Title: Web Services Directories
1Web ServicesDirectories
- W3C Web Services WS 4/11/01
Scott Isaacson sisaacson_at_novell.com
2What are Directory Services?
- Registry for the network
- Information about all entities on the network
- People, Applications, Businesses, Services,
Devices, etc. - Roles, Relationships, Preferences
- Configuration and Management
- Works like the old telephone directory
- Find resources by name, type, category, service
Standalone OS
Without a Directory
With a Directory
4Characteristics of Directory Services
- Distributed
- Global Access
- Not a single, central database
- Replicated
- Optimized for local access
- Secure
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Act in identity or role
5Characteristics of Directory Services (cont.)
- Hierarchical
- All Services (from the Root)
- All Services local to a Department (from a
Container) - All Services in my group (from my Container)
- Filtered Searches
- All Services to which I have access
- All color printers
- All users logged in with cell phones
6Why XML and directories?
- Directory Service Access Protocols
- Proprietary NDAP (Novell Directory Access
Protocol) - Open LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol) - Emerging DSML (Directory Services Markup
Language) - XML is a natural fit for
- Query
- Find all Users with Surname Isaacson
- Operations
- Add User NameScott Isaacson
- Events
- Deleted User DNUsers/SIsaacson
7Directory Services A Web Services Proposal for
DSML 2.0
- Proposal for DSML 2.0 based on DirXML research
- URL for view and download
- http//www.novell.com/products/nds/d
irxml/dirxmldtddocs.zip - DirXML is a tools for synchronizing directory
information between directories that have - Different schemas
- Different administrative tools sets
- Different access protocols (even non-LDAP!)
8DirXML Example
Subscriber Channel Publisher Channel
1. Name Change into HR
2. Driver publishes event
Enterpirse Directory
4. Other sources of data modifications
Note File system, Security, etc. rights all
remain intact on moves
3. DirXML syncs all directories
9What is the proposal?
- A working DTD that defines document structure
for - Commands
- Events
- Rules (Optional - out of scope?)
- Schema Mapping (User vs inetOrgPerson)
- Matching (Subtree A match X and Y, Subtree B just
match X) - Create (Subtree A always add X)
- Placement (Place P in Subtree A, Place Q in
Subtree B) - Rules can be done via XSL/XSLT stylesheets
10What is the proposal? (cont.)
- A payload (service definition) that needs a truck
(protocol) - XMLP
- Optional encoding for LDAP?
- Not a module, but an application
- Use XMLP core plus some extension modules
- Perhaps RPC
- Not schema or back-end protocols at this point
- IETF started with LDAP
- Moved to Extensions, LDUP, etc.
11Two types Input vs. Output
- There are two basic types of XML documents
- Input documents
- Contain exactly one element.
- Send commands to a directory
- Send events from a directory
- Output documents
- Contain exactly one element.
- Respond to an input with status or data
12Input/Output DTD Fragments
- move query query-schema add-association
- modify-association remove-association
- init-params status check-password)
- modify-association remove-association
- instance schema-def init-params)
13 Example
- Command to the directory to add a User
- src-dn"Users\Julia"
- dest-dn"cnJulia,oUsers"
- event-id"0"
- Gulia
14 Example
- Response from the directory
- Julia
Gulia1 -
- event-id is like correlation id - it can be in
the underlying protocol!
15Events vs. Commands
- The , , , , and
elements represent both commands and
events. - Commands and events have essentially the same
syntax. - Commands specify that an action should be
performed. - Events report that something happened.
- Interpretation depends on context
- Events are sent FROM the directory
- Commands are sent TO the directory
- When an events are sent, analysis based on the
rules, yields no further action or commands that
need to be issued
16 Events and Commands
- Events and commands that can be children of an
element include -
- Other allowed children of are not usually
interesting except to driver writers.
17 Responses
- Events and commands that can be children of an
element include -
- Other allowed children of are not
usually interesting except to driver writers.
18Common Attributes
- Attributes common to many events and commands
include - class-name - The name of the base class of the
object. - dest-dn - The DN of the target object for
commands. - dest-entry-id - The entry id of the target object
for commands. - event-id - An identifier used to tag the results
of an event or command. - src-dn - The DN of the source object for events.
- src-entry-id - The entry id of the source object
for events. - timestamp - Reserved for use by the DirXML
19Common Elements
- Content elements that are common to many events
and commands include -
- associated disabled migrate pending
manual" - state (Assoc-State) IMPLIED
- The content of an element is a
unique key provided by the application
identifying the source object of an event or the
target object of a command. - The key is used to associate objects in the
directory with an object in another application - The state attribute is used internally for
control purposes.
- state counter dn interval octet time
structured" - type (Attr-type) IMPLIED
- association-ref CDATA IMPLIED
- naming (Boolean) "false"
- timestamp CDATA IMPLIED
22 (cont.)
