The Impact of Technology on Society - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Impact of Technology on Society


Webster's New World Dictionary & Thesaurus ... the system by which a society provides its members with those things needed or desired ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Impact of Technology on Society

The Impact of Technology on Society Libraries
LS 501 Introduction to Library
Information Studies
Revised Summer 2006
C.2003, Deborah J. Grimes
What Is Technology?
  • Websters New World Dictionary Thesaurus
  • a method, process, etc. for handling a specific
    technical problem
  • the system by which a society provides its
    members with those things needed or desired
  • Not necessarily electronic --

Impact of Technology on USA
  • 1600s -- Survival, subsistence, colonialization
  • Ship-building, small hand tools, farming and
    agricultural equipment, natural tools (potash,
    tallow), mills, charcoal and iron production
  • 1700s -- Community self-reliance, catalyst for
    revolution, emerging commerce, new wealth
  • Building materials, home furnishings, printing,
    arms and weapons, Conestoga wagons (East/West
    commerce), factories
  • 1800s -- National infrastructure, industrial age,
    nationalism, international markets,
    communication, individualism, womens work, war
    as impetus for technological advancement
  • Bridge and road-building, steamboats and canals,
    machine manufacturing, local v. European
    technology, railroads, telegraphy, iron and
    steel, homemaking, food production
  • 1900s -- Systematizing, social solutions,
    individualism, education, city-building, leisure,
    medical science, war promotes technology
  • Electricity, telephones, radio, TV, building
    materials (concrete), skyscraper, photography,
    mining, bicycles and sports, automobiles,
    medicine and diagnostic equipment (MRI, CAT,
    etc.), food preparation (canning, freezing),

20th Century Information Technologies
  • Before the 60s
  • Communication and transportation improvements
  • Punch cards
  • Reprography (reproduction of print documents)
    into film (microforms) -- 1920s
  • Duplicating and photocopy machines

Computer in Libraries (1960s)
  • Computers in the 1960s contemporary sense of
  • Library mechanization or library automation
  • System Development Corp.(SDC), DIALOG (Lockheed,
  • MARC format (Machine Readable Cataloging) --
    created by Library of Congress -- standardization
    of bibliographic records -- allowed electronic
  • Bibliographic utilities originated
  • National Library of Medicine -- changed to
    computer tapes and eventually a searchable
  • ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency
    Network) -- important first step toward the

Computer in Libraries (1970s)
  • Mainframes and minis -- made online interactive
    capabilities a reality
  • Most significant break from past practices
    application of online computer access to
    information retrieval, replacing card catalogs
    and print indexes
  • Most online services originated in academic
    libraries because databases were primarily
    scientific and technical
  • Specially trained librarians
  • Separate facilities and resources
  • First inroad of fee-based services
  • Creation of search strategies (Boolean searching)

Computer in Libraries (1980s)
  • Revolutionary development of the Compact
    Disk-Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) -- commercial
  • Development of online computer access catalogs
    (OPACs) or Public Access Catalogs (PACs)
  • Turn-Key circulation systems -- commercial
  • Self-initiated systems
  • Automated acquisitions
  • Integrated Library Systems (ILS) -- DRA, VTLS,
    Geac, Ameritech
  • Linked Systems Project/Linked Systems Protocol
    (LSP) established Z30.50 standard protocol (i.e.,
    national standard for bibliographic information
    retrieval so that different systems can be linked

  • 1967 -- Ohio College Library Center -- most
    prominent bibliographic utility -- originally for
    academic libraries
  • 1972 -- OCLC opened services to non-academic
  • 1981 -- Online Computing Library Center --
    offered access to the MARC database, supplemented
    by cooperative cataloging of member libraries
  • Research Libraries Group (RLG), Research
    Libraries Information Network (RLIN) --
    bibliographic databases and research records

Is technology revolting?
  • Is the age of information really an
    information revolution?
  • Notable revolutionary technology
  • Transportation revolutionized by locomotion
  • Communication revolutionized by mass production,
    telecommunications, photography and other
    printing techniques, television, motion pictures
  • Is the computer revolution any more dramatic
    than other technological revolutions of the last
    100 years?
  • Does the tool become greater than its purpose or
  • Used to reduce the impact of distance, time,

Information Revolution
  • First modern information revolution
  • Mid-19th through mid-20th centuries
  • Telegraph, telephone, radio
  • Little impact on government, international
  • Second modern information revolution
  • Following WWII
  • Television, early generation computers,
  • Great impact on personal, business, international
  • Third modern information revolution - -beginning
    of the Knowledge Revolution ?

