Title: 'The period 2000-2002 will bring the single greatest chang
1Distinct or ExtinctTom Peters
Seminar2000CRAVESan Francisco27September2000
2Welcome to the Age of Ohmygod!
3NOW THATS B-I-G!The period 2000-2002 will
bring the single greatest change in worldwide
economic and business conditions since we came
down from the trees.David Schneider Grady
Means, MetaCapitalism
4The corporation as we know it, which is now 120
years old, is not likely to survive the next 25
years. Legally and financially, yes, but not
structurally and economically.Peter Drucker,
Business 2.0 (08.00)
5The New Ge WayDYB.com
6The 3B ProblemBetter But Boring!
7Quality Not Enough!While everything may be
better, it is also increasingly the same.Paul
Goldberger on retail, The Sameness of Things,
The New York Times
8We make over three new product announcements a
day. Can you remember them? Our customers
cant!Carly Fiorina
9The surplus society has a surplus of similar
companies, employing similar people, with similar
educational backgrounds, working in similar jobs,
coming up with similar ideas, producing similar
things, with similar prices and similar
quality.Kjell Nordstrom and Jonas
Ridderstrale, Funky Business
10We Must Lead Different or Doomed!
11These days, you cant succeed as a company if
youre consumer led because in a world so full
of so much constant change, consumers cant
anticipate the next big thing. Companies should
be idea-led and consumer-informed.Doug Atkin,
partner,Merkley Newman Harty
12Our strategies must be tied to leading edge
customers on the attack. If we focus on the
defensive customers, we will also become
defensive.John Roth, CEO, Nortel
13Funky Business To succeed we must stop being so
goddamn normal. In a winner-takes-all world,
normal nothing.
14Design The No.1 Source of Passionate
Attachment! (Or undying despair)
15Design is WHAT WHY I LOVE. LOVE.
16I LOVE my ZYLISS Garlic Peeler!
17Design is WHY I GET MAD. MAD.
18Wanted Dead preferably or Alive THE DESIGNER
19Design is never neutral.
20Hypothesis DESIGN is the principal difference
between love and hate.
21We dont have a good language to talk about
this kind of thing. In most peoples
vocabularies, design means veneer. But to me,
nothing could be further from the meaning of
design. Design is the fundamental soul of a
man-made creation.Steve Jobs
22Design is Surprise!
23Ralph Caplan, By Design What affects us so
strongly when we see an MG or a beautifully
balanced knife is that someone has pleased us by
making what we wanted and never knew we wanted.
24DESIGN transforms the perception of whats
possible. E.g. Plate-glass windows. Apple II.
25Design is a Great Story!
26Car designers need to create a story. Every car
provides an opportunity to create an adventure.
The Prowler makes you smile. Why? Because its
focused. It has a plot, a reason for being, a
passion.Freeman Thomas, co-designer VW Beetle
designer Audi TT
27Hmmmm(?) Only Words StoryAdventureSmile
28PlotWilliams Sonoma 6 was 10Crate Barrel
8Sharper Image 9Smith Hawken 8Garnet
Hill 9L.L. Bean 5 was 9Lands End
7Colonial Williamsburg ?
29Great Design is Respectful
31Sometimes I have episodes of wild fury in rental
cars. Its not road rage. Its more like design
rage.Susan Casey, www.ecompany.com
32Design is not about Lumps!
33The I.D. International Design FortyAirstream
Alfred A. Knopf Apple Computer Amazon.com
Bloomberg Caterpillar CNN Disney FedEx
Gillette IBM Martha Stewart New Balance
Nickelodeon Patagonia The New York Yankees
3M Etc. List No. 1, 1999
34Design is the Web!
35Most companies would do more business on the
Internet if they fired their entire marketing
department and replaced it with people who could
produce interactive content that actually made it
easier for users to buy.Jakob Nielsen, Nielsen
Norman Group
36Red Herring (01/00)75 of online shoppers dont
complete their purchase!
37Nielsen/Designing Web UsabilityAll Web projects
are customer-interface projects! Simplicity
rules! Make it easy for customers to perform
useful tasks!Less cool, more useful!Speed
38SWASimple!!!!!!!!!!!! (customers call because
the process is so easy they cant believe theyre
done)30 of revenues directly from site (vs. 6
for others)Source Business Week (09.00)
41Message All the cool stuff looks exactly
like all the other cool stuff in this , THE
42Against Smoothness (Harpers Magazine 07.2000)
43Design Work Piss on Dilbert!
44Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre
successes.Phil Daniels, Sydney exec
45The WOW Project!
- WOW!
- Beauty!
- Raving Fans!
- Impact!
48Design the Individual Self-design!
50Headline Bank of America to Cut 10,000
JobsMiddle-level and senior managers are
expected to be the principal targets of the job
cutbacks.Source The New York Times
nothing very special about your work, no matter
how hard you apply yourself, you wont get
noticed and that increasingly means you wont get
paid much, either. Michael Goldhaber,
52You are the storyteller of your own life, and
you can create your own legend or not.Isabel
53Design The Most beautiful Systems Win!
54Design Beauty is Fred S.s mediocre thesis
and Herb K.s napkin.
55ProgressiveWe dont sell insurance anymore. We
sell speed. Peter LewisDigital cameras,
wireless Net links, etc. SOME CLAIMS PAID WITHIN
20 MINUTES!Source Business Week (09.00)
56Design Women Opportunity No.1?
57 4.8T gt Japan9/27.5/3.6T gt Germany
58?????????Home Furnishings 94Vacations
92Houses 91Bank Account 89Health Care
59Read This Book EVEolution The Eight Truths
of Marketing to WomenFaith Popcorn Lys
60EVEolution Truth No. 1Connecting Your Female
Consumers to Each Other Connects Them to Your
61The Connection Proclivity in women starts
early. When asked, How was school today? a girl
usually tells her mother every detail of what
happened, while a boy might grunt, Fine.
62Weight Watchers International ModelWhat if
ExxonMobil or Shell dipped into their credit card
database to help commuting women interview and
make a choice of car pool partners?What if
American Express made a concerted effort to
connect up female empty-nesters through on-line
and off-line programs, geared to help women
re-enter the workforce with todays
63The New New Jiffy LubeIn the male mold, Jiffy
Lube was going all out to deliver quick,
efficient service. But, in the female mold, women
were being turned off by the lets get it fixed
fast, no conversation required experience.New
JL Control over her environment. Comfort in the
service setting. Trust that her car is being
serviced properly. Respect for her intelligence
and ability.EVEolution
6427 March 2000 email to TP from Shelley Rae
Norbeck I make 1/3rd more money than my
husband does. I have as much financial pull in
the relationship as he does. Id say this is also
true of most of my women friends. Someone should
wake up, smell the coffee and kiss our asses long
enough to sell us something! We have money to
spend and nobody wants it!
65Design the Aging Opportunity No. 1A?
66Subject Marketers StupidityIts 18-44,
67Subject Marketers StupidityOr is it 18-44
is stupid, stupid!
682000-2010 Stats18-44 -155 21(55-64
69Aging/ElderlyIm in charge!
70Priorities Aging/ElderlyExperiences
Convenience Comfort Access Respect!
71Design Cornerstone of the Age of the Brand
72Brand It! Now, More Than Ever!The increasing
difficulty in differentiating between products
and the speed with which competitors take up
innovations will assist in the rise and rise of
the brand.Gillian Law and Nick Grant,
Management New Zealand
73We are in the twilight of a society based on
data. As information and intelligence become the
domain of computers, society will place more
value on the one human ability that cannot be
automated emotion. Imagination, myth, ritual -
the language of emotion - will affect everything
from our purchasing decisions to how we work with
others. Companies will thrive on the basis of
their stories and myths. Companies will need to
understand that their products are less important
than their stories.Rolf Jensen, Copenhagen
Institute for Future Studies
74Brand You Must Care!Success means never
letting the competition define you. Instead you
have to define yourself based on a point of view
you care deeply about. Tom Chappell, Toms of
75Design Leadership Passion Rules!
76Brand Leadership!A key perhaps the key to
leadership is the effective communication of a
story.Howard Gardner Leading Minds An
Anatomy of Leadership
77Create a Cause, not a business. Gary Hamel,
Fortune (06.00), on re-inventing a company
(Exemplar 1 Charles Schwab)
78I am a dispenser of enthusiasm.Ben Zander
79A leader is a dealer in hope.Napoleon