Title: Current Concepts in Thyroid Disease and Pregnancy
1 Current Concepts in Thyroid Disease and Pregnancy
- John H Lazarus
- Centre for Endocrine and Diabetes Sciences
- University Hospital of Wales
- Cardiff
- Wales
- UK
- Nov 2005
- Buenos Aires
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3Thyroid and Pregnancy- Controlling Factors
- Estrogen E2
- Thyroxine Binding Globulin TBG
- Human chorionic gonadotrophin hCG
- Iodine I-
- Iodothyronine deiodinasesD1,D2,D3
- D1 T4 T3
- D2 T4 T3 and rT3 T2
- D3 T4 rT3 and T3 T2
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5TFTs in Early Pregnancy
- TSH affected by hCG
- a) Cross reaction in assay
- b) hCG a thyroid stimulator
- requirement for sensitive assay to assess
pathological - significance of low TSH
- Thyroid Hormone Binding Proteins
- a) Changes in TBP in gestation not a single
linear function(especially at extremes of thyroid
function) - therefore not always compensated by
T3 uptake - b) Possibly, FT4 better than FTI at this time
6TSH and hCG during Gestation
Gestational week
7Immunologic and Hormonal Features of Pregnancy
- Improvement in Graves, RA and other autoimmune
diseases - HLA-G expression
- Fas ligand expression
- Th2 response
- Th2 cytokines produced by the
fetal/placental unit - Progesterone increase - reduction in B cell
activity - Estrogen increase - fallin autoantibody levels
- Cortisol, 1,25-OH vit D and norepinephrine affect
immune response
- Clinical
- Trophoblast
- Lymphocytes
- Hormones
8Shift in TH1/TH2 Balance in Human Pregnancy
- Cross sectional study of normal pregnancy using
flow cytometric analysis of TH1 and TH2 cytokines
in PBL. - CD4 T cells produce less TH1 cytokines
(IFN-gamma, IL-2) and more TH2 cytokines (IL-4,
IL10) during normal pregnancy. - Possible role of progesterone (PIBF- progesterone
induced blocking factor) alters TH1/TH2 balance
to TH2 cytokines -
Reinhard et al. BBRC 1998
9The Autoimmune Aftermath of Pregnancy
- Clinical
- 1) Development of several diseases (eg.neonatal
lupus, thyroiditis, myasthenia) - 2) Exacerbation of several conditions (eg
Graves disease, RA, MS) - Immunological
- Switch from Th2 to Th1
- Fetal microchimerism
- Increase in ab titres postpartum
10Pregnancy and Thyroid Disease - Facts and Figures
- Gestation Hyperthyroidism 0.24
- Hypothyroidism (TSH) 2-2.5
- Thyr Antibodies antiTPO 10
- Postpartum PPTD 5-9
- PP depression 30 vs 20
- PP Graves up to 40 of Graves
11Thyroid Testing in Pregnancy
- Trimester specific reference ranges for T4,T3 and
TSH - Importance of TPOAb
- Monitor TSH in patients on L-T4
- Identify hypothyroidism in 1st trimester
- ? Screen with TSH
- Based on NACB Guidelines 2002
12Thyroid Antibodies and Pregnancy Risk
- Infertility
- Pooled studies RR 1.95(1.5-2.53) p
- IVF failure
- Miscarriage
- sig increase (2-4x) in 10/13 studies in 5200
women Ab 10.4 - 67 - Pre eclampsia
- Fetal death
- Allan 2000,Mecacci 200,Poppe and Glinoer 2003
13TPOAb and Risk of Miscarriage
14TPOAb-associated Reproductive -related
15Hyperemesis and Thyroid FunctionGoodwin et al
SEVERE HYPEREMESIS nausea vomiting
16Outcome of Poorly Treated Hyperthyroidism in
- Miscarriage
- Placenta abruptio
- Preterm delivery
- Congestive Ht failure
- Thyroid Storm
- Pre-eclampsia
- Hyperthyroidism
- Neonatal hyperthyroidism
- Prematurity
- Fetal death /stillbirth
- Fetal abnormalities
17Hyperthyroidism in Pregnancy
18 Management of Graves Hyperthyroidism in
- Confirm diagnosis
- Start propylthiouracil or other ATD
- Render patient euthyroid - continue with low dose
ATD up to and including labour - Monitor thyroid function regularly throughout
gestation (4-6wkly).Adjust ATD if necessary - Check TSAb at 36 wks. gestation
- Discuss treatment with patient
- effect on
patient - effect on
fetus - breast
feeding - Inform obstetrician and paediatrician
- Review postpartum - check for exacerbation
- EUTHYROID previous ATD for Graves not necessary
- EUTHYROID (/-T4) - 131I/surgery for
Graves measure early pregnancy low - no
further action high - measure in last
trimester check for fetal/neonatal hyperthyr
oidism - ON ATD FOR GRAVES measure in last
