John Fiske: Understanding Popular Culture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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John Fiske: Understanding Popular Culture


The Shopping Mall: different meanings, different pleasures. The meaning of the shopping mall resides in the interrelationship between the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: John Fiske: Understanding Popular Culture

John Fiske Understanding Popular Culture
  • Culture is the constant process of producing
    meanings of and from our social experience.
  • These meanings produce a social identity.
  • Culture making is a constant process, and it is a
    distinctly social process.
  • All meanings that are produced in our particular
    culture are in context of a particular social
  • This social system is stratified it is
    dominated by certain groups who have relatively
    more power whites, males, wealthy capitalists.
  • The dominant ideologies of our society emanate
    from these categories more than others. These
    dominant ideologies affect the preferred or
    dominant-culture readings of media texts.

  • However, there are alternative or oppositional
    ideologies, too.
  • Oppositional ideologies are more likely to
    emanate from social categories that are ranked
    near the bottom of our social stratification
    system racial minorities, women, the poor, etc.
  • Alternative or oppositional readings of media
    texts are more likely to emanate from these
    groups the subordinated.

Popular Culture
  • Because culture relates to the social system and
    to its power structure, culture is inherently
  • It is centrally involved in the distribution (or
    possible redistribution) of social power.
  • Popular Culture is made by various social
    categories who are subordinated or disempowered
    in some way by the social system.
  • It emanates from people who lack some of the
    privileges that social power provides.

Mass Society, Stratification and Dominant Ideology
  • The larger or mainstream culture of a society
    will tend to reflect the meanings and interests
    of those categories that have the most power in
  • Those groups in power have various resources of
    society at their disposal to assure that their
    ideologies, values, and myths are visible
    throughout the mainstream culture.
  • Our mass society reflects the interests of the
    superordinates the dominant categories within
    the social stratification system particularly
    whites, males, and the rich.

Mass Culture vs. Popular Culture
  • In the mass culture, the mainstream way of life
    involves everyday Betty Crocker or cookie
    cutter lifestyles that presume certain preferred
    readings of media texts.
  • The Betty Crocker norms of everyday life are
    sufficient for most people, particularly those
    who do not feel disempowered by the social
  • Popular culture, however, is made by people who
    lack some of these societal resources. It is made
    by subordinates within the stratification system
    who do feel somewhat disempowered.
  • The Betty Crocker lifestyle the cookie-cutter
    lifestyle - doesnt work for them.

Popular Culture is Contradictory
  • Because Betty Crocker is rejected to some extent,
    subordinates seek to make their own culture.
  • To do this, they must appropriate the existing
    resources provided by the very social system the
    disempowers them.
  • Popular Culture is therefore contradictory,
    because it uses the resources provided by the
    dominant social system but it uses them in ways
    that are not intended by the dominant social
  • In other words, these people are purchasing Betty
    Crocker brownies, but they are choosing to not
    follow the directions provided by Betty Crocker
    on how to cook these brownies. They are making
    something that fits their own subculture.

The Dominant System Provides lots of Resources
  • The dominant social system provides lots of
    resources in our culture cars, clothes, TVs,
    games, language, shopping malls, music, sports,
  • These resources carry the interests of the
    dominant social categories. They subtly reinforce
    the hegemony of their interests.
  • For example, the English language subtly
    reinforces patriarchy. It has so many words
    against women, and so few against men.
  • However, if appropriated into the popular
    culture, these resources may by modified to carry
    contradictory messages.
  • Feminists, for example, may use the term whore
    against men and thus liberate the word from its
    patriarchal connotations.

Excorporation and Incorporation
  • Excorporation this is a popular culture term for
    when an item of the dominant culture is modified
    to fit the interests of subordinate groups in
    the social system. This liberates an alternative
    meaning of that item.
  • Incorporation this is when members of society
    accept the preferred meaning of an item the
    Betty Crocker or mainstream definition that
    carries the interests of the dominant groups.
  • To follow the Betty Crocker cooking instructions
    to the letter is to incorporate those
    instructions. But if they are modified by
    subordinate groups to fit their own interests
    they are excorporated.

