Title: Test beam 2004
1Test beam 2004
Crystal tests Startup and running D Cockerill ,
26.5.2004 Test beam 2004 Web page Quick link
cern.ch/cmstb04 (http//cern.ch/cms-project-h4-tes
2Test beam
08.00-16.00 Tue 25 may - Beam 09.00 Fri 28 May 08.00 Tue 8 June ( 11
days) - Scrubbing 08.00 Wed 9 June 08.00 Mon 14 June
- 25nsec beam 08.00 Mon 14 June 08.00 Mon 21
June (7 days) - Shutdown 08.00 Mon 21 June 08.00 Sat 26 June
- Beam 08.00 Sat 26 June 08.00 Wed 7 July (10
days) - Other users Wed 7 July Mon 19 July
- H4 free Mon 19 July Wed 28 July
3E0 at H4
E0 surveyE0 height correctBP angles
correct Making lookup table(not rectilinear
E0 with cooling lid in place
4SC03 crystal/induced abs arrangement from BACK
21 16 11 6 1
22 17 12 7 2
23 18 13 8 3
24 19 14 9 4
25 20 15 10 5
Channel number,from BACK
2469 1.13 2473 0.13 2479M 0.82 2490 0.63 2515 0.14
2532 0.53 2496 0.55 2483 0.58 2526 0.62 2522 0.62
2587 1.25 2583 0.99 2617 1.04 2595 0.9 2578 1.16
2580 0.69 2590 0.62 2592 0.9 2593 0.84 2601 0.74
2615 1.6 2579 0.49 2573 1.2 2575 0.8 2586 1.4
Xtal ? (m-1)
5SC03 crystal/VPT arrangement from BACK
21 16 11 6 1
22 17 12 7 2
23 18 13 8 3
24 19 14 9 4
25 20 15 10 5
Channel number,from BACK
2469 4523 2473 4537 2479M 4671 2490 4528 2515 4521
2532 4882 2496 4872 2483 4529 2526 4525 2522 4874
2587 4832 2583 4570 2617 4800 2595 4600 2578 4634
2580 4821 2590 4557 2592 4809 2593 4831 2601 4822
2615 4847 2579 4879 2573 4503 2575 4830 2586 4877
6H4 Infrastructure
- working well, noise at expected levels
- avoid any beam to FPGAs on FE boards/MEM
(not rad hard!) -
MEM (behind backplate)
Beam(from front)
7H4 Infrastructure (contd)
- Laser system
- ready
- BLUE 440, GREEN 495 nm, from two
separate lasers - Not visible by VPTs RED 709nm
- Installed in CR
- Run settings Anode 800V
- Dynode
600V - Precision Temperature Measurement
- 10 thermisters read out to CR
- Cooling
- Running smoothly at 18oC. Interlocked to LV
8Precision Temperature Monitoring
9Chinese crystals/BCTP crystals, PrimEx data (2001)
PrimExSee relative
gain increase for chinese xtals above 2Rad/h and
certainly by 20Rad/h
10H4 and PrimEx
1 Rad/h equivalence PrimEx 10k
GeV/s H4 5.3k GeV/s (averaged over cycle
time of 16.8s)
- At H4
- Usually irradiate at 20k S2 counts/b ? 30 Rads/h
- PrimEx see radiation effects above 2Rad/h ? 1.3k
S2 counts/b at H4 - Propose to keep safe
- Find position of array wrt beam at 1k S2 counts/b
(using 4x4mm2 counter) - Calibrate SC03 at 1k S2 counts/b
11 Test beam running
- R-measurement
- Irradiate a single crystal at a time.
- Irradiate until crystal has lost 5 of LY.
- S2 20x20mm2 counter
- 6.710-6 rads/S2 count, at shower max (assuming
Gaussian beam profile, sigma 2cm) - Use rate collimators (COLL 1 and COLL 6)
- Increase rate equally in X and Y
- Try to avoid changing momentum byte collimator
(COLL 3) - Start with a Laser/ped/temp run
- E120 GeV
- Limit DAQ to take 1k events/burst (avoid large
data volumes)
12 Test beam running
Beam 12.00 Fri 28 May 08.00 Tue 8 June (11
days) SPS burst (or spill) length 4.8 s, cycle
length 16.8 s Number of bursts/hour
214 number of bursts/minute 3.6 Laser runs
need to be taken at 20-30 min intervals
- Fri 28 May 12.00 24.00 Setting up beam
(focussed?, new possiblity) - DAQ setup with beam
- Hodoscope checks
- Position of array wrt beam
- Laser runs, ped runs
- Sat 29 May 0.00 08.00 Calibration at 120 GeV,
25 crystals - Trigger S2 20 x 20 mm2
- 1 k S2 ev/burst 500 DAQ events
- 10k ev/xtal, 10 min/xtal, Coll 3mm
- One SC calibration in 4h
- 2 SC calibrations in 8h
13 Test beam running
- Sat 29 May 08.00 24.00
- Irradiate 1st crystal, BCTP, position 21
- S2 2k/burst for 2h
- 5k/burst for 2h
- 10k/burst 2h
- 20k/burst 2h
- 40k/burst 2h
- Follow laser beam signal
- Low rate calibration of crystal after
every 0.5 drop (beam) - 10 reference low rate calibrations from
- 0.5 5 drop (15min10 2.5hrs)
- Low rate calibration of surrounding xtals
- when any move by 0.25 (laser)
fromprevious calibration
- Low rate calibration for 2-3h to follow any
- annealing anomalies after irradiation
- Calibrate control xtal
- Move to next crystal, SIC, position 5
From back
14Detailed assembly items follow
15E0 corresponding SCs in CMS
Spacer numbering Column, Row
16Angles at CMS
3179 mmIP to front of EE
? 38.526 o
q 16.521 o
17Angles for E0, Y-Z plane
? 10.47o
3179 mmIP to front of EE
18Angles for E0, X-Z plane
? 13.06o
3179 mmIP to front of EE