trimester high - ? Fetal/neonatal
20PTU vs Carbimazole Methimazole in Pregnancy
- no aplasia cutis/ MMI embryopathy
- BUT frequent dosing schedule
- ANCA assoc vasculitis
21Methimazole Embryopathy
- Since 1995 -9 cases 4 in Sweden
- Main features Choanal atresia
- oesophageal atresia 0mphalocele plus other
abnormalities - MMI dose - usually 20mg/ per day
- NOT seen with PTU
22Effect of Antithyroid Drugs in Pregnancy on
- Messer et al Acta Endoc. 1990, 123311-316S
- Studied 17 children of 13 hyperthyroid mothers
(ATD) and 25 children of 15 euthyroid mothers
7-11 years after birth - No differences between groups in clinical/mental
psychological development - Similar to data from
- 1) McCarrol et al. Arch Dis Child 1976,
51532-536 - 2) Burrow et al. Yale J Biol Med 1978, 51 151-156
23Hypothyroidism and PregnancyUntreated
/Inadequately Treated
- Abortion
- Obstetric complications- placental abruption
- Fetal abnormalities eg. Preterm birth
- Impaired neurodevelopment
24Increased L-T4 Requirements in Pregnancy
- L-T4 requirements may increase 25-40, usually in
the first half of pregnancy - Increased requirements may depend on cause of
hypothyroidism (ablation vs .Hashimotos) - 25 of those with initial normal TSH in 1st
trimester and 37 of those with initial normal
serum TSH in 2nd trimester will later require
dosage increases due to - Inc TBG concentration (2ry to E2)
- glycosylation or hepatic clearance
- Increased T4 and T3 inactivation by placental,
fetal and uterine D3 - Increased volume of T4 distribution
- Other causes?
25Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy
Larsen et al 2003
26Therapy of hypothyroidism During Pregnancy
- Pre pregnancy counseling of all hypothyroid women
, with optimization of L-T4 dose (TSH
0.5-3.0mU/L) - Check TSH as soon as pregnancy test is positive
- Adjust T4 dose Graves45
- Hash.25
- Monitor TSH monthly
- Reduce T4 dose to pre-pregnancy level after
27Thyroid Hormone and Brain Development
- Altered migration and differentiation of neurones
- Cell migration - cerebellum
- - cerebral cortex and hippocampus
- Stunted dendritic and axonal growth and
maturation - - Purkinje cells
- - dendritic spine number
- Delayed and poor deposition of myelin
- reduced axonal number
- Thyroid Hormone Receptors
- Presence of receptors in neural tissue at early
developmental stage suggests fetal brain is
target for TH even before onset of fetal gland
function - Bernal 2002
28Maternal Hypothyroxinemia Psychoneurological
Deficits of Progeny Man et al
Ann Clin Lab Sci 1991 21 227-229
- Developmental deficits demonstrated as early as 8
mo - At age 4 and 7 yrs lower psychological scores cf
nonhypothyroxinemic progeny - 6 sibling sets outcome better when T4 therapy
given - nb possibility of socioeconomic confounding
29TPO Antibodies in Pregnancy as a marker of Child
Pop et al
JCEM 1995 80, 3561-3566
- Prospective study of 293 women
- All investigated at 32 weeks gestation
- 19 children age 4.8yrs with TPOAb (mother) had
lower scores on McCarthy scale of children's
abilities cf children of TPOAb -ve mothers(n200) - TPOAb a risk factor for impaired development
- 1967 Maternal hypothyroxinaemia related to low
IQ of progeny (both corrected by treatment during
pregnancy) Man et al - 1995 Maternal antithyroid antibodies related to
lower IQ of progeny Pop et al - 1999 Psychomotor development correlated to 1st
trimester FT4TPO or 3rd trimester FT4 Pop et al - 1999 Increased risk of poor neuropsychological
scores in progeny of women with maternal
TSH98th percentile Haddow et
al - 2003 Low Maternal T4 - 3 yr prospective study
Pop et al
31Thyroid and IQ - Recent Studies
- Haddow et al 1999 - 19 7yr old children(mothers
with high TSH in gestation) IQ - Pop et al 2003 - Bayley motor and mental scores
low in 1 2 yr olds (maternal FT4 lowest 10th
32Maternal thyroid failure and average child IQ
- The IQ scores of children whose mothers had
untreated hypothyroidism during pregnancy were
significantly lower than those of the control
children. - IQ scores for children whose mothers were being
treated for hypothyroidism during pregnancy were
similar to those of the control children.