  • To be adopted, the cultural commodities of the
    dominant culture must appeal in some way to the
    interests of ordinary folks they must seem
    appealing to the subordinated.
  • For a product to become popular, ordinary
    people have to be able to fit it into their own
    lives. In the act of fitting it, people modify
  • This modification process is called
  • Because people modify the resources made
    available to them, there is always an element of
    popular culture that lies beyond the control of
    the elite.

Popular Culture
  • Popular culture is always a culture of conflict.
    It involves a struggle to make social meanings
    that fit the world of the subordinated using
    the resources provided by the very groups who do
    the subordinating.
  • Essentially, popular culture is when the dominant
    culture is reconstructed and made popular by
    various non-elites.
  • The same resources, like television, can serve
    both the elite and the subordinated.

Popular Culture
  • Popular culture is that culture made by the
    subordinated out of resources provided by the
    mass society in which these resources are
    excorporated to fit the interests of the
  • The meanings of popular culture can never be
    identified from the cultural resources alone. The
    meanings arise when these resources are taken and
    inserted into the everyday lives of non-elites,
    who excorporate new meanings from them.
  • There is an abundance of polysemy, because the
    same item of culture may mean something different
    to different people, and it may be used
    differently too.

Resistant Popular Culture
  • Popular culture is made in relationship to the
    structures of dominance. This relationship can
    take two forms Resistance and/or Evasion.
  • Resistance involves making resistant meanings.
  • For example, when teenage girls adopt a
    definition of Madonna as a liberator from
    patriarchy (she asserts sexual independence),
    they have adopted a resistant meaning.
  • The emphasis in resistance is on creating
    alternative readings to the preferred reading of
    a media text or an item of culture (such as
  • Creating alternative readings produces a form of
    pleasure called productive pleasure. New meanings
    are produced in a creative way.

Resistant Meanings
  • Making resistant meanings, or making alternative
    readings of media texts, is the first step toward
    developing an oppositional ideology to the status
  • This is significant to Marxists because Marxists
    argue that one must develop a class consciousness
    of collective resistance to achieve a revolution
    and remake the social system.
  • John Fiske is not a Marxist, however. He argues
    that resistant meanings are not necessarily
    revolutionary rejections of the status quo.
    They are simply alternative meanings. But they do
    fertilize the groundwork for social change and
    may lead to class consciousness.

Evasive Popular Culture
  • The other form of popular culture is Evasion.
    Evasion involves evading or avoiding the
    hegemonic influence of the dominant social
  • The evader ducks out. Fiskes example is the
    subculture of surfers who develop their own
    lifestyle (with nicknames) apart from mainstream
    expectations to get a job and settle down.
    People who evade seek to remain independent from
    the dominant culture not to change it. They are
    typically apolitical pleasure seekers.
  • The pleasures they seek are independent from
    society and societal expectations. Evaders tend
    to emphasize the pleasures of the body. Sex,
    drugs and rocknroll, when done to the extreme,
    produce evasive pleasures.

Resistance and Evasion
  • Whereas resistant popular culture is mostly about
    producing alternative meanings (even though these
    meanings bring some pleasure), evasive popular
    culture is mostly about producing alternative
  • In evasive popular culture, the message is often
    to party or get high and one must do this
    away from authority figures.

  • Resistant popular culture is associated with
    productive pleasures creating new meanings.
  • Evasive popular culture is associated with
    evasive pleasures pleasures of the body that
    are outside the limits of dignified mainstream
    society like sex, drugs, and rocknroll that are
    done to the extreme. To surfers, bikers, and
    hippies, its about the rush.
  • It is also about avoiding the hegemonic
    discipline of mass society with its
    bureaucratic rules and regulations the rat

Hegemonic Pleasure
  • Popular culture emphasizes two forms of popular
    pleasures productive pleasures and evasive
  • There is a third form of pleasure, and it is
    associated with the dominant culture. Hegemonic
    pleasure is the pleasure of conforming to the
  • It is the pleasure of discipline in which we
    reveal that we are capable of playing by
    societys rules and thus pleasing authority
    figures like our parents, teachers, bosses, etc.
  • While popular pleasures involve resisting or
    evading the rules, hegemonic pleasures are the
    pleasures of conformity to the rules. Every child
    who has been toilet trained knows this pleasure.

