Title: The computer
1The computer
- Dr. Yan Liu
- Department of Biomedical, Industrial and Human
Factors Engineering - Wright State University
2Elements of a Computer System
- Input Devices for Interactive Use
- Text entry traditional keyboard, phone text
entry, speech, handwriting, etc - Pointing mouse, touchpad, stylus, etc
- Virtual reality and 3D interaction devices data
gloves, SpaceBall, etc. - Output Display Devices
- Different types of screens mostly using some form
of bitmap display - Large displays and situated displays for shared
and public use - Digital paper, in conjunction with digital pens,
can be used to create handwritten digital
documents - Devices in the Physical World
- Sensors for movement, temperature, bio-signs,
etc. - Devices with sound, smell, and/or haptic
3Elements of a Computer System
- Memory
- Short-term memory RAM (random access memory)
- Long-term memory disks
- Capacity limitations
- Access methods
- Processing
- Processing speed
- Networks
4Alphanumeric Keyboards
- One of the most common text entry devices in use
today - QWERTY Keyboards
- QWERTY are the first six letters at the top row
of alphabetical keys - The layout of the digits and letters is generally
fixed except a few variations in some nations
keyboards - e.g. French keyboards interchange both "Q" and
"W" with "A" and "Z", and move "M" to the right
of "L" - Non-alphanumeric keys vary
- e.g. There is a difference between key
assignments on British and American keyboards - Above 2 and 3 on the UK keyboard are the and
, respectively, whereas and are on the
USA keyboard - The placement of brackets, backslashes and such
like vary - Not optimal for typing
- The reason for such the layout can be traced back
to the days of mechanical typewriters
5French keyboard
US keyboard
UK keyboard
6Alphanumeric Keyboards
- Dvorak Keyboard
- An alternative standard keyboard layout to
QWERTY, patented in 1936 by August Dvorak and
Willam Dealey - Designed to address the problems of inefficiency
and fatigue that characterized the QWERTY
keyboard layout - Speed improvement of 10 15
- Reduction in user fatigue due to the increased
ergonomic layout of the keyboard - Has failed to replace QWERTY standard
- Currently, all major operating systems (e.g.
Apple OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux) can
ship the Dvorak keyboard layout in addition to
the QWERTY layout
7Alphanumeric Keyboards
- Dvorak Keyboard (Cont.)
- Ergonomics principles of the design
- It is easier to type letters alternating between
hands - For maximum speed and efficiency, the most common
letters should be the easiest to type. This means
that they should be on the home row, the center
row of alphabetical letters on a keyboard, which
is where the fingers rest and under the strongest
fingers - The least common letters should be on the bottom
row, which is the hardest row to reach - The right hand should do more of the typing,
because most people are right-handed - Stroking should generally move from the edges of
the board to the middle. An observation of this
principle is that, for many people, when tapping
fingers on a table, it is easier going from
little finger to index than vice versa
8Dvorak Keyboard Layout
9Alphanumeric Keyboards
- Chord Keyboards
- Significantly different from normal alphanumeric
keyboards - Only a few keys are used
- Allow users to enter characters or commands
formed by pressing several keys together, like
playing a chord on a piano - Advantages
- Extremely compact and thus can be built into a
device (e.g. a pocket-sized computer) that is too
small to contain a normal sized keyboard - A large number of combinations available from a
small number of keys allows text or commands to
be entered with one hand, leaving the other hand
free to do something else - Disadvantages
- Lack of familiarity
- Cannot be used by a "hunt and peck" method, so
their use is restricted to applications where
additional training can be justified - Hunt and peck typing (or two-fingered typing) is
a common form of typing, in which the typist must
find and press each key individually
10- 12 keys, so more than 4000 combinations are
potentially possible - User can set up key combinations as macros for
longer strings of text
Twiddler2 Developed by Handykey Corp.
11Phone Pad and T9 Entry
- Two Modes in Phone Pads
- Keys mean digits (when entering phone numbers)
- Keys mean letters (when typing SMS messages)
- Mapping digits to letters, using numeric keys
with multiple presses - e.g. hello 4433555pause555666 (Laborious?)
