Title: Sponsorship Package
1Youth Electronics Design Applications
- Sponsorship Package
- JULY 2003
- Under the patronage of His Royal Highness The
Duke of York, the YEDA Awards are based each year
on a high profile national competition that
challenges young people at schools and
universities to identify a product or market
opportunity and then to conceive, design and
build a unique, viable electronic hardware or
software solution. - This involves market research, the production of
a business plan and the preparation of
display/sales material in support of a working
prototype for public exhibition, and for
presentation to a panel of professional judges at
regional and ultimately national levels. - The YEDA programme is exciting and fun and
provides an unforgettable experience designed to
encourage more young people into the industry. - The first YEDA awards were presented in 1985 and
the competition is open to students between the
ages of 12 and 25 who are in full time education. - YEDA judging is based on the same criteria used
by industry in determining whether or not to take
up a new product i.e. is there a market? Does the
product work and can it be made at the right
price? How unique is it? - Regional judging takes place each May/June and
the national final, public exhibition and Awards
presentations take place in July at the end of
the Summer term following examinations.
3 Industry needs graduates and school leavers
who are properly prepared for the business
world. Industry faces a skills shortage
because not enough students are embarking on
electronics and information technology
courses.There is the need to overcome an image
problem which is discouraging students from
taking up ICT/Engineering.Teachers often do
not have the necessary help, or incentives to
encourage more students in this area.
Government is addressing these problems but there
also needs to be coordinated action by the ICT
A cost effective way for industry to promote
technology to young people. YEDA not only makes
technology exciting but it introduces young
people to the realities of business today.
Unique in its focus on electronics hardware and
software and the way it addresses the needs of
ICT industries. A responsible way of
developing young minds and creating a positive
perception of technology and the companies
concerned. It is one way of preparing
tomorrow's workforce and wealth generators now.
Moira Stuart, OBE, BBC newscaster, has presented
the YEDA awards for over 10 years
Sponsors can take pride in supporting YEDA
2003 marked the eighteenth annual YEDA Awards in
our history. Over 5000 Young Electronic
Designers have taken part in the competition.
Thereve been more than 300 finalists, who have
benefited by more than 1/4 million pounds in
prizes money alone. The Lord Puttnam,
Chairman of the National Endowment for Science,
Technology and the Arts (NESTA) speaking at the
1999 YEDAs said, "Don't just sponsor this for the
publicity - sponsor it because you know it's the
right thing to do.Trade Association Intellect
agrees and endorses the programme accordingly.
The Department of Trade and Industry has also
given its full support.
His HRH, The Duke of York has been supporting
YEDA for over 10 years
Benefit from a high quality Public Relations
programme. Get your company name into the
classroom and create a positive perception among
young people who are potentially the customers,
employees and opinion formers of the future.
Reinforce your corporate image by being seen to
support technology education, improve skills and
develop a broader business understanding .
Identify potential candidates for recruitment.
Electronics Weekly, 05.02.2003, page 2
We have regular coverage in Electronics Weekly,
IEE Education and other key publications
Aims To develop YEDA further as the premier UK
technology-based marketing/business education
programme, capitalising on its uniqueness in
support of the ICT sector. To utilise the
platform to the further mutual benefit of
students and YEDA's corporate sponsors in the
ultimate interests of the industry and of the
UK. Latest Development www.yeda.org.ukThe
YEDA Trust has been delighted to announce the
formation of the YEDA Community - an Internet
based resource, through which the aim is to keep
in touch with contestants after theyve moved-on
to their chosen vocations and to provide a forum
for them to share experiences and knowledge. It
will also give them useful points of reference to
top companies in the industry.
Electronics Weekly, 11.06.2003, page 5
THE YEDA TRUST (no. 327276)The YEDA Awards
programme is governed by the YEDA Trust, PO Box
2118, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 1XQ.The
Board of Trustees consists of Dr Michael
Sanderson (Chairman) Professor John Midwinter,
PhD Mr John McElroy Mr Kenneth Sanders, BSc
Professor Guy Fitzgerald Eur Ing Jim Brookes
MA CEng FBCS Sir Alec Morris, KBE, CB, FEng
Malcolm McLaren-Clark, Secretary to the
Trust and Chief Executive
Electronics Weekly, 09.07.2003, page 5
The YEDA Trust PO Box 2118 Pulborough West
Sussex RH20 1XQ Tel 01798 839548 Fax 01798
839546 E-mail info_at_yeda.org.uk website