June 11, 2004 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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June 11, 2004


the Ploughshares Fund, and the Nuclear Threat Initiative ... Some 30,000 nuclear weapons in the world ... Nuclear force orders of magnitude greater than ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: June 11, 2004

Making the Bomb Understanding Nuclear Weapons
  • June 11, 2004
  • Teaching Nonproliferation Summer Institute
  • University of North Carolina, Asheville
  • Dr. Charles D. Ferguson
  • Scientist-in-Residence
  • Center for Nonproliferation Studies
  • Monterey Institute of International Studies
  • Supported by the John D. and Catherine T.
    MacArthur Foundation,
  • the Ploughshares Fund, and the Nuclear Threat

Snapshot of Nuclear Proliferation Today
  • Some 30,000 nuclear weapons in the world
  • 5 de jure nuclear weapon states China, France,
    Russia, the U.S., and the UK
  • 4 de facto nuclear weapon states
  • India, Israel, North Korea, and Pakistan
  • About half the worlds population lives in a
    nuclear weapon state

Intelligence Report from MI5 and CIA
  • HUMINT Dissident groups inside the Peoples
    Republic of Plutostan report that Plutostani
    engineers are constructing a heavy water plant.
  • SIGINT Intercepted communications suggest that
    Plutostani authorities are trying to purchase
    maraging steel and tributyl phosphate (TBP).
  • Other NTM Krypton-85 emissions detected from
    inside Plutostan.

Problem and Mission
  • Is Plutostan embarked on a nuclear weapons
    program or does it just want to develop civil
    nuclear technologies?
  • Your Mission Take a crash course on nuclear
    weapons technology to begin to determine if
    Plutostan is making nuclear weapons or is engaged
    in peaceful pursuits?

Explosive Yields
  • Typical high-yield conventional military bomb
  • 1,000 pounds of TNT explosive equivalent, or
    about ½ ton.
  • Low-yield nuclear weapon
  • lt 5 kilotons or 5,000 tons
  • Hiroshima bomb
  • 13 kilotons or 13,000 tons
  • Typical nuclear weapon in U.S. arsenal
  • 100 to 300 kilotons or
  • 100,000 to 300,000 tons

Nuclear Weapons vs. Conventional Weapons
  • Nuclear weapons are not just bigger versions of
    conventional weapons
  • Nuclear force orders of magnitude greater than
    electromagnetic force
  • Much greater energy release in much shorter time
  • Nuclear weapons are qualitatively different

Nuclear Weapon Effects
  • Blast 50 energy -- within seconds after
  • Thermal radiation 40-45 energy -- within
    seconds after detonation
  • Neutrons prompt radiation
  • X-rays and gamma rays (50 energy immediately
    milliseconds after detonation)
  • Electromagnetic pulse (EMP)
  • Ionization of the upper atmosphere depletion of
    ozone layer
  • Radioactive Fallout ? long term effect

Low-yield Detonation in NYC
  • Passage from Jessica Sterns Ultimate Terrorists
  • Effects of 1 kiloton nuclear explosion at the
    Empire State Building

Technical Background
  • Nuclear Physics 101
  • Strong nuclear force
  • Ionizing radiation
  • Half-life
  • Fission
  • Fusion
  • Chain reaction
  • Geometric growth of nuclear explosion

Neutrons, Protons, and Nuclei
  • Nucleus
  • Neutron
  • Proton

Chemical Elements
Ionizing Radiation
Alpha (a) Helium nucleus 2 neutrons and 2
protons Beta (ß) Highly energetic electron or
positron (positively charged electron) Gamma
(?) Highly energetic particles of light
  • Time required for half the radioactive material
    to decay
  • Exponential decay
  • Less than 1 of original sample
  • after 7 half-lives

Nuclear Fission
  • A neutron can
  • Cause fission
  • Be absorbed without resulting in fission
  • Escape

