Title: Pandoras hope a reading part 2
1Pandoras hope - a reading part 2
Eric Monteiro, NTNU and Univ. of Oslo Oslo,
spring 2000
2The issues chapter 6 (mostly)
- Control - drift
- dynamics - unfolding process
- never in isolation, collective
3The analogies
- A reference (ch. 2) - a floating thing
(sequence of small steps, not one big one) - (chapter 3) reiterating the how context is also
gliding - similarly now gliding difference subject and
4The essence
- Action is never straight !
- labyrinth (daedalion)
- mediated
- collective (including non-humans)
5Context translation (ch. 3) - no control
The operation of translation constists of
combining two hitherto different interests to
form a single composite goal There is a drift,
a slippage, a displacement, whichmay be tiny
or infinetely large... To study a single
negotiation or translation in isolation would
be useless. (pp. 89-90)
6Heidegger (a la Claudio)
- Technology not only tool - we become intsruments
ourselves - Gestell - technology is omnipresent
- wrong!
7Gunsn people
- guns kill people
- materialist
- no change in guns or people
- people kill people
- sociology/ social contruction
- Latour translation drift!
I used translation to mean displacement, drift,
invention, mediation, the creation of a link that
did not exist before and that to some degree
modifies the original two interests You are a
different person with a gun in your hand. The
gun is different with you holding it. (p.
9Symmetrical control
- Whos in control of who?
- Who enlists the other?
- who is subordinate to who?
- Symmetrical!
10The Foucaultian heritage
- Dont start with essence (subject and object)
- study performatives, transformation
- action is performative - its not someone in
perfect control imposing something
From an observers point of view it does not
matter through which channel a given behavior is
attained the chanceller sees and for her that
is enough (p. 186)
- Subprograms
- we attribute the role of a prime mover but
Action is simply not a property of humans but of
an association of actants (p. 182)
13Retracing tracks
- We cover up all the subprograms - they disappear
The speed bump is ultimately not made of matter
is is full of engineers and chancellors and
lawmakers (p. 190)
14The collective
- Purposeful action is property of ensemble
- Real artefacts are always part of institutions
15Bot relativism
- Not everything into the same pot
- Scale of collectives
- number of humans and non-h enlisted
- length of chains
- modern more intimacy, closer mesh!
- Uniform approach
- micro - meso - macro