- Experienced mobile phone users make use of highly
developed shorthand to reduce the number of
keystrokes - e.g. lrnt 2 txt usng shrt wds
- T9 Algorithm
- Type as if there were a single key for each
letter - Uses a large dictionary to guess the right word
- e.g. 3926753 becomes example as there is only
one meaningful word with letters that match the
series of numbers - When there are ambiguities about the possible
words, a series of options are presented for the
user to choose from
Mobile phone keypad with typical mapping of
digits to letters
12Handwriting Recognition
- Text can be input into the computer using a pen
and a digesting tablet - Intuitive and natural interaction
- Challenges and Problems
- Handwriting recognition device must capture
stroke information as well as letter shapes in
handwriting - Letters within words are shaped and often drawn
very differently depending on the actual word - Individual differences in handwriting are
enormous - The speed of handwriting is much lower than of
typing - Handwriting entry would be most useful in
situations where a keyboard-based approach has
problems - e.g. Pen-based systems are used for taking notes,
jotting down and sketching ideas, as well as
acting as a diary, address book and organizer
13Speech Recognition
- A promising yet still limited area of text entry
- Most Successful When
- The system has been trained and tuned to the
users voice - Limited vocabulary of command words
- Limitations in Handling
- External noise interfering
- Imprecision of pronunciation
- Large vocabularies
- Different speakers
- Current Applications
- Telephone information systems, hands-occupied
situations (especially in military), those
suffering repetitive strain injury (RSI)
14Positioning, Pointing, and Drawing
- Mouse
- Invented by Douglas Engelbart around 1964
- A very common and easy to use handheld pointing
device - Characteristics
- Usually 1 to 3 buttons on top
- Used for making a selection, indicating an
option, or initiating drawing etc. - Operates in a planar fashion, moving around the
desk - Indirect input device
- A transformation is required to map from
horizontal movement of mouse to the vertical
movement of the cursor on the screen - Can cause hand-eye coordination problems for
novice users
15Positioning, Pointing, and Drawing
- Mouse (Cont.)
- Mechanical mouse
- A ball on underside of the mouse rotates as the
mouse moves - Ball turns vertical and horizontal wheels
(encoders) inside the mouse - Encoders interrupt optical beams to generate
electrical signals as they turn - Sensors send electrical signals to computer
- Optical mouse
- Uses a light-emitting diode (LED) and photodiodes
to detect movement relative to the underlying
surface - May be used on a special grid-like pad or just on
desk - Less susceptible to dust and dirt
- Laser mouse
- Enter the mainstream market around 2004
- Uses a small infrared laser which increases the
resolution of the image taken by the mouse - About 20 times more sensitive to the surface
features used for navigation compared to
conventional optical mouse
16Optical mouse using red LED to project light onto
the tracking surface
Mechanical mouse
Wireless laser mouse
17Positioning, Pointing, and Drawing
- Touchpad
- Small touch sensitive tablet
- Around 2-3 square inches
- Used mainly in laptop computers but now can be
obtained separately to replace the mouse on
desktop computers - Operated by stroking the users finger over its
surfaces to move the cursor - Substitute for a computer mouse
- May require several strokes to move the cursor
across the screen - Acceleration settings
- The ratio of pad distance to screen distance
varies with the speed of finger movement - Faster movement of the finger leads to longer
distance of movement on the screen
18Positioning, Pointing, and Drawing
- Trackball
- Consists of a ball housed in a socket containing
sensors to detect rotation of the ball (like an
upside-down mechanical mouse) - The user rolls the ball with the thumb, fingers,
or the palm of the hand to move the cursor - Separate buttons are required for selection
- The size and feel of the trackball affords
significant differences in the usability of the
device - Weight, rolling resistance, and texture all
contribute to the overall effect - Heavily used in video games where highly
responsive behaviour, including being able to
spin the ball, is ideal
Logitech TrackMan
19Positioning, Pointing, and Drawing
- Joystick
- Consists of a small palm-sized base box with a
handheld stick whose movement provides both a
direction and a quantity that can be used to
control cursor movement or other types of
interfaces - Usually provided with buttons for selection
- On top or on front like a trigger
- Often used for games
- Inexpensive, robust, and familiar to users
CH Products Flightstick Pro
20Positioning, Pointing, and Drawing
- Joystick (Cont.)
