Title: Judging 4H Photography
1Judging 4-H Photography
- Kim Peterson, Coordinator
- University of Nebraska Rural Initiative
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34-H Photography Projects
- Unit I Focus on Photography
- Unit II Controlling the Image
- Unit III Mastering Photography
- Unit I is a county-only exhibit and not
eligible for State Fair exhibit.
4General Photography Rules
- 4-Hers may enter up to three exhibits and can
only exhibit in one unit - Entry tag must be securely attached to upper
right hand corner of displays or prints - A photograph may only be used on one exhibit and
may be taken with a digital or film camera - Photo must have been taken by the 4-H member
during the current project year
5General Photography Rules
- Photos must be attached securely unattached
photos will be disqualified - Do not use photo corners, borders, or coverings
over photos do not attach negatives - Personal data tag required on all entries
- Photo journals only need Part A
- Picture displays and exhibit prints require Parts
A B - Exhibits not following these rules will receive a
participation ribbon (State Fair guideline at
the county-level may prefer to lower one ribbon
6What To Take With You
- Score sheets
- http//4h.unl.edu/programs/statefair/sfscoresheets
.htm - Photography manuals
- Specific county guidelines (counties may have
different categories for Unit I) READ AHEAD OF
TIME - Cropping tool
- Ruler or small tape measure
- Pencils for writing comments
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8Four Basic Areas for Scoring
- Guideline Requirements
- Focus/Exposure/Lighting
- Composition/Distance
- Creativity and Appeal
- There is a fifth category in Units II and III for
the Nebraska Theme Exhibits
9Guideline Requirements
10Correct Size
- Photo displays
- Mounted on 11 by 14 horizontal poster or
matting board black (preferred) or white - Photos should be 4x6 prints must be mounted
horizontally or vertically - Exhibit prints
- 8x10 print mounted in 11x14 cut matting with
sandwich backing or 5x7 print in 8x10 cut
matting with sandwich backing - May be horizontal or vertical layout
rectangular or oval mat
11Guideline Requirements
- Mounting
- Correct size
- Appropriate color
- Secure
- Pencil-numbered (no titles, captions, or stick-on
numbers) - Artistic arrangement
- Entry Tag and Personal Data Tag
- Complete
- Secure
12Personal Data Tag A
Name Age County Unit Class Film
Speed/(ISO or ASA) Setting Camera Description
(digital/film, fixed/auto/SLR) Filt
er Used (if any) Special Lens Used (if
any) Focus Type (automatic,
manual, fixed) Aperture Type/F Stop Setting
(adjustable, non-adjustable) Shutter Speed
Setting (adjustable, non-adjustable)
13Personal Data Tag B
- Answer the following questions
- What is the intended purpose of the photo?
- How was the photo taken and printed? (Describe
the equipment and software used.) - What type of paper was the image printed on?
- Describe any changes made to the pictures using
computer software.
- Sharp focus
- Proper light/used correctly
- Flash
- Color quality
- Proper exposure
- Creative/interesting use of lighting sources
- Strong center of interest
- Appropriate angle/viewpoint/proper camera
position - Photo appropriately fills frame
- Rule of thirds applied
- Good framing
- Good visual effect
- Appropriate use of space to create interesting
16Composition Tips
- Composition is a major factor that gives a photo
impact - A photo with effective composition features a
pleasing combination of - Point of interest
- Background
- Foreground
- Get up close and personal
- Place the subject off-center
- Vertical versus horizontal
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19Composition Point of Interest
- A photo has more impact if the point of interest
is at one of the four intersecting points. Use
this concept with shooting or cropping photos.
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22Composition Rule of Thirds
- Landscape photos usually look best if the horizon
line is one-third from the top or bottom of your
23Composition Rule of Thirds
24Composition Subjects Facing In
25Composition Subjects Facing In
26Creativity and Appeal
- Unique or interesting subject
- Creative techniques/angles/viewpoints
- Effectively executed the intent of the class
- Lighting effects
- Different views
- Candid photos
- Action photos
- Artistic expression
- Creative use of color emphasis of detail,
emotion, etc. - Overall appeal of photo
27Nebraska Theme Exhibits
- Portrays Nebraska
- Creativity/originality of concept
- 2008 Themes
- Celebrating Citizenship
- Go for Gold
28Photo Journals 3 Scoring Areas
- Guideline requirements
- Journal content
- Photo quality
29Photo Journal -- Guidelines
- Display
- Correct size
- In black or white 3-ring binder
- Photos mounted securely
- All pages of selected project category complete
- Entry tag and Photo Data Tag A complete and
secure - Data Tag A should be Page 1 of the journal
30Photo Journal -- Content
- Neatly presented
- All questions answered
- Thoughtful, concise responses
- Indicates understanding of technique or skill
presented in the particular journal activity - Appropriate photo selections
- Photos effectively illustrate the intent of the
journal activity
31Photo Journal Photo Quality
- Strong center of interest
- Obvious/interesting focal point
- Sharp focus
- Steady
- Camera control
- Depth of field
- Proper light/used correctly
- Front, back, existing flash, controlled
- Creative/interesting angles, viewpoints,
32Tips for Writing Comments
- Explain the ribbon placement
- If its not a purple ribbon tell them how to
improve to make it better - Let an exhibitor know if exhibit was lowered a
ribbon placing for not following rules or
guidelines - Give praise for creativity and effort
- Be sure to give positive comments along with
negative comments - Be careful how you word comments
- Always end with a positive comment!
33Interview Judging
- Let the exhibitor tell you about the exhibit and
what they learned - Give praise for creativity and effort
- Be sure to give positive comments along with
negative comments - Be careful how you word comments
- Always end with a positive comment or praise!
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- 4-Hers are KIDS perfection is not the 1
criteria! Emphasis should be placed on the
learning not the project. - Always
- Be honest
- Be fair
- Be consistent
- Be friendly
- Smile
- Offer encouragement
36- Good luck and have fun judging 4-H Photography!