Title: Three Gorges Dam Conflict
1Three Gorges Dam Conflict
- PBC Corporation
- (People for a Better China)
- Representatives
- Fallyn Flaherty
- Tamara Mejia-Rabell
- Steven Eng
- Thomas Golden
Artist rendition of what the dam will look like
when complete.
- Should China continue to build the Three Gorges
Yangtze River http//www.irn.org/
Clip art from Microsoft XP.
- Background
- Pros
- Fallyn Flaherty
- Thomas Golden
- Cons
- Steven Eng
- Tamara Mejia-Rabell
- Decision
- Questions and Answers
An engineer checking the turbines. http//news.bbc
- The Yangtze River is the third longest river in
the world 3,937 miles - Damming the river where the Qutang, Wuxia, Xiling
Gorges meet (Three Gorges) - Approved in 1989 for construction
- Project began in 1993
- When complete, water level will be 175 m deep and
600 km long - Will be completed by approximately 2009
5Construction Site
6Construction of Dam
7Construction of Dam
- Flood control
- Power generation
- Navigation
- Water Diversion
- Environmental Protection
- Economic Boost
9Flood control
- The Yangtze has claimed more than 1 million lives
in past 100 years - Prevent catastrophic flooding
- Lessen the frequency of big downstream floods
from once every 10 years to once every 100 years - Preserve
- Large amount of farmland
- 15 million people's safety
- Properties in the downstream area
- The risk that the dam will increase flooding is
The sluice gates http//news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-
10Power generation
- 26 generators will produce 18.2M Kilowatts of
energy - Create as much energy as 18 nuclear power plants
or the burning of 40 million tons of coal - Electrical power from dam will provide up to
one-ninth of Chinas output. - Power is to be sent through transmission lines
mostly to eastern and central China to solve
energy shortages there
Beginning of water storage http//test.china.org.c
- Will link three of Chinas major rivers (the
Yangtze, Haui, and Yellow) - A 10,000 ton vessel can sail in interior for six
months out of each year - Would increase river shipping from 10 million to
50 million tons annually - Transportation costs cut by 30 to 37 percent
- Shipping would become safer
The Regal China cruise ship arriving
12Water Diversion
- Droughts have effected irrigation and farmlands
- Three Gorges Dam will provide a balance in water
distribution - Water in abundant areas will be redirected to
areas of drought
Resettled child in Ling Bao village http//www.thr
13Environmental Protection
- Clean energy source
- Coal accounts for three quarters of countrys
energy - Reduce acid rain and global warming
Clip art from Microsoft XP.
14Economic Boost
- Power increase to support annual rise in GNP
- Increase in shipping and commerce
- Development of urban areas, factories and homes
require electricity - Three Gorges artifacts preserved to increase
tourism - Tourism of the Dam
Yangtze River A pagoda overlooking the river,
near the Three Gorges dam. Photo Chris
Stowers/Panos Pictures
- Cost
- Environmental Impact
- Time Constraints
- Relocation of people
- Economic Strain
- Cultural Loss
- The dam will cost approximately 24 Billion and
strain Chinas economy - Subscription
- Electricity
- Water
Clip art from Microsoft XP.
17Environmental Impact
- Area around the dam is very beautiful
- Different species of plants and animals will
perish - Worsen pollution by trapping sewage and
industrial waste - Little to no attempts to move toxic waste and
other potential pollutants that will inundate the
18Time Constraints
- Erosion and a non-ideal foundation, adds time
onto completion - The project could be subject to a foreign or
military attack - Construction limits importing and exporting
A construction worker prepares the hills for the
reservoir. http//www.cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9805/0
19Relocation of people
- 1.13M migrants will be forced out of their homes
- Violation of Human Rights
- Discrimination
- Unsatisfactory living conditions
- Fewer job opportunities
- No channels to express dissatisfaction
- Corruption and Embezzlement of funds
People moving from their homes. http//www.cnn.com
20Economic Strain
- Flooding of the most fertile agricultural lands
- The effect on both the migrating and the host
community - Shortage of farmland
- Unemployment
- Decline in house hold income
- Learning a new lifestyle (educational and
technical skills)
Ling Bao village, a model resettlement village,
30km from the city of Yichang in Hubei province.
The damsite is about 60 km west of Yichang
city. http//www.threegorgesprobe.org/probeint/Thr
21Cultural Loss
- Culture as a product of the environment
- Learning new technologies
- 1,300 Archeological sites would be destroyed
- Destroy the legendary beauty of the scenery
- Reduce tourism revenue
- It is in the best interest for China to continue
to build the Three Gorges Dam due to all money
and time invested in it.
23Questions and Answers
- http//www.chinaonline.com/refer/ministry_profiles
/threegorgesdam.asp - http//www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1999/china.50/asian.su
perpower/three.gorges/ - http//www.travelchinaguide.com/attraction/hubei/y
ichang/dam.htm - http//news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/2977404.st
m - http//test.china.org.cn/english/2003/Jun/65919.ht
m - http//www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/asiapcf/east/06/13/c
25References cont.
- http//www.cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9805/08/china.doo
med.river/index.html - http//www.travelchinaguide.com/picture/yangtze/th