- Absolute joystick
- Position of the joystick in the base corresponds
to the position of the cursor on the screen - Movement is the important characteristic
- Isometric joystick (velocity-controlled joystick)
- Pressure on the stick corresponds to the velocity
of the cursor - Force feedback joystick
- Allows users to feel force of magnitude and
orientation - Gives users a stronger sense of reality
21Positioning, Pointing, and Drawing
- Touch-Sensitive Screen
- Detect the presence of finger or stylus on the
screen - Works by the finger interrupting matrix of light
beams, capacitance changes or ultrasonic
reflections - Direct pointing device
- User indicates which item is required by pointing
to it - Advantages
- Very fast and requires no specialised pointer
- Good for menu selection
- Suitable for use in hostile environment
- No separate hardware to become damaged or
destroyed by dirt - Relatively intuitive to use
- A popular choice for a wide variety of
applications - e.g. Information kiosks, ATM, airline e-ticket
terminals, retail and restaurant systems, etc.
22Positioning, Pointing, and Drawing
- Touch-Sensitive Screen (Cont.)
- Disadvantages
- Finger can leave greasy marks on the screen
- Quite inaccurate
- Difficult to select small regions or perform
accurate drawing (finger is a fairly blunt
instrument!) - Lifting the arm to point to a vertical screen can
be tiring - The screen has to be within about a meter of the
user to be reached
23Positioning, Pointing, and Drawing
- Stylus
- A small pen-like pointer to draw directly on
screen - Used on a touch-sensitive screen for more
accurate positioning and avoiding greasy marks - Particularly popular in PDA and is being used in
some laptop computers - Light Pen
- Older technology used in the same way as stylus
- Connected to the screen by a cable and uses light
from the screen to detect location - Advantages
- Very direct and intuitive to use
- Disadvantages
- Can be tiring to use on upright displays
- Obscure the screen
24Display Devices
- Bitmap Display
- Made of vast numbers of dots or pixels (the
smallest complete sample of an image) in a
rectangular grid - The pixels may be in black and white, grayscale,
or full color - Aspect ratio
- The ratio of the width to height of the display
- 43 for most screens, 169 for wide-screen TV
- Display resolution
- The number of distinct pixels in each dimension
that can be displayed - 1024768 (XGA, eXtended Graphic Array), 12801024
(SXGA, Super eXtended Graphics Array), and
16001200 resolution (UXGA, Ultra-eXtended) are
the most common display resolutions
25Display Devices
- Bitmap Display (Cont.)
- Color depth
- Describes the number of colors that can be
displayed on a monitor's screen (usually in bit) - Each of the three primary colors (red, blue and
green) has a number of bits that describe its
color depth - e.g. In a true color (24-bit color) display,
red, blue, and green each has 8 bits or 256
shades (28)
26Display Devices
- Display Techniques
- Cathode-ray tube (CRT)
- A stream of electrons is emitted from an electron
gun, which is then focused and directed by
magnetic fields. As the beam hits the
phosphor-coated screen, the phosphor is excited
by the electrons and glows - Used in TVs and computer monitors
27Display Devices
- Display Techniques (Cont.)
- Liquid crystal display (LCD)/flat panel display
- Uses two sheets of polarizing material with a
liquid crystal solution between them. An electric
current passed through the liquid causes the
crystals to align so that light cannot pass
through them. Each crystal, therefore, is like a
shutter, either allowing light to pass through or
blocking the light - Used in PDAs, portables and notebooks, and
increasingly on desktop computers and even for
home TV
28Display Devices
- Display Techniques (Cont.)
- Comparisons of CRT and LCD
- Resolution and Viewing Quality
- Resolution on a CRT is flexible
- The resolution on an LCD can be changed, but if
it is run at a resolution other than its native
resolution, its performance or quality will drop - Both types of monitor provide bright and vibrant
color display however, LCDs cannot display the
maximum color range that a CRT can - A CRT monitor can be viewed from almost any
angle, but the view on a LCD changes as the user
moves different angles and distances away from
the monitor - Viewable screen size
- The monitor size of a CRT screen is larger than
the actual viewable area due to its bulky frame - The monitor size of a LCD screen is the same
as, or very close to, the actual viewable area
29Display Devices
- Display Techniques (Cont.)
