Title: ISO 13584 IEC 61360: Where are we
1ISO 13584 / IEC 61360Where are we ?
Guy Pierra pierra_at_ensma.fr
- Standardization
- Tools availability
- Who use PLIB?
- Conclusion Vision for the future
3What is PLib?
I - A model for dictionnary / product
ontology Characterization of an object 1
class a set of property values Multilingual
Class and properties 1 language independent
identifier a set of translatable attributes
II - A Model for librairies / catalogues Objects
are - gathered into classes, - described by
properties values, and possibly - associated
with representations (e. g., geometry)
III - Domain ontologies For each particular
technical domain (e. g., electronic components,
fasteners,...), PLib ontologies need to be
4Advantages of the PLib model
- Defining multilingual Product semantics
- 1 - Parts are structured as a specialization
hierarchywasher / lock washer / lock washer
internal teeths - Catalogues may be queried at various levels of
details - 2 - Properties may be shared across ontologies
- decentralized view of ontology development with
parallel work and shared responsabilities - Defining corporate component database
- 3 - Each company may choose its own hierarchy,
select standard properties, and add its own
properties - Independence of database with automatic
information exchange and integration - Electronic commerce
- 4 - Standard ontologies provide multilingual
product semantics - automatic processing of electronic commerce and
B2B transactions - 5 - The library model contains all catalogue
information - automatic generation of active and multilingual
electronic catalogues
5PLib Status?
- All the standard documents are now International
standards - Model of ontology jointly published ISO and IEC
from 1998 to 2004 - A total of 12 international standards
- Product ontologies developped as International
standards - electronic components IEC 61360-4
- process instruments IEC 61360-4
- Fasteners ISO 13584-511
- measuring instruments ISO 13584-501
- machining tools ISO 13399
- bearings ISO 23768
- mechanics ISO/TC 10 NWI
- optics and photonics ISO/TC 172 NWI
6New developments
- A guide is under ballot for using PLib in all ISO
and IEC TC - ISO TC184/SC4/WG2
- XML schemas for PLIB exchange (OntoML) have been
distributed for review - An improved version of the ontology model has
been balloted - Cooperation is initiated with UN/CEFACT for ebXML
EDI (CEN/ISSS cCAT) - An international consortium has been set up
OIDDI Open and Interoperable Domain
Dictionary Initiative - to promote the emergence of compatible and
complementary ontologies - to ensure orthogonality between dictionaries and
business processes - Participants RosettaNet,ECALS/JEITA, UNSPSC,
eCl_at_ss, IEC SC3D, ISO PLIB - Status Pending a proposal for a CEN/ISSS
Workshop has been submitted - National Standards Japan, France, Germany...
- Standardization
- Tools availability
- free suite for standard ontology development
(LISI/ENSMA, Fr) - Mediator system for ontology mapping (Semaino,
De) - Online dictionary / catalogue server(Paradine,
At) - Large size component DBMS (Toshiba Corp., Jap)
- free browser/publisher (CNIS, CN), eCommerce
server (Komerko,Fr)... - Who use PLIB?
- Vision for the future
- An API reading / writing PLIB files
- An editor for creating / updating PLIB compliant
ontologies - A browser for publishing dictionary data
- PLIB full checking
- Transient data
- Available on the Web!
92/3 PLIB Editor
Instance (product data) management
Ontology Editor
Class selection for exportation
103/3 PLIB Browser
P21 PLIB physical file
PLIB Browser Generator
PLIB Browser
11Some other research projectsOntology-based
database (OBDB)
- An ontology-based database management system
- Persistent data (PostGRES)
- Importation / exportation
- ...
PLIB Editor
User interface
EXPRESS to Java Mapping
Data API (Java)
Ontology Meta Schema
DBMS Dictionary
PLIB EXPRESS data model
P21 PLIB physical file
EXPRESS to SQL Mapping
Data Exchange
Ontology to SQL Mapping
12OntoDB 2/2
Ontology management
Extraction tools
PLIB Editor-like front end
13Query language for PLIB and OBDB OntoQL
- A language for creating / updating / querying
ontology and ontology based data
SELECT code, version, preferred_name, FROM
CLASS WHERE nameenBeach Paddles
SELECT Reference, Configuration,
Weight, Color, Length FROM "Beach Paddles" WHERE
Color vert or Reference like 3 or Color
14OntoWeb 1/2
- Generic Web interface for accessing
ontology-based databases - Global architecture
HTTP Server (Apache)
Controller (Servlets)
View (JSPs)
HTTP Request
HTTP Response
Application Layer(Java Beans, Action classes)
Application Server (Tomcat)
Query Layer(OntoQL)
Business Objects - OntoAPI(Java API)
DBMS Server (PostGRES)
DBMS Server (SQL Server)
Mapping Layer(Hibernate)
15OntoWeb 2/2
Ontology Editor
Query interface
Class extension management (creation, extraction,
16Software Tool Mediator
- Mapping of catalogue data of companies to
- Standard dictionaries
- Dictionaries of other companies / marketplaces
17Basic functionality of the Mediator
Dictionary mapping
18Class mappings
- Class mappings specify in which class of the
target dictionary products will be put - 11
- N1 1N mappings
19Property Mappings
- Property mappings determine the value which is
given to a property in generated e-catalogue - 11 and 1n mappings
- The value of the target property is taken from
the related source property - One source property may be mapped to several
target properties -
- Transformation functions
- Predefined functions
- User defined functions (Syntax taken from SQL)
20Application Scenario
Marketing data / Prices
Data merge
Technical information
Semaino Technologies GmbH Dipl.-Inf. Jens
Bröking http//www.semaino.de Dr. Wolfgang Wilkes
21eptos Paradine Online Dictionary
- Online Dictionary to develop and maintain
Classification Systems and Property Dictionaries - Offered as Product or ASP Service
- Data model according to ISO 13584 / IEC 61360
- Online workflow for standardization of properties
and classes - Some customers ISO, DIN, eCl_at_ss,...