Untreated (p 0.005)
Control, n 124 Untreated hypothyroidism, n 48
1. Adapted from JE Haddow et al., N Engl J Med.
33Comparison of mean Bayley mental and motor scores
at 1 and 2 years
Cases n57
Controls n58
Year 2
Year 1
Pop et al Clin Endoc 59282-88 2003
34Bayley mental/motor scores
Pop et al 2003 Clin Endoc 282-88
35High TSH in Pregnancy
- Incidence 2.4 and 2.2 of 2000 Klein et al
Clin Endoc 1991 Allan et al J Med Screen 2000 - Fetal death 3.8 in high TSH vs 0.9 in TSHgroup OR 4.4 ci 1.9-9.5
- Neurodevelomental Issues
- If T4 therapy beneficial then ve case for
36CATSControlled Antenatal Thyroid Screening
- Aim To ascertain if screening for thyroid
function in early gestation is justified - Funding Wellcome Trust
- Collaborators
- Depts Med, Med Biochem and Child Health UWCM
- Dept Preventive Medicine St Barts The London
37Controlled Antenatal Thyroid Screening CATS
6 centres Wales 1 centre England 1 centre Italy
Sept 05 c 18,000
300 screen positive
250 control positive
38Pregnancy FT4 concentrations in TPOAb -ve and
ve women
CATS n 936
sig LESS cf 11 week value
39CATS - Urinary Iodine
No of Women
Urinary Iodine µg/L
643 women studied 11-15wks
RDA for pregnancy 41.4
40Urinary Iodine concentrations in 100 Boston area
pregnant women1st/2nd trimester
Pearce et al Thyroid 2004 14,4, 327-8
41Pregnancy, Neurodevelopment and Thyroid Function
- Substantial evidence from both retrospective and
prospective studies suggests that early
gestational low maternal circulating thyroxine
and or TSH concentrations adversely affect
neonatal and child development at least to age
7yrs. - The case for routine antenatal screening of
thyroid function with interventional thyroxine
therapy to prevent these adverse outcomes is
being addressed by a randomised prospective
42Patterns of Thyroid Function Post Partum
43- Post Partum Graves Disease
- Immune rebound phenomenon
- TSHR Ab decrease during pregnancy - rebound in
postpartum (Gonzalez-Jimenez et al 1993) - 37/92 patients of child bearing age had onset
postpartum i.e. 40 (Tada et al 1994) - But PP Graves often de novo presentation
- Of 96 episodes postpartum hyperthyroidism -
silent thyroiditis was seen occasionally
coincidental with Graves (Momotani et al 1994).
44Hormone Concentration
Ab Concentration
45Risk Factors for Postpartum Disease
- Previous episode of PPTD
- History of AITD (eg Hashimoto)
- Diabetes Mellitus Type I
- Recurrent miscarriages
- Goitre
- Family History of AITD
46Postpartum thyroiditis and TPO-Ab
- PPT is closely associated with the presence of
TPO-Ab. - If TPO-Ab are present in 1st trimester, risk for
PPT is approx. 50. - If TPO-Ab still present in 3rd trimester, risk of
PPT is 80. - Likelihood of recurrence in subsequent
pregnancies is high (approx. 70). - Postnatal depression is more common (2-3x) in
woman with PPT.
- AF Muller et al. Endocrine Review 2001
47Is PPT an Antenatal Disorder?