The Shopping Mall different meanings, different
  • The meaning of the shopping mall resides in the
    interrelationship between the resource and the
  • The dominant culture meaning of the Mall is that
    it is a cathedral of consumption. One is expected
    to be a proper consumer. The good shopper shops
    properly - on credit and achieves a hegemonic
  • However, in our stratified society, poor people
    cannot easily achieve this pleasure. Indeed, poor
    people are not welcome in shopping malls. Yet
    despite the security guards there are poor people
    at the mall. And there are suspicious teenagers
    there too who are not shopping properly. What are
    they doing there?

The Shopping Mall
  • Marginal people may use the mall for alternative
    purposes than shopping. They may be there to
    merely window shop, or to meet friends, or just
    to use the space. These users are not consumers.
    They may simply be using the mall to duck out
    from school (evasive popular culture) and/or to
    reject its preferred meaning in favor of an
    alternative meaning, thus engaging in resistant
    popular culture.
  • There are even shoppers at the mall who are not
    Betty Crocker shoppers. The teenage Goth shopper
    is purchasing tons of black makeup to make a
    statement of (popular culture) resistance against
    the dominant culture. It is easy to find
    hegemonic, productive and evasive pleasures at
    the mall.

Popular Culture is fluid and diverse
  • Popular culture is the culture of the subordinate
    who resent their subordination at some level.
  • They may avoid the system, they may trick the
    system, they may redefine the system, or they may
    openly reject the system.
  • Those who evade or resist the system are not one
    unified homogenous group. Popular culture is
    loose, fluid, and diverse. They same people who
    tricked the system one day may behave
    properly the next day. Popular culture has a
    guerilla resistance nature to it.

Fight the power!
  • To John Fiske, while many people are passive
    dupes (conformists) of industrial capitalism and
    its dominant ideologies, many people are not.
    They are active choosers of which products to
    buy, which TV shows to watch, and which
    information to believe in.
  • In our mass society, there is a constant
    interplay of power and resistance to power.
  • Much of this struggle is a struggle for meanings.
    What is the dominant culture meaning of a poor
    black person in the ghetto? Do these blacks
    accept this definition, or do they fight back
    with alternative definitions?

Popular Culture is everywhere, and it is often
  • Popular culture is full of resistances puns,
    vulgarities that assault elites, jokes, parodies
    anything that doesnt conform to the
    disciplined social order that the social system
  • The use of vulgarity in hip hop culture is often
    to send a message of resistance against
    mainstream white-dominated society. This is an
    in-your-face resistance that says we dont
    play by your rules.
  • Indeed, youth culture itself is filled with
    vulgarities in the face of repressive adult
    norms. It is even possible for adults to enjoy
    these vulgarities. They may read an
    anti-aristocracy statement in youth culture
    vulgarities that they too identify with.

Mass culture and popular culture
  • Hal Himmelstein is worried that popular culture
    is a culture of subordination in which people
    have been massified into dupes of capitalism and
    its dominant myths.
  • Himmelstein is concerned about the effects of
    mass culture and does not differentiate it from
    what Fiske calls popular culture. Himmelstein
    is a mass culture theorist.
  • Fiske differentiates between mass culture and
    popular culture.
  • Mass culture is produced by elites and their
    corporations and serves the interests of elites.
    It is the assembly line culture of the
    mainstream, such as found on Top-40 radio.

How dupified are the masses?
  • Popular culture is produced by subordinates out
    of resistance to or evasion of mass culture.
  • Fiske argues that mass culture theorists
    underestimate the extent to which popular culture
    works as an agent of resistance against the
    dominant groups in society.
  • Fiske does not see people as passive and opiated,
    although he concedes that some are. He sees
    active interpreters who evaluate using different
    criteria than those provided simply by dominant

Resistance is not futile
  • Fiske sees everyday acts of deviance in the mall,
    at school, on the job, at the theater, in sports
    arenas, etc.
  • They may not take the form of an organized social
    movement, but they are resistant.
  • These everyday acts of defiance provide fertile
    soil for more organized and visible challenges to
    the status quo to emerge.
  • To Fiske, evasion is the foundation of
    resistance, and resistance is the foundation of a
    social movement that can dramatically change
  • He likens this to a kind of guerilla warfare in
    which anyone at any time can engage in deviant
    behavior and sent a message of resistance or