Nuclear Fusion
Curve of Binding Energy
Uranium Plutonium
Iron (Fe)
Chain Reaction
Growth of NuclearChain Reaction
Number of Fissions 2Generation
After 80 generations, 280 fissions or about 1024
have occurred. This number of fissions is
required to produce the explosive energy in a
typical nuclear weapon within a small fraction
of a second within microseconds.
Exponential growth
Linear growth
Time or Generations
Two Paths to Nuclear Weapons Material Enrich
Uranium or Produce Plutonium
Mining Milling
Mining Uranium is found in several types of
minerals Pitchblende, Uranite,
Carnotite, Autunite, Uranophane, Tobernite Also
found in Phosphate rock Lignite Monazite
sands Milling Extraction of uranium oxide from
ore in order to concentrate it
World Uranium Resources
Why enrich uranium?
  • Most commercial and research reactors and all
    nuclear weapons that use uranium for fission
    require enriched uranium.
  • Only 0.72 of natural uranium is U-235 the
    fissile isotope. A tiny fraction is U-234.
  • Over 99 is U-238.
  • Without a very efficient moderator, such as heavy
    water or very pure graphite, a chain reaction
    cannot be sustained in natural uranium U-235 is
    too sparsely distributed.

Why enrichment is difficult
  • Chemical properties of U-235 and
  • U-238 are essentially identical
  • Have to rely on physical separation processes
  • These typically require more energy and resources
    than chemical reaction methods

Grades of Uranium
  • Depleted uranium (DU) contains lt 0.7 U-235
  • Natural uranium contains 0.7 U-235
  • Low-enriched uranium (LEU) contains
  • gt 0.7 but lt 20 U-235
  • Highly enriched uranium (HEU) contains
  • gt 20 U-235
  • Weapons-grade uranium contains
  • gt 90 U-235
  • Weapons-usable uranium

Uranium Enrichment Methods
  • Electromagnetic Isotope Separation (EMIS)
  • Gaseous Diffusion
  • Gas Centrifuge
  • Aerodynamic Process
  • Laser Isotope Separation
  • Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation (AVLIS)
  • Molecular Laser Isotope Separation (MLIS)
  • Thermal Diffusion

Electromagnetic Isotope Separation (EMIS)
  • Uranium tetrachloride (UCl4) is vaporized and
  • An electric field accelerates the ions to high
  • Magnetic field exerts force on UCl4 ions
  • Less massive U-235 travels along inside path and
    is collected

EMIS (continued)
  • Disadvantages
  • Inefficient Typically less than half the feed is
    converted to U ions and less than half are
    actually collected.
  • Process is time consuming and requires hundreds
    to thousands of units and large amounts of
  • UCl4 is very corrosive.
  • Many physicists, chemists, and engineers needed.
  • Advantage
  • Could be hidden in a shipyard or factory could
    be hard to detect
  • Although all five recognized nuclear-weapon
    states had tested or used EMIS to some extent,
    this method was thought to have been abandoned
    for more efficient methods until it was revealed
    in 1991 that Iraq had pursued it.

Gaseous Diffusion
Relies on molecular effusion (the flow of gas
through small holes) to separate U-235 from
U-238. The lighter gas travels faster than the
heavier gas. The difference in velocity is small
(about 0.4). So, it takes many cascade stages to
achieve even LEU.
U.S. first employed this enrichment technique
during W.W. II. Currently, only one U.S. plant
is operating to produce LEU for reactor
fuel. China and France also still have
operating diffusion plants.
Uranium hexafluoride UF6 Solid at room
Gaseous Diffusion Whats Needed for a Bomb a
Year 25 kilograms of HEU
  • At least one acre of land
  • 3.5 MW of electrical power
  • Minimum of 3,500 stages, including
  • Pumps, cooling units, control valves, flow
    meters, monitors, and vacuum pumps
  • 10,000 square meters of diffusion barrier with
    sub-micron-sized holes

Would a proliferant state choose gaseous
  • Hard to conceal in a country that was not very
  • Many parts are very difficult to obtain
  • Large volume purchases could be hard to keep
  • Costs more energy than centrifuge method

Gas Centrifuge
  • Uses physical principle of centripetal force to
    separate U-235 from U-238
  • Very high speed rotor generates centripetal force
  • Heavier 238UF6 concentrates closer to the rotor
    wall, while lighter 235UF6 concentrates toward
    rotor axis
  • Separation increases with rotor speed and length.