- The type attribute is used to determine how to
interpret the content - "octet" values will contain base64-encoded binary
data. - "structured" values will consist of one or more
elements. - All other value types use a simple string
representation of the value. - Looking for a standard for encoding
- Should be extensible
- association-ref CDATA IMPLIED
- elements are used to separate the
individual fields of structure- or list-based
attribute values. - The name attribute depends on the attribute
syntax being represented. - The association-ref attribute is used in
conjunction with components that are referential.
24 Example
- Example elements
- "string"
- Fred
- "octet"
- RM8FFyP21kirzwqLjrQ6ge
- "structured"
- All Attributes
Rights - n"\TREE\O\Admin
- 2
25- A element
- Is used to return the status of processing a
command or event. - The absence of a element in the return
document is considered to be an implicit success
status. - More than one element can be returned as
a result of a given event or command.
26 DTD Fragment
- success retry"
- level (Status-Level) REQUIRED
- event-id CDATA IMPLIED
27 Example
- Operation
vetoed by Placement Rule - ERR_NO_ACCESSstatus
28 Example
- When user "Julia" is added to an application the
driver reports the following event - event-id"0"
- JG0U812
- type"string"Gulia
29 Example
- If the Surname attribute value of user "Julia" is
changed from "Gulia" to "Imbruglia" in the
application the driver will report the following
event - event-id"0"
- JG0U812
- Gulia
- Imbruglia
30 Example
- If user "Julia" is renamed to "JImbruglia" in an
application the driver reports the following
event - class-name"User"
- src-dn"Users\JImbruglia"
- old-src-dn"Users\Julia" event-id"0"
- JG0U812
- JImbruglia
31 Example
- If user "JImbruglia" is moved from the "Users"
container to the "Admins" container the driver
reports the following event - class-name"User"
- src-dn"Admins\JImbruglia"
- old-src-dn"Users\JImbruglia"
- event-id"0"
- JG0U812
- Admins
32 Content
- Content unique to elements
- Base object (can be a container or subtree)
- Root of a hierarchical namespace
- All objects for a flat namespace.
- Zero or more elements limit scope
- Multiple elements is OR.
- Zero or more elements limit scope
- Multiple elements is AND.
- Zero or more elements specify return
value(s) - If no elements are present then all
- If only a single element with no
attr-name then none - A single element indicates that
information about the object's parent container
is to be returned
33 Example 1
- Search the subtree rooted at "\TREE\Novell" for
objects of class "User" with a Surname value of
"Jones" don't read any attributes - dest-dn"\TREE\Novell" scope"subtree"
- Jones
34 Example 2
- Read the object of class "User" whose foreign key
value is "1011" read the Surname, CN, Given
Name, and Telephone Number attribute values - scope"entry"
- 1011
35 Example 3
- Return the current state of all objects
36- Zero or more elements are contained in
the response to a query.
37 DTD Fragment
- attr)
- src-entry-id CDATA IMPLIED
- class-name CDATA REQUIRED
- event-id CDATA IMPLIED
- attr-name CDATA REQUIRED
38 Content
- Content unique to elements
- Zero or more elements indicate the current
state of attribute(s) of the object. - Zero or one element contains a reference
to the parent object.
39 Example
- 1012
- Jones
- Samuel
- Samuel
- 555-1212
- 555-1764
40 Example
- If user "JImbruglia" is deleted the driver
reports the following event - a" event-id"0"
- JG0U812
41Some Practical Applications
- Zero Day Start
- Employee joins the company
- Fills out an employment contract on the web
- All of the following services are enabled,
automatcially - Payroll
- Phone
- Facilities Access
- Information Access
- Benefits Enrollment
- Group Memberships
- Training
- Etc.
42Some Practical Applications (cont.)
- Single Sign On (Authentication Services)
- Authenticate to the network
- No need to re-authenticate to each service/web
site - Secret Store No admin access
- End User Human retains control if information
access - Buying patterns
- Information Access
- Coming Soon
- LDAP over SSL requests
- Potential
- XML for credentials (attributes, content)
43Login Experience Before
Application Server
Client Workstation
44Login Experience After
Application Server
Client Workstation
45Some Practical Applications (cont.)
- iChain Authorization Broker
- Single point of authentication management
- Areas of Interest
- Security Services WG in OASIS
- AuthML and S2ML SAML
- Liaison to DSML
- Common syntax and semantics for
- Rights
- Privileges
- Transformable
46Todays Typical Environment
47iChain Solution
48Summary Web Services Directory
- Look up MUST be access controlled
- Some interfaces only available in house
- Other interfaces only available to friends and
partners - Other interfaces are public
- Look up MUST be on
- Individual Identity
- Assumed Role
- Delegated Role
- Service Descriptions MUST be robust
- Hosted Services
- Run Time documentation Compile Time doc
formalized semantics
49Summary Web Services Directory (cont.)
- Example Problem - Big Government
- Walk in the door, look at the sign
- One line to get a form (Am I in the right
line?) - Another line to process/approve the form
- Another to pay
- Sorry, go back, you cant do that here
- Solution
- Access Controls Cant go any farther than
allowed - Single data source Go all the way to the 7th
floor only to find out the office is moved -
forgot to update the sign - Services that aggregate services Help desk -
they know the sequences of lines and windows.