Credit Risk

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Credit Risk


The probability of a bond defaulting during a particular year as seen at ... Default ... Assumption: defaults can happen at times 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Credit Risk

Credit Risk
  • Yiling Lai
  • 2008/10/3

  • Introduction
  • Credit Ratings
  • Historical Default Probabilities
  • Recovery Rates
  • Estimating Default Probability from Bond Prices
  • Comparison of Default Probability Estimates

  • Credit risk raises from the possibility that
    borrowers and counterparties in derivatives
    transactions may default.

Credit Rating
  • Credit Rating assesses the creditworthiness of
    corporate bonds.

Default Risk SP Moodys ????
Low AAA Aaa twAAA
AA , AA, AA- Aa1, Aa2, Aa3 twAA, twAA, twAA-
A, A , A- A1, A2, A3 twA, twA, twA-
BBB, BBB, BBB- Baa1, Baa2, Baa3 twBBB, twBBB, twBBB-
BB, BB, BB- Ba1, Ba2, Ba3 twBB, twBB, twBB-
B, B, B- B1, B2, B3 twB, twB, twB-
High CCC Caa twCCC
Investment grade bond
Non-investment grade bond (high yield bond,
speculative grade bond or junk bond)
Historical Default Probabilities
  • Average cumulative default rates(), 1970-2006.
    Source Moodys
  • From this table, we can calculate unconditional
    default probability and conditional default

Term 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 15 20
Aaa 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.026 0.099 0.251 0.521 0.992 1.191
Aa 0.008 0.019 0.042 0.106 0.177 0.343 0.522 1.111 1.929
A 0.021 0.095 0.220 0.344 0.472 0.759 1.287 2.364 4.238
Baa 0.181 0.506 0.930 1.434 1.938 3.959 4.637 8.244 11.362
Ba 1.205 3.219 5.568 7.985 10.215 14.005 19.118 23.380 35.093
B 5.236 11.296 17.043 22.054 26.794 34.771 43.343 52.175 54.421
Caa-C 19.476 30.494 39.717 46.904 52.622 59.938 69.178 70.870 70.870
Historical Default Probabilities
  • Unconditional default probability
  • The probability of a bond defaulting during a
    particular year as seen at time 0.

Term 1 2 3 4 5 7
Aaa 0 0 0 0.026 0.073
Aa 0.008 0.011 0.023 0.064 0.071
A 0.021 0.074 0.125 0.124 0.128
Baa 0.181 0.325 0.424 0.504 0.504
Ba 1.205 2.014 2.349 2.417 2.23
B 5.236 6.06 5.747 5.011 4.74
Caa-C 19.476 11.018 9.223 7.187 5.718
0.352 0.506-0.181
Historical Default Probabilities
  • Conditional default probability (default
    intensity or hazard rate)
  • The probability that the bond will default
    during a particular year conditional on no
    earlier default.

Average cumulative default rates Average cumulative default rates Average cumulative default rates Average cumulative default rates Average cumulative default rates
Term 1 2 3 4
Caa-C 19.476 30.494 39.717
Unconditional default probability Unconditional default probability Unconditional default probability Unconditional default probability Unconditional default probability
Term 1 2 3 4
Caa-C 19.476 11.018 9.223
The probability that the bond will survive until
the end of year 2 is 100-30.94969.506
Conditional default probability is 9.223/69.506
13.27 (for 1-year time period)
Default Intensities
(No Transcript)
Default Intensities
  • Q(t) the probability of default by time t.

Recovery Rates
  • The recovery rate for a bond is normally defined
    as the bonds market value immediately after a
    default, as a percent of its face value.

Recovery rates on corporate bonds as a percentage of face value. 1982-2003 (Source Moodys) Recovery rates on corporate bonds as a percentage of face value. 1982-2003 (Source Moodys)
Class Average recovery rate ()
Senior secured 54.44
Senior unsecured 38.39
Senior Subordinated 32.85
Subordinated 31.61
Junior subordinated 24.47
Recovery Rates
  • Recovery rates are significantly negatively
    correlated with default rates.
  • Recovery rate 59.1 - 8.356 x Default rate
  • The recovery rate the average recovery rate on
    senior unsecured bonds in a year measured as
  • The default rate the corporate default rate in
    the year measured as
  • A bad year for the default rate is usually double
    bad because it is accompanied by a low recovery

Default rate 0.1 gt Recovery rate 58.3
Default rate 3 gt Recovery rate 34.0
Estimating Default Probability from Bond Prices
  • Assumption The only reason a corporate bond
    sells for less than a similar risk-free bond is
    the possibility default.
  • An approximate calculation

S 200 base points and R 40 gt
A More Exact Calculation
  • The corporate bond
  • Period 5 years
  • Coupon 6 per annum (paid semiannually)
  • Yield 7 per annum (with continuous compounding)
  • Price 95.34
  • A similar risk-free bond
  • Yield 5 per annum (with continuous compounding)
  • Price 104.09
  • The expected loss from default over the 5-year
    life of the bond is 104.9-95.348.75

A More Exact Calculation
  • Assumption defaults can happen at times 0.5,
    1.5, 2.5, 3.5, and 4.5 years (immediately before
    coupon payment dates).
  • Notional Principal100
  • Risk-free rates 5 (with continuous compounding)
  • Recovery rate 40 gt 1004040

A More Exact Calculation
  • Consider the 3.5 years
  • The expected value of the risk-free bond at time
    3.5 years
  • The loss given default is 104.34-4064.34
  • The PV of this loss is

A More Exact Calculation
  • Suppose that the probability of default per year
    (assumed to be the same each year) is Q.
  • Calculating of loss from default on a bond in
    terms of the default probabilities per year, Q.

