your point of
view as to whether the project should have gone
ahead or not. Use information on the sheets,
book and from this PowerPoint display.