Popular Culture is Empowering
  • The beginning of political empowerment is the
    ability to think differently. This is the source
    of resistance.
  • This resistance results from the desire to exert
    control over the meanings of their own lives.
    People who are subordinated face the problem of
    more powerful groups defining them. If they allow
    this, they lose their self esteem and can become
  • Resistance is empowering. When one takes control
    over their own defining process they gain self
    esteem, and this confidence leads to more visible
    actions of resistance.
  • A guerilla resistance may appear minor, such as
    getting a risqué tattoo that is disapproved of by
    society, but it seeds empowerment.

Comparison of the Economic Model (Himmelstein)
with the Cultural Model (Fiske) Emphasis
Eco. Model Cult. Model
The Jeaning of the World
  • Jeans were developed in America and have become
    so popular throughout the world that they have
    become a world symbol of American culture and
  • When jeans are adopted in the popular culture of
    other countries, these cultures excorporate new
    meanings for the jeans.
  • Yet they also bear traces of their
  • The export of jeans contributes to the
    Americanization of the world, but these cultures
    do not become American. They pick and choose
    aspects of Americanism that they identify with.

  • Fiske argues that popular culture is everywhere
    and that excorporation is very common.
  • When subordinated groups use resources in a new
    way, and this underground style becomes popular
    at the grass roots level, the corporate producers
    of the resources must resort to the process of
  • Manufacturers quickly exploit the popularity of
    the underground style by reproducing it in the
    factory and marketing it as hip or the next
    big thing.

  • Fiske gives the example of torn jeans. The
    original torn jeans were done by ordinary hippies
    who simply wore out their clothes rather than
    replace them with new store-bought jeans.
    Hippies dont believe in consumerism, and the
    torn jeans came to symbolize this counterculture.
  • But the very popularity of torn jeans made them
    attractive to corporations, who began to offer
    factory-beached, factory-torn jeans as the next
    big thing. The process of adopting the signs of
    resistance into the dominant system is an attempt
    to rob them of their oppositional meanings to
    co-opt them.

  • To the economic model - the model emphasizing
    incorporation - these signs of opposition are
    turned to the advantage of the manufacturers, so
    that the wearing of torn jeans becomes a way of
    extending consumerism rather than a way of
    opposing consumerism.
  • Fiske argues the problem with this model is it
    fails to recognize that there is a huge
    difference between a person who wears their own
    torn jeans (as a statement of resistance to the
    corporate machine) and one who wears factory-torn
    jeans (as a statement of conformity to what the
    corporate machine dictates as hip).

Containment is never fully successful
  • Containment, says Fiske, is never fully
    successful because resistors simply move on to
    create new styles of resistance.
  • Corporations are constantly trying to catch up
    with these underground styles.
  • They pay close attention to these resistors and
    evaders emanating from the streets, from high
    schools and colleges, from the ghettos, from
    tattoo parlors, music clubs, and other dives, and
    from youth culture in general.
  • Popular culture fashion and music is always ahead
    of the mass culture versions of their products.

Popular culture and mass culture
  • There are basically two cultures operating
    simultaneously in our society popular culture
    and mass culture - and they are connected through
    this process of containment.
  • At the grass roots level, ordinary subordinates
    seek to create their own identities and make new
    fashion, music, language, sports, and other
    styles to reflect these efforts.
  • At the mass culture level, corporations market
    copy-cat versions of these styles which are
    slightly modified to be safe for the status quo.
  • Corporate rock music is not the same as
    underground rock music - it has been factory
    bleached to be safe for mass marketing.

Adaptation, not adoption
  • To Fiske, popular culture is made by the people
    not produced by a culture industry.
  • It is in the self-interest of large corporations
    to massify, to promote dominant ideologies and
    myths, and to offer standardized assembly-line
    products. But these behaviors and messages do not
    go unopposed.
  • The opposing forces transform or excorporate mass
    made products into new cultural resources. In
    doing so, the opposing forces pluralize the
    meanings of that particular commodity.
  • The culture of everyday life is found in the
    process of adaptation (not adoption) to the
    imposed systems brought forth by the powerful.