Top 10 CountriesComputers-in-Use, 2000-2004
  • Rk Country Millions total
  • 1 USA (.us) 223.81 27.22
  • 2 Japan (.jp) 69.20 8.42
  • 3 China (.cn) 52.99 6.45
  • 4 Germany (.de) 46.30 5.63
  • 5 UK (.uk) 35.89 5.37
  • 6 France (.fr) 29.41 3.58
  • 7 South Korea (.sk) 26.20 3.19
  • 8 Italy (.it) 22.65 2.75
  • 9 Canada (.ca) 22.39 2.72
  • 10 Brazil 19.35 2.35

Percent US Adults Who Use Computers, March 2004
Category Per Cent Men 73 Women 72
Generation Gen Y (ages 18-27) 85 Gen X (ages
28-39) 87 Trailing Boomers (ages
40-49) 85 Leading Boomers (ages
50-58) 76 Matures (ages 59-68) 57 After
work (ages 69) 24

Percent US Adults Who Use Computers, March 2004

Category Per Cent Race and Ethnicity Whites
73 Blacks 62 Hispanic
(English-speaking) 75 Household
Income 50,000--74,999 92 75,000 93
Computer Usage in U.S.(Per Cent Adults Who Use
Computers -- 2004)
Category Per Cent Education Less than high
school 39 High school grads/GED 67 Some
college 84 College graduate/graduate
degree 91 Geographic Location Rural 61 U
rban 75 Suburban 61

US Households PC Growth
Year PC Households (in Millions) Number Percen
t 2001 71.1 67 2002 74.1 69 2003 77.5
71 2004 80.8 73 2005 84.1 75 2006 86.
7 77 2007 88.7 78 Projected

The Emergence of The Internet (1990s)
  • What is the Internet?
  • Electronic network that permits access to
    thousands of computer networks a network of
    networks using standardized practices
  • Department of Defense ARPANET National Science
    Foundation (NSF)
  • 1984 NSF established supercomputing centers that
    required a highspeed telecommunications backbone
  • ARPANET funding beginning to decline
  • NSFNET backbone created for civilians
    (particularly universities)
  • National High Performance Computing Act of 1991
    -- information highway and National Research
    and Education Network (NREN)

Internet Timeline
  • 1969 -- ARPA goes online connecting 4
  • 1972 -- E-mail introduced by Ray Tomlinson, using
  • 1973 -- TCP/IP designed (becomes standard 1983)
  • 1976 -- Jimmy Carter Walter Mondale use email
    to plan campaign events Queen Elizabeth first
    state leader to use email
  • 1982 -- Word Internet used for first time
  • 1984 -- Domain Name System (DNS) established with
    address extensions (.com, .org, .edu)
  • 1985 -- Quantum Computer Services becomes AOL
  • 1988 -- Internet Worm shuts down 10 worlds
    Internet servers
  • 1989 -- First dial-up IP, Archie (ITP Archive),
  • 1991 -- Gopher point-and-click navigation (Univ.
    of Minnesota)

Internet Timeline
  • 1994 -- White House launches web site,
    e-commerce, spamming, Netscape introduces
    Navigator browser
  • 1995 -- CompuServe, Prodigy, AOL start dial-up
    Internet access, Sun Microsystems releases JAVA, launched
  • 1996 -- Approximately 45 million using Internet,
    with 30 million in North America
  • 1997 -- NASA broadcasts Pathfinder photos from
  • 1999 -- College student Shawn Fanning introduces
    Napster 150 million Internet users worldwide
    (50 from US)
  • 2000 -- Love Bug, Stages, and other computer
    viruses circulated dot.coms fall
  • 2001 -- 9.8 billion email messages daily
  • 2002 -- 164.14 million US uses the Internet with
    544.2 worldwide users

