Income Determination Model

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Income Determination Model


the multiplier process, and deflate the economy. ... deflate the economy (lowering growth rates and tending to increase unemployment) by: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Income Determination Model

Income Determination Model
  • USAID Reform Project
  • Dr. Brijesh C. Purohit

Fiscal Policy
It comprises of deliberate use of budgets (of
central and state govts.)
To achieve macroeconomic objectives, in
particular stabilization
And growth
Fiscal Policy is a term reserved for the policy
government has in balancing Government Spending
with Tax Revenues. (Net) Taxes (T) Leakage
(Withdrawal) from the CFoI Government Spending
(G) Injection to CFoI
  • Is the Government spending more than it raises in
    taxes (G gt T)?  If so, then the Government is
    running a budget deficit, and the effect will be
    to expand or reflate the economy - increase the
    circular flow of income, and increase GDP (at
    least in nominal or current terms)
  • Or, is the Budget in surplus (T gt G)?  Then the
    effect of Fiscal Policy is to deflate or contract
    the CFoI, and reduce national income (nominal
    national income will tend to fall).

  • Taxes remove income from the circular flow of
    income - that is,
  • act as a leakage from the circular flow (like
    imports and savings),
  • and other things being equal, will reduce
    incomes through
  • the multiplier process, and deflate the economy.
  • Government Expenditure, on the other hand, is an
  • into the circular flow and will tend to reflate
    the economy.
  • There is often a conflict between Fiscal Policy -
    designed to manage economic cycles - and the
    other reasons and objectives of Government
    spending and taxation. 

  • an increase in the budget deficit will increase
    the money supply,
  • which will tend to increase current or nominal
    GDP, but may also
  • give rise to inflation.
  • However, a more prudent government would borrow
    the difference
  • between G and T
  • In order to persuade the public to lend this
    requirement to the government
  • (through buying Government Bonds and Stocks), the
    government must
  • offer some reward - the rate of interest paid on
    the loans
  • (government bonds) - the more it wants to
    borrow, the higher will
  • have to be the rewards offered - the higher the
    interest rates will
  • have to be.

So expansionary Fiscal Policy (G gt T) tends to
lead to higher interest rates, which in turn tend
to reduce private investments and private
consumption, and thus reduce the expansionary
effect of the fiscal policy, and increasing the
tendency for government spending to crowd out
private spending.
  • What do increased interest rates do? - deflate
    the economy
  • (lowering growth rates and tending to increase
    unemployment) by
  • encouraging saving (reducing consumption) and
  • investment spending
  • increasing borrowing costs (making businesses
    more difficult to
  • manage), and discouraging borrowing both for
  • (consumer durables like cars, furniture, white
    goods, etc. and
  • especially houses and house improvements) and for
  • tend to hurt borrowers (often the poorer) and
    help net savers
  • (often the better-off)
  • tends to lead to exchange rate appreciation
  • capital to flow into the country and discouraging
    capital exports
  • or outflows)

  • How are interest rates determined? 
  • And what effects will Fiscal Policy (changes in G
    and T) have on
  • interest rates? 
  • The answer is that interest rates are determined
    in the Money Market
  • which is how Monetary Policy (control of money
  • or interest rates) works.