Gas Centrifuge Cascade
Gas Centrifuge Main Components
  • Rotating components
  • Thin-walled cylinders, end caps, baffles,
    and bellows
  • Made of high-strength materials Maraging steel,
    Aluminum alloys, or Composite materials (e.g.,
    graphite fiber)
  • Other key components
  • Magnetic suspension bearings, vacuum
  • pumps, and motor stators

What Centrifuge Gear is Needed for a Bomb a Year?
  • Minimum of 350 very high-efficiency units
  • Alternatively, about 5,000 low-efficiency units ?
    Most likely that a developing proliferant state
    would have the most access to these units, for
    example, A. Q. Khans nuclear black market
  • About 0.5 MW of electrical power to operate
    low-efficiency system (compared to about 3.5 MW
    for gaseous diffusion plant) for bombs worth of

Aerodynamic Processes
  • Developed and used by South Africa with German
    help for producing both LEU for reactor fuel and
    HEU for weapons.
  • Mixture of gases (UF6 and carrier gas hydrogen
    or helium) is compressed and directed along a
    curved wall at high velocity.
  • Heavier U-238 moves closer to the wall.
  • Knife edge at the end of the nozzle separates the
    U-235 from the U-238 gas mixture.
  • Proliferant state would probably need help from
    Germany, South Africa, or Brazil to master this

Laser Isotope Separation
  • Uses lasers to separate U-235 from U-238
  • Lasers are tuned to selectively excite one
  • Technology and equipment are highly specialized

Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation (AVLIS)
  • U metal vaporized
  • Powerful copper vapor lasers or NdYAG lasers
    excite red-orange dye lasers
  • Dye lasers ionize U-235
  • U-235 is collected on a negatively charged plate

Molecular Laser Isotope Separation (MLIS)
  • 16 micron wavelength IR laser excites uranium-235
    hexafluoride gas
  • Another laser (either IR or UV) dissociates a
    fluorine atom to form uranium-235 pentafluoride,
    which precipitates out as a white powder

Would a proliferant state use LIS?
  • Conventional wisdom says no, but think again
  • Advantages
  • Easy to conceal
  • Energy costs low compared to centrifuge system
  • Disadvantages
  • Complex technology
  • Hard to acquire or make proper lasers
  • Can be significant material losses of U

Thermal Diffusion
  • Uses difference in heating to separate light
    particles from heavier ones.
  • Light particles preferentially move toward hotter
  • Not energy efficient compared to other methods.
  • Used for limited time at Oak Ridge during WW II
    to produce approximately 1 U-235 feed for EMIS.
    Plant was dismantled when gaseous diffusion plant
    began operating.

Two Paths to Nuclear Weapons Material Enrich
Uranium or Produce Plutonium
Plutonium Production
  • Because of its relatively short half-life (about
    22,000 years for Pu-239), plutonium exists in
    only trace quantities in nature.
  • Therefore, it must be produced through manmade
    processes, such as using U-238 as fertile
    material in a nuclear reactor.
  • Pu-239 is readily fissionable and more so than
    U-235. Pu-239 also has a much higher rate of
    spontaneous fission than U-235.
  • The complete detonation of 1 kg of plutonium is
    equivalent to about 20,000 tons of chemical
    explosive about the explosive yield of the bomb
    dropped on Nagasaki.

Grades of Plutonium
  • Desirable for weapons purposes to have Pu-239
    percentage to be as large as possible.
  • Weapon-grade contains lt 7 Pu-240.
  • Fuel-grade contains from 7 to 18 Pu-240.
  • Reactor-grade contains gt 18 Pu-240.
  • Super-grade contains lt 3 Pu-240.
  • Weapon-usable refers to plutonium that is in
    separated form and therefore relatively easy to
    fashion into weapons.