Time (years) Default Probabilities Recovery Amount () Risk-free Value() Loss given Default() Discount factor PV of expected loss ()
0.5 Q 40 106.73 66.73 0.9753 65.08Q
1.5 Q 40 105.97 65.97 0.9277 61.20Q
2.5 Q 40 105.17 65.17 0.8825 57.52Q
3.5 Q 40 104.34 64.34 0.8395 54.01Q
4.5 Q 40 103.46 63.46 0.7985 50.67Q
Total 288.48Q
288.48Q8.75 gt Q 3.03
A More Exact Calculation
  • We can extend this calculations by changing some
  • Example
  • Defaults can take place more frequently
  • A constant default intensity
  • A particular pattern for the variation of default
    probabilities with time
  • With several bonds we can estimate several
    parameters describing the term structure of
    default probabilities.

The Risk-Free Rate
  • The benchmark risk-free rate that is usually used
    in quoting corporate bond yields is the yield on
    similar Treasury bonds.
  • In fact, those derivative traders usually use
    LIBOR rates as short-term risk-free rates.
  • They regard LIBOR as their opportunity cost of
  • Treasury rates are too low to be used as
    risk-free rates.

Asset Swaps
  • Asset swaps asset interest rate swap or
  • Asset swaps asset currency swap
  • An asset swap transforms the character of an end
    users assets.
  • Repacking an issue paying fixed rates into
    floating rates (or vice versa)
  • Converting cash flow stated in one currency to
  • It does not eliminate the asset from an
    investors portfolio.

Fixed Rates to Floating Rates
  • The investor transforms the yield on its fixed
    rate asset into a floating rate asset.

Currency Transformation
  • The investor converts with the swap counterparty
    the FFr500mm principal cost of the asset and
    100mm, the investors base currency.

Asset Swaps Spread
  • In practice, traders often use asset swap spreads
    as a way of extracting default probabilities from
    bond prices.
  • Asset swap spreads provide a direct estimate of
    the spread of bond yields over the LIBOR/swap
  • Example
  • An asset swap spread for a particular bond 150
  • The LIBOR/swap zero curve is flat at 5
  • The amount by which the value of the risk-free
    bond exceeds the value of the corporate is the
    present value of 150bps per year for 5years.
  • Assuming semiannual payments

Asset Swaps Spread
  • The sum of PV is 6.55 per 100 of principal.
  • 288.48Q 6.55
  • gt Q2.27

Comparison of Default Probability Estimates (part
  • From historical data
  • Based on
  • Consider t7
  • Consider an A-rated company in table 20.1
  • Q(7) 0.00759

Comparison of Default Probability Estimates (part
  • From bond prices
  • Based on
  • Recovery rate (R) 40
  • Risk-free rate the 7-year swap rate minus 10
  • For A-rated bond, the average Merrill Lynch yield
    was 5.993
  • The average swap rate was 5.398
  • gt risk-free rate 5.398-0.15.298

s 0.05993-0.05298 0.00695
Comparison of Default Probability Estimates (part
Seven-year average default intensities ( per annum) Seven-year average default intensities ( per annum) Seven-year average default intensities ( per annum) Seven-year average default intensities ( per annum) Seven-year average default intensities ( per annum)
Rating Historical default intensity Default intensity from bonds Ratio Difference
Aaa 0.04 0.60 16.7 0.56
Aa 0.05 0.74 14.6 0.68
A 0.11 1.16 10.5 1.04
Baa 0.43 2.13 5.0 1.71
Ba 2.16 4.67 2.2 2.54
B 6.10 7.97 1.3 1.98
Caa and lower 13.07 18.16 1.4 5.50
Comparison of Default Probability Estimates (part
  • Another way of looking at these results excess
    return over the risk-free rate

Expected excess return on bonds (bps) (A)-(B)-(C) Expected excess return on bonds (bps) (A)-(B)-(C) Expected excess return on bonds (bps) (A)-(B)-(C) Expected excess return on bonds (bps) (A)-(B)-(C) Expected excess return on bonds (bps) (A)-(B)-(C)
Rating Bond yield spread over Treasuries (A) Spread of risk-free rate over Treasuries (B) Spread for historical defaults (C) Excess return
Aaa 78 42 2 34
Aa 87 42 3 42
A 112 42 7 63
Baa 170 42 26 102
Ba 323 42 129 151
B 521 42 366 112
Caa 1132 42 784 305
Historical default intensity x (1-Recovery rate)
Real-World vs. Risk-Neutral Probabilities
  • The default probabilities implied from bond
    yields are risk-neutral probabilities of default.
  • The risk-neutral valuation principle states that
    the price of a derivative is given by the
    expectation of the discounted terminal payoff
    under the risk neutral measure.
  • This means that the default
  • probability Q must be a risk-neutral
  • By contrast, the default probabilities implied
    from historical data are real-world probabilities
    of default.

Why do we see such big differences between
real-world and risk-neutral default probabilities?
  • Corporate bonds are relatively illiquid.
  • The subjective default probabilities of bond
    traders may be much higher than those given in
    Tables 20.1.
  • Bonds do not default independently of each other
    because of systematic risk.
  • Unsystematic risk It is much more difficult to
    diversify risks in a bond portfolio than in an
    equity portfolio.

Which one is better?
  • The answer depends on the purpose of the
  • Risk-neutral default probabilities
  • To value credit derivatives
  • To estimate the impact of default risk
  • Real-world default probabilities
  • To calculate potential future losses from default
    when carrying out scenario analyses
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