Features of The Internet ABCs, Nicknames, and
  • TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet
    Protocol (standard communication protocol)
  • E-mail -- personal and professional benefits
    (remember the invisible college?)
  • Bulletin boards and listservs
  • Remote login
  • Telnet
  • IP addresses
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  • Navigation tools, browsers, Gopher

Percent Households With Internet Access, 2001 and
  • Technology 2001 2003 Change
  • Dial-Up 44.2 38.6 -12.7
  • DSL 3.3 9.3 181.8
  • Cable 6.6 12.6 90.9
  • Other 0.5 0.9 80.0
  • No. Households/Internet 54.6
    61.5 12.6

Source http//
Percent Households with Computers, 1998 and 2003

Location 1998 2003 All 42.1 61.8 Alabama 3
4.3 53.9
  • Est. 1997 -- university/research consortium to
    foster the development of advanced Internet
    capabilities (in partnership with government and
    industry) -- expanded to K-20
  • Indiana University Abilene KS Network --
    advanced backbone

The World Wide Web (WWW)
  • European Particle Physics Lab (CERN) --
    Switzerland -- 1989
  • The Web is not the same as the Internet but an
    interface and navigation tool that helps
    structure Internet documents.
  • Hypertext originated for transmitting scientific
    information among researchers
  • Expanded to business, industry, students, and
    general population
  • HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Hypertext
    Markup Language (HTML) -- Whats the difference?

Technolust and Technojunkies
  • Assumes that the new is always better than the
    old and that what is in development must be
    better than what just hit the market
  • Tupperware mentality?
  • Technology to recreate the universe (an end in
    itself) v. technology to connect people?
  • Why does technolust matter?
  • Extreme projections of doom and gloom
  • Unwilling to consider alternative viewpoints
  • Real-world economics not considered
  • Sees a simple future
  • Cant integrate technology smoothly into
  • OTOH technojunkies push us toward change

Implications of Computers in Libraries Services
  • Redesign of physical space -- equipment,
    facilities, service centers, wiring, ergonomics,
  • Library without walls concept -- does
    electronic technology change or replace the role
    of the library?
  • Online catalog -- more thorough information (not
    just what but where, if checked out, etc.)
  • Extended services -- word processing, statistical
    analysis, desktop publishing, local area networks
  • Networks -- ability to reach beyond the library
    walls , reciprocity among libraries

Implications of Computers in Libraries Services
  • American Library Association (Fred Weingarten) s
    five roles for libraries and librarians on the
  • On-ramp of first resort
  • On-ramp of last resort
  • Navigator/guide
  • Archivist/depository/authenticator
  • Organizer of public information space

Implications of Computers in Libraries
  • Definition of collection has changed access
    v. ownership
  • Financial costs challenge free library ethic
    blur lines between commercial and not-for-profit
  • Online vendor systems facilitate acquisitions -- model (catalogs, reviews, ordering --
    all in one database)
  • Outsourcing
  • Knowledge of hardware, software, network
    necessary in addition to knowledge of collection
  • Balancing open access to Internet and quality

Implications of Computers in Libraries
Electronic Publishing
  • What print publications should disappear?
  • Ready reference, almanacs, indexes, statistics,
  • CD-ROM for the mass market? (multimedia)
  • Library-of-the-Month Club? CD-ROM magazines?
    Textbooks, encyclopedia, art, other niche markets
  • Project Gutenberg (aka Replicator Technology)
  • Michael Hart -- 1971 -- 1M computer time --
    transferring hundreds of print texts into
    electronic format with volunteers !
  • E-Journals (not those in databases)
  • Vaguely defined, numerous formats, technology in
    transition, complement not replacement to print

Electronic Books
  • Early 1990s -- publishers began to digitize books
    (Sonys portable e-books, CD-ROM
    encyclopedia/multimedia, Adobe Acrobat, Portable
    Document Format PDF)
  • Download to PCs, hand-held PDAs, proprietary
  • Digital paper and e-ink in development by
    Xerox, MIT, IMB, Motorola
  • Format standards none (but US Dept. Commerce
    convening groups to develop common standards)
  • Legal issues
  • Title is tied to device, making sharing difficult
    and resale impossible (unlike print books)
  • Buying v. licensing
  • Readers issues -- Pricing, portability, comfort,
  • See Electronic Books To E or not to E
    That Is the Question at http//
    searcher/apr00/ardito.htm by Stephanie Ardito in
    Information Today