Fuel Fabrication
  • Prepare fissile material to fuel nuclear

Cartoon Version of Nuclear Power Plant
Turbine Electricity Production
Heat Source Reactor
Steam Generator
Steam Condensation
Feed Water
Heat Sink External Cooling
Nuclear Reactors
Operating Nuclear Power Plants
Assessing the Proliferation Potential of a
  • 1 Megawatt-day (thermal energy, not electricity
    output) of operation produces roughly 1 gram of
    plutonium in many reactors using 20 or lower
    enriched uranium.
  • So, a 100 MWth would produce about 100 grams of
    Pu per day and could produce roughly enough
    plutonium for one weapon every 2 months.

Reactor fuel burnup
  • Low burnup (typically 400 MW-days/thermal) is
    ideal to produce weapon-grade plutonium ? Less
    time for a buildup of Pu-249 and other non-Pu-239
    plutonium isotopes.
  • Reactors fueled with natural uranium have much
    lower burnups than reactors fueled with LEU
    3,000-8,000 MWd/t compared to 30,000-40,000
    MWd/t. ? Natural uranium reactors are much better
    suited for weapon-grade plutonium production.
  • Natural uranium fueled reactors can be refueled
    while operating.

Reprocessing Spent Fuel to Extract Plutonium
PUREX plutonium-uranium extraction Three main
stages 1. Spent fuel assemblies are
dismantled and fuel rods are chopped up. 2.
Extracted fuel is dissolved in hot
nitric acid. 3. (Most complex stage) Pu and U
are separated from other actinides and fission
products, and then from each other. Technique
is known as solvent extraction. Tributyl
phosphate (TBP) is the typical organic solvent.
PUREX Process
IAEA Significant Quantities
  • Approximate amount of fissile material needed to
    make a nuclear explosive
  • For plutonium, SQ is 8 kg of total plutonium.
  • For U-233, SQ is 8 kg.
  • For HEU, SQ is 25 kg of contained U-235.
  • Some (e.g., Cochran and Paine of NRDC) have
    argued that the SQs are much too high. For
    instance, low-yield weapons would require much
    less fissile material.
  • But IAEA has relied on input from nuclear weapons
    states to determine what is a significant

What path is best for weapons production?
  • HEU
  • Can be used in simplest type of nuclear bomb
  • Enrichment can be a resource intensive process
  • Enrichment can only be justified under LEU fuel
    program for civilian reactors
  • Plutonium
  • Cannot be used in simplest bomb
  • Dont need as much material as in an HEU bomb
  • Need reactor, but research reactor will do
    could be relatively easy to justify this type of
  • Reprocessing relies on well-known chemical
    process, but requires specialized equipment and
  • If in doubt and resources are not constrained,
    try both paths.

Nuclear Weapons Types
  • Simple
  • Gun-type (e.g., Hiroshima bomb)
  • Implosion-type (e.g., Nagasaki bomb)
  • Sophisticated
  • Boosted (fission-fusion)
  • Thermonuclear

Gun-type Bomb
Hiroshima Bomb Little Boy
Gun Type Easiest to design and build
(Hiroshima bomb was never tested) About 13
kiloton explosive yield
Implosion Bomb
Nagasaki Bomb Fat Man
About 22 kilotons explosive yield Second
detonated implosion weapon Required testing to
prove concept More efficient design than Little
Schematic of Primary Part of Implosion Bomb
Hollow core, where D and T are injected for
Fissile material (WgU or WgPu) WgU 12 kg, 7
cm outside, 1.23 cm thick WgPu 4 kg, 5
cm outside, 0.75 cm thick
Beryllium reflector (2 cm)
Tamper (tungsten or uranium) (3 cm)
High explosive (10 cm)
Aluminum case (1 cm)
Source Steve Fetter et al., Detecting Nuclear
Weapons, 1990
Thermonuclear Bomb
Modern Nuclear Weapons
  • Thousands of parts
  • Multiple Independently-Targeted Re-entry Vehicle
  • (MIRV)

Strategic Nuclear Weapons Submarine Launched
Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs)
Strategic Nuclear Weapons Intercontinental
Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs)
Strategic Nuclear Weapons Bombers, Bombs, and
Air-Launched Cruise Missiles (ALCMs)
Tu-160 Blackjack Bomber
Tactical Nuclear Weapons
Davy Crocket
Suitcase Nuke?
Russian Theater Missile
Pershing 2
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