Tactical Consumption
  • One form of adaptation is tactical consumption.
  • In our society, everyone is a consumer, so
    everyone feeds the machine of corporate
  • Yet the act of consumption can be detached from
    the strategies of capitalism. A consumer might
    use a commodity to make a different statement
    than the one intended by the products
    manufacturer. When this is done, it is called
    tactical consumption.
  • An example was given earlier of a goth subculture
    consumer who buys and wears outrageous makeup on
    purpose in order to send a message of resistance.
    This is a tactical consumption.

Popular Culture is Inclusive
  • This is not to say that a member of a dominant
    group cannot participate in popular culture. They
    can and do. But to do so, they must reform their
    allegiance away from those that give them their
    social power.
  • It is also possible that a wealthy white male
    might identify with the plight of the Jews, or be
    a feminist, or be aligned in some way against
    some aspect of the power structure.
  • Our social statuses are complex, and our
    loyalties are complex.
  • Any product offered by the mass culture may be
    used or interpreted in a popular culture manner,
    and almost anyone can do this.

  • The key motivating force behind popular culture
    is the desire and pleasure of producing ones own
    meanings and pleasures, while avoiding or
    resisting the social discipline imposed by the
    dominant forces in society.

Evasive Pleasure
  • Evasive pleasure usually focuses on the pleasures
    of the body. It is extra-social.
  • Ecstasy, bliss, the orgasm these are all
    pleasures which are associated with the loss of
  • The self is socially constructed and therefore
    socially regulated. The loss of self is therefore
    a form of evading the socially-constructed self
    it is a form of evading societal control.
  • In the pleasures of the body, we are all equal,
    and this insight poses a threat to any
    hierarchical social system.

Evasive Pleasure
  • In the moment of orgasm, or any bliss, the
    temporary loss of ones social identity produces
    a momentary unique identity apart from society.
  • This temporary bliss may be induced by drugs,
    orgasm, loud music, surfing, skydiving, rhythmic
    dancing, chanting, praying, or even singing in
    the shower. It is a distinct body high and it
    has nothing to do with society and its rules and
    everything to do with our nervous system.
  • At this moment, one may sense a temporary
    oneness with others or even a spiritual awakening
    that is related to this new extra-social

Evasive Pleasure
  • Regardless of how it is achieved, these evasive
    pleasures attract the forces of social discipline
    because they threaten the status quo.
  • These experiences are totally subjective and
    beyond the manipulative power of dominant groups
    to control.
  • This is one of the reasons why there have been so
    many attempts to control and discipline the
    expression and experience of sexuality.
  • Womens sexual pleasure, and even masturbation
    itself, has been restricted by the forces of
    social power. In the Victorian 19th century, it
    wasnt civilized for a woman to achieve orgasm.

Evasive pleasure
  • To be civilized is to be disciplined by the
    rules of society. And a Christian or Victorian
    society allows only certain forms of pleasure.
  • Therefore to experience these bodily pleasures is
    to refuse to be socially controlled, at least
  • This temporary experience is empowering because
    it reminds us that there are aspects of ourselves
    that lie beyond the laws of society.
  • Fiske argues that evasive pleasures produce the
    energy and empowerment that underlie the
    production of resistant meanings. They are a

Productive pleasure
  • Whereas evasive pleasures center on the body,
    productive pleasures center on the mind.
  • Creating resistant interpretations, such as by
    using an alternative interpretation of a
    mainstream TV show, produces a productive
  • Embarrassing elites is a common popular pleasure.
    Much of our tabloid culture offers plenty of
    opportunity for productive pleasures.
  • Empowerment comes from producing your own
    meanings from the available cultural resources
    and making them relevant to the everyday world.

Strategies of Discipline
  • The industrialization of the 19th century
    produced extreme social class divisions, and the
    worlds of the rich and the working class were
    extremely different, as were their
  • These differences constituted a threat to the
    ability of the wealthy to control the social
    order for their own interests.
  • Consequently, the disciplinary energy of the
    wealthy was directed toward trying to control or
    contain the leisure activities of the lower
  • The significance of leisure for the working class
    is that it is an activity that lies beyond the
    workplace and is therefore not directly
    controlled by the company manager.