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The IS curve shows the equilibrium relationships
between the rate of interest (established in the
money market) with the level of national income,
assuming that the remaining injections and
withdrawals (G, T, X and IM) stay as before. If
these other (exogenous) injections and
withdrawals change, then the IS curve itself
will shift.
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Thus, if government spending (G) is increased
(and/or taxes (T) are reduced) - an expansionary
Fiscal Policy - and the IS curve will shift to
the right - because an expansionary fiscal policy
will increase levels of national income for each
and all levels of savings and investment, each
and all levels of the interest rate.
The IS Curve slopes downwards because lower
interest rates (r down) encourages investment
and consumption and thus increases national
income (Y). It thus represents the combinations
of r and Y which are consistent with equilibrium
in the goods and services markets (the circular
flow of income).  Note this.  The CFoI is, in
effect, a description of equilibrium in the
markets for goods and services (and factors of
production) -equilibrium in the 'real' (non
money) part of the economy.
The relationship between income and the interest
rate through the money market is represented as
the L-M curve the Liquidity preference (demand
for money) and Money supply relationship The
LM curve shows all those combinations of Y and r
which are consistent with an equilibrium in the
Money Market (given a fixed money supply and a
constant velocity of circulation)
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The LM curve will shift to the right if the money
supply is increased, or if interest rates are
reduced, in the money market through monetary
policy. An expansionary monetary policy shifts
the LM curve to the right. A contractionary
monetary policy shifts the LM curve to the left.
Notice, too, the effect of inflation (an
increase in the price level (P)) on this
relationship. If the price level increases in the
economy, then the stock of money in the economy
cannot finance the same level of real
transactions as before. We will need more money
for any given level of Y at higher price levels
than at low price levels.  With a fixed supply
of money, the greater demand for money at a
higher price level means a higher rate of
interest at a higher price level for any given
Y.  So inflation shifts the LM curve to the
IS and LM interactions The IS curve captures the
essential relationship between the rate of
interest and income in the markets for goods and
services (the circular flow of income). The LM
curve captures the essential relationship
between the rate of interest and income in the
money market. For the two markets to be
consistent with each other - the same rate of
interest ruling in both the goods and services
market and in the money market - there can only
be one equilibrium level of national income (Y),
shown by the intersection of the IS curve with
the LM curve.
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  • Links between Monetary and Fiscal Policy
  • We now have the effects of
  • Fiscal Policy captured in the IS curve (where an
  • fiscal policy shifts the IS curve to the right,
    and vice versa)
  • Monetary Policy captured in the LM curve (where
  • expansionary Monetary policy shifts the LM curve
    to the right,
  • and vice versa)

  • Expansionary Fiscal Policy - shifts IS right
    will tend to
  • increase Y and also increase the interest rate
  • Contractionary Fiscal Policy - shifts IS left
    will tend to
  • reduce both Y and r
  • Expansionary Monetary Policy - shifts LM right -
    reduces r
  • and increases Y
  • Contractionary Monetary Policy - shifts LM left
  • - increases r and reduces Y

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Money defined as a generally acceptable means of
payment or of settling debt. It has three main
functions a) medium of exchange between buyers
and sellers b) unit of account ( for accounts,
debt, financial assets etc.) c) store of value or
purchasing power enabling income earners to set
aside a part of their income to yield future
consumption Medium of Exchange Currency and
demand deposits (readily drawn) with the
commercial banks Store of value Time deposits
of Commercial banks (as if to store its value)
Four measures of money supply M1 Currency
(currency notes and coins) with the public
demand deposits with banks (commercial and
cooperatives) other deposits with
RBI M2 M1 Post office savings bank
deposits M3 M1 time deposits with banks
(commercial and cooperatives) M4 M3 total
deposits with the post office saving
organisation Degree of Liquidity and
Over time, a large and continuous rise in money
supply Trends in M1 During 50s.50 .60stwo
times .70sthree times ..80sfour
times ..90s about three times Trends in M3
During 70s..five times ..80s.four
times 90.three times
Factors affecting Money supply Deficit
financing bank credit Foreign exchange
reserves if FE receipts exceed payment in FE FE
is surrendered to bank in return for Rs. FE falls
short of payment in FE money is paid to banks to
get FE to meet obligation
Monetary policy also known as Money and Credit
Policy It concerns itself with the supply of
money as also credit to economy Till 1998-99 It
was announced twice in a year Oct.for coincide with busy
season Aprilfor April to Septto coincide with
lean season of agri. With decline in agri. And
rise in industrial credit since 1999-2000 in
April RBI makes an annual policy statement and a
review in Oc t
Monetary policy provides a) an overview of
economy b) specifies measures that RBI intends
to take to influence such key factors likemoney
supply.interest rates.inflation c)lays down
norms for financial insts. Like banks,
fin.cos.etc. relating to CRR, capital adequacy
Since 1951 and till 1990s. Two sets of
objectives pursued a)controlled expansion of
money b)sectoral deployment of funds Done
keeping in mind plan priorities Special
attention Core industries (coal, iron, steel and
engg.) foodgrains (rice, wheat etc.) priority
sectors ( agri., SSI) weaker sections of
  • In general, the interaction between monetary and
    fiscal policy occurs
  • To control inflationary or deflationary impact of
    fiscal policy
  • For instance, a substantial multi-year rise in
    the deficit need not cause an increase in
    inflation was demonstrated in USA
  • Between 1979-85budget deficit rose from 2.7 of
    GDP to 5.1 of GDPnational debt rose from 26
    of GDP to 36 of GDP

