Title: Bridging Cultural Gaps: Serving Children in Diverse Communities
1Bridging Cultural Gaps Serving Children in
Diverse Communities
- Reaching Forward 2009
- Medjo-Me-Zengue Chris
2We build too many walls, and not enough
bridges. -Sir Isaac Newton
323 of children in Illinois (ages 5 to 17) speak
a language other than English at home.
- http//www.kidscount.org
- Data Source U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000
Supplementary Survey, 2001 Supplementary Survey,
2002 through 2007 American Community Survey.
4Illinois At a Glance
- Hispanic Population 1,923,000
- Hispanics as Percent of State Population 15
- Median Age of Hispanics 26
- Median Income, Hispanics (16) 22,363
- Poverty Rate, Hispanics 17 and Younger 20
- Hispanic Homeownership 60
- Hispanics as Percent of all K-12 Students 19
Data Source Pew Hispanic Center, 2009
5Illinois At a Glance
- White 1,282,320 44.3
- Black/African American 1,084,221 37.4
- American Indian/Alaska Native 20,898 0.7
- Asian 140,517 4.9
- Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
4,61 0.2 - Some other race 452,2551 5.6
- Source U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000
6According to the US Census Bureau, about
1-in-every-3 U.S. residents is part of a group
other than single-race non-Hispanic white.
7Library Programming
- Traditional Method
- Programs for children
- Teen Programs
- Adult Programs
- Preferred Methods
- Family Programs
- Simultaneous Programming
- Something for Everyone!
8Library Programming
- Partner with other local agencies serving diverse
populations. - Breaking bread to establish trust
- Be prepared to adjust for cultural differences.
9Diversity is the one true thing we all have in
common. Celebrate it every day.
10Whats in your collection?
- Material for children in their native language
- Original sources vs. translations
- Materials that help perpetuate other cultures
11Whats in your collection?
- Beyond Ingles Sin Barreras
- Ask for suggestions
- Multicultural Books and Videos
- Phone (800) 567-222
- http//multiculturalbooksandvideos.com
- e-mail service_at_multiculbv.com
12Serving Parents with limited(or no) English
- Ensure the parent maintains his or her dignity
- Ensure they know you are not the INS and dont
care about anything but serving their library
needs. - Constantly market what your library can offer.
13Serving Parents with limited(or no) English
- Know who your patrons are
- Learn about their culture
- Study geography
- Learn to communicate effectively
- Translating materials/ web site
- Non-traditional advertising
- Neighborhood outreach
- Library Lady/Dude
14Serving Ethnic Children
- Partner with local schools and organizations
- Offer authentic ethnic programming
- Offer classical American program themes
15Serving Ethnic Children
- Be prepared to explain library services
- Flexibility is essential
- Take a walk in their shoes
16America Melting Pot or Tossed Salad?
- Assimilation vs. Integration
- Things may not be as they appear
- Different ? Inferior
17Rain beats a leopard's skin, but it does not
wash out the spots. -Ashanti proverb
18Does your Library Build Bridges?
- Who comes for Chinese New Year?
- What is Cinco De Mayo?
- Do you host programs outside the library?
- Is your building a community gathering place?
19(No Transcript)
- Thank you for coming and participating today.
- Medjo-Me-Zengue Chris
- cmedjo_at_hotmail.com
- tel 708 359 9451