Title: Running a Profitable, Customer Driven Motor Pool Operation
1Running a Profitable, Customer Driven Motor Pool
- Mike Wilson, Fleet Manager
- University of Iowa
- Andrea Paxton, Technical Support Specialist
- CCG Systems, Inc.
2Outline for Todays Presentation
- Overview of the University of Iowas Fleet
3About the University of Iowa Fleet
- We have 545 vehicles in our total fleet.
(Another105 on Campus that we fuel and maintain) - 58 in the daily rental fleet
- 455 in the lease fleet
- 32 awaiting sale
- Operational Budget of 3,000,000
- 5,006 rentals in FY 07
- 4,579 from my fleet, 427 outsourced
- 12,910 rental days
- 11,859 from my fleet, 1,051 outsourced
- 1,664,617 rental miles
- 1,504,088 from my fleet, 160,529 outsourced
4More About University of Iowa Fleet
- 600,000 gallons of fuel in CY 2006
- 220,000 gallons of B-10 diesel
- 250,000 gallons of E-10
- 130,000 of E-85
- 11.5 FTEs
- 1 Mgr, 1 Asst Mgr, 1 Acct. Clerk
- 1 Dispatcher, 1 Prep Person, 5 Students (2.5 FTE)
- 3.5 Techs, .5 Shop Manager
5Our Facility 4/13/06
6Our Facility 4/14/06
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10Our Home for 16 Months
11Our Newest Facility
12What We Learned
- Focus on operations and priorities will become
- Keep your server safe, you can replace
- Use your weight, be your vendors 1st priority
13Vehicle Utilization
- Daily Rental Fleet Size
- Too Big
- Too Small
- Just Right (Maybe)
- How Get More From the Motor Pool Calendar Applet
- Minimize Honeycombing
- Optimize Outsourcing
14100 of Customers Served
16Best (Maybe)
17Optimal Rental Fleet Size
182 Vehicles needed from 10/15/07 to 10/17/07
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22Should you have a Daily Rental Fleet?
- If not, then what do you do?
- Driver Reimbursement
- Outsourcing
- Local Pooling
23Keeping Your Daily Rental Fleet Profitable (or at
least break-even)
- Two ways to manage this
- Reduce costs
- Increase Revenues
- Well start with reducing costs since that is
probably where your boss starts
24Number 1 Operating Expense
- Your vehicles!
- Dont buy the low bid vehicle, buy the vehicle
with the lowest Life Cycle Cost (LCC) - LCC Can Include depreciation, fuel,
maintenance, interest, insurance, - Use guides to help you project Blackbook, NADA,
Vincentric, EPA Mileage Guide - More on LCC Later
25Another Cost You Can Control
- The stuff you buy
- Bid Everything!!!
- Doesnt have to be formal
- Take Advantage of Buying Groups
- State Bids Are Usually Open to Political
Subdivisions - Dont buy gold plated parts
26Outsourcing Can Save You Money
- What makes sense to outsource?
- Try not to do anything low volume
- Try not to do anything that requires expensive
tools/equipment - Dont take up valuable space
- Dont pay for talent when you can rent it
- Try not to buy things when you dont have
leverage to negotiate good pricing
27Dont Overstaff
- Dont pay for skills you dont need
- When someone leaves STOP, this is an
opportunity!! - Do you need to replace this person at the same
skill level? - Can you change job to lower skill requirements?
28Dont Overstaff Cont.
- Replace with person with higher skill set
- Can you automate tasks/report
- Can you reassign/redistribute workload
- Can you eliminate work that no one would miss?
- Share part of your fleet with other agencies
- Share staff
- Share volume on contracts
- Share resources
30Stop (or limit) the Freebies!!
- Free maintenance loaners
- Contract negotiation
- Accident reporting/subrogation
- Fuel settlements
- Shop rags, ice scrapers, safety kits, oil, tools,
staff time, etc.
31The Other Side of the Equation
- Raising revenue does not mean raising rates
- Surcharges
- Parts (5-30)
- Fuel (0.03 to 0.36/gallon)
- Credit card processing
- Better yet a of fuel cost
- Sublets, towing
- Shop Expense (Flat or of WO)
- Haz Mat Disposal
- Tire Disposal
- Vehicle Disposal
32Revenue cont
- Offer New Services
- Cell Phone Rental
- Navigation System Rental
- Pick-up/Drop-off Service
- Work with Shop also
- Chauffer Service
- Tour Service
- New types of equipment in rental fleet
- Detailing service
- PM Service for employee cars
33Revenue cont
- Solicit New Customers
- Other governmental agencies (VA, State, DNR,
Prisons, County, GSA, Post Office, Sheriff,
National Guard, Fire Dept) - Get your own agency employees to use your
services - Consistent Image
- Vehicle safety
- Employee Oversight
- Accounting Efficiencies
- Reimbursement is unfair to employees
- Your government at work
- Prove that other services are too expensive
34Fleet Rate (26/day, 0.19/mile) vs. Federal
Reimbursement Rate (.485/mile)
35Better Resale on Your Vehicles
- Any increased sale price goes to your bottom line
- Manage your disposal
- Manage your mix
- Manage your volume
- Manage your channel
- Build your Brand
36Lifecycle Costing
- What is it?
- A financial calculation to calculate the total
lifetime costs of a piece of equipment. - One goal of lifecycle costing is compare
different pieces of equipment against then
acquire the piece with the lowest total cost.
37What Is Included in Lifecycle Costing?
- Any cost that affect the cost of ownership
- Purchase price, rebates, interest, delivery cost,
insurance, out of service costs, preventative
maintenance, repairs, accident repair costs,
management fees, resale price,etc.
38Lifecycle Example
39LCC at 36 Months