However, GDP price inflation fell from 8.2 to
3.2 This due to a tough anti-inflationary
monetary policy pursued by the Federal Reserve.
In India, for instance, In 90s growth of
economy remain primary aim control of inflation
urgent concern (91.double digit.17) 8th
(92-97)aimed at achieving trend rate of
inflation 5 MP of 90s favoredprocess of
stabilization and structural adjustment
initiated in 91
  • Various measures used by RBI include
  • Rate of interest (or price of money)
  • Quantity or supply of money
  • Access to or demand for money
  • One imp. Instrument is bank rate or discount
  • Rate at which RBI lends to the banking system
  • Through it short term interest
  • long term rates
  • level of economic activity
  • international capital inflows
  • Second imp. Instrument is sale or purchase of
    govt. securities
  • (by sale of securities banks resources reduce
    and vice versa

Third imp. Instrument Cash Reserve Ratio Banks
Cash Holding/Total Deposit Liabilities Fourth
Imp. Instrument is Statutory Liquidity
Ratio(SLR) RBI imposes an obligation on banks to
buy govt. Securirties (of Low interest rates)(25
at present) To achieve the objective of sectoral
deployment of credit.. Direct (Quantity) Reserve
ratios Quantitative controls on RBI lending to
banks and commercial sector Quantitative credit
controls Indirect Instruments administrative
setting of various interest rates
e.g. RBI lending
commercial bank lending
In 1960s.. Emphasis was on indirect measures with
little variation in reserve ratios In1970sEmpha
sis shifted to direct approaches and persisted
since then Shift from indirect to direct
measures was prevalent more due to rising
deficit or inflation Monetary instrument in
India, both direct and indirect, operate Through
administrative controls or fiat The crisis like
droughts, oil crisis in 1966,1969, 1973 were
dealt with effectively by cutting down domestic
  • One of the main problem area in the monetary
    policy lie with the
  • Exogenous element in reserve money.
  • Reserve money comprise of
  • Increased RBI lending to govt. (relates to fiscal
  • Increased RBI lending to commercial banks
  • Growth of net foreign exchange of RBI
  • RBI can control only b) by prescribing high SLR
  • Monetary control has been reasonably successful
    inspite of rising
  • Fiscal deficit because of aggressive use of the
    reserve ratios
  • In a sense reserve ratios have not been genuinely
    monetary policy
  • Instrument but rather acted as fiscal policy