22Example DIN Online Dictionary
- Cross Industry Online Dictionary for
product describing properties
(www.DINsml.net) - Standardization process according to DIN
820 - more then 6500 properties and classes in
standardization process
Register online forread only access !(free of
23capra Paradine Corporate Dictionary
- Online Dictionary to take over and adapt
Classification Systems / Property Dictionariesas
well as developing own Dictionaries - Offered as Product or ASP Service
- Data model according to ISO 13584 / IEC 61360
- Valuation and Exchange of Products
(Import/Export) - Some customers PROLIST, Zeiss, ...
24Target customers/users
- Target Customers
- Companies andCorporate Groups
- Catalog developers
- Industry organizations
- Target Users
- Standardization department to take over and
adapt classification systems and properties - Catalog and Classification developer to search,
download and use content
- Standardization
- Tools availability
- Who use PLIB?
- Japan, China, Germany, Austria,
- The French case...
- Conclusion Vision for the future
26Description ofNon Production Materials
Who use PLibThe French case
Application to gerard.chaumond_at_renault.com jacque
s.bardot_at_mpsa.com bernard.jeanneau_at_tixis.arcelor.c
27What are NPM? all materials that do not enter in
company products
28Current situation example for a timer
Every party enter again and again all or part of
the same information costs of reentering and
risks of errors.
- Codification
- Need To have a unique international
interoperable standardised code. Will replace
corporate reference in all exchanges - Decided solution All suppliers must provide a
ISO/IEC 15459-3 code (e. g., EAN, ODETTE,
EDIFICE, ) codifications are compliant
(Currently only 45 of the 100 first
manufacturers) - Characterization
- Need To have an homogeneous description of all
items in the same class. - Decided solution All supplier must provide
data and catalogues in files conforming with ISO
13584 PLib, and according to the NPM shared
ontology - Classification
- Need To group similar products in the same
group - Decided solution All supplier must reference
an existing recognised international
classification eCl_at_ss
30Estimated savings
- Information capture and updating of data
- suppression of internal keying-in in each Group
- reliability, richness, transparency, consistent
information - reduction of the number of administrative claims,
e.g. procurement, accountancy, warehouse, - reduction of the maintenance costs or of
production loss, e.g. stops, breakdowns, - ? Globally over 3 Million Euros of yearly
savings each Group - 35 from information capture/update,
- 20 from claims,
- 45st from production losses
- For all other actors no figures, but
- Reduction of claims
- Cost of transcodification/translation of
catalogues (formats and contents)
31Three level structure of the project
- The NPM consortium activity (Michelin, Alcan,
Galia, Saint Gobain, Schneider, Air liquide) - Continue development of a shared NPM ontology
- Develop a French standard on the previous
prescriptions - PSA and Renaults common project
- Adoption of the 3 concepts
- replace each Companys tools (as old as 25
years) and migrate to a PLIB -based storage
structure - The LMPR Renault pre-project LMPR List of
Renault prescribed parts - Size of the project
- 4000 articles, 145 manufacturers, 211 classes
- Documention package linked to each family,
sometimes to each article - Time schedule of the project
- PLIBEditor deployed in the 145 manufacturers June
2005 - Integrated catalogue circulated to integrator by
December 2005
32Renaults LMPR project result
33ConclusionVision for the next 5 years
- Over the next 5 years, all global players will
have changed - their current item databases (with same
attributes for all products) - for PLib-like databases (Structured classes with
specific properties). - Over the next 5 years, all global players will
have changed their requirements about product
information - product product characterization data
- full electronic exchange not only for e-commerce
(commercial data) but also for engineering
(technical data) - integration of engineering and procurement
- PLIB is just in time
- the technology is mature
- the technology is good
- New competitors emerge
- just to hurry up to promoting it and establishing
it in Europa, in Asiaand elsewhere