- Comparisons of CRT and LCD
- Physical size
- CRT monitors are big, bulky and heavy
- e.g. An average 17-inch CRT monitor could be
upwards of 40 lbs - LCD monitors are small, compact and lightweight
- e.g. An average 17-inch LCD monitor is about 15
lbs - Price
- LCD is more expensive than CRT as one-time
purchase but may be cheaper in the long-run due
to its longer lifespan and lower power
30Display Devices
- Large Displays
- Used for meetings, lectures, advertisement, etc
- Technology types
- Gas plasma to create large flat bitmap displays
- Behave like regular screens except they are big
and usually have the HDTV (high definition
television) wide screen format - Video wall (when very large screen areas are
required) - Several small screens (CRT or LCD) are placed
together - Projected display
- CRT, LCD, or digital light processing (DLP)
projectors - Body of the presenter may obscure the screen
- Back-projected
- Semi-frosted glass screen projector behind
- The size of the image is limited by the depth of
the projection room behind
31Display Devices
- Situated Displays
- Displays that are embedded in an environment and
adapt the content they display to changes in the
environment - Large (e.g. monitors at airports) or small (e.g.
electronic sticky note) - Can be interactive, using stylus or
touch-sensitive screen
Notes read by the office owner using web interface
A small situated display (an electronic sticky
note) beside an office door
Handwritten note left using stylus
32Special Device, Physical Controls, and Sensors
- Keyboards and screens of traditional computers
are not appropriate or impossible in some
situations - e.g. Interactive TV, in-car navigation systems,
personal entertainment, etc. - May require special displays, sound, touch,
and/or smell outputs, and dedicated controls and
sensors - Special Displays
- Some visual outputs can take the form of analog
representations of numeric values - e.g. Dials, gauges or lights to signify the
system state or trend - Head-up display
- Used mainly in aircraft
- Transparent display that presents data without
obstructing the user's view - Minimize information overload by centralizing
critical flight data (e.g. speed, altitude,
compass, etc.) within the pilot's field of vision
33The head-up display of Boeing F/A-18 Hornet (a
modern all-weather carrier-capable strike fighter
34Special Device, Physical Controls, and Sensors
- Sound Output
- Beeps, bongs, clanks, whistles, and whirrs as
sound outputs for various effects - Provide important feedback in interactive systems
- Keyboards can be set to emit a click each time a
key is pressed - Telephone keypads sound different tones when
different keys are pressed - A noise occurring signifies that the key has been
successfully pressed - Actual tone provides some information about the
particular key that was pressed - Touch, Feel and Smell
- Touch and feeling are important in some
situations - e.g. The feel of an instrument moving through
different tissue types in virtual surgery The
sense of vibration when a car is about to go off
the track in computer games - Haptic device
- Gives people a sense of touch with computer
generated environments - e.g force feedback joystick, cyber gloves, etc.
- Texture, smell
- Current technology is very limited
35Special Device, Physical Controls, and Sensors
36Special Device, Physical Controls, and Sensors
- Physical Controls
- Appropriate feedbacks are important in physical
controls - Haptic feedback
- e.g. When you press a button or turn a dial,
getting a right level of resistance gives you
feedback that you are doing something - Visual feedback
- e.g. An indicator light shows the device has been
turned on - Audio feedback
- e.g. A beep when you press a smooth button
37Special Device, Physical Controls, and Sensors
- Environment and Bio- sensors
- Environment sensors
- e.g. car courtesy light, energy saving light,
RFID security tags, GPS, pressure sensors, etc. - Biosensors
- Sensors used to capture physiological signs
- e.g. body temperature, heart rate, galvanic skin
response, blink rate, etc.
