Title: Codes and Ciphers
1Codes and Ciphers
By the end of this session you will be able to
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By the end of this session you will be able to
- Decode messages using different ciphers
4Round 1- Texting Challenge
- Examples
- 927
- 2628
- 4483
5Round 1- Texting Challenge
9428 36 968 2255 2 74337 9484 66 5347? 2
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7Round 1- Texting Challenge
Solution 9428 36 968 2255 2 What do you call a
74337 9484 66 5347? sheep with no legs? 2
25683! A cloud!
8Round 2- Transposition Challenge
- Example
- Welcome to Leeds University
- welcometoleedsuniversity
- 24 letters long
- 64 or 212 or 38 or 212 or 124
- So write
9Round 2- Transposition Challenge
- Going the other way round
- ckatsoenaadekifepdlesbesr
- 25 letters 55
- So write
10Round 2- Transposition Challenge
- Example
- cbkhenlroreedwdtderlwowweaspirao
- 32 letters long
- 132 or 216 or 48
- So write
11Round 2- Transposition Challenge
- Challenge
- trmsimhlatsledld1owslo5nosegcg
12Round 2- Transposition Challenge
13Round 2- Transposition Challenge
- Challenge
- trmsimhlatsled1owslo5nosegcg
- Answer
The worlds smallest dog is 15cm long
14Round 3- Pencil Code
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16Round 3- Pencil Code
- Answer-
- This code was used 2500 years ago by the Spartans
in Ancient Greece.
17Refreshment Break
- This would be a good time to try to earn some
bonus points with the Number Phrase Round!
18Round 4- Binary Challenge
- Practise Questions
- 00010
- 11111
- 10011
- 00101
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20Round 4- Binary Challenge
Answer Computers view everything as ones and
21Round 5- Error Checking Challenge
22- error_checking_example.doc
23Error Checking
24- Image from the 2006 Royal Institution Christmas
25Image from the 2006 Royal Institution Christmas
26The Final!Frequency Analysis
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28Other handy hints when cracking codes
- The most frequent two-letter words are OF, TO,
IN, IT and IS - The most frequent three letter words are THE,
AND, FOR, ARE and BUT - Half of all English words begin with A,O,S,T or W
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30The Solution !
- The best code crackers wont give up and always
want to find the answer. Often there is a reward
for those who succeed.
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