Implications of Computers in Libraries
  • Library skills, library instruction,
    bibliographic instruction
  • One-on-one computer training
  • Online training (tutorials)
  • Group/class computer training
  • Train-the-trainer
  • Information literacy, computer literacy

Technology Preservation
  • Preserving legacy of the past while ensuring
    long-term accessibility of digital records in a
    rapidly evolving technical world
  • Print resources of past 150 significant portion
    of US cultural heritage
  • All post-1850 books pubns at risk due to acidic
    paper used in manufacturing with unbleached wood
    pulp (LC estimates that 77,000 books become
    brittle annually.)
  • Electronic resources, esp. magnetic media,
    subject to both physical deterioration and
    hardware obsolescence
  • Exacerbating circumstances multiplicity of
    formats, age and scope of collections, variation
    in life expectancy, no warning signs of
    deterioration in electronic formats

Three Arenas for Advancing Preservation
  • National Efforts
  • ARL and CLIR, ALA, LC, NEH National strategy to
    address brittle books (microfilming) NEH US
    Newspaper Program (microfilming) proactive
    solutions to change formats (elimination of
    acidic paper production) -- video Slow Fires
  • Collaborative Programs
  • Cooperative agreements for preserving specific
    collections -- Am. Theological Lib. Assoc.
    filming deteriorating theology serials,
    monographs ARL dividing up task for microfilming
    publications from 1870-1920 among member
  • Institutional Programs
  • Local, individual efforts of research libraries
    to deal with their own collections (esp. properly
    controlled temperature and humidity,
    deacidification, reformatting)

Special Issues in Digitized Collections
  • Mediated materials (i.e., anything that uses
    equipment for access, such as microfilm, CD-ROM,
    etc.) -- more complex problems of preservation
  • Ephemeral-ness of online resources (not fixed
    in place like traditional print ) -- issues of
    authenticity and accuracy-- hard to catalog but
    theyre doing it!
  • Costs are considerable, particularly for
    retrospective conversion
  • Scanning v. bitmapping (to improve search
    capabilities for scholars/ researchers)
  • Current digitization projects are really pilot
    projects for future consideration

Implications of Computers in Libraries Human
  • New positions -- require different skills,
    training (esp. older staff), systems staff
    (culture clash?), accidental positions?
  • Organizational changes -- outsourcing,
    patron-initiated service, blurring between public
    and technical services
  • Human beings -- ergonomics and physical concerns,
  • Compulsive use of technology
  • Tension caused by degree of individual and
    organizational adaptability to new technologies
  • Adaptability of human mind to increased pace and
    lack of repose (exaggerated by technology)

Graying of the Profession
  • US librarians older than their counterparts in
    most comparable professions
  • 1990 -- 50 age 45 and over 1994 -- 58 age 45
    and over
  • Rapid increases in technology over past 20 years
    OJT training, workshops, conferences, classes
  • Other impacts of age of librarians and technology?

Implications of Computers in Libraries New Jobs?
  • Technology Consultant
  • Information Specialist
  • Technology Training Coordinator
  • Head of the Digital information Literacy Program
  • Head of Computer Services
  • Systems Librarian
  • Web Page Librarian
  • Cybrarian
  • Internet Services Librarian

Are Libraries to Become Museums of Failed
  • 8 track tapes, audiotapes, videodisks, Betamax
    video, CD-ROM, etc.
  • Maintaining hardware (equipment) for software
    storage devices -- what is the shelf life of
    information technology?
  • How do libraries decide which technologies to
  • How do libraries decide what to do when one
    medium gives way to the next?
  • Paper v. digital
  • Long-term benefits
  • Long-term problems
  • Ultimately the new improves or sustains the

Implications of Computers in Libraries Mission
  • Is technology value-neutral?
  • Is technology in libraries the means or the end?
  • Are we developing electronic warehouses?
  • Is the purpose of technology to benefit the user
    or those who provide the service?

Technologys Challenge to Librarians
  • Bringing the best of new technologies to bear on
    the best of library traditions and values

Next Using the best of library traditions and
values for social advocacy
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