Title: Team Members
1Julia Brazas Ben Lorch Achyuth Hassan
Matt Howard Ryan Malone Sean York
2Digital Divide
- By 2002, 92 of schools online
- K-12 spent 7.87B on technology in 03-04
- Infrastructure in placenow what?
- Of that, 1.5B went to
- Instructional Software
- Integrating Technology into Curriculum
- 61 of teachers said classroom internet access
was essential to learning - Fastest growing segment
- 24 CAGR in spending since 00-01 school year
- But, most dont use itWhy?
3Lack of Quality
- Most educators lack practical skills of what to
do with the web - 66 of teachers cite ease of use as a major
problem - Online materials are missing excitement, such as
animation and sound - Software does not provide proper evaluation
techniques like quizzes and parental links
4How Do We Fit In?
- Online learning company
- Established web product
- Dynamic learning experience
- Experienced team
- Addresses the issues
- Lack of high-quality online content in schools
- Easy-to-use and incorporate for educators
- Delivers vast, unique resources from museums
5How Do We Fit In?
- Online learning company
- Established web product
- Dynamic learning experience
- Experienced team
- Addresses the issues
- Lack of high-quality online content in schools
- Easy-to-use and incorporate for educators
- Delivers vast, unique resources from museums
You neednt take our word for it ...lets hear
what the customers say!
6Sample Sales Video
7What is eFieldTrips?
- Online learning company
- Supplemental, web-based curriculum
- Subscription revenue model
- Popular subjects, relevant topics
- Established, tested product
- Successful CPS test bed
- Kids love the dynamic material
- Easy for educators to incorporate
- Credible content by teachers, for teachers
- Platform is a virtual field trip experience
- Strong museum partnerships
8How do we know all of this?
- University of Chicago WebDocent Pilot
- CPS test bed
- 100 hours of material
- Existing partnerships
- 8 renowned cultural institutions
- Letters of Interest
- Experienced management team
- Strong advisory board
9Management Team
- Benjamin Lorch
- Managing Director, CPS UC Internet Project
- Julia Brazas
- Director, Chicago WebDocent Project
- Sean York
- Creative Director, Chicago WebDocent Project
- Matthew Howard
- Senior e-learning strategist, web producer
- Achyuth Hassan
- GSB, focus on business, new product development
- Ryan Malone
- GSB, focus on sales, marketing
10Advisory Board
- Don G. York
- Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
University of Chicago - Founder, CPS UofC Internet Project
- Tom Berkshire
- Chief of Staff, IL Dept. of Children Family
Services (DCFS) - Scott Clegg
- Former President, Nobel Learning Communities
- Mary Cullinane
- Technology Architect, Microsoft School of the
Future - Sharnell Jackson
- Chief eLearning Officer, Chicago Public Schools
- In progress the presidents of our eight partner
Chicago cultural institutions
11So where do you come in?
- Stage 1 Investment 900,000
- Operational, start-up expenses through 2006
- Stage 2 Investment 900,000
- Continuation of Stage 1
- Grow to revenue positive
- So what does that buy you?
Great Company, Solid Strategy!
12Going-to-Market Strategy
- Revenues generated through subscriptions
- Quantity-discounted subscriptions to districts
- Individual subscriptions for home use
- Customers involved to reach student (3rd party
buyer) - Major metropolitan school districts
- Smaller school districts, individual public or
parochial schools, classrooms - Home schools, individual users, parents buying
for children - Slightly different processes for each
Lets take a look at the Unit Model
13District Purchasing Process
1-1 ½ Year Pilot Sell Build Relationship ?
Sales Presentations ? Buyers include
District Tech Coordinators, School
Administration, Principals, Teachers ?
Submit Pilot Proposal
14District Purchasing Process
- 1-1 ½ Year Pilot Sell
- Build Relationship
- ? Sales Presentations
- ? Buyers include
- District Tech Coordinators,
- School Administration,
- Principals, Teachers
- ? Submit Pilot Proposal
- Gain Acceptance
- ? Facilitate Trials
- ? Teacher Acceptance Key
- Possible Training Session
- ? Refined District Proposal
- ? Board Budget Decision
15District Purchasing Process
- 1-1 ½ Year Pilot Sell
- Build Relationship
- ? Sales Presentations
- ? Buyers include
- District Tech Coordinators,
- School Administration,
- Principals, Teachers
- ? Submit Pilot Proposal
- Gain Acceptance
- ? Facilitate Trials
- ? Teacher Acceptance Key
- Possible Training Session
- ? Refined District Proposal
- ? Board Budget Decision
- Launch Pilot
16District Pilot Details
- Districts want to ramp up pilots
- Proves worth and eases into investment
- Y1 10, Y2 25, Y3 50, Y4 100
- Volume discounted pricing schedule
- Based on customer and competitive research
- Ex CPS, 500 schools 300,000
- 600 per school or about 1.20/student
- Ex Milwaukee PS, 150 schools 210,000
- 1,400 per school or about 2.80/student
17Gaining District Adoption
- Hire Sales Executive
- Prior textbook or edu-software sales
- Leverage existing content
- Sales video with CPS, student testimonials
- Loss leader, free trials
- Conference presentations, booth
- American Assoc. of School Administrators (AASA)
- Urban Superintendents Assoc. of America (USAA)
- Promote brand, product
- National Education Association (NEA) publication
- Capture sponsorships
- Email blasts, print advertising with National PTA
18The Individual Subscriber
- Largely scattered base
- Initial focus on Chicago-area individuals
- 2.2M students
- Subscription price of 29.99/year
- Higher willingness to pay
- Based on customer and competitive research
- Echoes desire for educational materials that kids
will enjoy!