Strategies of Discipline
  • Consequently, the dominant classes developed
    strategies to control the leisure of the working
    class to control or try to manipulate their
    conditions of pleasure.
  • There were two main strategies
  • 1. Repressive legislation to actually stop the
    behavior. Cockfighting, for example, could be
  • 2. Containment of their vulgarities into
    socially acceptable formats. Wrestling and boxing
    could be subject to rules and officials in order
    to civilize them and bring them under the
    control of the dominant classes.

Strategies of Discipline
  • In the popular culture of this era, the popular
    recreations were either blood sports like
    cockfighting or carnivalesque festivals such as
    annual fairs and sports events.
  • Historically, where popular behavior exceeds
    social control, it tends to be defined as immoral
    and as a threat to civilized society (in other
    words, elites).
  • This is true to some extent, because all popular
    culture is inherently subversive to the status
  • The pleasures and excesses of the body, such as
    drunkenness, sexuality, drug use, idleness,
    rowdiness these were all seen as threats to the
    social order. They were undisciplined behavior.

Strategies of Discipline
  • While drunkenness and sexual promiscuity were
    frowned upon if they occurred in the world of the
    aristocracy, there were not seen as threatening.
    This same drunkenness in the working class,
    however, was perceived as threatening by elites.
  • So an old peasant ritual characterized by public
    drunkenness and rowdy behavior the holiday we
    now call Christmas - might be appropriated or
    contained and turned into an official holiday.
    In its 19th century version, this holiday was to
    be earned by the industrial worker for being
    obedient to the boss. Pass the spiked eggnog
  • Actually despite efforts at containment, many of
    us still get drunk and rowdy over Christmas.

Strategies of Discipline
  • Wrestling was also a popular working class sport
    that was subject to containment. Wrestling was
    appropriated into a ring, with an official who
    would assure that civilized rules would apply.
  • The dominant class sought to turn wrestling into
    a controlled recreation. Their goal was to turn
    a vulgar activity into a respectable
  • Despite the attempt by the dominant classes to
    control (or contain) the lower classes, these
    efforts have had limited success. People still
    get drunk and rowdy, and wrestling is still
    pretty vulgar.

Wrestling as popular culture material
  • Indeed modern wrestling makes a parody of rules
    and officials, signaling working class contempt
    against elites. Wrestling is filled with
    intentional bad taste and degradation, just as
    hip hop is - and for similar reasons.
  • Today, modern wrestling is similar to the
    medieval carnival. It is intentionally
    uncivilized a place where rules are made to be
    broken. In wrestling, the referee is not
    powerful, and even the wrestlers body borders on
    the grotesque.
  • A sign of popular leisure is when the people
    themselves participate in the activity, and in
    wrestling the fight always spills out into the

Wrestling as popular culture material
  • Wrestling, therefore, is a parody of the world of
    the upper class, where they laugh at the wimpy
  • This is why wrestling still appeals mostly to the
    working class. It is they who are subject to the
    rules of elites.
  • Therefore, this audience enjoys a sport of
    excess, where the cheaters and ugly characters
    win and where the guy who plays by the rules
  • We expect insults and vulgarities in wrestling
    because they symbolize a refusal to be tamed by
    the elite forces of discipline.

  • To Fiske, popular culture is progressive in the
    sense that it challenges the status quo and its
    pecking orders.
  • It is micro-based rather than macro-based, and it
    reflects everyday statements that reveal a desire
    for self-determination and self-expression in the
    face of social hierarchies.
  • While it is not a direct ideology of revolution,
    it provides the soil for social change and for
    revolutionary ideologies to emerge.
  • To Fiske it is wrong to assume that because
    people are not in a state of class consciousness,
    then they must be in a state of false

  • Similarly, Fiske argues that there is nothing
    inherently wrong with finding pleasure out of the
    same system that colonizes us.
  • Indeed, this very pleasure might be a subversive
    popular pleasure.
  • The fundamental issue is control over our own
    lives in a mass society dominated by the
    interests of corporate capitalism.
  • The current absence of powerful movements for
    humanistic social change does not mean that the
    masses are opiated the way mass culture theorists
    argue. The very existence and pervasiveness of
    popular culture shows that many people are
    actively pushing back.

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