Title: Virtual Community Modelling to Support Knowledge Sharing
1Virtual Community Modelling to Support Knowledge
- Kleanthous Styliani
- www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/stellak
Supervised by Dimitrova Vania
2Virtual Communities PhD Overview KSBP
Algorithms Results Future Work
- Research Focus
- Provide holistic personalised support in VC
- What is a Virtual Community?
- People using computers and the internet to
communicate and share interests knowledge -
Loosely Structured
- Educational
- Organisational
Nov 5th 2008
3Virtual Communities PhD Overview KSBP
Algorithms Results Future Work
Chracteristics of Closely Knit VC
- Controlled Membership
- Common Purpose
- Shared Interests
- Sharing information
- Generation of new Knowledge
- Collaboration
Nov 5th 2008
4Virtual Communities PhD Overview KSBP
Algorithms Results Future Work
Duplication of resources
Ignorance of others knowledge
New members not integrate
Fischer Ostwald (2001)
Active members becoming inactive
Nov 5th 2008
5Virtual Communities PhD Overview KSBP
Algorithms Results Future Work
- Our Approach
- Develop intelligent techniques to automatically
detect required support tailored to the community
- User Modelling Approaches
- VC as an entity
What processes are important for the effective
functioning of a community and how can they be
Nov 5th 2008
6Virtual Communities PhD Overview KSBP
Algorithms Results Future Work
- Shared Mental Models
- Transactive Memory
- Cognitive Centrality
Convert Data
Paper at UM 2007 Conference
Kleanthous, S. and Dimitrova, V. (2007) A
Semantic-Enhanced Approach for Modelling
Relationships and Centrality in Virtual
Communities, SociUM 1st Workshop on Adaptation
and Personalisation in Social Systems Groups,
Teams, Communities at 11th International
Conference on User Modeling, Corfu, GreeceĀ
Nov 5th 2008
7Virtual Communities PhD Overview KSBP
Algorithms Results Future Work
Community Model Application
Relationship model extracted as graphs ReadSim,
UploadSim and InterestSim Undirected
graphs ReadRes Directed graph Problems
Paper at AH 2008 Conference
Kleanthous, S. and Dimitrova, V. (2008) Modelling
Semantic Relationships and Centrality to
Facilitate Community Knowledge Sharing, 5th
International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia
Adaptive Web-Based Systems (AH'08), Hannover,
Nov 5th 2008
8Virtual Communities PhD Overview KSBP
Algorithms Results Future Work
Automatic graph-based pattern detection
P1 Two members have a ltrelationshipgt with the
same members but not among themselves
- Importance
- Improve TM System
- Promote Collaboration
ReadSim for members a and b
Nov 5th 2008
9Virtual Communities PhD Overview KSBP
Algorithms Results Future Work
P2 A member who appears uploading but not
downloading and others are reading what he/she is
- Importance
- Motivate to start downloading
- Make member aware of similar members
- Develop SMM
- Collaboration
For member a
Nov 5th 2008
10Virtual Communities PhD Overview KSBP
Algorithms Results Future Work
P3 A member appears to download only and has
InterestSim with other members.
- Importance
- Motivate uploading
- Development of SMM
- Improve TM system
- Collaboration
For member a
Nov 5th 2008
11Virtual Communities PhD Overview KSBP
Algorithms Results Future Work
Algorithm application Results
Study from October 2005 Dec 2006
Results from study October 2005 May 2006
- Barriers for
- Development of TM system
- Building of SMM
- Collaboration not possible
Results from study January, February and March
- Each month closer to stop functioning
- More problems, identified on March 2006 than on
January 2006
Nov 5th 2008
12Virtual Communities PhD Overview KSBP
Algorithms Results Future Work
January 2006 Members 9 and 24 had ReadSim
relation with the same members as member 5 but
not with member 5. February 2006 Members 9 and
24 disengage from the community
- Support
- Automatic messages to members 9 and 24 to make
them aware of their similarity to 5 and others. - development of a better TM system
- open the doors for collaboration
Nov 5th 2008
13Virtual Communities PhD Overview KSBP
Algorithms Results Future Work
January 2006 member 28 appears to be a
connecting node between members 5, 9, 24 and 31.
All four members appear to have ReadSim with
member 28 but not among themselves.
- Support
- Make 28 aware of his importance to the community
- Encourage 28 to collaborate with members 5, 9, 24
and 31 - Make 5, 9, 24 and 31 aware of their connections
through 28 - Facilitate SMM
- Improve TM System
- Support Knowledge Sharing
Nov 5th 2008
14Virtual Communities PhD Overview KSBP
Algorithms Results Future Work
January 2006 one member was only uploading and
four members were only downloading. March 2006
two members were only uploading and nine members
only downloading. e.g. Member 19 downloaded
thirty-three resources, without uploading
anything from January to March
- Support
- provide information of members with similar
interests based on InterestSim - members who are reading similar resources
(ReadSim) - uploading resources similar to members
interests (UploadSim). - Motivate members to contribute
- Improve SMM, TM
- Facilitate knowledge sharing
Nov 5th 2008
15Virtual Communities PhD Overview KSBP
Algorithms Results Future Work
Future Work
- Algorithms for detecting community changes
implemented applied to VC - Analysis of results (currently working)
- Final Evaluation Study applying the whole
framework - Derive a community model
- Detect problematic situations
- Intervene to improve community functioning
- Analyse community changes after adaptive
intervention - Analyse subjective data
Nov 5th 2008
16Virtual Communities PhD Overview KSBP
Algorithms Results Future Work
- Summary
- Problem There is a need to support VC
- Solution Intelligent techniques tailored to the
whole community can provide the foundations for a
sustainable VC - Results TM, SMM, CCen can be used to support VC
- Modelling semantic-enhanced relationships can
help us to identify what support is needed - Automatic pattern detection can help in
generating adaptive interventions - Future Work
- How changes in the VC over time can influence
knowledge sharing? - Evaluation of the approach on a different VC
Nov 5th 2008