19Gaining Individual Adoption
- Teacher referrals, student take-home effect
- Tons of existing content
- Complimentary access to all future lessons
- Parent e-notifications, email blasts
- Sales video available online, via mail
- Loss leader, free trials
- Promote brand, product
- Discovery for Kids or National Geographic
magazines - Leverage sponsorships
- Email blasts, print advertising with National PTA
20And, the skys the limit!
- By subject
- History Henry Ford Museum, Industrial Revolution
- Science San Diego Zoo, zoological sciences
- Physics Indianapolis Motor Speedway, friction
and acceleration - Health Milwaukee Public Museum, dairy and
nutrition - By customer
- Teachers professional development credits
- Parents questions for the dinner table weekly
emails - Students Passport club membership
- Museums kiosk content that ties into curriculum
21Projected Earnings
22Total Competition
23Simplified Competition
24Recap of Investment
- Stage 1 Investment 900,000
- Operational, start-up expenses through 2006
- Refine online platform to accommodate sales
- Hire CEO and Sales Executive
- Fund CPS 2nd stage pilot
- Begin to gain suburban and regional adoption
- Support some new lesson development
- Stage 2 Investment 900,000
- Continuation of Stage 1 grow to revenue positive
- Ramp up pilots at new districts
- Transition efforts to individual subscriber
market - New content development
- National expansion of partnerships and focus
25In Summary
- Solves important problems
- Big technology investments
- Lack of meaningful learning experiences
- Has momentum and experience
- Successful CPS pilot, letters of interest
- Solid management
- Good investment
- 3M in year 5, 3-year breakeven
- Highly liquid edu-software market (500M)
Thank You!
- Achyuth Hassan
- ahassan_at_ChicagoGSB.edu
- (847) 630-7826
- Ryan Malone
- rmalone_at_ChicagoGSB.edu
- (773) 620-4538
27Still Want To See More?
- More Details
- About Your Favorite
- Online Educational Company
28The School Product
29Technology Spending
(by Category, National Data for 2003-2004 School
Source QEDs 10th Annual Technology Purchasing
Forecast 2004-2005 Preliminary Data
30Student Computer Use Frequency
Source National Survey (n158 educators)
31Whats Missing?
Source National Survey (n158 educators)
32Museum PartnerInformation
33Current Partner Listing
- The Field Museum
- The Art Institute of Chicago
- The Museum of Science and Industry
- The Chicago Historical Society
- The Adler Planetarium
- The Newberry Library
- The Oriental Institute
- The DuSable Museum of African American History
34Museums Need
- Unable to leverage educational outreach
- Want lifelong relationship with younger visitors
- Need better exhibit asset utilization
- Desire to drive foot traffic to events
35Satisfying the Partners
- Supply us with content, underwrite some
development costs - We use that content in the schools
- Build curriculum around material
- Add significant value to the archives
- Return kiosk-ready content to partner
- Ties into classroom activities
- Passport promotions, drive foot traffic
- Fulfilling outreach obligations
36The Museum Product
37Timeline and RolloutInformation
YE 2006 Goals Content 80 total lessons Kiosks
1 completed, 1 in progress CPS 100 school pilot
in progress Pilots 2 major districts
begun Schools 100 smaller schools Individual
2,500 users
- Build Customer Base
- ? Chicago unit model
- ? CPS and suburban focus
- ? Existing content, testimonials
- ? Build team, relationships
- Expand the Base
- ? New district pilots
- ? Individual subscriptions
- ? New content, partnerships
- ? Expand team, relationships
- National Progression
- ? Move to national pilots
- ? Promote individual subscribers
- ? Leverage relationships
- ? National conference promotion
YE 2008 Goals Content120 total lessons Kiosks
1 per quarter Traveling 1 in progress CPS 100
adoption Pilots 6 major districts in
progress Schools 180 individual
schools Individual 25,000 users
- Build Customer Base
- ? Chicago unit model
- ? CPS and suburban focus
- ? Existing content, testimonials
- ? Build team, relationships
- Expand the Base
- ? New district pilots
- ? Individual subscriptions
- ? New content, partnerships
- ? Expand team, relationships
- National Progression
- ? Move to national pilots
- ? Promote individual subscribers
- ? Leverage relationships
- ? National conference promotion
YE 2010 Goals Content 175 total
lessons Kiosks 2 per quarter Traveling 1
completed, 1 in progress District 6 at 100
total adoption Pilots 6 new districts in
progress Schools 225 individual
schools Individual 75,000 users
- Build Customer Base
- ? Chicago unit model
- ? CPS and suburban focus
- ? Existing content, testimonials
- ? Build team, relationships
- Expand the Base
- ? New district pilots
- ? Individual subscriptions
- ? New content, partnerships
- ? Expand team, relationships
- National Progression
- ? Move to national pilots
- ? Promote individual subscribers
- ? Leverage relationships
- ? National conference promotion
41Value Proposition
42The Process
43The Process
44The Process
45The Process
46The Process
47The Process
48The Process
49Business Risks
50Minimum Hurdles
- Add some info here about our minimum hurdles in
the revenue-neutral world of break-evenie, x
schools or x individuals or x kiosks even
51Projected Gross Profit Details
52Projected Net Income Details
53Projected Revenue Detail
54Revenue Assumptions
55Projected Expense Detail
56Expense Assumptions
- Bulk in team compensation
- Low COGS, all development
- Clear team growth
- Internal support
- Sales
- Content development
- Yearly compensation increases
57Projected Cash Flows