Kokandi et al JCEM 2003
48Development of Postpartum Thyroid Dysfunction
Immunogenetic background eg HLA other genes
Cellular immunity
Thyroid reserve
? Fetal microchimerism
Subclinical hypothyroidism
Overt hypothyroidism
Overt hypothyroidism
49Indications for Testing Thyroid Function in
- On T4 prior to gestation
- History of autoimmune thyroid disease
- ve thyroid autoantibodies
- Previous postpartum thyroiditis
- Graves disease in remission
- ve FH autoimmune thyroid disease
- Type 1 DM and/ other autoimmune disease
- Previous neck irradiation/ partial thyroidectomy
decreased thyroid reserve
50Existing Thyroid Practice Guidelines
- Most current guidelines in thyroidology rely on
narrative literature reviews and expert opinion - Few are based on systematic evaluation of
published literature - Few guidelines recognize values such as
protecting vulnerable persons and limiting
expenditure - Very few directly address the issue of
maternal-fetal health Ladenson 2004
51Screening for Gestational Hypothyroidism
Maternal Thyroid Disease
Screening for Hypothyroidism
- Frequency of hypothyroidism
- Effects on mother and child
- Effectiveness of screening strategies
- Effectiveness of intervention
- Relatively prevalent
- Significant health impact
- Treatment effective safe and cheap
- Early diagnosis
- superior outcome
- No PRCT as yet
- Cost implications
- Future Strategies for Health Care
- Preconception clinic
- Screening anti TPO Abs at booking
- Screening FT4 and TSH at booking
- Adequate iodine intake during gestation
- Ensure adequate maternal T4
- Postpartum thyroid assessment - 6 wks
- Long term follow up of selected patient groups
- Wellcome Trust
- Nick Wald LONDON
- R John, J Sibert, A Parkes CARDIFF
- Biochemists, technicians CARDIFF
- Computing staff LONDON
- Obstetricians all centres
- Midwives all centres
- Patients all centres
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58- Pop et al Clin Endoc 2003 59282 Maternal
hypothyroxinaemia and child development
59Relation between maternal FT4 at 12 wks centile and psychological scores at 2 yrs
Pop et al Clin Endoc 2003 59 282-288
60Fetal Mortality and Morbidity in Pregnant
Hyperthyroid Patients
- Number of reports 11(1954-1983)
- Number of pregnancies 3 - 41
- Total number of pregnancies 249
- Fetal death and stillbirth 14 (5.6)
- Fetal and neonatal abnormality 15 (5)
- NB Incidence of Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy app
61L-T4 Dose Increases in pregnancy
- L-T4 requirements may increase 25-40, usually in
the first half of pregnancy - Increased requirements may depend on cause of
hypothyroidism (ablation vs .Hashimotos) - 25 of those with initial normal TSH in 1st
trimester and 37 of those with initial normal
serum TSH in 2nd trimester will later require
dosage increases - Mandel et
al New Eng J Med 1990 Kaplan Thyroid 1992
62Childhood development in Iodine deficient areas
- Spectrum of disorders ranging from
- Cretinism to
- Mild psychomotor impairment
- Documented by Stanbury, Hetzel, DeLange plus
many colleagues and ICCIDD
63Maternal Hypothyroidism during pregnancy and
subsequent childhood neuropsychological
- Haddow et al Aug 19 1999 N Eng J Med
- 62 children 7-9 yrs. Mother hypo in gestation
( tested 25,216 women) - In children from mothers receiving noT4(n48)
- mean IQ decreased 7 points cf. Controls
- 19 IQ
- ? Screen thyroid function early gestation
64Maternal hypothyroxinaemia during early pregnancy
Pop et al Clin Endoc 2003 59, 282-288
- 3yr prospective FU study of pregnant women and
children up to 2 yrs - 12 wks gestation FT4 lowest 10th centile vs FT4
50th - 90th centile - 1yr 2yr
- mental 10 8
- motor 8 10
- Low maternal T4 an independent determinant of
delay in neurodevelopment - If T4 increases, development not adversely
affected - decrement scores all sig different from control
65Maternal Hypothyroxinaemia
- Incidence in iodine deficient areas
- Usually not associated with high TSH in I
deficient areas - In I sufficient areas a high TSH more likely to
reflect nearly all women with a low T4 - Knowledge of the iodine status of the community
is essential
66NACB Guidelines 2002
Karlsson et al. JCEM 2002