Title: VoIP Peering
1VoIP Peering
Comptel Plus 2006 San Diego
- Jim.Dalton_at_TransNexus.com
- The Interconnect Debate
- Calling Party Network Pays (Traditional PSTN
Interconnect Model) - Bill and Keep (VoIP Peering)
- Compare PSTN and IP Interconnect Business Models
- Interconnect Business Model Predictions
3The Interconnect Debate
Calling Party Network Pays
Bill Keep
4The Interconnect Debate
for a Google or Yahoo! or Vonage or anybody to
expect to use these pipes for free is nuts!
BusinessWeek 7 Nov 2005
Within several years, all telephone calls will
be made for free using VoIP
Rueters 19 Oct 2005
5The Interconnect Debate
Youre a Dinosaur!
Your Nuts!
6Access Tandem Interconnect
Local Area or LATA
CMRS Switch out MTA
CLEC2 Tandem Switch
CLEC1 Tandem Switch
CMRS Switch in MTA
CLEC1 End Office
CLEC2 End Office
ILEC Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier CLEC
Competitive Local Exchange Carrier IXC
Inter-Exchange Carrier
CMRS Commercial Mobile Radio Service LATA
Local Access Transport Area MTA Metropolitan
Trading Area
7Interconnect Comparison
Local Area or LATA
CMRS Switch out MTA
CLEC2 Tandem Switch
CLEC1 Tandem Switch
CMRS Switch in MTA
CLEC1 End Office
CLEC2 End Office
8Intercarrier Compensation Rates
9Interconnect Fraud
Local Area or LATA
CMRS Switch out MTA
CLEC2 Tandem Switch
CLEC1 Tandem Switch
CMRS Switch in MTA
CLEC1 End Office
CLEC2 End Office
10In the beginning of IP
Web Browser
- Bill and Keep Model
- ISPs charged for Internet access.
- ISPs interconnected at public exchange points.
- No interconnect payments.
- Quality of service via free interconnection
MAE East
11IP Peering Develops
Web Browser
- Large ISPs use private peering to bypass public
exchange points. - Peering ISPs pay only for their peering costs.
There are no inter-ISP settlement payments
MAE East
12IP Transit Develops
Web Browser
- In general, the cost for a large ISP to peer with
a small ISP exceeds the benefits. - Small ISPs must pay to access or transit backbone
IP networks. - IP interconnect fees are based on cost of
access not usage.
13VoIP Peering NetworkNeuStar Example
New York
Silicon Valley
Ashburn, VA
Los Angeles
Peering Infrastructure Replaces Access Tandem
Signaling Functions
Registry Services
Provisioning Transactions
IP packets (all network-to-network)
IP/BGP Peering Services Layer 1-3
15Interconnect Predictions
- VoIP Peering will replace SS7 interconnects
- You are in trouble if
- Your business depends on access charges -market
forces will drive access charges lower. - Your business depends on free termination of VoIP
calls No free lunch. - Future PSTN interconnect model will look more
like Internet peering model - Global interconnect access
- Market driven interconnect rate
16Interconnect Predictions
- Regulatory Trends
- Property rights trump common carrier requirement
- Eliminate mandate for common carrier
interconnection and guarantee of access fees - Political subsidies will be paid by subscribers,
not networks - Atkinson Barnekov white paper (Sep 2004)
provides guidance on FCC position
- A Coasian Alternative to Pigovian Regulation of
Network Interconnection by senior FCC economists
Jay Atkinson and Chris Barnekov September 2004.
This excellent white paper provides an economic
model which explains current IP peering market
behavior and provides a proposed framework for
regulating network interconnection that does not
mandate interconnection or interconnect rates.
anAlternative040901b.pdf - Executive Summary of Intercarrier Compensation
and Universal Service Reform Plan published by
the Intercarrier Compensation Forum (ICF) in
August 2004. This white paper defines the
interconnect regulatory policy recommended by the
ICF, a organization of nine interexchange
carriers (IXCs) including ATT, Sprint and
Level3. http//web.si.umich.edu/tprc/papers/2004/3
48/CoasianAlternative040901b.pdf - FAQs for the Facts Questions, answers and
opinions on interconnect policy published by the
Alliance for Rational Interconnect Compensation
(ARIC). http//www.arictelecom.com/section1.cfm - US Code governing common carrier interconnection
Title 47, Chapter 5, Subchapter II, Part II
 251. - http//www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/search/display.
html/uscode47/usc_sec_47_00000251----000-.html - http//cpr.bellsouth.com/pdf/ga/e996.pdf This
link leads to the BellSouth Access Services
Tariff for the state of Georgia. This 177 page
tariff only covers network access. Published
interconnect agreements between the CLECs and
ILECs are usually over 500 pages long giving
fuel to the Bill and Keep model proponents that
interconnect fees have absurdly high overhead
costs. - BusinessWeek Interview with Ed Whitacre, CEO of
ATT 7 November 2005 http//www.businessweek.com
2.htm - Intercarrier Compensation by Gary Epstein, VON
Magazine - Nov. 2005. Epstein is a partner with
Latham and Watkins (source of the Intercarrier
Compensation Rates chart ) and adviser to the
ICF. http//www.vonmag.com/issue/2005/nov/columns/
epstein.asp - Phantom Traffic Identifiable but Not Billable
by Susana Schwartz, Billing World July 2005.
This article provides insight to how carriers
avoid billing for interconnect access fees.
hiveId7687 - Intercarrier Compensation A Balancing Act by
Susan Schwartz, Billing World -
hiveId7704 -