- Short-Term Memory Random Access Memory (RAM)
- Silicon chips used to held the most active
information - Random" means that any piece of data can be
returned quickly and in a constant time,
regardless of its physical location and whether
or not it is related to the previous piece of
data - Used as main memory or primary storage
- Different forms of RAM differ in their precise
access time, power consumption, and
characteristics - Typical access time in the order of 10
nano-seconds - Typical Access rate is around 100MB per second
- Typical storage in modern personal computers is
256 MB 1GB - Usually volatile
- Information is lost if power is turned off
- Small amount of non-volatile RAM exists in many
computers - Much more expensive and only used when necessary
- Long-Term Memory Disks
- Long-term storage of persistent information
- Magnetic disks
- Coated with magnetic material on which data is
stored - Data can be recorded and erased any number of
times - Types
- Floppy disk
- A 5ÂĽ-inch floppy typically can hold 360K or 1.2MB
- A 3½-inch floppy normally stores 720K, 1.2MB or
1.44MB - Hard disk
- Can store 20MB hundreds of GB
- Much faster than floppy disks (up to about 100
times faster) - Removable cartridge
- Hard disk enclosed in plastic or metal cartridges
so that it can be removed like a floppy disk - Nearly as capacious and fast as a hard disk and
has the portability of a floppy disk - Relatively expensive
- Long-Term Memory Disks
- Optic disks
- Storage medium from which data is read and to
which it is written by lasers - More robust than magnetic media
- Types
- The data is permanent, can be read any number of
times, but cannot be modified - Useful for published materials (e.g. online
reference books, multimedia and software
distribution) - WORM (write-once, read-many)
- Data can be written to it only once after that,
it behaves like a CD-ROM - Useful for backups
- Erasable
- Data can be erased and rewritten, just as
magnetic disks - Useful temporary backup
41Speed and Capacity
- Some Sizes (all uncompressed)
- The textbook (text only 320,000 words) 2MB
- The Bible 4.5 MB
- Scanned page (11x8 inches, 8-bit grayscale,
1200dpi) 128MB - Digital photo (24 mega pixels, 24-bit color)
10 MB - Problem
- RAM may not be big enough for running several
programs simultaneously - Virtual Memory
- Some programs in RAM that have not been used
recently are copied onto hard disk, freeing up
space in RAM to load new applications - Paging unused bits of the programs out of RAM
into the hard disk - Swapping the entire programs into the hard disk
- Slows down the computer
- The read/write speed of a hard drive is much
slower than that of RAM
42Speed and Capacity
- Implication
- An interactive system designer should think
carefully about where information is stored and
when it is transferred - e.g. Suppose a user wants to read a document
online. Instead of loading in the entire document
before letting the user continue, just enough is
loaded for the first page to be displayed, and
the rest is loaded during idle moments
43Processing and Networks
- Factors that Limit the Speed of Interactive
System - Computation bound
- Complex computation takes time and thus can cause
frustrating delays - The system should be designed so that long delays
are not in the middle of interaction - For a very long process, try to give an estimate
of the process duration before it starts and an
indication of the stage that the process has
reached during the process - e.g. Having a counter or slowly filling bar on
the screen that indicates the amount done - Storage channel bound
- The speed of memory access can interfere with
interactive performance - It is possible to trade off memory against
processing speed if there is plenty of raw
computational power - e.g. Compressed data takes less space to store
and is faster to read in and out, but the process
of compressing data before storage and
decompressing when retrieved leads to increased
processing time
44Processing and Networks
- Factors that Limit the Speed of Interactive
System (Cont.) - Graphics bound
- The most common bottleneck for many modern
interfaces - Updating graphic displays can take tremendous
time - Helpful to add a special-purpose graphics card
(as a co-processor) optimised to take on the
burden and allow the main processor to do other
work - Network capacity
- Many computers are linked through networks
- Interactive performance can be reduced by slow
network speed
45Processing and Networks
- Networked Computing
- Benefits
- Increased computing power and memory
- Communication with other people through
groupwares (e.g. emails and instant messages) - Shared resources
- Issues
- Slow feedbacks due to network delays
- Slower response when many people access the same
information at the same time - Unpredictability of system performance because an
individual is unaware of many important things
that are happening to the system as a whole