Major developments in 1980s Increasing
deficit to control money supply .SLR..up to
38.5 by 1990 ..CRR up to 15 gtgtgtnet RBI
credit to GOI was given as a separate estimate
since 1987 RBI attempted estimates of demand for
money relationship between reserve money and
money supply real income increases income
elasticity of demand for money acceptable
increase in price level
In 1980.inflation7.1.aimed to 5 In second
half of 1980s steps towards expanding and
activating money market in short
term securities e.g. treasury bills of 182
days discount and finance house of India was set
up instruments like certificates of deposits,
commercial papers, participation certificates
etc. These acted as transmission channel for MP
  • Interest rates
  • rates on govt. securities was raised
  • maturity of long term bonds was reduced to
    prevent govt. from
  • getting locked into high rates
  • in 1985 freedom was given to banks to fix int.
    rate subject to
  • maximum of 8 on deposits up to one year..later
  • complex lending rate structure was simplified
    with six slabs
  • banking sector reform in terms of selective
    branch expansion
  • and expansion of staff

  • In 1990s
  • in 1989-90gross fiscal deficit8.05 of GDP
  • inflation was 9.1
  • 90-91.inflation orse by 12.1
  • devaluation of rupee in 1991
  • bank rate raised from 10 to11
  • min. lending rate raised to 20
  • int. rate on deposits raised to a max. of 13
  • SLR reduced to 30
  • In 92-93..
  • Inflation ..down to 7
  • incremental CRR discntd.

  • Following Narsimhan Committee
  • efforts to develop govt.securities market
  • introduction of 364 days and 91 days TB
  • auction of dated securities and REPO auction
  • 1993
  • unified market determined ER
  • min. lending rate down frm 17..15
  • SLR..from 25
  • 94-95
  • overall improvement in economy..GDP grew by 7.8
  • agreement between RBI and GOI to phase out system
    of ad-hocTB
  • in next three years
  • large capital inflows in FE..NRI deposits were
    under CRR

  • In 1994
  • RBI reduced lending rates of scheduled commercial
    banks for credit
  • limit over Rs. 2lakhs
  • long trem borrowing rate down to 12.35
  • CRR 11
  • inflation touched 10.8
  • In 95-96
  • stability in ER did not remainnet sales by RBI
    and stability
  • CRR was reduced
  • investment demand high
  • bank credit increased
  • In 96-97
  • CRR reduced to 10
  • inflation remained at 5.4

  • In 1997
  • slackening of economy
  • in April bank rate was linked to several interest
    rates making it
  • a signal interest rate
  • bank rate reduced from 12 to 11 to 10 in June
    and 9 in Oct
  • In 1998
  • trend in decline in interest rate interrupted to
    stabilize FE market
  • bank rate raised to 11
  • CRR raised to 10.5

  • In 1998-99 1999-2000
  • low inflation rate
  • softening of interest rate
  • borrowing rate of govt. declined
  • bank rate brought down to 7
  • CRR9
  • In 2000-01..
  • Bank rate raised and brought back to 7
  • CRR ..8

  • To sum upKey themes in the reform of
    institutional framework
  • and operational procedures for MP have been
  • Phased reduction in the reserve requirement
    ratios of CRR and SLR
  • phased liberalization of interest rates
  • elimination of direct credit controls
  • development of money and financial markets,
    beginning with those for
  • government securities and bills
  • restraints on automatic monetization of budget
  • activation of open market operations (OMO) by RBI
    to influence liquidity
  • policy focus on inter-linkages across various
    segments of financial markets
  • restoration of bank rate as a signaling
    instrument for MP

  • What objectives should be pursued?
  • Objective of MP cannot be different from overall
    objective of
  • economic policy
  • mainly thus our MP had pursued
  • to maintain a reasonable degree of price
  • to accelerate the rate of economic growth
  • What was the dominant objective?
  • Multiple objectives?
  • Price stability a means (not an end)
  • to achieve sustained growth

  • What level of inflation do adverse consequences
    begin to set in?
  • e.g. Chakravarty committee regarded 4 as
    acceptable inflation
  • Rangarajan gave it to be 5-6
  • Reasonable relationship exists between..
  • Pricesincomemoney supply
  • coordination between fiscal and monetary policy
    is yet another aspect
  • more open market operations lead to gradual
    delinking of
  • debt management by RBI
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